Vuitton logistic plateform
Global Compact principle covered by the action :
7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
Action :
The EOLE project, based on the Louis Vuitton HEQ (High Environmental Quality) logistic platform,
continued during 2005. This warehouse has been designed to comply with stringent French
standard High Environmental Quality building (HQE in french). The initial objectives were
exceeded. Seven of the fourteen HEQ targets were reached at a “very performing ” level (instead
of the four, initially planned):
1. Relation of the building to its immediate surroundings: significant landscaping development,
easier access for pedestrians,
building orientation, etc.
2. Integrated choice of construction products, systems and processes: wood framing, COV (volatile
organic compounds)free paint, etc.
3. Energy management: geothermy (corporate and administrative buildings), heating with high
yield gas and low NOX, (warehouses and docks), etc.
4. Water management: "Zero discharge" objective for rain water, with filtration and recycling for
the watering of green areas, waste water treatment through phyto-remediation, etc.
5. Maintenance and continuation of environmental performances: BTM (building technical
management) integration,
6. Hygrothermal comfort.
7. Visual comfort.
Two other targets were reached at a “performing” level:
1. Management of waste produced by the activity,
2. Safe air quality.
In partnership with CSTB (Building Scientific and Technical Center), EOLE will contribute, together
with other sites, to the construction of the HEQ Warehouse reference. The construction of the
logistic platform will be completed at the end of 2006.
Results/benefits :
The High Environmental Quality building project permits :
- To consider the entire building life cycle and to improve its environmental performance :
energy saving, taking to account the environmental quality of building materials, improved
used water treatment...
- To sensitize : all the people involved in the project (architect, future users, local
community,…) have received with enthusiam this ecological dimension.
- Expected energy consumption level: 116 kWh/year.m²
- Total budget : 17 M€HT
Perimeter : World
Key words : Building, High Environmental Quality
Contact : Sylvie Bénard
E-mail :
Links :
Report in french :
Report in english :