Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Photodegradation of α-Guaiacoxyacetoveratrone
Triplet-State Reactivity Induced by Protic Solvents
J. A. Schmidt1, E. Goldszmidt1, Cyril Heitner1, J. C. Scaiano2, A. B. Berinstain2, and L. J.
Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, 570 Boulevard St. Jean,
Pointe Claire, Quebec II9R 3J9, Canada
Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario KIN
6N5, Canada
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada
α-Guaiacoxyacetoveratrone, an aromatic ketone and lignin model compound, reacts
exclusively from the excited singlet state in aprotic solvents dioxane and acetonitrile, with
quantum yields < 0.1. Addition of a protic co-solvent (water, methanol or ethanol) at 5 mole
percent and higher increases the quantum yield of photodegradation to > 0.2, and increases
the triplet lifetime. Most of the enhanced yield can be quenched in the presence of 0.1 M
sorbic acid, a triplet quencher. This behaviour, highly unusual for aromatic ketones, can be
qualitatively understood as a consequence of hydrogen bonding on the rate of β-phenyl
quenching of the triplet state.
Mechanical and ultra-high yield pulps are used primarily for low-value, short-life grades of
paper such as newsprint and advertising, catalog, and directory papers. Their use in more
valuable paper products is severely restricted by the rapid yellowing which occurs upon
exposure to daylight, a phenomenon which is attributed to the photooxidation of lignin.
α-Guaiacoxyacetoveratrone (I, SCHEME 1) is a model of one type of photolabile lignin
structure: aryloxyacetophenones, which are C9 units with a carbonyl group adjacent to the
aromatic ring, and an O-aryl linkage at the a carbon (throughout this paper we will use the
IUPAC nomenclature, which labels atoms as α, β, γ, etc. beginning with the carbon adjacent
to the ketone function). In the excited state, the carbon O-aryl bond in I is labile, and can
cleave to give phenacyl (II) and phenoxyl (III) radicals. These radicals can recombine to form
I, or to give low-molecular weight degradation products (1,2). In addition, the phenoxyl
radical can form an oligomeric material (1), which exhibits a strong and stable paramagnetism
(Barclay, L.R.C., Mount Allison University, personal communication, 1991).
In an earlier paper (3), we reported that the quantum yield of photodegradation and the triplet
state lifetime of I are both significantly higher in a protic solvent. As well, we presented
evidence that significant reaction can occur from the first excited singlet state of I, a
phenomenon previously unobserved for aromatic ketones. Here
we present evidence that the presence of a protic solvent in the range of 5-40 mole percent
induces reaction from the triplet state, which is unreactive in aprotic solvents.
α-Bromoacetoveratrone was prepared using the procedure of Landucci et al. (4), and was then
condensed with guaiacol in dry acetone in the presence of K2CO3 (5) to give α
-guaiacoxyacetoveratrone (I).
The quantum yield of photodegradation, Φd, is defined as follows:
The number of photons absorbed was determined using a commercially-available
electronically integrating actinometer (QuantaCount, PTI, Deer Park N.J.), which was
calibrated using azoxybenzene (6). Solutions of I (3.0 mL, 0.01 M) were irradiated with
monochromatic light (325 nm) in a long-necked quartz cell, lxl cm2. The cells
were sealed with rubber septa and deoxygenated with a stream of nitrogen for about 20 min.
before irradiation. Disappearance of I was monitored by HPLC (Varian Vista 5500) using a
Whatman Protesil 300 Octyl column, a mobile phase of 40% acetonitrile and 60% acetate
buffer (10 mM, pH 4), and UV detection (275 ran). Before analysis, the solutions of I were
diluted 1:25, and benzophenone (Aldrich Gold Label) was added as an internal standard.
Triplet quenching experiments in aqueous solutions were done by preparing solutions of I
containing 100 mM sorbic acid (trabs,trans-2,4-hexadienoic acid). In non-aqueous solvents
naphthalene and cyclohexadiene were also used as triplet quenchers.
Singlet State Participation. Upon absorption of light energy, I is converted from its ground
electronic state, So, to its first excited state S1 From S1 I can cross to the triplet excited state,
T1, a process known as intersystem crossing. It is well-known that in benzophenone and
acetophenone the quantum yield of intersystem crossing, (Φisc is 1 (7) {i.e., all reactions occur
from T1), and this is often assumed as true for aromatic ketones in general. However, as the
results below indicate, this is not the case for I.
TABLE I: Quantum Yield of Photodegradation (Φd) and Triplet Lifetime (τ) for aGuaiacoxyacetoveratrone
Table I shows that in either dioxane or acetonitrile the quantum yield for degradation of I, Φd,
is unaffected by the presence of 0.1 M of triplet quencher, either sorbic acid, naphthalene or
cyclohexadiene. In ethanol, triplet quenchers reduce Φd from 0.34 to 0.14. Quantum yields for
intersystem crossing, Φisc, as determined by a laser opto-acoustic technique (8), were 0.36 in
ethanol and 0.59 in dioxane. These results agree with our earlier report (3), and indicate that
significant reactivity occurs from S1 of I in protic solvents, and that reaction occurs
exclusively from S1 in aprotic solvents. While triplet quenching experiments cannot
rigorously exclude participation by short-lived higher triplet states, Palm el al. (9) have
obtained conclusive evidence from CIDNP experiments for singlet-state participation in a
series of aryloxy-acetophenones. Note that the triplet state of I is formed in aprotic solvents,
and that in deaerated solutions at room temperature it decays by first-order kinetics with a
lifetime of ≈ 200 ns (3). Remarkably, despite having lifetimes about 100 times longer than
other, differently-substituted, aryloxyacetophenones (the longer lifetimes may
result from the significantly lower triplet energy, « 60 kcal\mol, compared to other
aryloxyacetophenones, ≈ 70 kcal\mol) (10), triplet I is apparently unreactive in aprotic
Effect of Added Protic Solvent. In aqueous dioxane or acetonitrile (40% water by volume) Φd
was > 0.2, compared with values < 0.1 in the pure aprotic solvent (Table I). Most of this
additional yield was quenched in the presence of 0.1 M sorbic acid, which suggests that the
additional degradation occurs from the triplet state. Thus, addition of a protic co-solvent has
apparently caused the triplet state to become reactive.
As Figure 1 shows, in dioxane Φd increased as the mole fraction of added protic solvent,
either water, methanol or ethanol, was increased over the range 0.10 - 0.60. Trace amounts of
a protic solvent had no effect on Φd. Over the range of concentrations where Φd is increasing
with the amount of added protic solvent, water, methanol and ethanol have similar effects;
however the maximum value of Φd occurs for addition of ethanol. Photolysis of I in 40%
D2O/dioxane gave Φd = 0.22, which is indistinguishable from the value obtained in 40%
Figure 1: Quantum yield of photodegradation for I in dioxane, as a function of mole fraction
of added protic solvent.
The experiments above indicate that the solvent dependence of Φd arises primarily from the
solvent dependence of the triplet state reactivity. The absence of a primary deuterium isotope
effect makes it unlikely that protic co-solvents affect Φd through a bond-breaking interaction
(e.g., photochemical proton transfer). Also, since
Φd shows similar behaviour in acetonitrile and dioxane, and since addition of either water,
methanol or ethanol as protic co-solvent have similar effects, solvent polarity or viscosity
effects are small.
β -Phenyl Quenching. In I, as in other aryloxyacetophenones (70), the triplet decays
predominately through two processes (SCHEME 1): cleavage of the α C-O bond, which
generates phenacyl and phenoxyl radicals, and β-phenyl quenching, where the ketone triplet is
quenched by collision with the attached phenoxyl group, after rotation about the
Figure 2: Conformation required for phenyl quenching in aryloxyacetophenones.
α C-O bond has brought it to an appropriate conformation (Figure 2). Bond cleavage can lead
to degradation of I, while β-phenyl quenching regenerates the ground state of I.
If the rate constants for β -phenyl quenching and bond cleavage are k1 and k2, respectively,
then equation 1 gives the triplet lifetime, x, and equation 2 gives the maximum quantum yield
for degradation from the triplet state, Φd,τ. The actual quantum yield for triplet degradation is
less than this, because II and HI can recombine to give the starting material, I.
Simultaneous Increase of x and Φd. The fact that no reaction occurs from the triplet state in
either dioxane or acetonitrile implies that k1<< kl in these aprotic solvents. Equation 1 then
gives τ = 1/k1. The triplet lifetimes in acetonitrile and dioxane are close to 200 ns (3), which
gives an estimate for kl of about 5 x 106 s-1. If addition of protic solvents simply increases kj
sufficiently that bond cleavage can compete with β-phenyl quenching, then equation 1
predicts that the triplet lifetime should decrease. However, the opposite occurs for I: the
conditions which induce reactivity from the triplet state cause an increase in τ (Table I). For
example, in dioxane
Clearly k1, the rate of β-phenyl quenching, has decreased in the presence of the hydroxylic cosolvent. This suggests that the effect of the protic solvent is to decrease k1 sufficiently that
bond cleavage becomes competitive with β -phenyl quenching, allowing a significant fraction
of triplets to decay by bond cleavage.
Role of Hydrogen Bonding. Qualitatively, these results can be understood as effects of
hydrogen bonding on the triplet-state decay, as explained below. Hydrogen bonding is known
to occur at carbonyl triplet states (72), and probably will also occur at the three methoxyl
oxygens of I.
The added bulk of hydrogen-bonded groups about I may decrease k1, by increasing the energy
barrier to rotation about the α C-O bond which is necessary for β -phenyl quenching. This
hypothesis would also account for another phenomenon which we reported in our earlier
paper (3): in 40% aqueous alcoholic solutions of I both Φd and the triplet lifetime decreased,
relative to the values observed in the pure alcohol. In alcohol solvents, I reacts from both S1
and T1 Substitution of smaller water molecules for alcohol molecules could reduce the barrier
to rotation and increase k1, which would decrease the triplet lifetime, and decrease the fraction
of triplets which decay by bond cleavage.
These qualitative arguments could be confirmed by explicit calculation of k1 and k2. This has
been achieved for other aryloxyacetophenones, by measuring product quantum yields in the
presence of thiophenol (10). A good hydrogen donor, thiophenol quantitatively scavenges the
phenoxyl and phenacyl radicals formed by bond cleavage, yielding the corresponding
acetophenone and phenol. The quantum yield for formation of either acetophenone or phenol
is equivalent to Φd,τ and, together with the triplet lifetime τ, allows calculation of k1 and k2.
Unfortunately, this experiment was unsuccessful for I because acetoveratrone and guaiacol
are formed not only from scavenging of radicals, but also as a result of thiophenol quenching
of the long-lived triplet state (3).
Concluding Remarks
The results presented above show clearly that a protic environment is necessary for
degradation to occur from the triplet state of I. According to our proposed mechanism, α C-O
bond cleavage (and therefore degradation) becomes a viable reaction pathway from the triplet
state of I because hydrogen bonding provides steric hindrance to β-phenyl quenching, a
competing, non-product forming pathway. In mechanical pulp fibres, the energy barriers to pphenyl quenching are enormous, because structures such as I are bonded to the rest of the
solid lignin polymer. Thus, under the conditions encountered in paper, bond cleavage
probably occurs with high efficiency, from both singlet and triplet excited states.
A recent electron paramagnetic resonance study (73) has shown that I also degrades by a
photoreduction pathway in the presence of alcohols or water, through the intermediacy of the
corresponding ketyl radical. Since corresponding ketyl radicals and triplet states often have
overlapping absorption spectra, it is important to emphasize that the transient observed in our
optical flash photolysis experiments is the triplet state (not the ketyl radical), the key evidence
being that both the yield and the lifetime of the transient are decreased by triplet quenchers.
An important question
for future research should be to determine the relative yields of photoreduction and α C-O
cleavage to the photodegradation of I.
Quantitative assessment of the importance of hydrogen bonding, and the determination of
other possible effects of the protic environment on the reaction mechanism, must await the
development of an efficient radical scavenger which does not at the same time quench the
triplet state.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by a Network of Centres of Excellence Grant
from the Government of Canada, and by the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry. We thank N.
Muradali and P.Y Wong for technical assistance.
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RECEIVED February 3,1993