Homework 1 Answer Key

RT233 Homework 1
Fall 2010
Homework is due the 1st day of class.
Use Chapter 20 in Merrill’s Volume 2 to answer the questions.
1) The sphenoid bone articulates with all the other cranial bones.
2) The Squamous suture is the joint where the occipital and parietal bones meet.
3) Which portion of the temporal bone contains the structures of the middle and
inner ear?
Petromastoid portion (petrous portion)
4) Which term is not associated with the frontal bone?
a. Superciliary arches
b. glabella c. Infraorbital ridge
d. sinus
5) Which sutures are associated with the parietal bones?
Sagittal, coronal, lambdoidal, squamosal
6) The transverse portion of the ethmoid bone that forms the roof of the nasal cavity
is the: perpendicular plate (pg 282 3rd paragraph)
7) Which bone does not articulate with the right parietal bone?
a. left parietal
b. ethmoid c. right temporal
d. sphenoid
8) Which term is not associated with the temporal bone?
a. mandibular fossa
b. petrous
c. pterygoid d. mastoid
9) The central ray for a submentovertical projection is directed perpendicular to the :
To the IOML
10) The two primary areas on the radiograph used to evaluate the positioning
accuracy of the lateral skull are orbital roofs, sella turcica, greater wings of
sphenoid, mastoid region, EAMS, TMJ’s
11) For a PA Caldwell projection, the central ray is angled 15 degrees in the caudal
12) The orbitomeatal line (OML) is the primary baseline used in positioning both the
PA and the axial AP (Towne’s) projections of the skull. TRUE or FALSE
GMC Fall 2009 1
13) For a PA projection of the skull with no tube angulation, the petrous ridges should
completely fill the orbits. TRUE or FALSE
14) The dorsum sellae should be located within the shadow of the foramen magnum
on a PA Caldwell radiograph of the skull. TRUE or FALSE
15) The patient is placed in the correct position for a PA projection for the skull. If the
radiographer were to tuck the patient’s chin further down, the petrous ridges
would be projected lower in the orbits. TRUE or FALSE
16) For nontrauma studies, the patient is placed into an LPO position to obtain a left
lateral skull radiograph. TRUE or FALSE
17) The pituitary gland is housed in a bony structure in the sphenoid bone called the:
sella turcica.
18) The atlas articulate with the first cervical vertebrae to form the occipitalatlantal
19) The inion is also known as the occipital protuberance.
20) The carotid artery travels through a hole in the temporal bone called the carotid
21) The bregma is a point where the coronal and sagittal sutures meet.
22) If the Infraorbital line is perpendicular to the film, how many degrees should the
tube be angled for an AP axial (Townes) projection? 37 ° caudal
23) The foramen magnum is demonstrated on which projection(s)?
Townes and Haas
24) On a PA Caldwell projection of the skull, where should the petrous ridges be
demonstrated in reference to the orbits? lower 1/3 of the orbits
25) If the midsagittal plane is parallel with the table top and the interpupillary line is
perpendicular to the film, the projection is the: lateral.
26) Which of the following structures is not demonstrated on a lateral skull
a. posterior clinoid processes
b. parietal bones
c. lambdoidal suture
d. occipital condyles
27) Of the following projections, which best demonstrates the occipital bone?
a. PA Caldwell
b. parietoacanthial c. PA
d. submentovertical
GMC Fall 2009 2
28) The orbitomeatal line is used to position all of the following projections except
a. PA Caldwell
b. submentovertical
c. Townes d. AP
29) The best single radiograph for demonstrating a basal skull fracture is the:
a. submentovertical
b. Townes c. cross table lateral
d. Caldwell
30) For the submentovertical projection of the skull, the central ray is directed at
right angles to the IOML line
31) For which projection is the patient’s head extended as much as possible?
a. submentovertical
b. AP (Townes) c. parietoacanthial d. Caldwell
32) On a correctly positioned submentovertical projection, the mandibular symphysis
is: superimposed over frontal bone.
33) If the midsagittal plane and the IOML are perpendicular to the table and a 37
degree caudal tube angle us used the projection is the:Townes PA.
34) If a kyphotic patient cannot tuck chin down far enough for an AP axial (Townes)
projection, which of the following should be done?
a. angle the tube more cephalad than usual
b. do not use tube angle at all
c. angle the tube more caudal than usual
d. substitute a PA Caldwell projection
35- 48 Match the process to the bone on which it is found.
35) ___d__Sella turcica
36) ___a__Foramen magnum
37) __c___External auditory meatus
38) __e___Superciliary arch
39) __c___Pars petrosa
40) __d___Pterygoid process
41) ___d__Foramen rotundum
42) ___g__Anterior nasal spine
43) ___b__Crista galli
44) ___c__Mastoid process
45) ___h__Temporal process
46) _d____Lesser wing
47) __d___Dorsum sellae
48) ___d__Posterior clinoid
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