Notice for New enlistment and renewal of old suppliers

Notice for New enlistment and renewal of old vendors/suppliers
Sealed applications are invited from the bonafide suppliers/manufactures/sole agents
/distributors/whole sellers/contractors/procurement service providers for enlistment with
CARE In Pakistan in the following categories for the period of July 2011 through June
General Office material and supplies:
1. Office stationers and toiletries
2. Printing of dairy, calendar, posters, books and publication, blocks
3. Project materials e.g., rain coat, back pack, brief case, night bags,
sleeping bags, life jackets, surveying equipment, bedding and house hold
items, uniforms, first aid medicine, medical kits, etc.
4. Instrument and appliances like weighing and measuring scale, calculators,
vedio camera, still camera, digital camera, ceiling / stand fans, washing
machine, dryer, water heater, water filter and equipment, electric /gas
oven or cooker, Refrigerators, tube lights, electrical fittings, fire
extinguisher and other related accessories etc.
Suppliers from Sole agents/exclusive distributors/whole sellers:
1. Branded computers, printers including color, sever, scanners, computer
software, computer accessories, LAN accessories, repair and support
items for the computers and LAN system,
2. UPS and Voltage stabilizer
3. Photocopiers, toners, machines repairs and maintenance,
4. Over head project, multimedia projector, PA system, TV, VCR, other office
equipment and training aids,
5. Telephone sets, PABX system, intercom, cables and accessories
including maintenance,
6. Vehicles, Motorcycles, Air-conditioners, Refrigerators
7. Office furniture, etc.
Spare parts and accessories for supplies: CARE In Pakistan fleet of
vehicles throughout Pakistan and CARE needs good amount of motor spare
parts. The major criterion for such supplies is to have genuine parts from
reliable sources. The sub-groups are:
1. All sorts of spare including glass materials for Toyota etc.
Machine shops, denting and painting shops, general servicing, a/c repair,
tire repair shop, radiator etc.
3. Tires, tubes and flaps of Japan, European countries, Thailand, Indonesia
origin for motor vehicles
Group D:
Office /Residences maintenance and furniture works:
1. High quality wooden and steel office furniture supplies
2. General wooden, cane and steel furniture supplies
3. Wooden, cane and steel furniture maintenance, repair, painting,
renovation and paneling works including glass/aluminum fixing,
4. Civil and electrical construction’s material supply, repair and maintenance
5. Hardware and paints
General and transport services
1. Hotels, Rent-A-Car Services. Taxi-cab services, Transport of goods by
truck and air-services, photocopy, spiral bindings, book bindings etc
2. Generator and services
3. Security services
4. Shipping agents
5. Internet Services
6. Courier Services
7. Janitorial services
8. Insurance (health-Life)
9. Insurance (vehicles)
10. Insurance (Equipment)
Emergency Supplies
1. Emergency kits for settlement and works (Tents, Hygiene kits, Shelter kits,
Kitchen sets, Blankets, Sleeping bags, life jackets, jerry cans, Plastic
sheets, etc.)
2. Agriculture seeds, tools and others
3. Medicines, Medical kits and hospital kits
4. Civil construction material (including wooden or non-wooden and fixture)
5. Emergency supplier in Bulk
The following documents/papers are required to be submitted with application (as per the
prescribe form by CARE In Pakistan)
1. Valid trade license, NTN registration and certificate
2. Experience/performance certificate as supplier from any reputed
organization along with a list of its present customers
3. Sole agency/dealership/distributorship certificate and their price list of
products (For group B only)
4. Name of the Proprietor/Partners/Managing Director with business
address, telephone/fax numbers, email (if any), must be included in the
Applications along with required supporting documents/papers must be dropped by May
25, 2011 in the Enlistment Application Box, which will be kept in the Reception at CARE
office. The enlistment will be effective from 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012, which may be
extended upon sole decision of CARE Management. The authority reserves the right to
accept/reject any or all applications partially or wholly without assigning any reason