Curriculum Spanish 1


Para Empezar

 Greet people at different times of day

 Introduce yourself

 Respond to classroom directions

 Numbers

 Telling time

 Body parts

 Classroom objects

 Questions about new words/phrases

 Alphabet

 Calendar/days/months/dates

 weather/seasons

 colors

Capítulo 1A- ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

Telling what you like/ don't like to do



Gustar with infinitives


Expressiong Agreement or disagreement

Chapter 1B:

 Adjectives.

 Definite and Indefinite Articles.

 Word Order: Placement of Adjectives.

Capítulo 2A

 School Schedules/Subjects

 Ordinal Numbers 1st - 10th

 Subject Pronouns

 Present Tense of -AR verbs

Curriculum Spanish 1

Capítulo 2B

 More Clasroom Objects

 Prepositions Location Words

 the Verb Estar

 Plural of Nouns and Articles.

Capítulo 3A

 Foods and Beverages

 Present Tense of -ER and -IR Verbs

 Gustar/Encantar (Plural)

Capítulo 3B

 Dinner foods/beverages

 Describe what people/things are like

 Discuss food/health/exercise choices

Capítulo 4A- ¿Adónde vas?

Places to go in a community

Leisure activities

Question words

The verb Ir

Where are you from?

Capitulo 4B:

 Activities Outside of School.

 Extend, Accept, Decline Invitations.

 Me gustaría...

 Ir + a + infinitive.

 The verb JUGAR.

 Feelings.

 At What Time Something Occurs.

Capitulo 5A

 The family

 The verb Tener

 Celebrations and Parties

 Ask and tell Age

 Possessive Adjectives,

 Diminutives

Capitulo 5B

 Adjectives ending in -isimo

 the Verb Venir

 Comparisons Ser y Estar

Capítulo 6A

 The Bedroom/Bedroom Items/Electronic Equipment

 Making Comparisons

 Superlatives

 Colors

 Stem-Changing Verbs: Poder and Dormir
