Collection Policy - Weber State University

The Howell Library and Special Collections
Selection Policy
The Howell Library and Special Collections Library will house those materials that are
distinctive by reason of their age, origin, cost, special binding, illustrations or other features that
make them unique. Materials that are, or may be found logically in the general collections of the
library are to be excluded from the Howell Library and Special Collections holdings unless for
some reason, such as being in the gift collection of a Donor, or because of the copy being signed
by the author, publisher, or illustrator; a limited edition, a presentation copy, etc., the book is
considered to be of special significance. Memorial books may also fall into this area.
Howell Library
Acquisitions for the Howell Library are purchased 1) on the annual interest earned on the
James Albert Howell Trust Fund, 2) on gift funds presented to the Howell Library, 3) on Carl
Andra Memorial funds because these books are housed in the Howell Library as a request of
Mrs. Carl Andra who set up the memorial fund.
Acquisitions for the Howell Library are made in keeping with the collection policy
established by Judge James Albert Howell for his personal library of ten thousand volumes of
Nineteenth Century literature which he presented as a gift to the Weber State College Library:
1. All Nineteenth Century books that relate to subject matter and authors collected
by Judge Howell.
2. Nineteenth Century books whose irreplaceability or uniqueness makes them
a. Limited editions
b. Autographed copies, when by important authors
c. Books previously owned by persons of significance
d. First editions of significance
3. Books of esthetic importance (fine printing, illustrations, bindings, or handmade paper.)
4. Critiques of Nineteenth Century authors or their writings.
5. All books written by Pearl Buck (request of Judge James Albert Howell).
6. Books requested and paid for by Martha Thompson (daughter) as memorial
books in the name of friends of the family.
7. Gift books presented in memory of Judge James Albert Howell.
The following selection policy was set up by Jean Howe Andra, major Donor and
widow of Carl Andra: (See memo from Jean in Donor’s file.) Jean also requested the
Andra Memorial books be housed in the Howell Library (family friends).
Poets and Poetry
English Language
French Language
Dylan Thomas
T. S. Eliott
E. E. Cummings
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Penn Warren
Robert Lowell
Theodore Roethke
Sylvia Plath
Wallace Stevens
Saint John Perse (Alexis Leger)
G. Appollinaire
Jean Cocteau
Jacques Prevert
Quote from Jean Andra’s memo:
“I would appreciate an emphasis on the English Language poets as their works would
probably receive more use. I have underlined the poets that were especially meaningful to Carl.
We might also consider getting some of Willa Cather’s work in the collection since she is the
best known Nebraska writer.”
Special Collections
Rare or Special Books: (as modified from Tauber and Lyle’s books.)
Books of a rare or special nature which warrant their inclusion in the Special
Collections Library will be defined as follows:
1. Books bearing an early imprint date:
a. All books printed before 1700. However, all books printed before 1800 should
be evaluated.
b. American books printed before 1820. In states west of the Appalachians,
according to the date printing was started. In Utah, books printed before 1860.
2. Books whose irreplaceability or uniqueness makes them rare:
a. Limited editions (500 copies or fewer)
b. Autographed copies, when by important or local authors.
c. Books previously owned by persons of significance.
d. First editions of significance.
3. Books of esthetic importance (fine printing, illustrations, binding, or hand-made
4. Books costing the library more than $75.00
5. Items of local or archival value or interest including local diaries, records of
importance for research or historical perspective, blueprints of significance, maps, and
6. Valuable books subject to loss or damage.
a. Volumes of fine or loose plates.
b. Books who illustrations make them subject to mutilation.
c. Books of fragile physical make-up.
Gift Collections
The factors determining the special features of materials that would include them in the
Special Collections Library are to be approved by the Librarian of Special Collections, and the
Director of Libraries. Whenever necessary, the decision to include or exclude materials will be
made after due consideration and consultation with other knowledgeable persons.
The acceptance of large gift collections are approved by the following persons:
a. Librarian of Special Collections
b. Director of Libraries
c. Director of University Development
d. University Administration to whom the Librarian of the Howell Library and
Special Collections, and the Director of Libraries are responsible. If the above group
deem it advisable, other knowledgeable persons be consulted.
*There may be times when gifts are accepted solely by University administration with the
decision being made to accept the gift being based on significant circumstances rather
than the selection policy. However, care should be exercised not to reduce the stature
of the Special Collections Library to a mere warehouse for curiosa.
Other Policies Related To The Department
The Howell Library and the Special Collections Library shall be operated in a manner
that will induce patrons to use it freely. However, there will be a policy of closed
stacks and materials are to be used within the department reading room. Restrictions
will be limited as much as possible. Information may be photocopied from books that
are in good condition.
Donors—Public Relations
Good public relations with Donors should be exercised at all times. Caution must
be used to eliminate offending Donors if at all possible.
Whenever gifts are declined because they are not suitable due to their nature, the
librarians and others involved should suggest other possible places that might be
possible places that might be suitable for housing the items: other institutions, museums,
etc. Frequently, the only value of the items if one of sentiment; nevertheless, the value is
keenly felt by the owner.
(excluding manuscripts and photographs):
Books were donated by “Dean of Animal Artist Paul Bransom.” Upon his death, additional
books will be donated from his estate.
The collection includes books illustrated by the artist: presentation copies from authors to
the artist include books written by friends Jack London, J. Frank Dobie. There are several special
Christmas gift printings of Dobie stories which are very valuable because a limited number of
copies were printed and the plates were destroyed.
The presentation copies of Jack London include photographs and lengthy inscriptions;
therefore, are very valuable.
Marian Read (later Shafter), the first Weber State College professor of Children’s
Literature, donated her collection of Nineteenth Century children’s books. The collection has
been maintained by family (major donor, Elizabeth Shafter) and friends (major donor, Dr. Louis
A memorial collection of music books. Maintained by family and friends. The books are
shelved in Special Collections with other books on music. Many of the books in the Mona Smith
collection came from her personal library or were gifts of Sue and Lloyd Dixon (sister and
The collection originated with the gift of the personal library of Hyrum Wheelwright and
is maintained by family and friends.
Several volumes unrelated to Mormon Americana remained with the original gift as a
request of Mr. Wheelwright.
Acquisitions for the Western Collection will be related to:
1. Western Novel
Books, manuscripts, personal letters, photographs and writings by and about western
authors with emphasis on the following selected group of authors who were selected* on the
basis of present and future potential worth of their contributions to Western literature. The
writings of these authors will also show the significant trends in the Western novel:
Edward Abbey
Juanita Brooks
Willa Cather
Walter Van Tilburg Clark
William Eastlake
Harvey Fergusson
Vardis Fisher
A. B. Guthrie
Oliver LaFarge
Milton Lott
Frederick Manfred
Larry McMurtry
N. Scott Momaday
John G. Neihardt
Jack Schaefer
Gary Snyder
Wallace Stegner
Frank Water
*The above authors were selected by Dr. Levi Peterson, Professor of Western Literature,
and Martie Collett, Professor and Librarian of the Howell Library and Special Collections,
Weber State College.
2. Utah History with emphasis on the history of Weber County and Ogden City.
Books, diaries, manuscripts, photographs, ledgers, personal letters, etc.
Donors—Gift Agreements
Donors of gift collections are asked to fill out an “Instrument of Gift form” which
identifies the gift and states any restrictions. (see attached form.)
Donors of a large collection may have an attorney draw up a legal agreement which is
signed by the Donor, Director of Libraries and/or Librarian of Howell Library and Special
Collections, and the President of Weber State University and/or Director of University
Donations of all gifts are acknowledged by letter.
Copies of collection inventories are filed in the Department (file cabinet drawers marked
Donors—Special Collections). Copies of the inventory and the name and address of the Donor
are sent to the Director of Libraries and the Vice President for College Relations.