CONSULTATIONS Transportation Services Approval subject to

REF: 04/01626/EEIA
Transportation Services
Environmental Services-East
Approval subject to conditions:- visibility splays,
improvements to access road.
Amended comments
Breeding units to be located more than 400 metres
cleansing/disinfecting regime should be provided, no
water to be added to poultry litter, full details of
proposed vermin control arrangements should be
provided. Ventilators should be thoroughly cleaned
and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations to ensure they operate at the correct
airflow for stock requirements. Details of the measures
to be used to control temperature, humidity, airflow
and the ammonia levels in the unit should be provided.
Information as to the proposed use of any filtration or
air scrubbing equipment to control ammonia emissions
should be provided. Drinking systems should be
effectively designed and managed to avoid overflow
and spillage which may lead to wet litter. All vehicles
used for the Transportation of chicken litter should be
covered. The middens should be located at least 400
metres from residential property. Transport and
storage of chicken litter should be carried out in
accordance with the Prevention of Environmental
Pollution from Agricultural Activity Code of Good
Practice (PEPAACD). All vehicles, trailers etc used for
transporting chicken litter and any equipment which
comes into contact with chicken litter must be
thoroughly washed following use. No refuse should be
burned on site. The spreading of chicken litter should
be carried out in compliance with PEPAACD. As
detailed in the EIA the generator should be encased in
an acoustically insulated casing. The mechanical
ventilation system and generator should be provided in
compliance with the Acoustic Consultant’s report.
Consideration should be given to prohibiting the use of
the unit for broilers chicken rearing.
Scottish Water
Royal Burgh of Cupar and District
Scottish Natural Heritage
Rural Development Consultant
Health and Safety Executive
Scottish Executive Development
Scottish Environment Protection
Historic Scotland
No objection - Water Supply available private foul
water treatment to SEPA requirements
Object: Detrimental visual impact that would be
inflicted on this attractive unspoiled valley which is
valued by many walkers and cyclists, St Marys Road is
the only undeveloped road into and out of town. Local
public opinion firmly opposed to the development.
Various disadvantages of the development to Cupar
outweigh its benefits.
No objections, condition requiring buildings painted
dark green or olive brown
Requirement for dwellinghouse justified in terms of
rural need in association with proposed business.
No objections
No adverse comments; facility should operate under
best practice regimes of animal husbandry and
environmental protection.
Amended Plans: No objections provisions for waste
disposal and drainage system acceptable. Wash water
treatment system acceptable.
No comments
150 letters of representation and objection have been submitted on the following grounds:
-noise pollution
-noise of fans and animals
-odour pollution
-encourage vermin
-potential odour from incinerator
-additional traffic on country road
-detrimental impact on rural character
-potential pollution of Lady Burn
-impact on visual amenity
-inadequate landscaping and screening measures
-alterations to road unnecessary
-loss of tranquil rural walk
-intensive factory farming unacceptable
-development a departure to local plan
-detrimental impact on playing fields and skate park on the outskirts of Cupar
-impact on house prices
-proximity to Cupar
-potential conflict with proposed expansion of Cupar in forthcoming Local Plan
-potential for spreading disease
-limited new employment opportunities
-no benefit to local community
-what would happen to site if venture fails
-deficiencies with Environmental Statement
-building should be relocated to existing complex at Carslogie Farm
-contrary to development Plan Policy
Three letters of support:
-provide jobs in agriculture
-unlikely to have detrimental impact
-opportunity for local employment
4 Petitions signed by 26, 32, 60, and 1014 signatories respectively have been submitted.
The issues raised by the signatories relate to the proximity of the proposal to Duffus Park, the
impact on visual amenity, and the proximity to Cupar.
National Guidance
SPP1 The Planning System
SPP15 Planning for Rural Development
PAN 67 Housing Quality
PAN 72 Housing in the Countryside
PAN 73 Rural Diversification
Fife Structure Plan 2002
Policy SS1 Settlement Development Strategy
Policy E4 Rural Business
Policy E5 Farm Diversification
Policy T1 Transport and Development
Cupar and Howe of Fife Local Plan 2003
Policy COU1 Development in the Countryside
Policy COU3 Housing Development in the Countryside
Policy COU4 Areas of Great Landscape Value
1.0 Background
1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the details of this application. As the
application is a potential departure from the Development Plan (Policy SS1 of the Fife
Structure Plan 2002, and Policy COU3 Housing Development in the Countryside of the
Cupar and Howe of Fife Local Plan 2003) and there are more than 10 objections, a hearing
into the application is required. This report therefore describes the background and
processing of the application only. An assessment of the proposal and a recommendation will
be placed before a subsequent meeting of the East Area Development Committee.
1.2 The application is a detailed planning application which has been submitted together
with an Environmental Impact Assessment. The application site is situated 550 metres west
of the junction of the St Marys Road with the A913 in a field which forms part of the
applicant’s farm. The proposal is for the erection of an egg rearing complex operated by the
multinational company Aviagen. The building would be 7.9 metres high to the apex of the
roof and would comprise 4 chicken sheds linked by a service corridor along the front (south
side). Feed bins located between the sheds would be 7.75 metres above ground level. A
general purpose shed would also be located within the site, which in addition to general
purpose storage would house a small scale incinerator for disposing of dead livestock. The
buildings would be clad in green profile sheeting.
1.3 The chicken sheds would be surrounded by a concrete apron and hardcore service road.
A landscaped bund approximately 7 metres wide at the base and 2.5 metres high would be
located along the south and west sides of the site. A woodland planting strip would be
established around the whole site to provide a natural screen. A four bedroom house with a
detached garage to provide accommodation for the manager of the facility is also proposed.
1.4 The applicants submitted a previous application (ref 03/02559/EEIA ) however the
location of that proposal was within 400 metres of the nearest residential property. The
current proposal is located 200 metres further east to comply with the terms of the Prevention
of Environmental Pollution from Agricultural Activity Code of Good Practice. The proposal is
now more than 400 metres from the nearest residential building. The sheds would provide
accommodation for the rearing and breeding of approximately 26,000 grand parent broiler
breeder chickens. The unit would produce fertile hatching eggs, in a bio-secure environment.
The Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department check the health of the
flock every month. The breeding cycle operates over a 66 week period, 60 weeks for the
rearing and production cycle with 6 weeks retained for clean out, disinfection and any
maintenance or repairs to the internal fabric of the building between flocks.
2.0 The application will be assessed on the basis of the following issues:
Status of the Development Plan
2.1 The application site is designated as countryside. Policy SS1 of the Fife Structure Plan
2002 and Policy COU1 of the adopted Cupar and Howe of Fife Local Plan 2003 states that
the Council will not support development proposals unless they relate to agriculture, forestry,
mineral working, outdoor recreation or other uses which must have a countryside location.
2.2 The site is not located within a settlement and therefore falls to be considered against
the policies relating to residential development in the countryside.
Fife Structure Plan 2002
2.3 Policy SS1 of the Fife Structure Plan 2002 stipulates that development shall take place
within settlements unless it relates to agriculture, forestry or other uses which demonstrate
an essential rural location. The preferred location for development being the reuse of
brownfield or formerly contaminated land rather than greenfield land. Sites for urban
expansion will be identified through local plans. Policy H5 of the Structure Plan establishes
that new housing outwith defined settlement boundaries will only be supported if it involves
renovation of a substantially complete building last used as a house; conversion of traditional
buildings of long life construction; or is justified by the operational needs of
agriculture/forestry or other rural business.
2.4 Policy T1 identifies the criteria which would enable development proposals to be
supported in principle in the context of road safety, public transport, and sustainable travel
National Guidance
SPP1 The Planning System provides guidance on legislative, administrative, and
policy frameworks within the planning process, purpose of development plans and
development control, factors to be taken into account when proposed developments are
contrary to the development plan and considerations to be made with regard to design
matters. The frameworks within which planning policies are formed and implemented are
outlined and show how the co-ordination of planning and control can guide development
whilst safeguarding the natural and built environments. There is an emphasis on the key role
the planning system has in facilitating development whilst protecting and where possible,
enhancing environmental quality.
2.6 SPP3 states that the Scottish Executive’s aim of planning is to provide well-located,
high quality new housing. In rural areas where possible new housing requirements should be
met in towns and villages. To help sustain rural communities, planning authorities are
encouraged to take account of local circumstances and needs and to indicate where new
housing outwith existing settlements may be appropriate. PAN 72 provides practical advice
with regard to opportunities for the provision on new housing in the countryside. PAN 67
provides advice and guidance on achieving high standards of design both in terms of
locational and architectural factors.
2.7 SPP15 establishes the Scottish Executive’s policy framework for encouraging rural
diversification and the role new housing can play in the rural economy. It identifies the
opportunities for encouraging new housing developments and the context in which new
housing development may be appropriate to enhance rural diversification. Emphasis is
placed on the need for clear guidance with regard to housing development opportunities in
the countryside to be included in Local Plans and guidance documents. PAN 73 provides
guidance on the practical implementation of rural diversification with emphasis on
sustainability and providing quality design.
Road Safety
2.8 The proposal would involve the construction of a new access bellmouth at the junction of
the private road and the public road. Some construction activity would occur, and would
utilise St Marys road for accessing the site. On completion the facility would employ 1 farm
manager and up to 7 additional members of staff. Information from Aviagen indicate that
taking into consideration the delivery of birds, wood shavings, feeding, fuel, and the collection
of eggs there would be on average less than 3 HGV movements per week. Transportation
Services have no objection to the proposal.
2.9 The site is to be drained by means of a SUDS drainage system for surface water and a
small mound system for the proposed dwellinghouse. SEPA expressed concerns and placed
a holding objection on the proposal pending clarification of the details of the wash down
procedures. The applicant has provided additional information to SEPA who now have no
objection to the proposal. The manure from the sheds would be spread on the applicant’s
fields surrounding the site. The spreading is done under the provisions of established best
practice Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department.
Visual Amenity
2.10 The proposed building is located in an area of open countryside with sporadic
dwellinghouses and farm buildings around the area. The applicant proposes to construct a
landscape bund together with a tree belt of native species planted around to incorporate the
building into the landscape.
Residential Amenity
2.11 The applicant has submitted a Consultant’s report regarding the potential for noise
pollution from the ventilation extractors and the emergency generator. The information has
been considered by Environmental Services who indicate that given the distance from
residential properties there would unlikely to be any detrimental impact from the ventilation
equipment. With regard to potential odour complaints, ES indicate that there have been no
recorded complaints from any other Aviagen facility in Fife and with the nature of the
proposal involving cleaning out once every 60 weeks for 6 week periods the opportunity for
odour release is limited. Subject to good management practices and measures to ensure that
manure is ploughed in to fields to comply with best practice guidance Environmental Services
consider that any odour would be likely not to constitute a statutory nuisance under the terms
of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (as amended).
2.13 Members are asked to note the terms of this report. A recommendation will be
presented to a subsequent meeting of the Area Development Committee.
The documents, guidance notes and policies referred to in “Statutory Policies and Approved
Report prepared by Alastair Hamilton, Lead Officer