2009-09-23 Other Meeting

September 23, 2009
On September 22, 2009 the temporary Computer Committee met with Bruce Huang to
discuss several issues raised at the recent GGAPSS meeting. This meeting went
exceptionally well and Bruce was responsive to our concerns. We would note that Bruce
is approachable and receptive to graduate student concerns, and recommend that a viable
GGAPSS Computer Committee be struck to build on this good relationship, maintain a
line of open communication, and ensure that future concerns are addressed. The
following list describes each concern we brought forward, the response, and any need for
follow-up action.
1. Continued access to computer facilities and email accounts for graduated and
lapsed students. Bruce sent all graduated students an email on September 2nd in
which he described how they could maintain access to email accounts and the
computer lab. In order to do so, you need to send Bruce an email reply asking
that you continue to have lab AND email access; it will be extended for a year.
Subsequent renewals are similarly possible. There are no requirements in order to
be granted this access, except that you send an email to Bruce. You need to
indicate your status (e.g. graduated alumni) but this does not affect whether your
request is approved. You do not need permission from a faculty member nor do
you need to be doing work for the University. Those who do not send an email to
Bruce will have their accounts (including files and data) automatically erased on
November 1st. This date is an extension to give students and GGAPSS one month
to take any action needed before the accounts are closed.
2. Print money reimbursement. Currently there is no system in place to reimburse
former members of GGAPSS for outstanding print money. If students do not use
their print balance, or arrange for its reimbursement prior to their account closure,
little can be done. We have requested that Bruce maintain the print balances of
former students until November 1st to give the GGAPSS Executive one month to
decide how to handle this and take action. We suggest that GGAPSS put a formal
and accessible system in place to reimburse former students for their remaining
balance. Whatever the decision, it should be communicated clearly to all students
so they might act before the November 1st deadline.
3. Faculty and Staff on Graduate Student Listservs. According to Bruce, all
graduate student email lists are and ought to be free of faculty (and vice versa).
While there is no way for GGAPSS to verify this is the case, former ‘leaks’ are
likely the product of graduate students forwarding emails to faculty and staff. In
one recent instance, an administrator who was inadvertently added to the Planning
list was removed. The following lists are all entirely free of faculty and staff:
GGAPSS, Grads, Master, PhD, Humangeog, and Physgeog. For an unclear
reason Marija Wright is included on the Planners list. It is vital that GGAPSS
continue to collect the personal email addresses of members in the event of a
4. Passwords. Bruce has agreed to change the password period from three to six
months. Otherwise his hands are tied by a security audit that the University
conducted several years ago.
5. Printing on 5th Floor. Access to printers on the 5th floor will not be possible
without endangering or altering GGAPSS’s main revenue stream. However,
Bruce is working on a system that will enable personal computers on the 5th floor
to print to the grads lab.
6. Language packages. Bruce will install language packages on certain computer
workstations in the lab. Please contact the computer committee and let us know
what packages you would like installed. It will be incumbent on the GGAPSS
computer committee (not Bruce) to educate members on how to navigate the ‘hot
keys’ on these computers.
7. Installing Open Office and Firefox. Firefox will be installed. Open Office will
not be installed because of difficulties with Java, but can be revisited if there is
interest among students.
8. New Microsoft Office. Bruce purchased a license for the new version of Office.
Evidently it is very different. Does GGAPPS have any opposition to this
9. Computer Lab Updates. The computer lab will be closed for updates either
during reading week or over winter break. Which of these options is most
convenient for members?
Please feel free to contact Patrick (patrick.vitale@utoronto.ca) or Amy
(cervenanA@geog.utoronto.ca) with feedback or questions about the above.
Amy and Patrick