There are lots of opportunities to read more into different areas of

A level Biology reading list
There are lots of opportunities to read more into different areas of biology,
whether it be pathogens and disease, biodiversity or genetics. There are lots
of good programmes with a Biology theme running through them like Horizon.
There are less obvious programmes like Countryfile and Wildlife
documentaries and even films like ‘The Island’ have science at there core.
Even things like QI can be a useful learning tool as long as you look into any
key facts that are presented.
I would always recommend days out to enhance your learning – a trip to
London Zoo (they have a big new exhibit on Biodiversity) or RHS Wisely (they
have an underground zone that goes into detail about the nitrogen cycle).
Magazines – New Scientist, Scientific American.
Journals – Nature, Science
News – In the National broadsheets and News channels like the BBC have a
look in there science and nature sections for up to date developments and
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins. Probably the most famous
popular science book.
The Extended Phenotype - Richard Dawkins
The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Power, Sex, Suicide - Nick Lane. A book about mitochondria. Quite
heavy, but absolutely fascinating!
Genome - Matt Ridley. Quirky, easy writing about genetics.
The Seven Daughters of Eve - Bryan Sykes. Describes his use of
mitochondrial DNA to trace migration patterns, etc. Very easy to read,
although perhaps a little sensationalist.
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Y: The Descent of Men - Steve Jones
The Double Helix - James Watson. An autobiographical account by the
man himself, giving you an insight into the background behind the
Nature Via Nurture - Matt Ridley. Ridley takes on the age old question:
is it nature or nurture that makes us who we are?
"The Ancestor's Tale" - Richard Dawkins. Dawkins takes the reader
back in evolution through major phylogenetic divergence to the dawn of life
on Earth.
Perfect people - Peter James. A couple loose child to a genetic disease
and get the opportunity to have a ‘designer’ child that will not have the
disease. Easy to read story but the implications are terrifying.