Evolution Practice questions

Evolution Practice questions
1. The diagram below shows a comparison of nitrogen base sequences in the DNA of
some organisms to those of a human. According to this diagram, humans may be most
closely related to the (1.) gorilla (2.) ancestral primate (3.) orangutan (4.) chimpanzee
2. Blood proteins in horses are chemically similar to blood proteins in monkeys. This
similarity suggests that horses and monkeys (1.) can interbreed (2.) evolved at the same
time (3.) live in the same habitat (4.) have a common ancestor
3. The diagram below shows the gradual change over time in the anatomy of the horse.
Which concept is best illustrated by the physical variations in the horse as its body size
and structure change over time? (1.) acquired characteristics (2.) artificial selection (3.)
intermediate inheritance (4.) organic evolution
4. Fossils of an extinct species of giant armadillo were found to be similar to a smaller
species of armadillo presently inhabiting the same region. This similarity could best be
explained on the basis of (1.) evolution from older forms (2.) use and disuse (3.)
inheritance of acquired characteristics (4.) the heterotroph hypothesis
5. A study of the position and shape of the bones in the forelimbs of a flying squirrel, a
bat, and a beaver showed that the beaver and the flying squirrel appear to be most closely
related. This determination was most likely based on a study in the field of comparative
(1.) anatomy (2.) biochemistry (3.) embryology (4.) cytology
6. Fossils would most likely be found in (1.) amber that is over 8 billion years old (2.)
icebergs that are 500 billion years old (3.) sedimentary rocks that are 500 million years
old (4.) volcanic rocks that are 50 million years old
7. The diagram below shows undisturbed sedimentary strata at the bottom of an ocean.
The fossils found in layer B resemble the fossils found in layer A. This similarity
suggests that (1.) the fossils in layer B were formed before the fossils in layer A (2.)
modern forms of life may have evolved from earlier forms of life (3.) vertebrate fossils
are only found in sediments (4.) the fossils in layer A must be more complex than those
in layer B
8. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, differences between species may be the
result of (1.) the disuse of body structures (2.) the transmission of acquired characteristics
(3.) natural selection (4.) mutagenic agents
9. Two nucleotide sequences found in two different species are almost exactly the same.
This suggests that these species (1.) are evolving into the same species (2.) contain
identical DNA (3.) may have similar evolutionary histories (4.) have the same number of
10. According to Charles Darwin, one factor that affects the evolution of a species is (1.)
variation due to genetic mutations (2.) rapid fossil formation (3.) survival of the fittest
(4.) exposure to environmental pollutants
11. The diagrams below represent stages in the embryonic development of four
organisns. The similarities in embryonic development shown in the diagram suggest that
these organisms (1.) are all members of the same species (2.) all undergo external
development (3.) may have evolved from a common ancestor (4.) have adaptations for
the same environment as adults
12. In the diagram of a whale below, the bones labeled "pelvis" and "femur" appear to be
useless. The possibility that these bones were once useful gives support to the (1.)
modern theory of evolution (2.) heterotroph hypothesis (3.) concept of fossil formation
(4.) concept of stable gene frequencies
13. Which statement best describes evolution? (1.) Evolution is a predictable change from
simple to complex organisms. (2.) Evolution is a process of change through time. (3.)
Evolution often proceeds from complex to simpler organisms. (4.) Evolution causes
organisms to develop characteristics they need.
14. In Yellowstone National Park, some species of algae and bacteria can survive and
reproduce in hot springs at temperatures near the boiling point of water. The ability to
survive and reproduce at these temperatures is an example of (1.) aggregate formation
(2.) adaptation (3.) artificial selection (4.) reproductive isolation
15. The diagrams below show embryos of three different vertebrate species. According to
one theory, similarities in these embryos suggest common ancestry. As these embryos
mature, they will most likely (1.) develop new organs according to the nutritional
requirements of each organism (2.) show no similarity as adults (3.) continue to closely
resemble each other as adults (4.) develop the distinctive characteristics of their species
16. Darwin's studies of finches on the Galapagos Islands suggest that the finches'
differences in beak structure were most directly due to (1.) acquired characteristics in the
parent finches (2.) the size of the island where the finches live (3.) mating behaviors of
the different finch species (4.) adaptations of the finches to different environments
17. The diagrams below represent homologous structures. The study of the evolutionary
relationships between these structures is known as comparative (1.) cytology (2.)
biochemistry (3.) anatomy (4.) embryology
18. Biologically similar organisms have similar DNA and proteins. This statement
supports the concept of (1.) diversity in species (2.) acquired characteristics (3.) use and
disuse (4.) organic evolution
19. The embryos of fish, chickens, and pigs have gill slits and a tail. The presence of
these features suggests that (1.) all these animals can swim (2.) these animals may have
had a common ancestor (3.) gill slits and tails are required for embryonic development
(4.) pigs developed from chickens
20. Characteristics of a species that make its members better able to live and reproduce in
their environment are known as (1.) abiotic factors (2.) biotic factors (3.) favorable
adaptations (4.) homologous structures
21. The diagram below represents undisturbed rock strata in a given region. A
representative fossil of an organism is illustrated in each layer. Which statement best
describes a relationship between these representative organisms? (1.) Organism A was
probably more structurally advanced than organism B and organism C. (2.) Organism C
probably gave rise to organism A and organism B. (3.) All of these organisms probably
evolved at the same time. (4.) Organism A was probably more primitive than organism B
and organism C.
22. In the early stages of development, the embryos of birds and reptiles resemble each
other in many ways. This resemblance suggests that they (1.) belong to the same species
(2.) are adapted for life in the same habitat (3.) share a common ancestry (4.) are both
animal-like protists
23. In his theory of evolution, Charles Darwin was not able to explain (1.) competition
(2.) overproduction (3.) reproduction (4.) variation
24. Which statement is best supported by the theory of organic evolution? (1.) Every
period of time in earth's history has its own group of species. (2.) Present day species
developed from early distinctly different species. (3.) Every different location on the
surface of the earth has its own distinctly different species. (4.) A new species moves into
a habitat when another becomes extinct.
25. In the early stages of development, both chicken and pig embryos have gills slits,
two-chambered hearts, and tails. This similarity suggests that chickens and pigs most
probably (1.) have a common ancestry (2.) carry on aerobic respiration as adults (3.) use
gills for breathing during embryonic development (4.) have inadequate circulation
26. Charles Darwin proposed that organisms produce many more offspring than can
possible survive on the limited amount of resources available to them. According to
Darwin, the offspring that are most likely to survive are those that (1.) are born first and
grow fastest (2.) are largest and most aggressive (3.) have no natural predators (4.) are
best adapted to the environment
27. The graph below shows the results of an investigation related to evolution. This graph
was most likely developed from data involving a study of the (1.) transmission of
acquired characteristics (2.) concept of punctuated equilibrium (3.) concept of gradualism
(4.) variation within a species
28. One concept that supports the theory of evolution states that organisms best adapted
for survival are the ones that will reproduce and pass traits on to future generations.
Adaptations that can be passed on do not include (1.) the basic structure of the organism
(2.) the reflex actions of the organism (3.) the manner in which the organism carries out
respiration (4.) techniques for hunting food taught by the parents of the organism
29. In the diagram below B, C, and D represent organisms that exist in the present time
and show a striking similarity to each other in their bone structure. In the diagram, letter
A most likely represents (1.) homologous structures (2.) a common ancestor (3.) an
acquired characteristic (4.) geographic distribution
30. Which area of biology compares and attempts to explain the structural changes that
have taken place in living things over millions of years, as well as those changes
occurring today? (1.) classification (2.) reproduction (3.) physiology (4.) evolution
31. Two organisms are closely related and are thought to share a similar evolutionary
history. If this assumption is correct, these organisms most likely have (1.) no structural
differences (2.) few biochemical similarities (3.) identical chromosome mutations (4.)
similar embryological development
Use the information provided in the chart below questions 32 and 33, and your
knowledge of the living environment to answer questions 32 and 33 which follow.
32. According to this information in the chart that follows, the closest evolutionary
relationship most likely exists between the (1.) human and chimpanzee (2.) human and
the gorilla (3.) chimpanzee and the gorilla (4.) horse and the zebra
33. The information in the chart provides data that can help in the identification of
possible evolutionary relationships from the study of comparative (1.) cytology (2.)
embryology (3.) anatomy (4.) biochemistry
34. Many biologists believe that the great number of different species of organisms which
exist on the planet and the present time has resulted from billions of years of (1.) gel
electrophoresis (2.) recombinant DNA (3.) cloning (4.) evolution
35. What is the most probable reason that fossils found in lower layers of undisturbed
rock are not found in upper layers of undisturbed rock in the same rock sequence? (1.)
The development of many different organisms is part of an evolutionary process which
has occurred for billions of years. (2.) Fossils of early organisms are much more complex
than those of later organisms. (3.) Organisms living today show no relationship to
organisms living billions of years ago. (4.) Changing environments on the earth have
resulted in the extinction of many organisms.
36. According to most scientists, which sequence best represents the order of biological evolution
on Earth?
(1) A  B  C (2) B  A  C (3) B C  A (4) C A  B
True/False Section: Indicate whether the following statements are true or false based on
your knowledge of the living environment and study of evolutionary theories.
1. The concept of biological evolution is that the Earth's present-day species developed
from earlier, distinctly different species.
2. The sorting and recombination of genes during mitosis and fertilization result in a great
variety of different gene combinations which drive the process of evolution.
3. New heritable characteristics can result from new combinations of existing genes or
from mutations of genes in reproductive cells.
4. Gene mutations can be caused by agents such as radiation and chemicals.
5. Only gene mutations which occur in gametes or sex cells can be passed on to the
6. Asexually reproducing species have more variations which make the species more
likely to survive changing conditions.
7. Natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for
the fossil record of ancient life forms, as well as for the molecular and structural
similarities seen amongst many diverse organisms living today.
8. Individuals with advantageous adaptations to the environment tend to increase in
Constructed Response Section
1. Use the terms gene, variation, adaptation, and survival of the fittest to
explain the evolution of resistance to a virus in gerbils. Underline these key
terms in your explanation. Your explanation should be in accordance with the
theory of natural selection.
2. The diagram at the right shows
a series of homologous bone
structures in four different species
of vertebrates. Explain how these
structures support the theory of
organic evolution.
3. Use the chart at the right which
compares similarities between
nitrogenous base sequences in
different primates and your
knowledge of the living environment
to answer the following questions.
(a.) Based on the information
provided, which primate is mostly
closely related to humans? Why?
(b.) Based on the chart at the right,
explain why chimpanzees, humans,
and gorillas produce enzymes and
hormones with identical sequences of
amino acids.
4. List and explain three sources of variation in sexually reproducing living things.
Multiple Choice Section
1. 4
10. 3
19. 2
28. 4
2. 4
11. 3
20. 3
29. 2
3. 4
12. 1
21. 4
30. 4
4. 1
13. 2
22. 3
31. 4
5. 1
14. 2
23. 4
32. 1
6. 3
15. 4
24. 2
33. 4
7. 2
16. 4
25. 1
34. 4
8. 3
17. 3
26. 4
35. 4
9. 3
18. 4
27. 4
36. 3
True/False Section
1. True 2. False (would be true if the word mitosis said meiosis)
3. True 4. True 5. True
6. False (would be true if the word asexually was replaced by the word sexually)
7. True 8. True
Constructed Response Section (keep in mind that other responses may be acceptable)
1. Different kinds of variations of gerbils existed having slightly different DNA
sequences or genes. Some gerbils with this different genetic makeup were not harmed by
a particular virus. This was an adaptation which better suited this variety of gerbils for
surviving an outbreak of this virus. This ability to be better suited for survival in this
particular situation is referred to as survival of the fittest in Darwin's theory of natural
2. These similarities in bone structure indicate that these four mammals may have
evolved from a common ancestor.
3. (a.) The chimpanzee has a 98.2% similarity with the human nitrogenous base sequence
and would be considered evolutionally most similar.
(b.) Enzymes and hormones are proteins composed of amino acid sequences. The more
similar the nitrogenous base sequences making up the DNA of different organisms, the
more similar their proteins, such as enzymes and hormones are likely to be. Since all
these primates have very similar nitrogenous base sequences, it is reasonable that they
will have many common enzymes, hormones, and other proteins.
4. Mutations are changes in DNA. Recombination occurs when the Mother and Father's
genes are mixed at fertilization. Crossing over is the exchange of chromosome pieces in
the first meiotic division. This means essentially that no two gametes producing offspring
from any parent will be the same.