Multiple-Choice Questions - Raleigh Charter High School

Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter 5: Marine Sediments
Benthic oozes usually consist of a biogenous sediment content of at least what percentage?
w. 5%
x. 15%
y. 30%
z. 85%
Which of the following covers the greatest amount of the ocean’s surface area?
w. siliceous ooze
x. fecal pellets
y. abyssal clay
z. calcareous ooze
Which of the following groups of organisms contributes to calcareous ooze?
w. Coccolithophores and radiolarians
x. Foraminiferans and radiolarians
y. Diatoms and radiolarians
z. Coccolithophores and foraminiferans
What property does not result in increased solubility of calcium carbonate?
w. High pressure
x. Water with a pH above 7
y. High temperature
z. Water with a pH below 7
The depth of the carbonate compensation depth does not directly rely on which of the following?
w. Temperature
x. pH
y. radiolarian productivity
z. pressure
What is the zone in which calcium carbonate dissolution increases rapidly with increased depth?
w. Carbonate compensation depth
x. Lysocline
y. Halocline
z. Calcium optimum zone
Which of following accumulates the slowest on the sea floor?
w. Abyssal clay
x. Calcareous ooze
y. Fecal matter
z. Siliceous ooze
What scale is used to measure the grain size of sediments?
w. Richter scale
x. Wentworth scale
y. Brahe scale
z. Moore scale
9. Which of these size classes doesn’t below under gravel?
w. Granite
x. Cobble
y. Pebble
z. Boulder
10. Which is the smallest rock type?
w. Conglomerate
x. Sandstone
y. Siltstone
z. Claystone
11. Between what two grain sizes is the Phi equal to 0?
w. Coarse sand and Medium sand
x. Very coarse sand and granule
y. Cobble and pebble
z. Very coarse sand and coarse sand
12. What is formed when turbidites are deposited at the edge of the continental margin?
w. Continental Slope
x. Continental Rise
y. Continental Run
z. Continental Acclivity
13. What kind of bedding is produced from the turbidites settling?
w. Slated Bedding
x. Cross-Bedding
y. Graded Bedding
z. Depositional Bedding
14. In which epoch were most glacier deposits formed?
w. Neogene
x. Paleocene
y. Pleistocene
z. Piocene
15. What is it called when sediments are carried from shore by icebergs and deposited when they melt?
w. Moraine
x. Rafting
y. Plucking
z. Abrasion
16. Name these dome-shaped calcareous sedimentary structures that were secreted in layers by ancient
w. Coral Domes
x. Stromatolites
y. Domealites
z. Protozoa
17. Short-Answer What is mined in order to produce phosphates used in fertilizers?
18. Which of the types of sediment comes from space?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
19. Which of the types of sediment comes from the remains of living organisms?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
20. Which of the types of sediment comes from precipitation of ions dissolved in water?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
Which of the types of sediment comes from rocks, volcanoes, and continents?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
What type of sediment are ferromagnesian minerals?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
What type of sediment are tektites?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
What type of sediment are manganese nodules?
w. lithogenous
x. cosmogenous
y. biogenous
z. hydrogenous
Calcium carbonate cannot be classified by which of the following?
w. biogenous
x. lithogenous
y. hydrogenous
z. cosmogenous
26. At what depth would you normally expect to see the lysocline?
w. 100m
x. 300m
y. 1000m
z. 3000m
27. What type of sediments include tektites?
w. cosmogenous sediment
x. biogenous sediment
y. lithogenous sediment
z. hydrogenous sediment
28. Stromatolites are fossilized
w. coral
x. plants
y. foraminiferans
z. cyanobacteria
29. What hydrogenous sediment is often mined to be used for fertilizer?
w. manganese nodules
x. Stromatolites
y. Phosphorites
z. Foraminiferan shells
30. What type of sediment is most likely to have basalt as a component?
w. cosmogenous sediment
x. biogenous sediment
y. lithogenous sediment
z. hydrogenous sediment
31. What determines placement on the Wentworth scale?
w. size of sediment particles
x. age of sediment particles
y. composition of sediment particles
z. depth of sediment particles
32. On the Wentworth scale, which of the following is the largest?
w. Silt
x. Cobble
y. Clay
z. Pebble
33. Which Is true of oozes?
w. Silaceous ooze is more common than calcareous ooze
x. Siliceous ooze can exist at deeper levels than calcareous ooze
y. Siliceous ooze is primarily diatoms and foraminiferans
z. Calcareous ooze is primarily from mollusk shells