
Boseto, David
University of the South pacific, Suva, FJ (Applied Science)
Biodiversity, freshwater fish
Current affiliation, academic qualifications and contact details
David Boseto
Graduate School
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, USA
Melanesian Geo Magazine
P.O. Box R36, Ranadi
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Research record and ongoing work
Current Research Project: Systematic review of genus Sicyopterus
(Teleostei:Gobiodei: Sicydiinae) of the Indo-Pacific.
Current Community Project: Community Officer for the Community Conservation
Agreement (CCA) program in the Solomon Islands.
Working with communities in Gatokai and Kolobangara islands in Western Province
and a tribe from Pagoe Village, North Choiseul, Choiseul Province.
Research Interest:
-Biological inventory of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna
-Impact of invasive species on native species and their ecology
-The impact of global warming on island biodiversity
Research work in the Solomon Islands:
-Preliminary terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity survey of Gatokai Island 2007
-Estuarine and freshwater fish survey of Tetepare Island 2006
-Rapid inventory of freshwater aquatic fauna of Solomon Islands 2005
-Terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity survey of Choiseul Island in 2005
Key publications/reports/materials
Boseto, D., Morrison, C., Pikacha, P., and Tikai Pitakia, T. 2007. Biodiversity and
conservation of freshwater fishes in selected rivers on Choiseul Island, Solomon
Islands. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Science. 3, 16- 21
Jenkins, A.J., Allen, G.R., and Boseto, D., (In Progress-final stage) Lentipes
solomonensis, a new species of freshwater goby (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae)
from the Solomon Islands.
Boseto et al (2007) Biodiversity and conservation of freshwater fishes in selected
rivers on Choiseul (article).pdf
Boseto et al (207) Herpetology, community education and logging in Choiseul