Antigone Study Questions

 Find the answers to these questions in the
 Write the number of the question next to its
 Highlight the answer(s).
 Write two sentence summaries, in black/blue
ink, at the bottom of each page.
 Write legibly.
Lines 1-310
1. What has happened to Oedipus?
2. Who are:
a. Ismene and Antigone?
b. Eteocles and Polynices?
3. What does Creon say is to be done with the bodies of:
a. Eteocles?
b. Polynices?
4. What will Creon do if anyone disobeys his orders?
5. How do Antigone and Ismene differ in their views about obeying
Creon’s orders?
6. Why does Antigone feel so strongly about burying Polynices?
7. Does Antigone fear being punished for burying his brother? Explain.
8. What does Creon say will be the test of his mind and spirit as a king?
9. What reasons does Creon give for denying Polynices burial rites?
10. What news does the sentry bring Creon?
11. What does the sentry say when Creon asks who buried the corpse?
12. How does the sentry feel about brings this news to the king?
13. Why does the chorus fear the sentry’s news?
14. Why does Creon say the burial is not the work of the gods?
15. Who does Creon think buried Polynices?
16. What does Creon say will happen to the sentry if he does not find the
person who buried Polynices?
17. The chorus says man is the greatest wonder of the earth. List
examples it gives of what man has accomplished.
18. What does the chorus say is the one thing that is beyond man’s
19. What does the chorus say about a person who walks in sin?
20. Is Creon right in denying burial for Polynices? Explain your answer.
-Pg. 2Lines 311-674
21. How does the sentry explain the capture of Antigone?
22. Why does Antigone make offerings to the gods when burying
23. What explanation for her actions does Antigone give to Creon?
24. How does Creon respond to Antigone’s explanation?
25. Why does Creon think Ismene helped bury Polynices?
26. Why does Antigone ask Creon not to delay in killing her?
27. Why does Creon say that Antigone cannot honor both of her
28. How does Antigone explain that she can honor both of her brothers?
29. What does Ismene say when Creon asks if she helped with the
30. Why won’t Antigone allow Ismene to share the blame?
31. Why does Ismene say that Creon cannot kill Antigone?
32. How does the chorus explain the sad events that happen to Oedipus
and his family?
33. How does Creon say a son should behave?
34. Why does Creon believe that a king’s subjects should always obey
35. What does Haemon tell his father that some of the townspeople are
36. What does Haemon ask Creon to do?
37. How does Creon react to Haemon’s suggestions?
38. Why does Creon say he is responsible only to himself?
39. What does Haemon say to his father as he leaves?
40. What does Creon plan to do with Antigone?
41. Why does Creon choose this punishment for Antigone?
42. What is your reaction to Creon’s treatment of Haemon?
43. What do you predict might happen to:
a. Antigone
b. Haemon
c. Creon
-Pg. 3Lines 675-966
44. What bad things does the chorus say love can cause?
45. What emotion does the chorus reveal as the doors open and
Antigone appears?
46. Why does the chorus say that Antigone is paying for the sin of her
47. What does the chorus mean when it tells Antigone she is a victim of
her own self-will?
48. Whom does Antigone expect to meet after death?
49. What does Antigone say she hopes will happen to her enemies if
they are proved wrong?
50. As Antigone goes to her death, how is her behavior different from
when she buries her brother?
51. Why does Creon want the guards to hurry Antigone to her tomb?
52. Why does the chorus tell three stories about other who have been
53. Why does Teiresias visit Creon?
54. What does Creon say he will do with Teiresias’s advice?
55. Why does Teiresias listen to the birds and tell of their bloody fight?
56. Who does Teiresias blame for the blight or evil in the kingdom?
57. What does Teiresias say Creon must do?
58. How does Creon respond?
59. What does Creon accuse Teiresias of?
60. Who does Teiresias say will die in payment for Creon’s debts?
61. What are the two debts to which Teiresias refers?
62. What does Teiresias say will fill Creon’s house?
63. After Teiresias departs, what does the chorus say about his
64. What two things does Creon consent to do?
65. How does Creon show a change of character when he says he now
believes man must live by the laws of heaven?
-Pg. 4Lines 967-1134
66. According to the messenger, what did Creon do that made him an
enviable man?
67. What does the messenger say Creon has lost from his life?
68. What has happened to Haemon?
69. Who is to blame for what happened to Haemon?
70. Who is Eurydice?
71. What does Eurydice ask the messenger?
72. What does the messenger say he and Creon did with Polynice’s
73. As the messenger and Creon approach the cave in which Antigone is
entombed, what do they hear?
74. Who does Creon think is making the noise?
75. What has happened to Antigone?
76. What is Haemon doing?
77. When Creon asks his son to leave the cave, what two things does
Haemon do?
78. After Creon runs off, what does Haemon do?
79. Why do you think the messenger goes to look for Eurydice saying
that her silence may be dangerous?
80. When Creon re-enters, what is he carrying?
81. What does Creon say his “stubborn will” has caused?
82. What further bad news does the messenger give to Creon?
83. Describe Eurydice’s death.
84. What does the chorus say is the chief point of happiness?
85. What is the law the chorus says is important?
86. When do we learn that pride is bad?
87. Does Creon deserve the suffering and guilt he must endure after
Haemon and Eurydice die? Explain.