CONSULTATIONS Falkland and Newton of Falkland CC Ensure

REF: 05/03546/ELBC
Falkland and Newton of Falkland CC
Central/North Fife Preservation Society
Ensure decision in line with policy for Conservation
No response
No representations have been received in relation to this application.
National Guidance
NPPG18 Planning and the Historic Environment
Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
Fife Structure Plan 2002
Policy B1 Built Heritage
Cupar and Howe of Fife Local Plan 2003
Policy BE9 Development within Conservation Areas
Policy BE10 Historic Core of Falkland
Policy BE11 Alterations or Extensions to Listed Buildings
1.0 Background
1.1 The application relates to a two storey dwellinghouse on Mill Wynd in Falkland. The
frontage of the property faces south and the ridge of the roof runs roughly east to west,
perpendicular to Mill Wynd. The site is within the Conservation Area of Falkland and is a
Category B (for group) Listed Building.
1.2 The proposal is to install a satellite dish on the eastmost chimney which breaks the ridge
line and is clearly visible from both Mill Wynd and High Street.
2.0 Planning Assessment
2.1 The determination of this application should have special regard to the desirability of
preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest
which it possesses.
2.2 It is proposed to site the satellite dish where it would be clearly visible from the adjacent
public roads and from the High Street which is at a higher level and, therefore, allows direct
view of the roof of this dwellinghouse.
2.3 Policies B1 of the Fife Structure Plan 2002, BE9, BE10 and BE11 of the Cupar and
Howe of Fife Local Plan all seek to preserve and enhance the features and architectural
character of Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas. Historic Scotland's Memorandum of
Guidance specifically mentions that satellite dishes should only be installed where it is
possible to do so without affecting in any way the principal elevations of the building.
2.4 The proposal originally positioned the satellite dish on the west-most chimney. However,
after discussions regarding the prominence of that location and going through every option
available it was suggested to the applicant that if plans could be provided showing the
satellite dish attached to the rear of the east chimney and not readily visible from the public
road, this may be acceptable. The applicant has provided amended plans but these show
the satellite dish to be as prominent as originally proposed but relocated to the second
chimney. The applicant has disputed that the dish would be readily visible but has refused to
provide a drawing to show the exact positioning and orientation of the dish.
2.5 It is considered that the installation of the satellite dish where it can be clearly seen and
is prominent on the roofline of the building, is directly contrary to the Development Plan
Policy and National Guidance. It would have a detrimental effect on both the appearance of
the Listed Building, in that it would break the roofline and disrupt the profile of the building,
and on the Conservation Area as it would be clearly visible from several public places. There
is no alternative position which would be less prominent and would be capable of receiving a
3.0 Conclusion
3.1 The proposal is unacceptable as it is contrary to the Policy B1 of the Fife Structure Plan
2002, and Policies BE9 and BE10 of the Cupar and Howe of Fife Local Plan 2003 in that it is
not compatible with the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and Policy B11
in that it is an alteration to a Listed Building which would detract from its appearance. In
addition the siting of the dish in this position would be against the advice contained in Historic
Scotland's Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas which
requires the satellite dishes only be installed where they do not affect the principal elevations
of the building. The statutory requirement is that in determining Listed Building Consent,
special regard should be given to the desirability of preserving the building and its setting. In
this case it is considered highly desirable to preserve the appearance of this building and its
setting in order to retain its architectural qualities and contribution to the Conservation Area
and, therefore, it is recommended that the application is refused.
Refuse for the following:Reason(s):
1. In the interests of preserving the visual amenity and preserving the architectural heritage
of this Category B (for group) Listed Building; the satellite dish would cause an unacceptable
impact on the principal elevations and the Conservation Area, and set an undesirable
precedent for the installation of satellite dishes on unsympathetic elevations on listed
buildings. As such the proposal is contrary to NPPG18 Planning and the Historic
Environment, The Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas,
the Fife Structure Plan 2002, Policy B1 and Policies BE9, BE10 and BE11 of the Cupar and
Howe of Fife Local Plan 2003.
The documents, guidance notes and policies referred to in “Statutory Policies and Approved
Report prepared by Jane Wardrop, Planner