Friends of Sheffield Music Service

Registered Charity Number: 1003611
The Friends of Sheffield Music Service
Brass and Wind Bands
invite you to attend our
Tuesday 18th October 2011
7.00 – 8.00 pm
The Bannerdale Centre
(Please follow the signs in the foyer)
The Music Service is going through major changes and so are
we. Apart from the usual election of officers, the main item
for discussion at this meeting will be a proposal to adopt the
orchestras and change our name and remit, to allow us to
provide support for ALL of our ensembles. This simpler
structure will be clearer for both parents and the Music
Service. Further information is available on our website:
The Friends cordially invite you to attend our AGM and to find
out more about how we support your children.
If you cannot attend but would like to be involved, receive minutes or
help out at concerts, please leave your contact details via the website or
by email to: