division of classes policy 2013[1]

Kilkenny Church of Ireland National School
The Model School
Castlecomer Road, Kilkenny.
E-mail address: model.ias@eircom.net
Web address: www.kilkennymodelschool.net
Tel: 056-7722082
Fax: 056-7722020
“Ar Scáth a chéile a mhairimid”.
Division of Classes Policy
This Policy has been prepared by the Board of Management following consultation and input from all
the relevant stakeholders – Staff, Parents and Board Members.
As Kilkenny Church of Ireland National School 17218V has six mainstream teachers, we inevitably have
to divide groupings to accommodate eight mainstream classes.
Aims and Objectives of this Policy
 To provide a framework for the splitting of classes
 To outline the procedure used when placing children in particular mixed-class groups
 To set out the supports which may be used to ensure the best learning outcomes for all children
in mixed classes
 To limit the enrolment of new children into split classes, subject to Section 29 of the Education
Framework for the splitting of classes
At the time of planning the classes for the coming year, the Principal will look at the overall numbers in
each year group and the number of teachers available to teach them. She will decide how best to organise
classes with a view to providing the best educational opportunities for all children.
Considerations for placing children in particular class groups
When dividing a class into groups, to be placed in separate classes, there are certain criteria to be taken
into consideration:
It is considered best to form mixed-ability groups
The dynamics of the class must be considered. Emotional, behavioural and social factors which
could upset the dynamic of the new class should be taken into consideration when forming new
The process of forming new friendships is a life skill which is important to develop. A positive and
supportive attitude from parents is a key element in achieving a successful outcome in the new
It will seldom be possible to satisfy all demands for groups of friends to be kept together. This
decision will lie ultimately with the Principal, who must consider the needs of every child in the
As far as it is reasonably possible every effort will be made to bring split classes together for
outings and non-classroom based activities. However it must be noted that this is not always
possible due to numbers/supervision limitations.
Gender balance will be taken into consideration when forming new groupings.
Procedure for dividing a class
 Classes will be divided on the basis of age, retaining the younger pupils in the younger group
considering gender balance and never having fewer than 6 children in any divided group. This will
be the primary method of dividing classes. Classes will be divided as fairly as possible among the
staff and in the best interests of our pupils. Classes will be divided by the Principal in conjunction
with the Chairperson of the Board of Management.
Occasionally it may be necessary to divide a class grouping two years in succession. Where this is
the case a lottery system will be used where all children in the particular class will be included and
drawn. This procedure will be overseen by the Parents Representatives on the Board of
Management to ensure openness and fairness and gender balance will also be taken into
In all cases of Class division the Principal’s discretion to place a child in a particular grouping will be applied if it’s
deemed beneficial to the child. This decision will be made by the Principal in consultation with the Class Teacher
and Special Education Teachers.
The supports which could be made available to children and teachers in mixed classes
The Principal, the Class Teacher and Learning Support team will consult on how best to organise the
learning support for the mixed class. In some cases, the Learning Support Teacher may work in the
classroom with the Class Teacher, in a team-teaching arrangement. It is possible that the Learning
Support Teacher may work in the classroom supporting one child or a small group of children, with the
Class Teacher doing the main teaching of the lesson. Another arrangement for Learning Support which
may suit the class is for either the Class Teacher or the Learning Support Teacher to withdraw small
groups of children. Occasionally, especially in the case of Senior Infants/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th it may suit the
classes better, if the teaching of Mathematics is taken separately by the Class Teacher for one class and the
Learning Support Teacher for the other class.
All of these arrangements must be considered on a class by class basis, from year to year.
The allocation of teachers to mixed classes
It is the duty of the Principal as per Circular 16/73 to assign teaching duties.
This Policy will be reviewed by the Board of Management in consultation with the Staff and Parent Body
during 2017 or earlier if deemed appropriate by the Board of Management.
This Policy was proposed by ____________________________________________ and seconded by
________________________ and agreed unanimously at the Board Meeting held on ________________.
Signed _____________________________________________
Trevor Darlington (Chairperson, Board of Management)
Date _______________________