June 20, 2014 Theme: Clubhouse Pirate Adventure Basic Truth

June 20, 2014
Theme: Clubhouse Pirate Adventure
Basic Truth: God Made Me • God Loves Me • Jesus Wants to Be My Friend
Key Question: What is better than gold?
Bottom Line: The Bible is better than gold!
Memory Verse: “Your teachings are worth more to me than thousands of pieces
of gold and silver.” Psalm 119:72, NCV
Bible Story: The Bible tells me I’m part of God’s family.
I’m a part of God’s family. • Hebrews 10:25
Make It Fun
1. Our Friends at Church
“Our Friends at Church” is an activity that teaches the children a song and introduces
them to this week’s lesson.
What You Need: No supplies needed.
What You Do:
Before the activity: Have the children stand in a circle and hold hands.
During the activity: Teach the following song to the children. It can be sung to the tune
of “London Bridge Is Falling Down.” Sing the song several times while everyone slowly
walks together around the circle swinging their hands. “We go to church with our
friends, with our friends, with our friends. We go to church with our friends. God loves
At the end of the activity: Have the children sit down and introduce the Bible story to
What You Say:
Before the activity: “I am so glad to see all of you at church today! Let’s hold hands and
sing a song together. While we sing we will walk around our circle and swing our hands
like this.” (Demonstrate.)
During the activity: “Are you ready to learn our song? (Pause.) Okay, I will sing it by
myself first, and then you can sing with me. (Sing song.) Okay, are you ready to sing
with me? (Pause.) Awesome! (Sing with the children.) Nice job! Let’s try it again!”
(Repeat as many times as desired.)
At the end of the activity: “Whew! That was so much fun! Let’s all sit down and take a
rest. I just love coming to church with my friends. We are all a part of a BIG family here
at church. Let’s get ready for our story today and find out whose family we are a part of.”
Make It True
Bible Story
What You Need: The props from Week 1, “Treasure Map from the “Clubhouse Pirate
Adventure” tab on the Website, 2 “family pirate flags” (see below), paint bottles, art
supplies, a toy church building, cardboard box, paintbrush with “I’m part of God’s family”
written on the handle, and a clue bottle (“Clue #4—There’s a place we go where we
meet new friends who love God and care about us.”).
Martin and Maggie are each working on their “family pirate flag,” using all sorts of
different art supplies.
MARTIN: “Well, shiver me timbers! I gave my mom an extra eye when the paint
MAGGIE: “That’s better than my brother’s nose.” (Show flag to Martin.)
MARTIN: “He looks like Pinocchio!”
(They spot the kids.)
MAGGIE: “Ahoy there, mateys. I’m Maggie.”
MARTIN: “And I’m Martin!”
MAGGIE: “And we’re making our very own Pirate Family Flags!”
MARTIN: (Hold up flag.) “That’s my mom and dad. And this is my little brother.”
MAGGIE: (Hold up flag.) “My grandpa lived near us until he went to stay with my
cousins. I wish I could show him my flag!”
MARTIN: “Wouldn’t it be cool if all our family and friends lived super close?”
MAGGIE: “Yeah, and we could hang out with them all the time!”
MARTIN: “But since we can’t do that, I say we go on another pirate adventure. (To kids)
Are you ready for today’s pirate adventure?”
MARTIN and MAGGIE: “The best treasure of all is waiting for you. Search high and low
for just the right clue. Then you’ll spy something hidden that’s better than gold … woohoo!”
MARTIN: (To kids) “Ahoy, mateys! We get to find more Bible treasure.”
(Maggie points to the map and the next empty spot.)
MAGGIE: “There’s our pocket watch from last week. I bet our new treasure goes right
MARTIN: (To kids) “Mateys, can you help us find our next treasure? (Pause.) Then sing
with us!”
MARTIN, MAGGIE, and CHILDREN: “We’re going on a treasure hunt, a treasure hunt,
a treasure hunt. We’re going on a treasure hunt. I wonder what it is?!”
MARTIN: (Jump twice.) “I love treasure hunts!”
MAGGIE: “Wait! Do you hear that? Something’s clanking. Jump again.”
MARTIN: (Jump.) “Do you think it’s a clue?”
MAGGIE: “I think it’s coming from …”
(Maggie searches around and zeroes in on the paints.)
MAGGIE: “… our paints!”
(Martin grabs the clue bottle, hidden among the paints.)
MAGGIE: (To kids) “That’s not paint! That’s our clue! Pull the clue out with us, friends!
Everybody hold your bottles like this and pull.”
(Maggie pretends to hold the bottle and pull out the clue to show the kids what to do.
Martin is doing it for real.)
MARTIN: “Clue #4—There’s a place we go where we meet new friends who love God
and care about us.”
MAGGIE: “Wow! That sounds like a really cool place!”
MARTIN: “Where is a place where people who love God go?”
MAGGIE: “Not only that, but they care about us too? (To kids) I don’t know what our
treasure is yet, but it sure sounds awesome!”
MARTIN: (Jump.) “I can’t wait to find it!”
MAGGIE: “Hey! I hear that clanking sound again. Every time you jump I hear it.”
(The Bible Treasure is in a cardboard box next to the paints.)
MAGGIE: “Is there something else over by the paints?”
(Martin takes a good look.)
MARTIN: “Look at this box. It has something in it. Maggie, I think this might be it. It’s our
Bible Treasure!”
(Martin pulls out the Bible Treasure.)
MAGGIE: “It’s a little church. Of course! People who love God go to church to learn
more about Him. Wait, there’s something written here. It’s a Bible verse. ‘I’m part of
God’s family.’”
MARTIN: “I never thought about that before. I have my family who love me at home.”
MAGGIE: “And we have more people who love us at church.”
MARTIN: “They’re our church family—God’s family!”
MAGGIE: “That’s why this is a treasure. Because the Bible tells us that we’re part of
God’s family.”
MARTIN: “At last! We’ve found the treasure!
MARTIN and MAGGIE: “The Bible is the treasure, the treasure, the treasure. The Bible
is the treasure. It’s better than gold! Yeah!”
(Martin and Maggie high five each other.)
MARTIN: (To kids) “What is better than gold?”
MARTIN, MAGGIE, and CHILDREN: [Bottom Line] “The Bible is better than gold!”
MAGGIE: (To kids) “What is better than gold?”
MARTIN, MAGGIE, and CHILDREN: [Bottom Line] “The Bible is better than gold!”
MAGGIE: (To kids) “Arrrg, mateys! I think we got the story. Did you get it? If you did,
say, ‘Got it!’”
MARTIN, MAGGIE, and CHILDREN: (Hold two thumbs up.) “Got it!”
MAGGIE: “Awesome! Make sure and come back next time so we can go on another
pirate adventure together. There are more treasures waiting to be found!”
Martin and Maggie exit.
Make It Stick
4. Jump Ship!
“Jump Ship!” is an activity that uses movement and theme of the week to reinforce
today’s Bible story.
What You Need: Painter’s tape.
What You Do:
Before the activity: Create an outline of a boat on the floor with the painter’s tape.
During the activity: Have the children get into the boat and pretend to paddle. When you
say, “Jump ship,” they say, “Arrrrg! God loves people,” and jump out of the boat. Repeat
as many times as desired.
What You Say:
Before the activity: “I love to come to church with my friends and family! We always
have SO much fun learning about God together. I love to play games with my friends.
Let’s play a game right now!”
During the activity: “Let’s pretend to be pirates and this is our boat (point to the boat on
the floor). Let’s all get in the boat and pretend to paddle. When I say, ‘Jump ship,’
everyone say in your best pirate voice, ‘AARRRGG! God loves people,’ and jump out of
the boat. Are you ready? (Pause.) PADDLE! (Paddle with the children.) It’s time to jump
ship. Here we go!” (Repeat as many times as desired.)
At the end of the activity: “Great job! You are all such awesome pirates! It is so much
fun to come to church and play games with our friends. God wants us to come to church
to learn about Him and the Bible. The Bible teaches us so many things. What is better
than gold? (Pause.) You got it! [Bottom Line] The Bible is better than gold!”
SGL: “Dear God, thank You for giving us such a big family here at church. It’s always a
great day when we get to come here and spend time together learning about how much
You love us. Thank You for … (read the list the children made). Help us to love one
another the way You love us. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Get Ready to Dismiss
Set any take-home creations where you or parents can get them easily. Greet parents
at the door and tell them that this month preschoolers are learning that [Bottom Line]
the Bible is better than gold! Encourage parents to repeat the Bottom Line at home
and help their child understand that [Bottom Line] the Bible is better than gold!
Have this month’s Parent CUE available for parents to pick up or send it in a monthly
email. Encourage parents to use the activities found in Parent CUE to reinforce this
month’s Bottom Line: [Bottom Line] The Bible is better than gold!