conflicts of interest - The New York Urban League

1. I will refrain from any action that may constitute or give the appearance of
constituting a conflict with the mission, purpose or best interests of the New York
Urban League.
2. I will avoid any and all circumstances or relationships that might serve to impair
my judgment or objectivity in the performance of my official duties.
3. I will not enter into any business transaction on behalf of the New York Urban
League without authorization, and only in instances where it is in the best interest
of the Urban League, its clients and its employees.
4. I will not use my position or information obtained in the course of my employment
for any personal advantage or benefit, or for any purpose not specifically
authorized by the President of the New York Urban League.
5. I will not be influenced in the discharge of my duties by any personal or financial
interest or relationship.
6. I will not personally or financially benefit, directly or indirectly, from any sale,
purchase, or other activity of the organization or its business partners.
7. I will refrain from any and all actions that would cause a “related party” to benefit
personally or financially, directly or indirectly, from any sale, purchase, or other
activity of the organization or its business partners. (Related parties include, but
are not limited to: spouse, child, parent, in-laws, grandchild, grandparent or sibling.
Related persons also include any person with whom an employee shares living
quarters under circumstances that closely resemble a marital relationship, or a
person who is financially dependent upon the employee.)
8. I will not accept from or give to any current or potential supplier, customer,
competitor, or donor any payment, service, gratuity, gift, or favor of more than
nominal value, unless explicitly approved by the President. “Nominal value” shall
not include any consideration that a reasonable person could not believe is in any
way intended to influence the actions of the recipient to benefit the giver or his
related entities.
9. I will not ask for or accept cash, kickbacks, bribes, gifts or favors.
10. I will not establish outside or personal relationships with vendors, clients,
consultants, donors, funders, corporations, other not-for profit organizations or
business partners of the New York Urban League in instances where those
relationships have the potential of creating a conflict of interest or the appearance
of such a conflict.
11. I will ensure that all New York Urban League travel, entertainment and related
services are contracted in a cost-effective manner, and not for my personal gain or
the personal gain of related parties.
12. I will promptly disclose to the president and vice president for finance any direct or
indirect financial or other interest in or relationship with a business or other for
profit or not-for-profit entity that I or a related party may have, where I am aware
that such business or entity has or will have a business, financial or other
relationship with the New York Urban League.
13. I will promptly disclose to the president any perceived, potential or actual
conflicts of interest.