Frindle presentations


Frindle Novel Presentations

Choose one activity from the following multiple intelligences activities. Present your creation(s) to the class. Tell what you chose to do and why… tell how you created it… tell how it relates to the novel… tell about any special features or ideas… and tell about anything else that you think might be relevant.

You must complete rough copies in your notebook.

Performance Tasks:


1.) Imagine you are going to a birthday party for either Nick or Mrs. Granger. Think of five possible presents that you might get for that character. Give reasons why each present would be a good choice for that character. Choose one that you have decided to bring as your gift, create a model of it and explain why you chose that present.


1.) Change the lyrics of a popular song so that the song depicts a part of the novel

Frindle . Sing part or all of your new song.


1.)Create a model or diorama showing a setting from the novel.


1.) Create a timeline on a sheet of bristol board of the main events from the novel. Talk briefly about each event.


1.) Dress up as Nick. Talk about your grade five year.


1.) Take an ordinary object, find a new use for it and give it a new name. Explain why your new name is better than the old name. Also, create an invention that can be used with the ordinary object and give your invention a creative name. Explain the uses of the two objects.


1.) Imagine the president of the new Frindle company, Frindles “R” Us, is looking for an environmentally friendly case for Frindles. They have hired you to design the case out of completely recycled materials. Create the case and logo and explain why your case is the best choice for the company.
