Ch 21 Review KEY

Ch. 21 Review
1. Which of the following is true?
a. Climates at high latitudes are very warm.
b. A nearby lake causes a climate to be colder.
c. Vegetation can increase the amount of precipitation that falls over an area.
d. Places at lower elevations generally have lower temperatures.
2. Humid tropical climates always experience
a. Severe winters
b. Dry summers
c. Low humidity
d. Warm temperatures
3. In a dry climate, yearly precipitation is
a. Less than the potential rate of evaporation
b. Greater than the rate of evaporation
c. Greater in a desert than a steppe
d. Less than that in a polar climate
4. The greenhouse effect is best described as
a. Solely an increase in Earth’s surface temperature
b. A natural warming effect of the atmosphere
c. A result of global warming
d. Any short-term change in climate
5. Recent global warming appears to be the result of
a. Changes in global wind patterns
b. A decrease in the greenhouse effect
c. Increases in greenhouse gases in the air
d. Changes in Earth’s revolution around the sun
6. Melting ice caps can result in which of the following?
a. A rise in sea level
b. A fall in sea level
c. Colder temperatures
d. Less precipitation
7. An increase in ocean temperatures can cause
a. Melting of sea ice
b. Most forms of ocean life to flourish
c. A decrease in sea level
d. Global wind patterns to stabilize
Use the map on pg. 609 to answer the following questions:
8. What is the dominant climate in Australia? arid or desert
9. What other climates are found on Australia? Semiarid or steppe, marine west coast,
humid subtropical, tropical wet and dry
10. What causes much of the east-southeastern part of the country to experience warm,
humid, and marine west coast climates? Lower latitude and the effect of a large body
of water
Word Wise
1. Tropical
2. Greenhouse
3. Subarctic
4. Köppen
5. Global warming
6. Temperate
7. Subtropical
8. West coast
9. Humid
10. polar