HEALING WITH URINE - Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Biota Vol. VI (1) : 47 - 48, Februari 2001
ISSN 0853-8670
Judul Buku
Penyembuhan dengan Terapi Urin
: John W. Amstrong
: Siti Gretiani & Indrijati P.
: Juni 1999
: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta
Ukuran Buku
: 11 x 18 cm
Jumlah Halaman : xv + 201
: Rp. 17.500,00
Air Kehidupan - Penyembuhan dengan Terapi Urine
Agus Tridiatno
University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Jl. Babarsari No. 44 Yogyakarta
Do you believe that our urine can be
used for healing our own sickness, whatever
sicknesses we have? There was Javanese
tradition of healing the inflamed eyes by
sprinkling one's own urine. When there was
scabbies epidemic in Central Java arround
1968-1970, and various medicines could not
heal it, people just used their own urine as the
natural medicine. Imagine, the scabbies
This book tells us more about healing
with urine based on the experience of its
author, John W. Armstrong, who practiced
urine-therapy for himself and his patients.
When John W. Armstrong was thirty-four
years old, he was under medical care of doctors
because he had obesity. But four doctors
refused to cure him. They said that he ate too
much and could not be recovered.. Then,
specialists looked after and controlled him
tightly that made him suffers more because of
the treatment rather than of the disease. A
doctor diagnosed him suffering from nose and
throat diseases, so he was asked to suck fresh
air, to sunbathe, and to eat nutritious food.
Another doctor said that he had lungs and
diabetes diseases. That's why various doctors
cured him for two years with many method of
healing. But he was not recovered.
In his weak and sick condition, he
remembered Proverbs V saying:" Drink water
from your own basin." This text reminded him
a story about a girl who was asked by her
father to drink her own urine in order to heal
her diptheria. It reminded him also other stories
about healing with urine. Therefore, with firm
conviction, he cured himself with his own
urine. He fasted for forty-five days without
consuming any food and drink except his own
urine and plain water. He also rubbed urine on
his whole body. My God, in the end of curing
he was recovered to his ideal weight, 70 kg,
with pure skin!
Blessed with this recovery, John W.
Armstrong felt that he should help others from
their suffering. On 1918 he started to practice
healing his patients. His first patient was a
fifty-three years woman who suffered from
complication of gangren or paralysis, anemia,
lungs, and jaundice diseases. Her skin got
peeled off and her stomach puffed up. Doctor
Bradford, a specialist on diet and fasting, could
not succesfully recover her. Then she went to
him to be treated. He just asked her to fast from
any food and drink except drinking her own
urine and plain water. He also rubbed her urine
to her whole body. Imagine, on the eighteenth
day, her paralysis was recovered. On the
sixtieth day total recovery finished. After that,
he treated other patients who suffered from
various sicknesses, such as cancer, bright,
lekimia, heart attack, and venereal diseases.
WHAT is urine? Isn't it just residue of
food and drink entering to our body which are
not useful anymore? Isn't it to be thrown away
from our body? Even, some say that it consists
of bacteria and posion! How come this kind of
thing is useful for our health?
Answering these questions, the author
took an analogy of compost, a natural fertilizer
that makes land fertilized. The fallen leaves,
which are usually considered as useless
rubbish, apparently are the best natural
fertilizers. From this fact, he reminded that the
principle saying "what comes from earth
should be returned to earth," should be
maintained. The nature can recover itself. He
continued:"Why this natural principle can not
be applied to the human life, that our body can
naturally heal itself?"
In medical caring process, up to now,
urine analysis is still used to find indications of
diseases someone has. But, according to the
author what elements are consisted in the urine
depend more on food and drink, which are
consumed by someone rather than on diseases
which are suffered by him or her. A level of
sugar consisted in the urine does not
automatically indicates that someone suffers
diabetes or not. In other words, urine analysis
can not exactly indicate diseases someone
suffers from.
This book is selling well. It was firstly
published in the Indonesian version on
September 1998, on June 1999 it should be
printed for the second edition, and on the last
of 2000 it has been printed for the third edition.
It was published on the proper time, when
many sorts of deseases emerged but the
medical world cannot recover them. Many
people are bore and frustrated with the service
of doctors and the medical world in general.
They need alternatives for healing. Thus,
healing with urine, although it was long time
ago traditionally practiced, comes as a new
Unfortunately, this book does not
completely explain how urine-therapy can be
individually practiced. Is totally fasting the
absolute way for doing urine-therapy as
suggested by the author? Can we just drink
urine without fasting and hope that we will be
recovered? No clear explanation is included in
this book.
Does it mean that the conventional
treatment by doctor and the chemical
medicines will be replaced by the urinetherapy? Comments from some doctors
regarding the urine-therapy indicate that up to
now there was no comprehensive research
about it. Doctors said that from the experience
of success of urine-therapy cannot be
concluded that urine is the best medicines, that
can recover all diseases. It can happen, that the
recovery is motivated by suggestion rather than
the medical elements consisted in the urine.
Actually, the author doesn't think that
urine-therapy will answer all wuestions
regarding our health. He said that the human
life is a mystery. There are many people who
suffer from diseases, but they enjoy long life
till their old ages. On the other hand, those who
don't have any disease live shortly in this
world. In fact, the human life is truly in the
hand of God.
Biota Vol. VI (1), Februari 2001