Parish Implementation - Diocese of Ripon and Leeds


Section 2 - Parish Implementation

Everyone, as a citizen, has a responsibility for the safety, well-being and protection of others. Everyone within the church community also has a responsibility to ensue that there is a welcome for all people, including those seen as vulnerable. A policy about the safeguarding of vulnerable people should be the concern of the whole congregation, and should be presented to the P.C.C for adoption and be reaffirmed at least annually. This is an opportunity for church members to remember their commitment to one another.

Everyone should be alert to situations where those who might be vulnerable are exposed to unacceptable risks. Those who work with vulnerable people often find themselves in challenging situations and need the support, prayers and encouragement of everyone in the congregation. Sometimes workers may be confronted with difficult behaviour on the part of those with whom they are working; sometimes workers may have to face difficult decisions about incidents that may need to be reported to the statutory authorities. The congregation and church workers need to be clear about the procedures which should be followed when they are concerned about people being harmed or abused.

Those who work most closely with vulnerable people in lunch clubs, day centres, Bible study groups or pastoral visitors, etc., are in a unique position to get to know them. As a result, workers might learn about things that give cause for concern or they may see others, sometimes including fellow workers or church members, behaving in ways that may be described as abusive or potentially harmful. When visiting a care home, for example, a visitor may observe another resident showing signs of abuse. Workers should have a good knowledge of the guidelines for good practice and should be implementing them; they should know what to do if they learn of any incidents where vulnerable people are being mistreated or abused.

Not all concerns about the welfare or safety of a vulnerable person need the public authorities to be involved: sometimes it may be that the concern focuses on behaviour and attitudes that are not immediately harmful, and then the matter should be dealt with through training or discussion. The choices of the vulnerable adult concerned should if at all possible be accepted. The response to any concerns should always be proportionate and appropriate to the issue.

Parishes should do their best to provide a safe place for those who may be vulnerable. Where the parish organizes special activities of groups for vulnerable people, care should be taken to ensure that those who work in these activities are carefully appointed, supported and supervised.

Recruitment to other positions of trust should be carried out sensitively but thoroughly to try to prevent inappropriate appointments being made.

Safe Church Policy

1 st Edition, May 2008

Section 2 - Parish Implementation Page 1 of 2

The P.C.C. together with the incumbent carries a duty of care for the safety of those who attend or use the church. The Council should, with the help of the diocese, ensure that a policy is in place that reflects the need to safeguard vulnerable people and that it is being implemented and has appropriate resources. The Council needs to find ways to communicate the policy to the whole congregation. Clergy in particular need to be aware of the pastoral needs of vulnerable people, their carers and those that work with them.

A named individual should be appointed by the P.C.C. to act as the key person to speak on behalf of vulnerable people both within the congregation and to outside bodies. Ideally the appointed person should have some experience in this field. This person should be recruited using the “recruitment procedures” section in this document, and should apply for a CRB disclosure.

This person may be the most appropriate person to receive information about concerns and will need to listen to all concerns carefully, possibly discussing the matter with the adult concerned. In such cases the procedure in the section “What to do if you suspect abuse” should be followed. The diocesan adviser should also be contacted.

It is possible for smaller parishes and those in a united benefice to appoint one person for the group, provided that it is clear that each P.C.C. is legally responsible for the activities in its own parish.

Each parish should adopt the “Parish Policy Statement” (Appendix 1), and inform the diocesan office of the details of the appointed representative.

Safe Church Policy

1 st Edition, May 2008

Section 2 - Parish Implementation Page 1 of 2
