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Nasr Medelci
#724, S&R1, SVEC, University of Houston
Houston, Texas, 77204-5507
(713) 743-3621
(713) 747-7724
Licence (B.S.)
University of Houston, Electrical Engineering
University of Missouri-Rolla, Electrical Engineering
University of Oran, Physics
Research Scientist. University of Houston
Research Associate, University of Houston
Research Assistant, University of Houston.
Materials and Devices Processing Task Leader at the Nitride Materials and
Devices Laboratory
1. Demonstrated nitride based junction devices operating at above 600 C
2. Demonstrated pre-breakdown luminescence devices using BN/GaN
3. Demonstrated RIE and photo-enhanced RIE of BN and III-Nitride materials
4. Demonstrated gated field emission devices.
1. Demonstrated high efficiency InP and InGaAs single junction, quantum well, and
tandem solar cells.
2. Demonstrated high performance InP and InGaAs tunnel junctions.
"Tandem solar cell with indium phosphide tunnel junction", Patent Number 5,800,630.
Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE).
The State of Texas Advanced Technology Program, “Integrated Multifunctional Fluorescence
Sensors for Real Time Environmental Effluents & Water Analysis Low ", $ 269,682 (01/200001/2002).
1) Medelci. N, Tempez. A, Starikov D, Badi N, Berishev I, and Bensaoula A; “Etch Characteristics of
GaN and BN Materials in Chlorine-Based Plasmas”; Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 29(9),
1079-1083 (2000) (in press).
2) E. Kim, A. Tempez., N. Medelci, I. Berichev, and A. Bensaoula, "Selective Area Growth of GaN on
Si(111) by Chemical Beam Epitaxy "; J. Vac. Soc. Technol. A 18(4), 1130-1134 (2000).
3) Medelci. N, Tempez. A, Starikov. D, Berishev. I, and Bensaoula. A; “Photoassisted RIE of GaN in
BCl3/Cl2/N2”; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 572, 535-540 (1999).
4) Tempez. A, Medelci. N, Badi. N, Berichev. I, Starikov. D, Bensaoula. A, "Photoenhanced RIE of III-V
Nitrides in BCl3/Cl2/Ar/N2 Plasmas"; J. Vac. Soc. Technol. A 17(4), 2209 (1999).
5) Starikov. D, Badi. N, Berichev. I, Medelci. N, Kameli. O, Sayhi. M, Zomorrodian. V, and Bensaoula.
A; "MIS Schottky Barrier Structures Fabricated Using Interfacial BN Layers Grown on GaN and SiC
for Optoelectronic Device Applications”; J. Vac. Soc. Technol. A 17(4), 1235-1238 (1999).
6) Medelci. N, Tempez. A, Kim. E, Badi. N, Starikov. D, Berichev. I, and Bensaoula. A; “Reactive Ion
Etching of Boron Nitride and Gallium Nitride Materials in Cl 2 and BCl3/Cl2/Ar Chemistries”; Mat.
Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 512, 285 (1998).
7) D. Starikov, I. Berichev, N. Medelci, Ester Kim, Ye Wang, and A. Bensaoula, “A Hot Electrons-Based
Wide Spectrum on-Orbit Optical Calibration Source”, Space Technology and Applications
International Forum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1998; AIP Conference Proceedings, Part Two, 648653 (1998).
8) Badi. N, Tempez. A, Starikov. D, Zomorrodian. V, Medelci. N, Bensaoula. A, Kulik. J, Lee. S, Perry.
S.S, Ageev. V.P, Garnov. S.V, Ugarov. M.V, Klimentov. S.M, Tokarev. V.N, Waters. K, and Schultz.
A; “Boron carbon nitride materials for tribological and high temperature device applications”; Space
Technology and Applications International Forum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1998; AIP Conference
Proceedings, Part Two, 666-671 (1998).
9) Badi. N, Tempez. A, Kulik. J, Starikov. D, Medelci. N, Klimentov. S. M, Garnov. S.V, Ageev. V.P,
Ugarov. M.V, Waters. K, Schultz. A, and Bensaoula. A; “Boron nitride materials for tribological and
high temperature high power devices”; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 495, 359 (1998).
10) M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich and P. Renaud, “First epitaxial InP tunnel
junctions grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy”, J. Crys. Growth 164, 465-469 (1996).
11) M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich and P. Renaud, “InP tunnel junctions for
InP/InGaAs tandem solar cells”, Proc. SPRAT XIV Conf., NASA Conf. Publication (1995).
12) N. Medelci, A. Freundlich, A. Bensaoula and M. F. Vilela, “High performance InP lattice-matched
In0.53Ga0.47As tunnel junctions fabricated on Si substrates”, Proc. International Conf. on
Semiconductor Heteroepitaxy: Growth, Characterization and Device Applications, Montpellier, France
13) Nasr-Eddine Medelci, Mauro F. Vilela, Philippe Renaud, and Alexandre Freundlich, Albert Delaney
and Abdelhak Bensaoula, "Single and Multijunction InP-Based Photovoltaic Devices for Space
Applications", 12th SSNP, NASA-CCDS, APFS, and A-DTTA Conf., AIP Conf Proc. 324(CONF
950110-AIP), 1017-1025 (1995).
14) M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich and P. Renaud, “First Time Demonstration of
InP p/n Tunnel Junction”, Conf. Record of the 24th IEE-PVSC, IEEE Catalog #CH3365-4, 1946-8
15) A. Freundlich, V. Rossignol, M. F. Vilela, P. Renaud, N. Medelci, and A. Bensaoula, “InP-Based
Quantum Well Solar Cells Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy”, Conf. Proc of the 24th IEE-PVSC,
IEEE Catalog #CH3365-4, 1886-9 (1994).
16) P. Renaud, M. F. Vilela, A. Freundlich, A. Bensaoula, and N. Medelci, “Modeling of p-i(MultiQuantum Well)-n Solar Cell. A Contribution for a Near Optimum Design”, Conf. Proc of the 24th
IEE-PVSC, IEEE Catalog #CH3365-4, 1787-1790 (1994).
17) P. Renaud, M. F. Vilela, A. Freundlich, N. Medelci, and A. Bensaoula, "Calculation of Near
Optimum Design of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As Monolithic Tandem Solar Cells", Proc. SPRAT XIII Conf.,
NASA Conf. Publication 3278, 141-6 (1994).
18) A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich, M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, and P. Renaud, "Chemical Beam Epitaxy for
High Efficiency Photovoltaic Devices", Proc. SPRAT XIII Conf., NASA Conf. Publication 3278, 5361 (1994).
19) A. Bensaoula, N. Medelci, M. F. Vilela A. Freundlich, S. Taylor and B. Beaumont, "High efficiency
p/n In0.53Ga0.47As solar cell for tandem applications", Proc. Sixth International Conference on
Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, IEEE Catalog # 94CH3369-6, 280-3 (1994).
20) V. Rossignol, N. Medelci, M. F. Vilela, A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich, "Chemical Beam Epitaxy of InP
based solar cells and tunnel junctions", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12(2), 1251-3 (1993).
21) A. Freundlich, M. F. Vilela, A. Bensaoula and N. Medelci, "Very high peak current InGaAs tunnel
junctions for InP/InGaAs tandem cells fabricated on InP, GaAs, and Si substrates grown by Chemical
Beam Epitaxy", Proc. 23rd IEEE-Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, IEEE Catalog # 0-7803-12201/93, 644-9 (1993).
22) N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, M. F. Vilela and A. Freundlich, "Chemical beam epitaxy grown indium
gallium arsenide tunnel junctions", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 300, 453-457 (1993).
23) M. F. Vilela, A. Freundlich, A. Bensaoula and N. Medelci, "High performance In0.53Ga0.47As
tunnel junctions grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy", Proc. Fifth International Conference on Indium
Phosphide and Related Materials, IEEE Catalog #93CH 3276, 227-230 (1993).
1) N. Medelci, A. Tempez., I. Berishev, E. Kim, A. Bensaoula, M. Gonin, K. Fuhrer, and A. Schultz;
“Photo-Assisted RIE of III-V Materials in BCl3/Cl2/Ar/N2”; 46th AVS Int. Symp., October 25-29, 1999,
Seattle, WA.
I. E. Berishev, D. Starikov, N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, I. Rusakova, and E. Kim; “Growth of GaN Thin
Films and Device Structures on Silicon Wafers by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”; 46th AVS Int. Symp.,
October 25-29, 1999, Seattle, WA.
E. Kim, A. Tempez., N. Medelci, I. Berichev, and A. Bensaoula, "Selective Area Growth of GaN on
Si(111) by Chemical Beam Epitaxy "; 46th AVS Int. Symp., October 25-29, 1999, Seattle, WA.
D. Starikov, I. E. Berishev, N. Badi, N. Medelci, and A. Bensaoula,; “Boron Nitride Thin Films for
High Temperature Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Chips (MLC3’s)”; 46th AVS Int. Symp., October 2529, 1999, Seattle, WA.
N. Badi, D. Starikov, N. Medelci, I. E. Berishev, J.-W. Um, and A. Bensaoula,; “GaN-Based Diode
Structures for Optoelectronic Applications in the Near Ultraviolet Range of the Spectrum”; 46th AVS
Int. Symp., October 25-29, 1999, Seattle, WA.
N. Medelci, A. Tempez., D. Starikov, N. Badi, I. Berishev, and A. Bensaoula; “Photoenhanced
Reactive Ion Etching of III-V Nitrides in BCl3/Cl2/Ar/N2”; 1999 Material Research Society Spring
Meeting, April 5-9, 1999, San Francisco, CA.
7) Tempez. A, Medelci. N, Badi. N, Berichev. I, Starikov. D, Bensaoula. A, "Photoenhanced RIE of III-V
Nitrides in BCl3/Cl2/Ar/N2 Plasmas"; 45th AVS Int. Symp., November 2-6, 1998, Baltimore, MD.
8) Starikov. D, Badi. N, Berichev. I, Medelci. N, Kameli. O, Sayhi. M, Zomorrodian. V, and Bensaoula.
A; "MIS Schottky Barrier Structures Fabricated Using Interfacial BN Layers Grown on GaN and SiC
for Optoelectronic Device Applications”; 45th AVS Int. Symp., November 2-6, 1998, Baltimore, MD.
9) Medelci. N, Tempez. A, Kim. E, Badi. N, Starikov. D, Berichev. I, and Bensaoula. A; “Reactive Ion
Etching of Boron Nitride and Gallium Nitride Materials in Cl2 and BCl3/Cl2/Ar Chemistries”; 1998
Material Research Society Spring Meeting, April 13-17, 1998, San Francisco, CA.
10) N. Medelci, A. Tempez, E. Kim, N. Badi, D. Starikov, I. Berichev, A. Bensaoula, A. Chourasia, and
W. Zagozdzon-Wosik, "Reactive Ion Etching of BN and GaN using Cl2/Ar and BCl3/Cl2/Ar plasmas",
Nitride Workshop. June 23, 1998, Warsaw, Poland.
11) N. Medelci, A. Tempez, E. Kim, N. Badi, D. Starikov, I. Berichev and A. Bensaoula A. Chourasia,
"Reactive Ion Etching of BN and GaN using Cl2/Ar and BCl3/Cl2/Ar plasmas", May 27, 1998, Texas
Surface Science Round up.
12) D. Starikov, I. Berichev, N. Medelci, Ester Kim, Ye Wang, and A. Bensaoula, “A Hot Electrons-Based
Wide Spectrum on-Orbit Optical Calibration Source”, Space Technology and Applications
International Forum, January 1998, Albuquerque, NM.
13) Badi. N, Tempez. A, Starikov. D, Zomorrodian. V, Medelci. N, Bensaoula. A, Kulik. J, Lee. S, Perry.
S.S, Ageev. V.P, Garnov. S.V, Ugarov. M.V, Klimentov. S.M, Tokarev. V.N, Waters. K, and Schultz.
A; “Boron carbon nitride materials for tribological and high temperature device applications”; Space
Technology and Applications International Forum, January 1998, Albuquerque, NM.
14) Badi. N, Tempez. A, Kulik. J, Starikov. D, Medelci. N, Klimentov. S. M, Garnov. S.V, Ageev. V.P,
Ugarov. M.V, Waters. K, Schultz. A, and Bensaoula. A; “Boron nitride materials for tribological and
high temperature high power devices”; 1998 Material Research Society Fall Meeting, December 1-5,
1997, Boston, MA.
15) Badi. N, Tempez. A, Kulik. J, Starikov. D, Medelci. N, Klimentov. S.M; Garnov. S.V, Ageev. V.P,
Ugarov. M.V, and Bensaoula. A; Synthesis and Characterization of BN Thin Films by Laser Transient
Photoconductivity (PC); 1997 Material Research Society Fall Meeting, December 1-5, 1997, Boston,
16) M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich and P. Renaud, “InP tunnel junctions for
InP/InGaAs tandem solar cells”, SPRAT XIV Conf., Cleveland, OH, September 1995.
17) N. Medelci, A. Freundlich, A. Bensaoula and M. F. Vilela, “High performance InP lattice-matched
In0.53Ga0.47As tunnel junctions fabricated on Si substrates”, International Conf. on Semiconductor
Heteroepitaxy: Growth, Characterization and Device Applications, July 1995, Montpellier, France.
18) Nasr-Eddine Medelci, Mauro F. Vilela, Philippe Renaud, and Alexandre Freundlich, Albert Delaney
and Abdelhak Bensaoula, "Single and Multijunction InP-Based Photovoltaic Devices for Space
Applications", 12th SSNP, NASA-CCDS, APFS, and A-DTTA Conf.,. January 1995, Albuquerque,
19) M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich and P. Renaud, “First Time Demonstration of
InP p/n Tunnel Junction”, 24th IEEE-PVSC, December 1994.
20) A. Freundlich, V. Rossignol, M. F. Vilela, P. Renaud, N. Medelci, and A. Bensaoula, “InP-Based
Quantum Well Solar Cells Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy”, 24th IEEE-PVSC, December 1994.
21) P. Renaud, M. F. Vilela, A. Freundlich, A. Bensaoula, and N. Medelci, “Modeling of p-i(MultiQuantum Well)-n Solar Cell. A Contribution for a Near Optimum Design”, 24th IEEE-PVSC,
December 1994.
22) P. Renaud, M. F. Vilela, A. Freundlich, N. Medelci, and A. Bensaoula, "Calculation of Near
Optimum Design of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As Monolithic Tandem Solar Cells", SPRAT XIII Conf.,
Cleveland, OH, June 1994.
23) A. Bensaoula, A. Freundlich, M. F. Vilela, N. Medelci, and P. Renaud, "Chemical Beam Epitaxy for
High Efficiency Photovoltaic Devices", SPRAT XIII Conf., Cleveland, OH, June 1994.
24) A. Bensaoula, N. Medelci, M. F. Vilela A. Freundlich, S. Taylor and B. Beaumont, "High efficiency
p/n In0.53Ga0.47As solar cell for tandem applications", Proc. Sixth International Conference on
Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, March 1994, Santa Barbara, CA.
25) A. Freundlich, M. F. Vilela, A. Bensaoula and N. Medelci, "Very high peak current InGaAs tunnel
junctions for InP/InGaAs tandem cells fabricated on InP, GaAs, and Sisubstrates grown by Chemical
Beam Epitaxy", 23rd IEEE-Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, May 1993.
26) N. Medelci, A. Bensaoula, M. F. Vilela and A. Freundlich, "Chemical Beam Epitaxy grown indium
gallium arsenide tunnel junctions", 1993 M.R.S. Spring Meeting, April 1993, San Francisco, CA.
27) M. F. Vilela, A. Freundlich, A. Bensaoula and N. Medelci, "High performance In0.53Ga0.47As
tunnel junctions grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy", Fifth International Conference on Indium
Phosphide and Related Materials, April 1993.