Biology 110 Review for Exam 3

Biology 110 Review for Exam 3
Chapters 7, 9, & 11
C/C the structural classification of neurons and apply the concepts (MQ).
Determine composition of central nervous system; peripheral nervous system.
Define neuroglia and provide names and functions of the various supporting cells (MQ).
Name the parts of a typical neuron and supply function(s).
C/C nuclei and ganglia; tracts and nerves.
Provide the functional classification of neurons and apply the concept(s).
Define myelin, determine location and composition; differentiate between cells forming
myelin (CNS/PNS), explain primary purpose, and relate to white matter of brain/spinal
Analyze polarization, depolarization, action potential, and repolarization of a neuron
Discuss sequence of events leading to an action potential; after an action potential.
Provide sequences in typical reflex arcs.
Name the three major parts of the brain stem and provide generalized function(s) of each
part (MQ).
Determine part of brain associated with control of temperature, endocrine activity, and
Determine part of brain associated with control of heart rate, respiration, and blood
Name the layers of the meninges from inside out and/or vice versa.
Determine correct sequence of spinal nerves and numbers from superior to inferior and/or
vice versa.
Name the connective tissue sheaths of neurons/fasicles/nerve from inside out and vice
C/C somatic and autonomic nervous systems (MQs and I mean MQs).
C/C sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulations (it’s E and D
Identify and label endocrine glands (MQs)
C/C negative and positive feedback mechanisms relating to hormone [ ]s.
C/C humoral, hormonal, and neural control of hormone [ ].
Define tropic hormone and apply the concept.
List the major anterior pituitary hormones and state target organ/glands.
C/C luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone (females/males) [MQ].
Name the substance(s) produced by the hypothalamus.
Evaluate the aldosterone-renin-angiotensin II mechanism (MQ).
C/C alpha and beta cells of the pancreas and apply the concept(s) [MQ].
C/C effects of insulin and glucagon on blood glucose levels.
Name the hormone important in sleep/wake cycles and determine where produced.
C/C secondary sexual characteristics in females and males.
Identify and label heart parts (MQs).
Name the layers of the heart wall and apply the concept(s).
C/C atria and ventricles.
Evaluate pulmonary and systemic circulation (MQs).
Name the heart valves and apply the concept(s).
Analyze the intrinsic conduction (nodal) system of the heart; trace the pathway (MQs).
Define tachycardia and bradycardia.
Evaluate the lub-dup heart sounds and state cause(s) of each.
Define stroke volume and apply the concept.
Trace a drop of blood in the vascular system.
C/C sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of the heart.
C/C increase/decrease in venous return relating to stroke volume and contraction force.
Name the parts of a blood vessel from inside out and vice versa.
Evaluate blood pressure within the vascular system.