
Building ceramics. Tile stamps.
The building ceramics represented here comes from the material obtained as a
result of excavation in the South Region in 2004-2006 by a joint AmericanUkrainian expedition led by L.Sedikova and A.Rabinowitz. The material was
found in the destruction layer of the dwelling quarters, dated from the first half of
XIII c., mostly in the roof obstruction layer of rooms № 29, 32 and one sample of a
box tile was from room 28.
The main group of building ceramics comprises remains of the roof obstruction in
room № 29.
The material is composed of:
а) Box tiles
б) Ridge tiles
Box tiles could be divided into:
1. items with stamps,
2. with a hole for a pipe,
3. with clear surface (no marks).
The marks on constructional ceramics can be divided into the following :
1. letters - 9 items(№ 2 room 29, № 3 room 29, № 6 room 29, № 7 room 29, №
10 room 32, № 11 room 32, № 13 room 29, № 16 room 29, № 23 room 29),
2. symbols – 8 items (№ 1 room 29, № 4 room 29, № 5 room 29, № 8 room
28, № 9 room 29, № 14 room 29, № 19 room 29,№ 24 room 29),
3. monograms – 3 items (№ 15 room 29, № 17 room 29, № 18 room 29),
4. images – 6 items (№ 12 room 29, № 20 room 29, № 22 room 29, № 26
room 29, № 27 room 29, № 28 room 29).
The marks in letters are rather various and each is practically unique, despite their
common origin (they all come from one destruction assemblage). Box tiles with
letters are mostly small in size, 0,38х0,3m in average. Exceptive are № 11 and №
23. As a rule, the clay is coarse grained, from dark red to dark grey in color,
sometimes with infrequent dark or light inclusions, poorly washed.
Surface of box tiles is not coated. The upper border is well defined, rectangular in
shape. Side borders have trapezoid shape and clear edges. There are found drain
rollers of medium and high relieves on surfaces, often rough ones. Marks are in
high relief. The bottom part of the box tile narrowing at wide angle, with the
exception of tiles №3 and №7, which don’t have such narrow spot; they might
have been used to cover the lower layer of the roof, so there were no other tiles
below them. (Е.А. Паршина,1974.p 79). Mark on tile N 2 is known from
Chersonesos and dated to IX-X cc. (А.Л.Якобсон, 1979. fig.59 №188). Мark №
3 was quite widely spread in Chersonesos and dated to IX-X cc.(А.Л.Якобсон,
1979. fig.59 №169), as well as in Mangup (М.А. Тиханова, 1953. p.430. № 6).
Керамиды with similar marks were found at the sites of the south coast Crimea of
later period, for example, when excavating a multilayer fortification at the
Chrestovaya Mountain in Oreanda (Е.А. Паршина,1974.fig. 30 №12) and chapel
from the Hachly-Kayasy castle (Е.А. Паршина,1974.fig. 29), dated to XIII c.
Somewhat bent inside point of mark № 6 resembles the same in mark from
Mangup of IX-X c., its point being turned outwardly (А.Л.Якобсон, 1979.
Fig.63 №26). №10, №13, №16 are also familiar in Chersonesos (А.Л.Якобсон,
1979. Fig. 58.№ 108, 110, 165), mark №7 – at Eski-Kermen from layers dated to
IX-Xcc. (А.Л.Якобсон, 1979. Fig.62 №69) and from excavation of a church at
Ilyas-Kaya in Laspy area (Е.А. Паршина, 1974. fig. 20 №28). Generally
speaking, all box tiles can be related to group II, found in Chersonesos. The Ist
group, found in Chersonesos consists of box tiles made of well-mixed clay with
fine white inclusions. Their surface is covered with light angobe. Relief is feebly
marked. Coming back to № 11 we can state that it is highly different from the
previously described in its shape, size and quality of the clay. The size is evidently
bigger: 0,47х0,34 m. The clay is light brown with infrequent inclusions of fine
white particles, very well washed. The upper border is well identified, rectangular
in shape. Side borders are rectangular with well pronounced edges. Drain rollers
are missing. Even surface. The Box tile is narrowing in its body and at the bottom
part at a significant angle. The relief is high. In its type of the clay it is close to
items found in excavation of a church dated to IX-X c. at Zarya Svobody
settlement (А.И. Романчук, 2004. fig.66 №32). Mark of box tile № 23 is made in
thin low relief. Size : 0,41х0,32 m. Light brown. Well washed, with addition of
numerous white particles. Covered in white angobe. The upper border well
defined, triangular. Side borders are triangular, too, with well smoothed top. Drain
rollers are missing. The surface is bulging. The lower part narrows orthogonally.
Box tiles of such kind are related to group I and dated to XII-XIII c.
(А.Л.Якобсон, 1979. Fig.97 №66).
Most of box tiles with symbolic marks are also related to group II found in
Chersonesos. They are made of typically large grained clay often with dark and
light additions (№ 1, 5, 8, 9). The clay is poorly washed. The surface is not
angobed. The upper border is clearly identified, rectangular in shape. Side borders
are trapezoid with clear cut edges. There are bow shaped drain rollers on the
surface. Surface is not covered with angobe. Mark in high relief. Mark of box tile
№ 1 is known in Chersonesos and dated to IX-X c by Yakobson (А.Л.Якобсон,
1979. Fig.59 №282), similar mark comes from one layered site of XIII c on
Маchuk mountain near Laspy (Е.А. Паршина, 1974.fig. 20 №38). Marks on
ridge tiles № 5 as well as box tiles № 8 and № 9 (the latter resembles thick waved
line in relief) can possibly be dated to IX-X c. according to their clay type and
high relief. Mark № 14 schematically depicting an animal (horse) is identified by
Yakobson as belonging to group 15 and dated to IX-X c.(А.Л.Якобсон, 1979.
Fig.58 №13). Box tile № 19 and fragment № 24 are made of finely washed clay
of light brown color with addition of large amount of fine white and dark
inclusions. The surface is done in light angobe. The marks are related by Yakobson
to gr. 18 and 19, and correspondingly dated to XIII c. Marks in question are well
known in Chersonesos from excavations of XVII quarter (Д. Белов, А.Л.
Якобсон., 1953. fig.23 № 58,59). Among box tiles with symbolic мarks, a
fragment of box tile № 4 attracts special attention. As well as a fragment of box
tile № 12 with a horse rider in relief, it is made of well washed light brown clay
with addition of chamotte and great amount of fine white inclusions. Covered in
light angobe. Marks in high relief. The upper border is well identified, rectangular
in shape. Side borders are of trapezoid shape with clear edges. The reverse side of
the borders has slanting cut. Drain rollers are missing. The surface is bulging.
According to clay and angobe layer such box tile should be dated to earlier than
IX-X cc, possibly to X-XI.
Among ceramic building material there are fragments of box tiles № 15, № 17 and
a whole item №18 with monograms. Mark of box tile № 17 is read by Yakobson as
[] and dated from IX-X c., mark on box tile № 15 can be dated similarly,
according to its clay and shape. Mark of box tile № 18 [] is known from
upper layers of Chersonesos (Л.А. Голофаст, С.Г. Рыжов., 2003. fig. 2. № 24)
and the church on Ilyas Kaya mountain (Е.А. Паршина,1974.fig. 20 №34).
Box tiles with images from № 20 room 29, № 22 room 29, № 26 room 29, № 27
room 29, № 28 room 29 (apart from №12 described above) are made of light
brown clay, well washed with addition of numerous small white and dark
inclusions. The surface is covered in light angobe. The upper borders are well
identified; sides are of triangular shape with well smoothed tip. Drain rollers are
missing. The surface is even. Marks are in faint relief. The lower part has
semicircular or rectangular narrowing.
Image of a horse-rider with a lance on the right is depicted on box tiles № 20 and
№ 26 a horse with some tool (?) and a bird with long feathers on its head – on
box tiles № 22 and № 27 correspondingly.
Box tiles are related to group I, found in Chersonesos, and are well dated to XIII c
(А.Л.Якобсон, 1979. p. 147).
Box tile № 21 with a flue hole can also be added to this group (А.Л.Якобсон,
1979.fig. 94), as well as box tile № 25 with a plain surface.
To sum up the results of the building ceramic study, conducted on material from
South Region excavation in Chersonesos in 2004-2006, mostly from room № 29,
we can point to simultaneous usage of both groups I and II. Also, taking into
consideration a significant number of marks, we can assume their production
taking place at different periods, otherwise there must have been more than 23
craftsmen only for construction of the roof over room 29, to adhere to Yakobson’
opinion that each separate mark belonged to a craftsman or a workshop.
(А.Л.Якобсон, 1979. р. 68-69). More possible that here we find an additional
support to an earlier advanced hypotheses of reclaimed building material from
removed or collapsed constructions. An indirect proof of it can be absence of
collapsed roofs in major buildings of X quarter in north region (Л.А. Голофаст,
С.Г. Рыжов., 2003. р. 192). Less explicable is the presence of similar or close
marks in quite distant from Chersonesos places of South-West and South Crimea,
where there used to be synchronous kilns (О.И.Домбровский.1974, р. 21), and
pottery production was developed (А.Л.Якобсон. 1979, р. 39). This phenomenon
could be linked with activity of building associations from Chersonesos, as it
happened on Mangup, in Tichanova’s opinion (М.А. Тиханова,1953. р.430), on
the whole the issue of roofing tiles in Chersonesos is still the matter of further
1. Антонова А.И. Отчёт о раскопках в цитадели Херсонеса в 1993 г.//
Архив НЗХТ № 3184.
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3. Белов Г.Д. Отчёт о раскопках в Херсонесе в 1956 // Архив НЗХТ №
4. Белов Г.Д. Северный прибрежный район Херсонеса //
5. Белов Г.Д., Якобсон. А.Л. Квартал XVII:Раскопки 1940 г.//
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Раскопки 1941, 1947 и 1948 гг. // МИА.1953.№34.С. 160-237.
7. Голофаст Л.А., Рыжов С.Г. Раскопки квартала X в северном районе
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Mark catalogue:
SR339 (Box tile)
Size: 0,35х0,315 m.
Dark-red paste.
Gross grained clay, with infrequent inclusions of white and black particles.
Poorly washed clay.
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border is well defined, of rectangular shape.
Side borders are trapezoid with clear cut edges.
Large drain rollers on its surface. Bottom part is narrowing in significant angle.
High relief of the mark.
68SR 351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,385х0,35 m.
Dark-red paste.
Gross grained clay, with infrequent inclusions of white and black particles.
Poorly washed clay.
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border is well defined, of rectangular shape.
Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear cut edges. Drain rollers on its surface.
Box tile is narrower at the bottom, the angle is significant. Convex surface.
High relief of the mark.
87SR 351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,385х0, 33 m.
Dark-red paste.
Gross grained clay, with infrequent inclusions of white and black particles.
Poorly washed clay.
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border clearly expressed rectangular in shape.
Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear cut edges. On the керамиды surface
there are almost straight drain rollers, beginning at the middle of side borders and
tapering towards the bottom with insignificant narrowing of the tile.
77SR 351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,38х0,30 m.
Light brown clay with great amount of fine and gross dark and light inclusions.
The surface is covered with light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed
rectangular in shape. Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear cut edges. Drain
rollers are missing. Concave surface.
High relief of the mark, made as a letter or a symbol. Insignificant narrowing of the
tile at the bottom.
94SR351-355 (Ridge tile)
Size: 0,41m long.
Dark-red paste.
Gross grained clay, poorly washed. Surface not covered with angobe. High relief of
the mark.
Expansion at the top, 0.05 m of narrowing at the bottom.
56SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,37х0,31 m.
Dark grey clay.
Gross grained clay, poorly washed. Surface not covered with angobe. Upper border
clearly expressed rectangular in shape. Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear
edges. Uneven surface. Drain rollers are in high relief, set bowingly from upper
corners towards bottom. High relief of the mark. Box tile at the bottom grows
narrow at significant angle.
1SR339 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,385х0,30 m.
Dark-red paste.
Gross grained clay, poorly washed.
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border clearly expressed rectangular in shape.
Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear cut edges. On box tile surface – high
drain rollers. No narrowing at the bottom. Convex surface. High relief of the
SR347 ( Box tile)
Size: 0.385х0.33
Light brown. Gross grained clay, with infrequent inclusions of white and black
particles with chamotte and sand.
Poorly washed clay.
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border clearly expressed, rectangular in shape. Side borders of trapezoid
shape with clear cut edges. Bow-shaped drain rollers, starting at the middle of side
borders and narrowing downwardly. Symbolic mark in high relief. Slight
narrowing in the main body and the lower part.
60SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0.39х0.32 м.
When broken, brick in color with rare white inclusions. Gross grained clay, with
infrequent inclusions of white and black particles, poorly washed. Surface is not
covered with angobe.
Upper border clearly expressed, rectangular in shape. Side borders of trapezoid
shape с чёткими краями. Symbolic mark in high relief. Bow-shaped high drain
rollers on the surface. Mark is symbolic in high relief. Convex surface.
Box tile at the bottom grows narrow at significant angle.
5SR338 ( Box tile)
Size: 0.36х0.335 м.
Brown color showing when broken. Gross grained clay, with infrequent inclusions
of white and black particles, poorly washed. Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border clearly expressed, rectangular in shape. Side borders of trapezoid
shape with clear cut edges. Bow-shaped low drain rollers on the surface, going
from upper corner towards lower. Mark is symbolic letter in medium relief.
Convex surface. Box tile at the bottom grows narrow at significant angle.
4SR338 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,47х0,34
Light brown color with inclusions of fine white particles. Well washed. Upper
border clearly expressed rectangular in shape. Side borders of rectangular shape
with well defined edges. Drain rollers are missing.
Surface is smooth.
Box tile is significantly narrowing in right angle at the bottom.
13SR351-355 ( Box tile).
Size: a fragment
Light brown color with rare number of fine and gross dark and light inclusions.
The surface is partly covered with white angobe. Upper border clearly expressed
rectangular in shape. Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear cut edges. Reverse
side of borders has slanting cut. Drain rollers are missing. Concave surface.
Mark, depicting a horse rider and a letter (?), in high relief.
9SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Dark-red paste.
Gross grained clay poorly washed
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border clearly expressed rectangular in shape.
Side borders of trapezoid shape with clear cut edges. Drain rollers are in high
relief, set in bows. Longitudal roller is slightly defined, situated atop. Narrows
basically from the bottom.
81SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Light brown color.
Gross grained clay, poorly washed
Surface is not covered with angobe. Side border of rectangular shape with
smoothed edges. Mark is of medium relief. Longitudal roller, slightly defined,
situated atop.
73SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Lilac color with addition of great number of gross and fine light inclusions.
Surface is not covered with angobe. Upper border clearly expressed rectangular in
High side borders of trapezoid shape with smoothed edges. There are high drain
rollers set bowingly. Mark with letters in high relief.
67SR351-355 (Box tile).
Size: a fragment
Light brown color.
Small grained clay, poorly washed
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Upper border rectangular in shape.
Side border of trapezoid shape with smoothed edges. High relief of the mark.
Longitudal roller, slightly defined ,situated downwardly.
71SR351-355 ( Box tile).
Size: a fragment
Brown color.
Gross grained clay, poorly washed with fine white additions.
Surface is not covered with angobe.
Side borders rectangular in shape.
Side border of trapezoid shape with smoothed edges. Monogram in high relief.
91SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,41х0,30
Pink color. Well washed with fine white inclusions. Light angobe on the surface.
Upper border is slightly expressed. Side borders triangular with smoothed top.
Drain rollers are missing. Concave surface. Mark is in slight relief. Narrowing at
the bottom, the angle is right.
92SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,40х0,29
Light pink color. Well washed clay with addition of fine white and dark additions
in great number. Surface is covered in light angobe. Upper border is slightly
expressed and made with a deep finger pressing and sliding along the surface. Side
borders of trapezoid shape with well smoothed edges. Convex surface. Medium
mark relief. Drain rollers, clearly expressed on the surface. The lower part is
narrowing orthogonally.
52SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,41х0,32
Light brown. Well washed clay with a lot of fine and gross white additions. Light
angobe covering.
Upper border clearly expressed, almost. Side borders of triangular shape. Even
surface. Drain rollers are missing. Mark in slight relief. The bottom part is
narrowing orthogonally.
85SR 351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,41х0,34
Light brown color. Well washed clay with a lot of fine white additions. Surface is
covered in light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed and corrected by way of
deep finger pressing along the surface. Side borders of triangular shape with well
smoothed top and corrected by way of deep finger pressing along the surface. At
the bottom there is a semicircular narrowing.
57SR 351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0,43х0,33
Light brown color. Well washed clay with a lot of fine white and dark additions.
Surface is covered in light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed. Side borders
треугольной of triangular shape with well smoothed top. Drain rollers are
missing. Surface is even. Mark is of low relief. The bottom part is narrowing
78SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: 0, 1х0,32 m.
Light brown color. Well washed clay with a lot of fine white additions. Surface is
covered in light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed, triangular shape. Side
borders of triangular shape with well smoothed top. Drain rollers are missing.
Bulging surface. Mark has slight relief. The bottom part is narrowing
49SR 351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Light brown color. Well washed clay with a lot of fine white inclusions. Surface
is covered in light angobe. No borders preserved. There are traces of slightly
expressed drain roller on the surface. Mark in low relief.
90SR 351-355 (Box tile)
Size: 0,39х0,31 m.
Light brown color. Well washed clay with a lot of fine white inclusions. Surface is
covered in light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed of trapezoid shape. Side
borders close to triangular in shape with well smoothed top. Drain rollers are
missing. Concave surface. The bottom part is narrowing orthogonally.
14SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Light brown color. Well washed clay with accidental fine white inclusions.
Surface is covered in light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed, of shape.
Triangular side borders with well smoothed top. Drain rollers are missing. Even
surface. Mark in slight relief.
8SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Light brown color. Well washed clay with accidental fine white inclusions.
Surface is covered in light angobe. Upper border clearly expressed of triangular
shape. Triangular side borders with well smoothed top. Drain rollers are missing.
Even surface. Mark in slight relief.
53SR351-355 ( Box tile)
Size: a fragment
Brown color. Well washed clay with a lot of fine white inclusions. Surface is
covered in light angobe.