7th February - Bilton in Ainsty with Bickerton

Minutes of the Meeting of 7th February 2007
Julie & Steve Gray, Anne Dickson, Tom Smithson, Di & Peter Leonard, Jane & Geoff
Farnworth, Caroline Ezard, Margaret & Trevor Grant, Rusty Topliss, Carol & Ted Pope,
Dawn Clarke, Steve Harrison.
Apologies for absence:
Alistair Dickson, David & Lesley Gill, Jane Townsend
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record.
Proposed by Steve Gray seconded by Jane Farnworth.
Matters Arising:
Geoff Farnworth asked if there had been any progress with the mirror on the corner of
Turnpike Lane/Main Street. Members of the Parish Council reported that after much
discussion with Highways North Yorkshire no mirror would be allowed on the public
highway. It was agreed that an item should be put in the News Letter drawing attention to
the fact that this bend needs to be approached with extreme caution.
It was confirmed that the Air Ambulance would be based on land in Tockwith parish.
The organic farmer was still awaiting approval from HBC with regard to siting a static
The profit on the Quiz Night should read £464.48 not £150.00
Neighbourhood Watch:
Steve Harrison reported that the police had warned to be aware of bogus Water Board
officials. If you have any doubts call the police on 0845 60 60 24 7.
John Coates had also seen a blue hatch back car in the early hours of the morning
travelling slowly without lights through the village.
Conservation Society:
Only members of the society are allowed in to Kelcar Pond. The gate is left locked to deter
the general public and is a condition of the licence granted by the landowner to the
Conservation Society.
Parish Council:
The new chairman of the PC is Brian Smythe and the vice chairman Ted Pope.
The meeting was informed that the retrospective planning application for the wall at Nine
Lives on Tomcat Lane has been refused by HBC.
Social Events 2007:
Margaret Grant suggested a Beetle Drive instead of Quiz Night. To be forwarded to next
Travelling Supper to be held in the Spring and Autumn. Ted and Carol Pope to arrange the
Spring one on either 17th, 24th or 31st March. Fliers to be out by the weekend with the
arranged date. This is now fixed for 24 March.
BBQ to be held at The Garth at a date to be agreed after discussions with John and Sally
Nettleton and the sub committee. BBQ sub committee as follows:- Geoff and Jane
Farnworth, Steve Harrison, Alistair Dickson, Julie Gray.
Steve Harrison was a little concerned about the gazebos as some were still out on loan and
may have sustained damage.
Carol Pope suggested a Hog Roast but it was thought it would prove too expensive for the
village. It may be an idea to bear in mind for the future.
Wine and Mince Pies – Diane and Ian Middleton had volunteered to host this event in 2007.
Date to be advised.
Carol also suggested that perhaps, say, the 1st Tuesday of every month we meet at the
Chequers for a drink, maybe even a meal, on a “just turn up” basis
The survey held recently as to whether Bilton should join the Bickerton Village Society had
polled 27 in favour and 8 against. A meeting is to be held at The Chequers on 13th March at
8 p.m. inviting Bilton residents, who wish to join the society, to come along. If the villagers
wish to join, then an extraordinary general meeting will have to be called in order to make
changes to the constitution.
Steve Harrison reported that Colin Cook had had a mild heart attack.
Margaret Grant also reported that Joan Perry was back in hospital and awaiting a place in
St Leonard’s Hospice.
Date of Next Ordinary Meeting
Wednesday 7 May 2007 at 8 p.m. at Stonecroft, Tomcat Lane Bickerton