b.d. 1842 confirmation of prophesies….world event - Fight-4

B.D. 1842
March 28, 1941
This is given to you as a confirmation that everything will be fulfilled,
exactly as the Spirit out of God has predicted you. The world will not
believe that it stands so close to the fateful hour, for man believes that
the time for it has not yet come, for that which the Lord has mentioned
on earth, and therefore he will not be prepared to withstand the
catastrophe. And therefore God points out repeatedly His reminders,
so that man will not forget Him.
The Spirit out of God does not err, and where it is once established,
everything God says is to be believed implicitly and can be spread
without fear because it is God's language that the messenger of it
announces, and he reproduces only what is His Will. And the ones He
chooses are those who have the right knowledge. They accept and
repeat as He wishes it. Their human thoughts will be led in such a way
that they see things corresponding to the Truth. Their power of
judgment will be keener, and their love for justice and truth will guard
them against thinking erroneously, and when they speak now, every
word corresponds to the Truth.
And so write down the following:
Every world event is connected with the spiritual condition of
mankind. There are indeed only worldly moot points the cause of it,
and therefore will be viewed the origin and its effect purely as a
worldly matter. The events of the world are in a certain way only the
consequence of the spiritual lowness of mankind, and at the same time
it should be a means of elevating people higher; but that is beyond the
understanding of men with their earthly thinking. Therefore, they will
not believe, despite all indications. And thus unprepared, will the
catastrophe in nature reach them, and they will not be able to protect
themselves, or to flee. And consequently it is stupid to close the mind
towards God's warning when it is offered to mankind. That the
conflict in which half of the world is involved at this time remains
undecided, is the Will of the divine Creator because not through the
weapons of force shall mankind reach its supposed right.
God gave people the commandment to love each other, and this
commandment is being disregarded. Mankind inflicts on itself all
imaginable wickedness and therefore as a consequence, it will be
punishes hard. God Himself has to take over the office of judge so that
man recognizes a Master above Him, One Who knows about all
For that reason you people should not make the voice of God invalid:
you should not desire to question the veracity of the belief, and should
not attempt to decide for yourselves the time when these prophesies
are to be fulfilled. Because the world is in great misery and can only
be saved through this immense catastrophe in nature, that will
immediately follow the great offensive, and consequently will bring
indeed the real decision in the vast fight of nations, which is devoid of
every noble motivation, and is only a struggle for might and power.
And this fight will be ended by higher power, and will come about as