Student Learner Profile - Holland Public Schools

Holland Public Schools
St ud en t Lea rn er P ro fi le
East  Holland Heights  Jefferson  West
Student’s Name:
Grade level for 2015/16 school year:
When completing the section below, please focus your comments on specific information about your
child’s learning styles, educational needs and other special considerations that should be made.
Supportive statements which include informative details about your child should accompany your
comments. Information included on this form is read by the building principal only.
Please return to your school office by May 1, 2015.
The main goal of HPS is to provide a diverse and equal learning opportunity for all students. We
consider academic, social and emotional concerns in order to make a successful student - teacher match.
Other factors such as gender and ethnicity are taken into account in order to provide balanced
classrooms. It should be noted that a variety of circumstances such as: changes in staff positions,
changes in enrollment or specific individual needs may impact student placements. Final class
placements are made by the building principal in compliance with HPS Board of Education Policy 5120.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
Date Received: