Loss and Bereavement Bibliography J

General Bibliography Loss and Bereavement
J. Shep Jeffreys, EdD, FT
Albom, M., (1997). Tuesdays With Morrie, Doubleday, (Lessons from a dying man)
Ashenburg, K. (2002). The Mourner’s Dance: What we do when people die. N.Y.:North Point Press.
Archer, J., (1999). The Nature of Grief: The evolution and psychology of reactions to loss, Routledge, N.Y., (Comprehensive)
Atkinson, L. & Goldberg. S. (2004). Attachment Issues in Psychopathology ans Intervention. New York: M. Earlbaum/Taylor and Francis
Attig, T., (2000). The Heart of Grief. Oxford Press, (creating new bonds with deceased loved ones)
______, (1996). How We Grieve, Oxford Press.
Balk, D. et al (Eds), (2009). (ADEC). Handbook of Thanatology. N.Y.: Routledge.
Beder, J. (2004). Voices of Bereavement: A Casebook for Grief Counselors. NY: Brunner-Routledge.
Berger, J. (2006). Music of the Soul. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
Berkus, R., (1986). To Heal Again, Red Rose Press, Encino, CA, (pictorial, spiritual)
Bowlby, J., (1969 , '73, '80). Attachment and Loss: Vol.I-Attachment, Vol. II -Separation Vol.III- Loss, N.Y.: Penguin Books.
Buscaglia, L., (1982). The Fall Of Freddie The Leaf, Slack, Thorofare, N.J. (Explaining death to children)
Brown, L.K. and Brown, M., (1996). When Dinosaurs Die, Little, Brown & Co.,. (For Children)
Burke, M.T., Chauvin, J.C., Miranti, J.G. (2005). Religious and Spiritual Issues in Counseling: Applications Across Diverse
Populations. NY: Brunner-Routledge.
Byock, I., (1997). Dying Well, N.Y.: Riverhead Books, (Hospice --Outstanding)
Callanan, M. & Kelley, P., Final Gifts, Bantam, N.Y., 1993. (Being with the dying
Carr, D., Jeffreys, J.S. (2011) Spousal bereavement in later life. In Neimeyer, et al, Eds. Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society:
Bridging Research and Practice. New York: Routledge.
Cassidy, J. & Shaver, P. (Eds) (1999). Handbook of Attachment: Theory, research and clinical applications. New York: Guilford.
Chethik, N. (2001). Fatherloss: How sons of all ages come to terms with the deaths of their dads. NY: Hyperion.
Clarke, J., (1989). Life After Grief : A Soul Journey After Suicide. Personal Pathways Press,
Conner, S.R. (2009). Hospice and Palliative Care: The Essential Guide, Second Edition. N.Y.: Routledge.
Davidson, J.D. and Doka, K.(1999). Liviing With Grief at Work, at School. At Worship. Hospice Foundation of America. Taylor & Francis
Doka, Kenneth J., Ed. (1993). Death and Spirituality, Baywood Publishing Co., Amityville, N.Y.,
_____________(1989). Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow, Lexington Books, MA. (Outstanding)
____________ (1989). Disenfranchised grief: Recognizing hidden sorrow. Lexington, MA: Lexington(. Outstanding)
_____________(1996). Living With Grief After Sudden Loss, Hospice Foundation of America: Taylor and Francis.
________ ____(1993.). Living With Life-Threatening Illness, Lexington Books, New York,
____________ (1998). Living With Grief: Who We Are, How We Grieve, Hospice Foundation of America, Bruner Mazel,
_____________(2002). Disenfranchised grief: New direction, challenges and strategies for practice. Champaign, Ill: Research Press.
____________ (2002). How could God?: Loss and the spiritual assumptive world. In J. Kauffman (Ed.). Loss of the assumptive world:
A theory of traumatic loss. (pp. 49-54). New York.: Brunner-Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
_____________(2006). Pain Management at the End of Life. Washington,D.C.: Hospice Foundation of America.
_____________(2007). Living With Grief: Before And After The Death. Washington, D.C.: Hospice Foundation of America.
_____________(2009). Counseling Individuals With Life–Threatening Illness. New York:Springer.
Dossey, L., (1996.). Prayer Is Good Medicine, Harper Collins, San Francisco,
Donnelley, Nina H., (1987). I Never Know What To Say, Ballantine/Epiphany, N.Y.,
Doore, G., ED., What Survives? , Tarcher, Los Angeles, 1990. (Life after death)
Dougy Center, Helping Children Cope With Death, Porttylan Oregon, www.dougy.org 503-775-5683, 1999.
__________, Helping Teens Cope With Death.
Duda, D., (1987). Coming Home: A Guide To Dying At Home With Dignity, New York: Aurora Press,
Fogerty, J., (2000). The Magical Thoughts of Grieving Children, Baywood, (Treating complicated grief in children))
Friedman, M., M.D., Gradstein, B., MPH, (1996). Surviving Pregnancy Loss, Citadel Press,New York,
Freke, T., In The Light of Death. Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. Hauppauge, N.Y.
Goldman, L. (2005). Raising Our Children to Be Resilient: A Guide to Helping Children Cope with Trauma in Today’s World. NY:
__________(2006) Children Also Grieve: Talking About Death and Healing. London & Phildelphia: Jessica Kingsley Pub.
Grollman, Earl, (1977). Living When A Loved One Has Died, Beacon,
_____________, (1993). Straight Talk About Death For Teenagers, Beacon,
_____________(Ed.), (1995). Bereaved Children and Teens, Beacon Press, Boston,
____________(1990). Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child, Beacon Press, Boston, (Outstanding)
Irish, D., Lundquist, K., and Nelsen, J. (1993). Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death,& Grief: Diversity in Universality.NY:Routledge
Isaacs, Ronald, (1999). Every Person’s Guide to Death and Dying in the Jewish Tradition, Jason Aronson Inc.,
Jeffreys, J.S., (2005). Coping With Workplace Grief: Dealing With Loss, Trauma & Change, Boston: Thomson Learning (Workplace)
Jeffreys, J.S., (2005). Helping Grieving People—When tears are not enough: A Handbook for Care Providers, NY:Taylor & Francis.
Katz, R.S. and Johnson, R.A. (2006). When Professionals Weep: Emotional and Countertransference Responses in End-Of-Life Care.
Kapleau, P., The Wheel of Life and Death: A Practical and Spiritual Guide, Doubleday, 1989.
Kauffman, J. (Ed.) (2002). Loss Of The Assumptive World. N.Y.: Brunner-Roiutledge.
Klass, D.and Silverman, P. & Nickerson. (Eds.), Continuing Bonds, Taylor & Francis, Washington, DC, 1996.
Klass, D., (1999). Spiritual Lives of Bereaved Parents, Brunner/Mazel,
Koppelman, K. (1994)., The Fall of A Sparrow, Baywood,
Kramer, K., (1988). The Sacred Art of Dying (World Religions & Death) Paulist Press, N.Y.,
Kubler-Ross, E. (1975). Death: Final Stage of Growth, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
___________ , Living With Death and Dying, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
____________, On Children and Death, Macmillan, N.Y., 1983. (One of her best)
____________, On Death and Dying, Macmillan, N.Y., 1969. (Classic)
___________, Questions and Answers On Death and Dying, Collier, 1974.
___________, To Live Until We Say Goodbye, Prentice Hall, 1978.
___________, Aids: The Ultimate Challenge, Macmillan Publishing Co., N.Y., 1987.
___________, On Life After Death. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts.
Kushner, H., When Bad Things Happen To Good People, Schocken, N.Y., 1981. (Parental grief and God)
Levine, S., A Gradual Awakening,, Anchor Books, N.Y., 1979.
______, Healing Into Life and Death, Anchor Press/Doubleday, N.Y., 1987 (Meditations)
______, Meetings At The Edge: Dialogues With The Grieving & Dying, 1984.
_______,Who Dies, An Investigation of Conscious Living & Conscious Dying, Anchor Bks, N.Y,1982. (Classic)
Lord, Janice Harris, No Time For Goodbyes, Pathfinder Pub., Ventura, CA, 1987. (MADD -- Sudden death)
Lynn, J., M.D., Harrold, J., M.D., Handbook For Mortals: Guidance For People Facing Serious Illness, Oxford U Press, 1999.
Manning, D., Share My Lonesome Valley:The Slow Grief Of Long-term Care, InSight Books, 1999. (Long-term care)
Martin, T. & Doka, K. (2000). Men Don’t Cry. . . Women Do. New York: Brunner/Mazel/Taylor and Francis.
McCracken, A. & Semel, M., A Broken Heart Still Beats After Your Child Dies, Hazelden, 1998.
(Parental grief)
McLoed, B.W. (1999). Caregiving: The spiritual journey of Love, Loss, and Renewal. N.Y.: John Wiley.
McMahon, R. & Persson, K., Good Mourning: A Resource For Healing. Point of Hope Grief Counseling Center, 703-533-0132. 2006.
Menten, T., Gentle Closings: How To Say Goodbye To Someone You Love, Running Press, Philadelphia, 1991.
Metrick, S.B., Crossing The Bridge: Creating Ceremonies for Grieving and Healing..., Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA, 1994.
Miller, Wm., When Going To Pieces Holds You Together, Augsburg Publ., Minneapolis, MN,1976.(Permission to grieve!)
Moffat, M.J. (Ed), (1982). In The Midst of Winterr, New York: Vintage Books, (Selections about death from literature)
Morse, M., (1990). Closer To The Light, VillardBooks, N.Y., (Children and near death experiences)
Neimeyer, R., Lessons of Loss,: A Guide To Coping, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1998.
_________(Ed.) (2001). Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Neimeyer, Harris, Winokuer, & Thornton (Eds.) (2011) Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice.
New York: Routledge.
Nuland, S., How We Die, Vintage Books, N.Y., 1993. (Graphic)
Perlman, M., et al. (2010) Grief in Childhood: Fundamentals in Clinical Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychol.Assn.
Perschey, M. (2004). Helping Teens Work Through Grief (2nd Edition). NY: Brunner-Routledge. ( Adolescents
Piper, W., et al (2011) Short-Term Group Therapies for Complicated Grief. Washiongton DC: APA.
Pincus, L., (1974). Death and The Family:The Importance of Mournin London & Boston: Faber& Faber,
Putter, A.M. (Ed.), (1997).The Memorial Rituals Book For Healing and Hope, Baywood Publ., Amityville, N.Y.,
Rando, Therese, (1988). Grieving: How To Go On Living When Someone You Know Dies, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA,
__________(Ed). (2000). Clinical Dimensions of Anticipatory Grief. Champaign, Ill.: Research Press.
Romain, T., (1999). What On Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?, Free Spirit Pub., (For Children)
Rosenblatt, P.C.,, (2000). Help Your Marriage Survive the Death of A Child, Temple Univ. Press,
Schafer, D., & Lyons, C., (1986). How Do We Tell The Children?, New York: Newmarket Press,
Scherago, Marcia, (1987). Sibling Grief, Medic Publishing Co., Redmond, WVA, (Siblings)
Schatz, W., Healing A Father’s Grief, Medic Publishing Co., Redmond, WA, 1984.
Schoeneck, T.S., (1986). Hope For The Bereaved (a practical handbook), HFTB, Inc., (315-475-4673),
Smith, H. I., (2002). Friendgrief:An Absence Called Presence, Baywood,
Stickney, D., (1982). WaterBugs And Dragonflies, New York:The Pilgrim Press, (Explaining death to children)
Stroebe, M. et al. (1993). Handbook of Bereavement: Theory, research and intervention. Edinburgh, UK.
Stroebe, M. et al. (2001). Handbook of Bereavement Research: Consequences, coping and care. Wash. D.C.:APA
Tedeschi, R. & Calhoun, L.G. (2004). Helping Bereaved Parents. New York: Brunner-Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
Viorst, J., Necessary Losses, Fawcett Gold Medal, N.Y., 1986. (Analytic perspective on loss)
Walsh, F. (Ed.) (2009) Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy, 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford.
Walsh F. & McGoldrick (Eds) (11991). Living Beyond Loss: Death in the Family. New York: Norton & Co.
___________________________(2004). Living Beyond Loss (Second Edition). New York: Norton.
Whitaker, A., Ed., (1984). All In The End Is Harvest: An Anthology For Those Who Grieve, London:Darton, Longman & Todd,
White-Bowden, Susan, From A Healing Heart, Image Publishing, 1987. (A mother talks about her son’s suicide)
Wicks, R. (2008). The Resilient Clinician. New Yoek:Oxford University Press
Wolfelt, A., (1996) Healing The Bereaved Child, Companion Press, Fort Collins, CO,.
Worden, J.Wm. (2009). Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy (Fourth Edition). New York: Springer