Pre-AICE Spanish 1 Syllabus

SYLLABUS – Pre-AICE Spanish Language 1
Crestview High School
Sra. Porrata
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 2:00-2:20
Tutoring: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 2:00 – 2:20
Phone: 850-689-7177 Ext.4070
Email Address:
An honors level course that covers the first half of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education
(IGCSE)Language (Spanish) syllabus written and administered by the University of Cambridge’s International
Examinations Program. The purpose of this course is to enable students to begin to acquire proficiency in Spanish
through a linguistic, communicative and cultural approach to language learning. Emphasis is placed on the development
of listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills and on the acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar.
 Spanish-Speaking Countries
 Subject Pronouns
 Present tense of the verb ser
 The verb gustar with likes and dislikes
 Present tense of –ar, -er and –ir ending verbs
 Irregular present tense verbs ir, tener, venir,
hacer, traer, poner, saber and conocer
Idiomatic expressions with tener and hacer
Stem-changing verbs
The verb estar
Reflexive Verbs
Regular Preterite Verbs
Irregular Preterite Verbs
Textbook ¡Exprésate! Spanish 1 (Holt) Chapters 1-10
Grammar & Vocabulary Workbook and Interactive Beginning Reader
Online Edition at or (password required)
Students will use a class set of textbooks in the classroom. Textbooks are not to be written on at any time. If you are
found damaging a textbook you will receive a discipline referral and you will be responsible for paying the cost of the
textbook. There are a limited number of textbooks available to loan to students. Only students that express a compelling
need for a textbook will receive one. We also have the textbook on a CD ROM or you can access the textbook online.
Textbooks are to be left at home for study and homework and not in lockers or cars. All loaned textbooks will be collected
at the end of the school year.
All students need to bring a 1 ½ inch ring binder with loose paper and five tabs to class each day. The notebook will
be used in class to write down information and assignments. In addition, you will need to bring 2 sharpened pencils and
or black/blue pen, 3 highlighters of different color, 2 packs of 3X5 lined index cards, a box of colored pencils or
markers, a dry erase marker, a folder with pockets and a Spanish-English dictionary.
I will give a quiz every week usually on Thursdays. Unannounced quizzes can be given at any time to assess students
understanding and mastery. Tests (100%) will be given at the end of each chapter. Dates for test will vary. All important
dates will be posted on the right side of the board. Write all dates in your student planner. If you miss a test or quiz and
you have an excused absence you will have five days from the day you return to class to retake it. Excuses may take up
to 2 weeks to show in the Gradebook. Do not wait until it shows excused or you may miss the 5 days window. I will place
a 0 in the Gradebook and change it as soon as it appears as an excused absence. You can make up a quiz or test during
my tutoring hours only. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to retake the test/quiz after school. The
teacher will not remind you.
If you earned a grade of 69% (D) or below on a quiz you can come after school for tutoring to review the material you did
not understand. You will be allowed to retake 2 quizzes a quarter that you have failed as long as you attend after
school tutoring. You will receive the new grade up to a 70% (C) even if you score higher in the retake. You have a week
from the day you receive your quiz grade to come for tutoring and retake the quiz. If you waste your time in class, talk,
sleep, and do not complete your work you will not be allowed to retake any quizzes. This is a privilege and the
teacher has the right to deny you this opportunity based on your behavior in class.
Students will receive a 40 Point Rubric every other week that will include the following criteria: bell work, punctuality,
preparation, participation and attentiveness. If you are absent make up
any bell work you missed using the bell work notebook. Turn in your bell work with an attached rubric within 5 days of
returning to school. You will receive a 0 in your Rubric until the absence shows as excused. No make-up will be allowed
for unexcused absences or for any students with fifteen or more absences.
Students will work individually or in groups on a special project once every grading period (9 weeks). Projects can include
posters, brochures, drama, reports, power point presentations and scrapbook. Students will have 5 days or more to
complete their projects. If a student is sick on the day the project is due a parent needs to email or call me with the
reason for the absence no later than 2:20 P.M. Failure to call or email will result on a grade of 0. The project will be
due on the day the student returns to school. No make-up will be allowed for unexcused absences or for any
students with fifteen or more absences.
Students will receive a notebook grade at the end of each grading period (9 weeks). The grade will include neatness,
organization, chronological order, and work completion. Notebook should have the following 6 tabs: Bell Work, Grammar,
Vocabulary, Writing/Reading/Culture, and Tests/Quizzes/Projects.
When you enter the classroom pick up any worksheets from the hallway table. Fill in the information required on your
worksheet table. Number your worksheets and place them in your notebook in chronological order, the most recent on
top. After 10 worksheets the teacher will collect your worksheet table for a grade. Make sure all 10 worksheet have been
sign by the teacher the day she collects the worksheet table. It is your responsibility to make sure the teacher signs
any worksheet you have completed.
Each student will receive a workbook to use in the classroom and take home for assigned homework. It is your
responsibility to have your workbook with you every day in class. I will not sign a pass to your locker to retrieve your
Homework will be assigned and graded at least twice a week. If you are absent please look in the appropriate class folder
for the homework sheet and for any worksheets that where handed in class. Any work that was done in the workbook will
be recorded on the workbook sheet. If you have an excuse absence you will have 5 days from the day you return to class
to turn in your work. No make-up will be allowed for unexcused absences or for any students with fifteen or more
I will be available in my classroom on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:00 – 2:30 for tutoring. Take advantage
of this opportunity to get individualized help or make up any test or quiz you have missed.
1. We dispose of our gum inside the garbage can as soon as we enter the classroom.
2. We come prepared to class by bringing the required materials and completed homework.
3. We are seated and working when the bell rings.
4. We raise our hand to answer and ask questions.
5. We are alert and engaged during class. We do not sleep, talk or waste time.
6. We encouraged one another with positive words. We never criticize or make fun of others.
7. We work quietly while completing an assignment.
8. When working with partners we lower our voices so as to not interrupt others.
9. We raise our hand and do not interrupt the teacher when we need a restroom pass. We do not abuse
this privilege.
10. We wait for the teacher to dismiss the class after the bell rings.