Document - Northwest AEA

Data to support
Program Focus
Program Goals
School Staff Time
AEA Support
Potential Costs
Evaluation Plan
Iowa Youth Survey
District/Building Data
Discipline referrals
Suspension/expulsion data
Attendance data (students and staff)
Achievement data
Graduation rate
District/building student bullying surveys
Reduce existing bully/victim problems among students
Prevent the development of new problems
Improve peer relations
Improve school climate
Involve students, staff, parents and community
Adults as positive role models
Firm limits
Reduce related anti-social behaviors
Improved academic achievement
To follow the Comprehensive School Improvement Model:
1) What do the data tell you?
2) What will you do?
3) How will we know there is change?
4) How will we evaluate?
Follow the Iowa Professional Development Model:
1) Collection and analysis of student outcomes
2) Goal setting
3) Select evidence-based programs or resources
4) Design process of professional development
5) Planning, training and learning opportunities
6) Collaboration and implementation
7) Ongoing data collection and evaluation
Development of building leadership team.
Duties to plan time, data and process to follow through with building
As needed
Possible suggestions:
•support the School Improvement Model and IPDM plan
•continued support with research and resources that specifically speak to the
district/building needs.
•survey support, complete with reports
Printing costs (if needed)
SWIS (School Wide Information System) or HEART data collected throughout
the year. Needs to include attendance, behavior referral, etc. (as stated in "Data to
Support Need" column)
Anti-bullying surveys (could include staff and parents as well as students)
Iowa Youth Survey
Classroom and Behavior Management
Data to support
Program Focus
Program Goals
School Staff Time
AEA Support
Potential Costs
Evaluation Plan
Iowa Youth Survey
Discipline and referral (classroom and school wide referrals)
Suspension/expulsion data
IEP/IPLAN/RTI (Student data, desegregated by race/ethnicity, gender, SES etc.)
ELL data (testing, numbers in classes)
Attendance data (students and staff)
Achievement data
Graduation/dropout rates
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Individual Professional Development Plan
Strategies to improve classroom behavior
Strategies to have effective classroom management
Safe and orderly environment
Create a positive learning culture
Provide a continuum of social, emotional, and behavioral support for all students
Reduce the number of discipline referrals, suspensions and expulsions
Reduce the over-representation of subgroups on IEPS/IPLANS
Increase utilization of social, emotional services for subgroups
Improved academic achievement
Increase graduation rates
Consultants can work as a staff, private consultative services in large groups,
small groups or individually
Professional development and consultative services
Consultants can meet, plan, and implement professional development to meet the
schools need and wishes
Professional development (utilizing the Iowa Professional Development Model)
Embed cultural competence into school improvement plans
Analyze and utilize data to focus on student achievement for all groups of
Utilize licensure renewal and graduate credit to gain awareness, knowledge, skills
and strategies in becoming culturally competent
Implement classroom behavior management strategies
Utilize AEA staff as professional development instructors and consultants
Assist with the development of behavior and classroom management plans
Utilize AEA staff to help meet the needs of teachers' Individual Professional
Development Plans
Utilize AEA staff to help teachers on assistance plans
Assist teachers in need as well as teachers in their first two years of teaching
Materials costs
Participants pay licensure renewal/graduate credit fees through Northwest AEA
Professional Development department
Iowa Youth Survey
Discipline and referral data
Suspension and expulsion data
Desegregated IEP/IPLAN/RTI data
ELL data
I Can Do It Classroom Management
CHAMPS – Classroom Management
ALL School Behavior Management
Using Real Colors
Differentiated Instruction Through the Colors and Learning Styles
School Wide Information System (SWIS)
HEART: Heartland Educational Assessment Resource Toolbox
Cultural Competence
Data to support
Program Focus
School Staff Time
AEA Support
Potential Costs
Evaluation Plan
Iowa Youth Survey
Discipline and referral (classroom and school wide referrals)
Suspension/expulsion data
IEP/IPLAN/RTI (Student Data, desegregated by race/ethnicity, gender, SES etc.)
ELL (testing, numbers in classes)
Attendance data (students and staff
Achievement data
Graduation/dropout rates
Create positive learning culture
Provide a continuum of social, emotional and behavioral support for all students
Reduce the number of discipline referrals, suspension and expulsions
Reduce the over representation of subgroups on IEPS, IPLANS
Increase utilization of social, emotional services for subgroups
Improved academic achievement
Increase graduation rates
Professional development (utilizing the Iowa Professional Development Model)
Embed cultural competence into school improvement plans
Analyze and utilize data to focus on student achievement for all groups of
Implement and integrate cultural competence in all professional development
utilizing IPDM
Utilize licensure renewal, graduate credit to gain awareness, knowledge, skills
and strategies in becoming culturally competent
Utilize AEA staff as professional development instructors and consultants
Material costs
Participants pay licensure renewal/graduate credit fees through NWAEA
Professional Development department
Iowa Youth Survey
Discipline and referral data
Suspension and expulsion data
Desegregated IEP/IPLAN/RTI data
ELL Data
Student achievement data (number of subgroups in accelerated, post-secondary
classes, GPA's)
Attendance data
Graduation/dropout rates
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Data to support
Program Focus
School Staff Time
AEA Support
Potential Costs
Evaluation Plan
Iowa Youth Survey
Section B - Questions 59-66
Section E - Questions 1-5 and 15-31
Other Data
Discipline Referrals
Suspension/Expulsion data
Attendance data (students and staff)
Achievement Data
Graduation Rate
Create positive learning culture
Reduce the number of behavioral disruptions
Improve school safety
Provide a continuum of social, emotional and behavioral support for all students.
Improved academic achievement
Three year training sequence for PBIS leadership team (12-13 days total)
Leadership team to provide on-going training and collaboration with entire school
staff to implement PBIS strategies
Administrator attends all PBIS trainings and meetings
Identify internal coach
Use of Office Discipline Referral System to monitor and analyze behavioral data
One on-site visit by PBIS trainer each year of three year cycle
Internal coach attend local coach's forum two-three times a year
One-two meetings per month for PBIS Leadership Team
PBIS Leadership Team attends all scheduled AEA trainings
At least two-three PD days devoted to PBS planning, collaboration and training
with entire school staff
12-13 days of training provided to PBIS Leadership Team over a three-year period
Support in establishing and using discipline referral database (SWIS and HEART)
Technical assistance training designed to meet the specific needs of districts.
Full to partial reimbursement of the cost for substitute teachers for those
attending PBIS trainings
$250 per year for SWIS
Substitute costs for SW-PBS Leadership Team training not covered by NWAEA
PBIS participation in PBS conferences
Materials developed to support systems and practices put into place
SWIS (School Wide Information System) or HEART data collected throughout
the year
SET (School-wide Evaluation Tool) done annually
Self-assessment survey (all staff) done annually
Team implementation checklist (PBIS Leadership Team)
Suspension and expulsion data
Graduation rate
Teacher/staff retention rate
Iowa Youth Survey
Section B (Questions 47-58)
Section E (Questions 1-6 and 15-31)