Geology and Oceanography

Program Review Summary
Date : May 24, 2004
Geology & Oceanography
1. Define the discipline in terms of relevance and student need.
A. This discipline provides GE requirements for AA and transfer degrees.
B. Prepares students for Geology, Oceanography, an Environmental Science Majors.
C. Provides basic background for urban planners, environmentalists, policy makers.
D. Introduces the physical world to lower division students.
E. Provides a beginning point for students interested in physical nature.
2. Identify the courses taught in this discipline.
Environmental Science 1 – The Human Environment: Physical Processes
Geology 1 – Physical Geology
Geology 6 – Physical Geology Laboratory
Oceanography 1 – Introduction to Oceanography
Oceanography 10 – Physical Oceanography Laboratory
3. Identify factors that influence enrollment; such as, scheduling, combined sections, and
unique circumstances.
A. Mon and Wed offering of these classes is a positive influence on the enrollment.
B. Frequent field trips to coastal and inland sites enables students to apply concepts
learned in class.
C. The Labs are offered in single 3-hr blocks.
4. List strengths and weaknesses in relation to student needs.
A. Three sections of Oceanography lecture are offered on Mon & wed. providing
ample opportunities for students to enroll in the classes.
A. More collaborative learning activities may encourage better student participation
B. Geology not offered in the evening
C. Facilities [bus money] for larger field trips may increase the enthusiasm in students.
5. Review enrollment data in the LAHC Planning Resource Guide and verify the
accuracy of the data and explain any unique circumstances of the discipline
(Refer to Pages 59, 96, 99, 100 of the Fact Book & Planning Resource Guide)
6. State conclusions and significant findings.
Based on data provided in the Fact Book and Planning Resource Guide the program
appears to be healthy and viable.
7. State a plan of action that would strengthen this discipline if indicated.
Entry and exit surveys would provide feedback from the students regarding areas that
can be improved.