Objection to Grant of Planning Permit - form

City of Melbourne
City Planning and Infrastructure,
PO Box 1603, Melbourne Vic 3001
Telephone: (03) 9658 9658 Fax: (03) 9650 1026
email: planning@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Planning and Environment Act 1987
Is this form for me? This is the form to object to a planning permit application where the City of Melbourne is the
decision maker. Please do not use this form to object to Ministerial applications.
Who is objecting?
Postal Address:
Postcode: .................
The following information is not mandatory, but will assist in keeping you
informed during the application process.
Telephone No. (H)
Fax No:
Email Address:
Which application do you object to?
What is the permit application number?
What is the address of the land?
TP-2014-524 ................................................................................................
1 -5 Queen Street, Melbourne .....................................................................................
What are the reasons for your objection?
I strongly object to the way this proposal treats an important heritage building.
Firstly, it retains only two facades of the building, yet another example of ‘facadism’, which the planning scheme specifically
discourages (Clause, 22.04 Heritage Places Within The Capital City Zone, Policy Basis - heritage buildings “…should be retained in
their three dimensional form, not as two dimensional facades as has sometimes occurred.”)
At least some of the actual historic structure of the building should be retained, such as structural walls or original roof.
Secondly the façade to Queen Street should be accurately reconstructed to match the Flinders Street façade, creating a complete
historic building, and complementing the adjacent historic 19th century buildings in Queen Street.
The tower itself is overly dominating. It is a giant glassy tower, which is not setback very far (only 3-5m), and then leans forward out
over the site, increasing its dominance. The drawing imply it will be so light in colour that it will be virtually invisible when in reality it
will be reflective and solid-looking, and the louvered balconies, floor levels, the lights, furniture, curtains and the like will be visible
through the glass.
It should be setback more like the 10m that used to be generally applied to heritage buildings, or perhaps there should not be a
tower at all.
How will you be affected by this proposal?
As a resident of greater Melbourne, I consider the CBD to be the heart of my city.
Our CBD includes a large number of important heritage buildings, which I consider to be part of my inheritance, and which I enjoy
I believe heritage places in the CBD are now sometimes being treated in a poor manner when they are part of a larger
redevelopment, and this saddens me.
I want to be able to enjoy the heritage places in my city, but proposal like this will sit forever as a horrible compromise, decreasing
my enjoyment of my city.
(If there is not enough room, attach a separate page)
Signature: ……………………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………………………………….
Please lodge the completed and signed form and all relevant documents to:
Planning Department
City of Melbourne
PO Box 1603
Melbourne VIC 3001
Important notes about the objection to permit application
Your objection and the personal information on this form is collected by The City of Melbourne for the purposes of the planning
process, as set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act). If you do not provide your name and address, the City
of Melbourne will not be able to consider your objection.
Your objection will be available at the City of Melbourne office for any person to inspect and copies may be made available on
request to any person for the relevant period set out in the Act.
You must not submit any personal information or copyright material of third parties without their informed consent. By submitting
the material, you agree that the use of the material as detailed above does not breach any third party’s right to privacy and
copyright. You can request access to your personal information by contacting the City of Melbourne.
See also Objecting to a planning permit application