Dr. Christina Chambreau
Founder: Samuel Hahnemann, MD, a brilliant German physician in the early 1800s
Basic principle: like cures like It is a well organized system of medicine capable of
treating most ailments, even treating the underlying tendency to become ill.
Main textbook: The Organon,
What can be cured with Homeopathy? – anything in any species, but not every animal.
Symptoms are good – even cancer and serious ones as they are the attempt of the
body to heal itself (Fevers increase white blood cell production and interferon).
They are also good as indicators to evaluate the health status.
Goal: Heal the animal at the deep energetic level. The remedy itself does not heal - it
stimulates the body to heal itself. Animals successfully treated with homeopathy or
other holistic approaches usually stay alert, agile, interactive and relatively symptom
free until they have a final illness and die within a short time.
Process overview: List symptoms to find something unique about the patient that
will match one of the remedy choices. If the first selection does not help, we can
either say, “Oh, homeopathy does not work,” or “I need to look again for what is
unique about this animal and choose a different remedy, go to another treatment.”
Process of treating with homeopathy:
1. List all symptoms, especially unusual one. The sum total of all the symptoms,
past and present represents the underlying imbalance that needs to be
corrected. (Case Taking)
2. Find the remedy that, when tested on humans, produced those same
3. Select the best matching strength (potency), amount and frequency.
4. Learn obstacles to recovery: For each individual, learning what practices are
detrimental to continued health. The major obstacles in animals include poor
nutrition, over-vaccination, environmental toxins, other drugs, changes in
life style or people in their life, etc.
5. Know possible outcomes of treatment
Preparation of remedies:
Remedies are manufactured from herbs, minerals & body substances. A few
examples include sand, oyster shell, snake venoms, club moss, saliva from a rabid dog,
poison ivy, lava, bee, wind flower, trees, spiders, sand, nutmeg and dog’s milk.
There are 3 dilution forms – centesimal or c, decimal or x, and LM or Q. The
centesimal potencies are made as follows. One drop of the tincture is diluted in 99
drops of diluent (water or alcohol) and shaken (succussed). This makes 1c potency.
One drop of this is diluted in 99 drops of diluent and shaken to make a 2c. One drop
of the 2c is diluted in 99 drops of diluent and shaken to make a 3c, etc. Commonly
available potencies are 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c, 1M (1,000c), 10M, 50M, CM. The remedies
keep getting stronger and more powerful with subsequent dilutions.
A 1M potency of a remedy has a very strong energetic effect on the body compared
to the milder potency of 6c. If an animal has a chronic illness with tissue pathology,
you would use a low potency. If a strong, young animal, a higher potency.
By the time the dilution is at 12c there are no molecules of the original substance
remaining. The potency must match the energetic level of the ill animal to be most
effective and least likely to cause stressful aggravations.
be reporting to the homeopath when symptoms return or new ones develop or when
the overall health and vitality are not improving.
Administration of remedies: Basically get them in the mouth or on the mucous
membranes. Crush the dry pellets or dilute in water. If needed they can be given in
bland dairy products.
General comments on remedies:
Labels: Only the name and potency of the remedy have any meaning on the
label. Quantity and frequency are different for every animal. Remedies do not
treat one thing only. Remedies never expire. We are still using remedies
Hahnemann made, and I have seen the kit of remedies made by James Kent in
the early 1900s still being used today.
Evaluation of Response to a remedy - The goal is to see a deep improvement in energy
and emotional levels with a slow resolution of symptoms. If symptoms go away without
an overall improvement (as often happens with drugs) then a cure has not happened
and future illnesses will probably occur.
The 4 main responses are:
1. No apparent change and you waited an appropriate length of time.
2. Palliation – temporary improvement.
3. Suppression – current symptoms resolve quickly and the animal becomes
more seriously ill.
4. Cure – the symptoms slowly resolve and the animal becomes healthier. The
symptoms never return unless obstacles to cure happen, although there
may be temporary illnesses from which they recover easily.
When choosing a remedy – find the key symptoms of the animal that match the
symptoms of the remedy (listed in the books or my notes).
A few Remedies for First Aid Problems
Rescue remedy (a flower essence and not a homeopathic remedy) can be used along with the
homeopathic treatments.
ARNICA- SOFT TISSUE INJURY, bruising, soft tissue damage
CALENDULA - topical or internal to promote healing of WOUNDS, and infection.
Arnica of the nerves. Crushed, mashed fingers or toes (i.e: stepped on or slammed in door)
Injuries from punctures, gums, disc paralysis (if people cannot afford surgery or do not want
surgery let them know (through your boss) that homeopathy can help some dogs.
RHUS-TOXICODENDRON - RUSTY GATE type lameness - pain and stiffness on initially moving
resolves as they gently move around and limber up.