NVST Observations of Solar Small-scale Structures in the Lower

NVST Observations of Solar Small-scale
Structures in the Lower Atmosphere
Lin-hua Deng1 and Yong-yuan Xiang1
Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China
The heating of the upper solar atmosphere to high temperatures is a long-standing
problem in solar physics. Many ultra-fine magnetic structures in the photosphere and
chromosphere of the Sun, including magnetic bright points, umbral dots, and penumbral
filaments, hold the key to many poorly understood aspects of solar magnetism (e.g.,
coronal heating, local turbulent dynamo, total solar irradiance, and so on). Based on the
high-resolution, high-cadence, and multi-wavelength observations with the modern onemeter New Vacuum Solar Telescope located at Fuxian Solar Observatory of P.R. China
(FSO/NVST; Liu et al., RAA, 2014, 14, 705-718), we study the intrisic dynamics and
topogical evolution of the above solar small-scale magnetic structures in the Hα-off and
TiO-band filtergrams. The following works are studied: 1) comparison of general
properties (size and area, coverage ratio, intensity, eccentricity) of magnetic bright
points in both active and quite Sun; 2) difference of horizontal motion, diffusion index
and dynamical behavior of magnetic bright points for their varying magnetic
environments (with the help of SDO/HMI magnetograms); 3) physical connection of
magnetic bright points with umbral dots, Ellerman bombs, and microflare in the
different atmospheric layers. Our analysis results indicate that solar ultra-fine magnetic
structures should be useful for understanding the physical processes of solar magnetic
energy from the lower and the upper atmosphere.