COURSE OUTLINE: Fall/04 CS 113 Introduction to Computers

COURSE OUTLINE: Fall/05 CS 113 Introduction to Computers
2005/06 Catalog Data Introduction to computer programming together with the consideration of
the impact of computers on society. Emphasis on logical problem-solving and algorithms. No credit
given to students with credit for CS 151, CS 213 or Math 446, 471. Mode 2.
Textbook David Schneider, An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0, Fourth
(Update) Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Instructor Neli P. Zlatareva, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science.
Office hours
(860) 832-2723.
TR 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
MW 10:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Course objectives Having completed this course successfully, the student should:
1. Be familiar with the use of computers as a prime tool in solving of common problems
within various facets of our society.
2. Understand the generic principles of computer programming as applied directly to common
3. Comprehend the procedures, algorithms, functions and processes of an appropriate
computer language.
4. Use the knowledge both of algorithmic functions and of computer programming in definite
application settings.
5. Demonstrate the use of these concepts and knowledge in the direct production of programs
applied to diverse problem settings.
Class topical outline and assignments for the week
Week 1 August 29 - September 2
 Introduction to computers and components of a computer system. Computer hardware and
computer software.
 Introduction to the lab. Introduction to Windows NT.
 Assignment: Read Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 of the Textbook.
Week 2 September 6 - September 9
 Introduction to Windows NT (cont).
 Introduction to Visual Basic. Visual Basic Objects.
 Assignment: Read Chapters 1.4, 1.5 and 3.1
Week 3 September 12 - September 16
 Visual Basic events. Numbers and Strings.
 Assignment: Read and practice Chapter 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 of the Textbook.
Week 4 September 19 - September 23
 Interacting with the computer: input and output. Built-in functions.
 Assignments:
1. Submit program # 1.
2. Read and practice Chapter 3.5, 3.6 of the Textbook.
Week 5 September 26 – September 30
 Test #1 (Chapters 1 and 3).
 Subprograms in Visual Basic (part 1).
 Assignment: Read and practice Chapter 4.1 of the Textbook.
Week 6 October 3 - October 7
 Subprograms in Visual Basic (part 2).
 Assignments:
1. Submit program #2.
2. Read and practice Chapter 4.2 of the Textbook.
Week 7 October 10 - October 14
 Introduction to Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.
 Assignments:
1. Begin paper and talk preparations.
2. Submit program #3.
Week 8 October 17 - October 21
 Functions in Visual Basic.
 Assignment: Read and practice Chapter 4.3 and 4.4 of the Textbook.
Week 9 October 24 - October 28
 Test #2 (Chapter 4).
 Relational and logical operators and decision control structure.
 Assignment: Read and practice Chapters 5.1 and 5.2 of the Textbook.
Week 10 October 31 - November 4
 Select Case blocks.
 Assignments:
1. Read and practice Chapter 5.3 of the Textbook.
2. Submit program #4.
Week 11 November 7 - November 11
 Iteration control structure: DO loops and FOR - NEXT loops.
 Assignment: Read and practice Chapter 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 of the Textbook.
Week 12 November 14 - November 18
 Test #3 (Chapters 5 and 6).
 Student presentations.
 Assignment: Submit program #5.
Week 13 November 21 - November 22 (Thanksgiving recess)
 Student presentations.
Week 14 November 28 - December 2
 Student presentations.
 One-dimensional arrays. Sorting and searching.
 Assignments:
1. Read and practice Chapter 7.1 and 7.2 of the Textbook.
2. Submit program #6.
Week 15 December 5 - December 8
 Summary and Review.
 Assignment: Submit Paper.
Tests These are designed as elemental evaluation devices and to prompt the student to stay abreast
of assigned topics. They will be selected from among the problems and review questions from the
Textbook chapters covered by the test and from the problems discussed in class. Each test will take
50 minutes. If a student has missed a test because of a serious reason, a make-up will be given
together with the final exam following a written request.
Final exam This will be a cumulative objective test of representative content of the entire
semester's course offerings.
Class discussion Since the style of the class sessions will be interactive, the student is expected to
come to the class with prepared questions, comments and/or application examples. The student
should try (through class discussions) to adapt the computer concepts to his/her major field of
Programs The student will be assigned six programming assignments, and he/she will construct
and execute the solutions using Visual Basic. The student is responsible for constructing a set of
test-data, which covers all of the possibilities inherent in that program assignment. The student
must submit the following materials for each program: a title, description header for each program,
a list of inputs, a program listing, and an output list. Programs are graded upon degree of success,
precise implementation of the theoretic concepts, and use of appropriate program structure. There
will be a penalty for late submissions.
Honesty Policy It is expected that all students will conduct themselves in an honest manner (see
the CCSU Student Handbook), and never claim work which is not their own. Violating this policy
will result in a substantial grade penalty, and could result in expulsion from the University.
However, students are allowed to discuss programming assignments with others and receive
debugging help from others.
Paper and presentation You may select a topic from the general field of computers in society, but
a topic related to your major is highly recommended. Pursue that topic with several periodical
references. Submit a 4 - 6 pages paper (in Microsoft Word) using at least 4 references. You will
present your paper in 7 - 10 minutes talk in class using Microsoft PowerPoint. You will be grated
according to the clarity and originality of both, your paper and presentation.
Attendance It is expected that the student will attend class sessions regularly. However,
recognizing individual differences, each student is responsible for his/her own attendance and for
making-up any missed study or work. Limited assistance will be offered to those with plausible
reasons for absences; unexcused absences result in the student being totally responsible for makeup process.
Help with computers The University offers some student assistants who may be of value in
helping the students with computer function only, not with program writing.
Grades and evaluation The student will be evaluated regularly during the semester and should be
aware of his/her progress continuously during the semester. The Final Grade for the course will be
reported according to the stated University policy. The basis for the Final Grade is shown below in
its general form:
Tests 1, 2, and 3: 10 points each. Each provides 10% of Final Grade.
Programs 1 and 2: 2 points each. Each provides 2% of Final Grade.
Programs 3 and 4: 5 points each. Each provides 5% of Final Grade.
Programs 5 and 6: 8 points each. Each provides 8% of Final Grade.
Paper and presentation: 10 points. It provides 10% of Final Grade.
Final exam: 20 points. It provides 20% of Final Grade.
Class participation: 10 points. It provides 10% of Final Grade.