
SECTIONS: A04L, B03L and B06L Spring 2010
OFFICE: Halsey 42
PHONE: (920) 424-7087
E-MAIL: holton@uwosh.edu
OFFICE HOURS:W 1:50-4pm, Th 1:50-3pm, or by appointment.
TEXT (laboratory): Bio-105 Concepts in Biology: Unity, Laboratory Manual.
ATTENDANCE: Students must attend all laboratory sessions. If you have a university sanctioned excuse,
(loss of an immediate family member, participation in university sponsored athletic or academic event) then
YOU must arrange with another lab instructor to go to a lab earlier in the week. I teach three sections this
semester: Tu 11:10-1:10, Tu 1:20-3:20 and Th 11:10-1:10. There is a schedule posted outside of the lab
room that shows when other lab sections meets.
- read (and think about) the exercise before coming to class
- understand the rationale behind each exercise
- understand why the experiments are done the way they are. What does each reagent do? What
does each procedure do?
- understand how your results support or refute the hypotheses being tested
- relate exercises in lab with material covered in lecture
- ask questions and take notes!!!!
Lab takes studying time. You may have to work hard to cover each of the points listed above. Do not think
that simply showing up in lab and going through the experiments will earn you a good grade in lab!
LAB REPORTS: I will require that you write lab reports for some of the labs. There are lab report forms in
the back of your lab manual. The forms show that the report will be short BUT you must think carefully
about how you word your responses. You must be concise and clear and go straight to the point. Lab
reports may be accompanied by graphs, depending on the exercise.
Hypothesis – do not write an if/then statement. Write a broad statement that proposes an
explanation for your observations.
Proposed Experiments and Controls-outline the experiments to be done, including controls
Predicted Results and Rationale-predict outcomes of the experiments and state how they will
support/refute your hypothesis. State the purpose of each control.
Actual results-be sure to provide a written description of your results as well as graphs or other
Conclusions-describe how your results support/refute your hypothesis and, if possible, give a
- Your grade will be based on scores from lab reports and quizzes. Both are weighted equally.
- Your grade will decrease by half of a letter grade if you miss a lab (e.g. if you miss one lab period,
without a university-sanctioned excuse, and you are earning an A in lab, your grade will drop to an A-) I will
consider a lab “missed” if the student leaves before finishing the lab exercises.
GRADING SCALE: 93-100% = A, 90-92 = A-, 87-89 = B+, 83-86 = B, 80-82 = B-, 77-79 = C+, 73-76 = C, 70-72 = C-,
67-69 = D+, 63-66 = D, 60-62 = D-, below 60% = F. I reserve the right to lower the scale slightly if class
performance warrants such a change.
CHEATING POLICY: Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. It will result in an F grade in the class and possible
expulsion from the University.
Schedule of Laboratory Exercises: Spring 2010
Lab Week
Laboratory exercise
Text Sections
Feb. 1-5
No labs
Feb. 8-12
Exercise 1: Scientific Method
1.7, 1.8
Feb. 15-19
Exercise 2: Applying the Scientific Method to Daphnia
1.7, 1.8
Feb. 22-26
Exercise 3: Molecules
Mar. 1-5
Exercise 4. Proteins and Enzymes
Mar. 8-12
Exercise 5. Osmosis and Diffusion
Mar. 15-19
Exercise 6. Respiration
2.9-2.11, 2.14, 2.15, 3.4, 3.8 and 3.12
3.11-3.14, 5.14-5.16
3.7, 5.15, 6.6-6.10, 6.13
Mar. 22-26 No Labs…Spring Break
Mar. 29Apr.2
Exercise 7. Photosynthesis
Exercise 8.1. Start Mendelian Genetics (set up P x P cross)
7.2, 7.3, 7.11,
9.5, 9.23, 9.24
Apr. 5-9
Exercise 8.2. Continue (release P adults, leave F1 larvae to develop)
Exercise 9.1. Start Genetic Engineering (streak Tet- and Tet+ plates)
9.5, 9.23, 9.24
12.1, 12.3
Apr. 12-16
Exercise 8.3. Continue (score F1 adults and set up F1 x F1 cross)
Exercise 9.2. Continue (isolate Tet-res/GFP plasmid)
9.5, 9.23, 9.24
12.1, 12.3
Nov. 16-20
Exercise 8.4. Continue (release F1 adults, leave F2 larvae to develop)
Exercise 9.3. Continue (perform transformation)
9.5, 9.23, 9.24
12.1, 12.3
Apr/ 26-30
Exercise 8.5. Finish (score F2 adults and discuss results)
Exercise 9.4. Finish (inspect final plates and discuss results)
9.5, 9.23, 9.24
12.1, 12.3
May 3-7
Exercise 10: Evolution
May 10-14
No labs
13.11-13.13, 14.4