Client Information Leaflet

re:think/re:act is a Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT) service provided by Monkstown Village Initiatives (MVI).
CBT is a form of counselling in which the
therapist and client work together to
identify and solve difficulties. This involves
highlighting unhelpful patterns of thinking
and behaving that may be maintaining
current distress and modifying these
patterns using tried and tested CBT
Research has shown CBT to be helpful in the
treatment of:
Panic Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Low Self-Esteem
Sleep Difficulties
Relationship Difficulties
As a rule, the more specific the problem, the
more likely CBT may help.
At re:think/re:act we offer both one-to-one
therapy and a group based stress management programme. Our therapists hold a
minimum of a Diploma in CBT and are
affiliated to a relevant professional body.
We understand that people can feel a little
anxious about attending therapy, so in this
leaflet we try to answer some of the more
commonly asked questions.
What happens during therapy?
CBT involves client and therapist working
together to achieve agreed goals. Each
weekly session lasts approximately one hour.
A course of therapy typically ranges between
8 and 20 sessions depending on the nature
and severity of the presenting symptoms.
Although CBT concentrates on the here and
now, you will also be asked to discuss your
past experiences in order to understand
their impact on current patterns of thinking
and/or behaving.
What do I need to do?
It is important that you work hard with your
therapist so that you can make good
progress. You will be asked to bring a
problem list of all the things that are
worrying you to the first session. This will
help you and your therapist to target the
difficulties from the outset.
You will be encouraged to keep therapy
notes and to complete agreed homework
tasks each week. You will not be asked to do
anything that you do not feel ready to do.
However it is important that you are willing
to tolerate some anxiety initially in order to
What does ‘homework’ involve?
To increase the effectiveness of the work
achieved in each therapy session you will be
asked to complete ‘homework’ between
Homework may include: keeping a record or
diary of certain patterns of thinking or
behaving; researching information to help
you make choices; practising different styles
of communication; or modifying the way you
behave in certain situations.
Completing tasks at home gives you the
opportunity to apply the CBT skills learnt to
real life situations. The idea is that at the
end of therapy you will be able to carry on
using the tools and thus become your own
What about confidentiality?
Our therapists follow a strict code of ethics.
All notes are securely stored and any
information discussed in session is treated as
confidential. The only circumstances when
client confidentiality may be breached are
where there is risk to you e.g. suicide, or to
another person e.g. abuse or assault, or in
the case of serious criminal activity. Where
possible your therapist will discuss any
necessary breach of confidentiality with you
before proceeding.
How will I know if CBT is working?
Your therapist will help you to identify
specific goals at the beginning of therapy.
These goals will be regularly reviewed and
updated as therapy progresses.
Each week you will be asked to assess your
mood compared to previous weeks. You may
also be asked to complete ‘user-friendly’
questionnaires from time to time to help
evaluate your progress.
The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy service
provided through re:think/re:act does not
have a set charge. However it is anticipated
that those benefitting from the service will,
as they are able, make a donation towards
the ongoing work.
Crisis Management
re:think/re:act is not able to offer a crisis
management service. In the event of a crisis
arising please contact your GP.
Can anyone use this service?
The re:think/re:act service is open to all
people no matter what their race, culture,
religion, gender, sexual orientation or age.
Nevertheless MVI feel that it is a matter of
integrity for all potential clients to know
that their Cognitive Behavioural Therapists
hold to a Christian worldview.
This is an asset for MVI’s CBT service as
potential clients can avail themselves of CBT
or an integrative form of CBT, which
includes a spiritual dimension. Monkstown
Village Initiatives respects the choice of the
individual client.
How much does the service cost?
Monkstown Village Initiatives is a charity and
as such it relies on voluntary contributions.
Therapy (CBT)
Monkstown Village Initiatives
is a company limited by guarantee
(NI063696) and is recognized as a charity
by HMRC (Ref. No. XR29636).
18 Monkstown Village Centre
Newtownabbey BT37 0HS
T: (028) 9086 0090
Provided by
Monkstown Village Initiatives