Weaving the Lexicon with Qualia

立 中
語 言 學 研 究 所
Institute of Linguistics
Weaving the Lexicon with Qualia:
Towards an Empirical Neostructuralist Lexical Semantics
謝舒凱 博士
時 間:Friday, 13:30-15:30, March 18, 2011
地 點:文學院144室
With the growing interest of the lexicon in linguistic theory, there have been diverse
developments in the contemporary lexical semantic theories, among which the Generative Lexicon
(GL) theory proposed by Pustejovsky (1995) has gained widespread popularity. The GL theory is
characterized as a promising ‘neo-structuralist’ approach in the theoretical history of lexical
semantics (Geeraerts, 2010), for its semantic minimalist concerns on cognitive demarcation between
word knowledge and world knowledge on the one hand, and the close link with both formal
apparatus and computational linguistic ambitions on the other hand.
In this talk, I'll review some of our works on the GL interpretation and implementation at
different levels of Chinese lexical data, such as conventionalized radical ontology and compositional
mechanism in compounding. Particular focus will be placed on Qualia Structure, one of the most
novel and encompassing specifications in the GL theory which functions as an interface of linguistic
and non-linguistic information. Finally, I'll present the empirical approaches we propose to reconcile
the over/under-generation issues raised by the critics, with the potential impacts couched in the
context of advanced development in computational lexical semantics.