Membership Application - abington lines model railroad

Application for Membership
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________________
Occupation _____________________________________________
Employer ____________________________________________
School (Students only) __________________________________ Grade_________
Scenery Electrical Structures
HO HOn3 Traction
Please describe your modeling experience, if any.___________________________________________________________
What is your main reason for joining the club? _____________________________________________________
The following requirements apply to prospective Active and Student Members only.
1. The applicant shall first attend a minimum of eighteen meetings as a probationary member. Probationary membership
has a maximum term of thirty weeks after the club's acceptance of application. At the first business meeting
following the eighteenth week of attendance by the probationary member, the Active membership of the corporation
will vote by secret ballot to accept the applicant into Active or Student membership, herein referred to as full
membership. A seventy five percent or more affirmative vote is required to achieve full membership. A fifty percent
or more negative vote will terminate membership. If full membership is neither approved nor rejected, further votes
will be held at subsequent business meetings until membership is approved, rejected, or the probationary period
2. Probationary members shall pay the appropriate dues, for which membership class they are
applying, for the duration of their probationary period. All dues paid during this period will be held
in escrow and will be refunded should the club reject membership.
Upon the club’s acceptance of
application a non-refundable initiation fee will be due along with the first month's dues.
3. All probationary members are required to work on the club layout during meeting nights, with
the purpose of completing yearly projects for the annual open house.
Probationary members are
encouraged to participate in all club activities including the annual open house and other layout
visitations and will be judged on their level of participation.
They are required to familiarize
themselves with the By-Laws of the Abington Lines Model Railroad Club Incorporated, and to
conduct themselves in accordance with same.
4. All members, full and probationary, must sell a minimum of ten raffle tickets for the annual open house prize drawing.
The following applies to all applicants:
1. The below signed applicant hereby releases the Abington Lines Model Railroad Club
Incorporated from all liability for accidental injury or destruction which may occur to
applicant's person or personal property while on corporate property or while participating in
any activity sanctioned by the corporation.
2. The below signed hereby assumes all risk of accident and injury to person or property under all
circumstances, without claim on the Abington Lines Model Railroad Club, Incorporated from
any cause.
I understand and accept the foregoing conditions and subscribe to the statements therein.
Applicant___________________________________________Date ______________
If applicant is not of legal age:
Parent/Guardian______________________________________ Date _________________
Membership applied for: _________ Active __________Student
for club use only
Application received by _______________________________ Date ______________
Accepted in probationary membership on _____________________________________
Membership Votes
__________ _________
__________ _________
__________ _________
___________ ____________
___________ ____________
___________ ____________
Full membership granted by ___________________________ Date _________________
Abington Lines Model Railroad Club Incorporated
Information for Prospective Members
General Information
Abington Lines is always open to receiving new members. Club meetings are every Tuesday at
7:30 PM, except when Tuesday is a major holiday. The general requirement for membership is a
sincere interest in the hobby of model railroading. You do not need to possess significant
experience or skill in the hobby. Membership is by a vote of club members following a
probationary training period as outline below. To get started, submit a new member application to
the Club vice president and start attending meetings.
Following is a brief summary of membership information extracted from Club By-Laws. This is
intended as an informational guide only. For exact information, please see the Club By-Laws.
Membership Eligibility
♦ Age 14 years or older
♦ Demonstrated sincere interest in the model railroading hobby
♦ Without regard to race, religion, or gender
Classes of Membership, Duties, and Privileges
♦ Active - must be 18 years or older, must attend and participate in 50% of all work and business
meetings, must owe no more than two months back dues, have all voting, access, and
operating privileges, can hold elected office. Current dues are $20/month.
♦ Student - full time students 14-22 years, must attend and participate in 50% of all work and
business meetings, must owe no more than two months back dues, may vote in elections for
officers, by-law amendments, or in other matters approved by active members, have access,
have operating privileges, must be 18 to have a key and be on premises unsupervised, bylaws limit the number of student members to a maximum of 5. Current dues are $10/month.
♦ Probationary - new member applicants not yet approved for membership and serving their
probationary period, must attend and participate in 50% of all work and business meetings,
must owe no more than two months back dues, have supervised visitation and operating
privileges, have no voting privileges. Current dues are $10/month.
Membership Application Procedures
♦ Prospective members present an application to the Vice President to become probationary
♦ Probationary members complete a training program of 18-30 meetings as specified by
the Vice President, probationary members are given a sponsor active member assigned
by the Vice President
♦ Active and Student members are elected following completion of the specified
probationary program, vote is 75% approval of active members via secret ballot, one
revote may be taken two months after the initial vote with probationary period continued until
the next vote, 50% negative votes on the ballot terminates the probationary period