Urban Infrastructure Design and Management courses

Continuing Professional Development Programme
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Urban Infrastructure Design & Management
Modules from a Masters programme being offered to Continuing Professional Development students
The Relevance of Urban Infrastructure
A central issue for both South Africa and the broader African continent is the delivery of urban services and
infrastructure to rapidly growing urban populations, such that they are enabled to live and work in sustainable
and integrated environments.
A Masters programme, leading to an MPhil in Urban Infrastructure Design and Management, has been
developed to build capacity among those in government and the private sector who are committed to the
future of African cities and to the servicing of particularly poorer inhabitants. The programme has a strong
inter-disciplinary focus, as the Faculty believes that urban problems can only be addressed through an
integration of approaches which come from specific disciplinary backgrounds. The programme is able to
include some of the world’s best academics and practitioners in this area, using the Fellowship programme
which has been funded by the Ove Arup Foundation.
Continuing Professional Development
Modules of this Masters Programme are offered to Continuing Professional Development students as 6
separate certificate courses from which a participant can obtain CPD credits. Courses consist of an intensive
week at the University of Cape Town, comprising formal lectures, class assignments and seminars/tutorials.
UIDM 1: Developing Cities: Issues and Strategies (CIV5064Z)
5 - 9 March 2012
This module considers topics such as international and South African urban conditions and urban policy
trends; contemporary approaches to understanding cities and development; poverty, health and urban
services; popular organization, protest, participation, governance, informality, public sphere and livelihoods.
UIDM 2: Sustainable Urban Systems (END5042Z)
14 – 18 May 2012
This module considers topics such as advanced concepts of sustainable development and sustainability,
specifically in the context of urban sustainability and development problems, tools and methodologies for
assessing the sustainability of urban systems, and examples of 'best practice' in sustainable development of
urban infrastructure.
UIDM 3: Community Development (END5043Z)
13 – 17 August 2012
This module covers topics such as community, community development, community participation, participatory
budgeting, participatory infrastructure delivery and social surveys.
UIDM 4: Municipal Infrastructure Management (CIV5067Z)
10 – 14 September 2012
This module considers topics such as context and need for MIM; institutional requirements; the MIM process;
preparing an MIM plan; data requirements for MIM.
UIDM 5: Urban Renewal (CIV5065Z)
8 – 12 October 2012
This module considers the three aspects of urban renewal namely inner city regeneration, revitalisation of the
"townships" and informal settlement upgrading.
UIDM 6: Integrated Urban Water Management (CIV5107Z)
29 October – 2 November 2012
This module looks at the management of the urban water cycle as a single system. Focusing mainly on the
management of water supply, sanitation and urban drainage, it considers the social imperatives, the technical
options, the environmental considerations and the economic challenges with a view to promoting increased
CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, Menzies Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: ebe-cpd@uct.ac.za; web: www.cpd.uct.ac.za
Continuing Professional Development Programme
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Prof Neil Armitage (Civil Engineering): Dr Roger Behrens (Transportation Studies); Prof Romano Del Mistro
(Civil Engineering); Prof Dave Dewar (Architecture, Planning & Geomatics); Dr Neil Dewar (Environmental &
Geographical Science); Mr Barrie Gasson (Architecture, Planning & Geomatics); Prof Lucien le Grange
(Architecture, Planning & Geomatics); Dr Sophie Oldfield (Environmental & Geographical Science); Prof Sue
Parnell (Environmental & Geographical Science); Dr Harro von Blottnitz (Chemical Engineering); Prof Vanessa
Watson (Architecture, Planning & Geomatics); Prof Peter Wilkinson (Architecture, Planning & Geomatics)
Course Information
Who should attend?
The urban infrastructure field requires professionals from a broad range of disciplines. Recent graduates and
in-service professionals with backgrounds in civil engineering, economics, geography, environmental science,
law management, town planning, politics or sociology are potential candidates. However, applications will be
considered from anyone with an interest in urban infrastructure and with suitable tertiary level qualifications.
Each module is structured in the following way:
a week of intensive contact time at UCT, comprising formal lectures, class assignments and seminars/tutorials.
The fee for each course is R7400, which includes a comprehensive set of course notes
Certificates and CPD Points
A certificate of attendance will be awarded to CPD participants for each course. Participants need to attend
80% of the lectures to qualify for an attendance certificate. According to guidelines set out by the Engineering
Council of South Africa, attendance of this course will earn a participant 5 credits towards Category 1
(Developmental Activities).
Seminar Room, Room 21, Snape Building, Engineering Mall, University of Cape Town.
Application and cancellation
In order to ensure a place on the course applicants must complete and return a signed application form to the
course administrators: Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar:
Confirmation of acceptance will be sent on receipt of an application form.
Applications close one week before the start of each course
Cancellations must be received one week before the start of a course, or the full course fee will be
Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar:
CPD Programme, EBE Faculty Office, Menzies Building, University of Cape Town
021 650 5793
021 650 2669
CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, Menzies Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: ebe-cpd@uct.ac.za; web: www.cpd.uct.ac.za