Called Meeting - Presbytery of the West


Called Meeting

August 8, 2013

Hosted at Parker Evangelical Presbyterian Church

9100 E Parker Road

Parker, CO 80138

The purpose of this called meeting was to examine to be given vote for

Transitional Members Rev. Dr. Baron Eliason and Rev. Tyson Taylor serving at

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lubbock, Texas, to examine Rev. Robert

McClelland who is being called to Pastor Faith Evangelical Church in Loveland,

Colorado, to act on a change in status of call for Rev. Bob Everest who is being called to

Pastor Community Protestant Church in West Yellowstone, Montana, and to examine for ordination Candidate Mr. P.J. Werner who is being called into Military Chaplaincy.

After a wonderful dinner, the meeting was convened by Moderator Bole at 6:15

P.M. with an invocation from Dr. Jim Murphy who asked for the Lord to be with those present at the meeting in a special sense of fellowship and unity.

The Moderator declared there was a quorum present as attested by the Attendance


Moderator Jan Bole

Stated Clerk Marc Huebl

Dr. Robert Mossman

Rev. Evie Bodett

Mr. Chris Perciante

Vern & Gloria Elijah

Rev. Eugene Scott

Rev. Bob Everest

Rev. Jim Murphy

Mr. John Beattie

Mrs. Marilyn Beattie

Rick Moler

Bethany Forberg

Rev. Dan Gardinier

Rev. Sharon Beekmann

Dr. William Senyard

Mrs. Vickey Wood

Ms. Lynn Brannen

Rev. David Strunk

Mrs. Paula Shira

Rev. Greg Ehlert

Rev. Doug Resler

Moderator Elect Mike Klassen

Ms. Jackie Klatt

Dwight Gilliland

Dr. Ramona Spilman

Rev. Don Kearby

Rev. Gary McCusker

Cherry Creek Presbyterian



Covenant Community Church Minister

Cornerstone Community Church Minister

Cherry Hills Community Church Minister

Faith Evangelical Elder

Faith Evangelical

The Neighborhood Church



Christ Covenant Leoti

Faith Evangelical

1 st Presbyterian Church Greeley

1 st Presbyterian Church Greeley





CPC West Yellowstone

Littleton Christian Church

Active, Without Call

Sharon Beekmann Ministries





Lookout Mountain Minister

Cherry Hills Community Church Elder

Lookout Mountain

Cherry Creek Presbyterian




Cherry Creek Presbyterian


1 st Presbyterian Church Greeley



The Neighborhood Church

CPC West Yellowstone

Lookout Mountain






Cherry Hills Community Church Minister

Cornerstone EPC





Mr. Jeff Wood

Rev. Mark Ingles

Mr. Lester Farwell

Rev. Jim Noble

Mr. Les Walker

Mr. Ken Roberts

Mr. Scott Urquhart

Mr. John Pennington

Mrs. Paula Kendrick

Mr. Rich Johnson

Larry & Karen Petty

Mr. Austin Endell

Tim & Hanna Feia

Mr. Ben Joyce

Rev. Tyson Taylor

Mr. Roger Barone

Mr. Bob Kuseki

Madeleine Huebl

Kathleen Schlosser

Jack Schlosser

Mary Ann Slayten

Cecily Farwell

Donna Luke

Pennie Prewitt

Paul Slayton

Rev. Baron Eliason

Mary Jo Walker

P.J. Werner

Beverly Werner

Mr. Robert McClelland

Rev. David Baer

Retired Chaplain



Faith EPC Loveland Elder

Desert Hills Presbyterian Church Minister

Faith Evangelical

Cherry Creek Presbyterian




First Presbyterian Greeley

Faith EPC

Faith EPC Aurora

Faith EPC

Faith EPC

Faith Evangelical

Faith Evangelical

Faith Evangelical









Westminster Lubbock

Faith Evangelical

Faith Evangelical

Presbytery Office

Faith Church

Faith Church

Faith EPC

Faith EPC

Faith EPC

Faith EPC

Faith EPC

Westminster, Lubbock

Faith EPC

Faith Presbyterian Aurora

Faith Presbyterian Aurora

Faith EPC

Families Alive


















Examination for ordination for Candidate Werner

Candidates Committee Chair Pro-tem Rev. Dave Strunk introduced Candidate

Werner to the Presbytery and began the ordination examination with prayer.

Candidate Werner was recommended by the Candidates Committee for examination and it was noted that Mr. Werner has completed the Presbytery’s Discovery

Workshops, successfully passed the EPC Written Ordination Exams, holds an M.Div from Denver Seminary, and has received a call to the Air Force to serve as a Military


Mr. Werner’s Statements of Faith and written exceptions to the Westminster

Confession and Catechisms were distributed in advance of the meeting. Mr. Werner’s signed Ministerial Obligation Form was on file with the Stated Clerk.

After hearing Mr. Werner expound the Scriptures and respond to Committee prepared questions and questions from the floor of the Presbytery about his faith in

Christ, theology and sacraments, the Book of Order, the Reformed tradition, and the


nature of his calling to be a chaplain in the military, as well as Mr. Werner’s written exceptions to the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, the Presbytery unanimously sustained motions to allow Mr. Werner’s written exceptions to the Westminster Standards and unanimously approved Mr. Werner for ordination with a show of vocal support.

Because Mr. Werner was going to serve as a chaplain to the United States Air

Force, the Presbytery ordained Mr. Werner at the meeting with Dr. Doug Resler, Parker

EPC Church, Parker, Colorado, advocating for Mr. Werner, as well as a letter from Dr.

Fred Stifel, Faith Presbyterian Church, Aurora, Colorado, being read in support of this ordination.

Moderator Bole asked Mr. Werner the ordination questions from Government 14-

1 which Mr. Werner affirmed and Rev. Dave Strunk, Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church,

Englewood, Colorado, presenting a charge from 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Rev. Mark Ingles, retired military chaplain, led the Presbytery in the laying on of hands for Mr. Werner and prayer, asking God’s wisdom and blessing on this newly ordained minister and his family and his service to the United States Air Force.

Act on change in status for Rev. Bob Everest

Dr. Doug Resler, Chair of the Ministerial Committee, began the Committee’s items for the meeting with prayer. He told the Presbytery that Rev. Bob Everest had taken a call to serve as Pastor at Community Protestant Church of West Yellowstone,

West Yellowstone, Montana, and as such needed to act on a change in call for Rev.


Chair Resler told the Presbytery that Rev. Everest and Christ Covenant Church,

Leoti, Kansas, held a congregational meeting on July 21, 2013, where the church and minister were in agreement to dissolve their relationship effective August 11, 2013.

Community Protestant Church of West Yellowstone had already sustained a majority vote to call Rev. Everest at a duly called congregational meeting on June 29,


The Ministerial Committee approved by Presbytery to function as an

Administrative Commission to review and approve Terms of Call found the Terms of

Call to Rev. Everest to be in order and approved them.

Elders Jackie Klatt and Rick Moler from Community Protestant Church of West

Yellowstone advocated the call for Rev. Everest telling the Presbytery why they chose

Rev. Everest to be their Pastor.

The Presbytery also heard from Rev. Everest about his taking this call and about his transition to a new church. Rev. Everest told the Presbytery it was sad on one hand with leaving Christ Covenant Church and exciting on the other hand to move to a new community to discover what God has in store at Community Protestant Church of West


The Presbytery unanimously sustained the dissolution of relationship between

Rev. Everest and Christ Covenant Church, Leoti, Kansas, and unanimously sustained the new call to Community Protestant Church of West Yellowstone, West Yellowstone,



The Presbytery also constituted an Installation Commission of Rev. B.J. Otey,

Springhill Presbyterian Church, Bozeman, MT, Rev. Dr. Eugene Scott, The

Neighborhood Church, Littleton, Colorado, elders Rick Moler, Connie Faberberg from

Community Protestant Church of West Yellowstone, West Yellowstone, MT, and elder

N. Scott Urquhart, Faith Evangelical Church, Loveland, CO, to install Rev. Everest on

August 25, 2015, at the morning worship service.

Examination for vote for Reverends Eliason and Taylor, and for reception of Rev.


These ministers had all been previously interviewed by the Ministerial Committee and recommended to the Presbytery for examination either to receive voting privileges or to be received as an incoming minister from another denomination.

Rev. Dr. Baron Eliason is serving as Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church,

Lubbock, Texas. Rev. Tyson Taylor is serving as Associate Pastor, Westminster

Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, Texas. Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lubbock,

Texas, is a Transitional Member church in good standing with the Presbytery of the West.

Rev. McClelland is being called to serve as Pastor at Faith Evangelical Church,

Loveland, Colorado.

These ministers’ Statements of Faith and written exceptions to the Westminster

Confession and Catechisms were distributed prior to the meeting and their Ministerial

Obligation Forms are on file with the Stated Clerk.

Reverends Eliason and Taylor are members of the Presbytery of the West via the

Transitional Membership Application process and Rev. McClelland was extended a call from Faith Evangelical Church, Loveland, Colorado, and was seeking to transfer his prior

PCUSA ordination into the Presbytery of the West. All of their Terms of Calls were approved and found to be in order by the Stated Clerk and Ministerial Committee.

Chair Resler had the three ministers seated as a panel and the ministers each answered Committee prepared questions about their views and beliefs as per Government

13-4, as well as growth in their Christian faith and the office of pastor.

After the candidates responded to the prepared questions, the floor was open to the Presbytery which addressed questions to the panel. The ministers responded to all questions as well as questions regarding their written exceptions to the Westminster

Confession and Catechisms. Motion was sustained to suspend the examinations.

The Presbytery unanimously sustained to allow their written exceptions to the

Westminster Standards for Reverends Eliason, Taylor, and McClelland. Furthermore, the

Presbytery unanimously approved giving voting privileges to Reverends Eliason and


Elder Lester Farwell, Faith Evangelical Church, Loveland, Colorado, advocated the call for Rev. McClelland highly recommending him to the Presbytery and telling the

Presbytery the reasons why they have chosen Rev. McClelland to be their Pastor as evidenced by the congregation’s favorable vote to call him.

Presbytery unanimously sustained a motion to receive Rev. Rob McClelland into the Presbytery of the West to serve as Pastor at Faith Evangelical Church, Loveland,



The Presbytery also constituted an Installation Commission of Elders Jon Beattie,

Marilyn Beattie, both from 1 st

Presbyterian Church, Greeley, Colorado, and Rich Johnson from Faith Evangelical Church, Loveland, Colorado, with Ministers Sharon Beekmann,

Sharon Beekmann Ministries, and Dan Gardinier, currently seeking a new call, to install

Rev. McClelland on October 13, 2013, during the morning worship service.

The installation for Reverends Eliason and Taylor are to be determined after the elders of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, Texas, are examined and also ready to be installed.

All of these ministers, Werner, Everest, Eliason, Taylor, and McClelland, were welcomed into the Presbytery after the meeting with a dessert reception and time of fellowship.

The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Rev. David Baer at 8:40 P.M.


Moderator Jan Bole


Stated Clerk Marc Huebl

