Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica Sede di Cuneo C.I.

Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica
Sede di Cuneo
C.I. - Problemi di salute V (materno infantile) Canale B
Antonio PIGA
Federica FERRERO
Pediatria generale e specialistica - Canale B
Infermieristica pediatrica - Canale B
Ginecologia e ostetricia - Canale B
Infermieristica ginecologica ed ostetrica - Canale B
Genetica medica - Canale B
Educational objectives
Pediatrics and Nursing care in Pediatrics:
Being able to provide pediatric nursing care in technical, relational and educational.
To know the physical and psychological development and the basic needs of the child.
To know the effects of illness and hospitalization on the psychophysical development of
the child.
To know how to identify and meet the needs of the hospitalized child at different ages.
To know the most common diseases of the newborn.
Being able to run and manage the main nursing interventions in the newborn, infant and
medical and surgical emergencies in an emergency service or hospital.
To know the principles of proper nutrition in the 'lactation (breast and artificial), weaning
and feeding after the first year.
To know how to assess the growth with the main auxological parameters.
To know the basics of pediatric pharmacology.
To know nursing techniques for biological sampling and administration of therapy.
To know how to manage central and peripheral venous accesses.
To know the problems of the adolescent with chronic diseases and the transition to adult
To know the functions of health system structures.
To know the basics of bioethics and forensic in pediatrics.
Gynecology and Obstetrics:
After completing the course students shall have to be able to plan, deliver and evaluate
preventive, curative, palliative, rehabilitative nursing care, applied to obstetrics and
gynecology in terms of information, education and support.
Nursing care in Gynecology and Obstetrics:
To know the maternal health services, legislation for the protection of pregnancy and
childbirth and the current guidelines for care at birth.
To know the role of the nurse during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in
physiological and pathological conditions.
To know the characteristics and advantages of breast feeding in comparison to artificial
To apply the educational role of the nurse in the prevention of genital cancer.
To know how to plan, deliver and evaluate nursing care in the pre-and post-operative
gynecologic surgery.
Medical Genetics:
General objective:
To know how to apply in professional practice the basic knowledge of human genetics
acquired during previous courses, with focus on the common scenarios of maternalinfant care.
Specific objectives:
To know how to get family history and build family trees.
To know how to manage and explain the transmission of ABO and Rhesus erythrocyte
groups, monofactorial diseases, dominant and recessive, autosomal and X-linked,
transmitted by maternal inheritance, multifactorial.
To know how to manage the basic orientation in diagnosis and genetic counseling,
particularly for: sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, congenital deafness,
congenital hip dysplasia, congenital malformations, mental retardation, adult
neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cancer risk, genetically based adverse reactions to
To know how to manage users of a family counseling center, with basic orientation on
the principles, operating modes, potential and limitations of neonatal screening
programs, and prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal aberrations and congenital
Pediatrics and Nursing care in Pediatrics:
Neonatal childcare; adaptation of the newborn to extra-uterine life
Clinical evaluation of the newborn at birth
Normal and pathological newborn
Pre-term and post-term newborn
Breastfeeding and artificial lactation
Feeding after the first year and in some pathological conditions
Auxological parameters
Exanthematic diseases
Prophylaxis of infectious diseases
Psychophysical development and basic needs of the child
Child and disease
Normal and pathological puberty
Outline of adolescentology
Newborn and infant care: assessment by Apgar score, umbilical cord medication, infant
Techniques for food administration , feeding tools sanitation
Techniques for biological sampling and drug administration routes and modalities
Monitoring of vital signs at various ages; posture and behavior observation.
Main nursing interventions in medical and surgical emergencies in an emergency service
or hospital
Pediatric health services
Existing legislation related to National and Regional Health Plan
Outline of bioethics and pediatric pharmacology
Gynecology and Obstetrics:
Gynecological Endocrinology – Endometrial cycle
Pelvic endometriosis
Screening for breast cancer and uterine cervix cancer
Climacteric and menopause
Pregnancy health
Main obstetric diseases
Approach to the in-patient woman
Breast cancer
Nursing care in Gynecology and Obstetrics:
- Outline of the history of childbirth healthcare, the Italian system, WHO
recommendations, medicalization and demedicalization of birth, humanization of
childbirth and protection of motherhood and fatherhood, health facilities and
professionals of mother-child healthcare.
- Role of the nurse in physiological pregnancy, in responsible procreation, prenatal
diagnosis and voluntary interruption of pregnancy. Nursing care in pregnancy requiring
hospitalization (threat of abortion, hyperemesis gravidarum, ectopic pregnancy,
therapeutic termination of pregnancy, third trimester bleeding, hypertension in
pregnancy, HELLP syndrome, threat of premature childbirth, gestosis, diabetes)
- Obstetric care in normal and pathological childbirth and postpartum period.
Breastfeeding guidelines.
- Role of the nurse in obstetric emergencies: bleeding from abortion in progress,
eclamptic crisis, premature detachment of normally inserted placenta, acute fetal
distress, cord prolapse, bleeding from placenta previa. Nursing interventions in delivery
in progress.
- Prevention of female genital cancer. Nursing care in: breast surgery, vaginal and
abdominal hysterectomy, ovarian surgery, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in
Medical Genetics:
The educational activity will be based on the presentation of the following exemplary
In a marriage guidance centre: first contact with users;
In a prenatal diagnosis centre: telephone booking, reception, gathering basic data and
medical history;
In a consulting room of neurology, endocrinology, cardiology: telephone booking,
reception, gathering basic data and medical history;
In a center for rare diseases: booking the visit, reception, gathering basic data and
medical history.
Final exam
Written test with multiple choice questions and / or open questions
The student can complete its preparation and deepen the topics on the following texts:
-Bona-Miniero, Pediatria Pratica, Ed. Min. Medica 2009
Gynecology and Obstetrics:
- P.V. Grella; M. Mondino., S.Pecorelli, L.Zichella, Compendio di Ginecologia e Ostetricia,
Monduzzi Editore.
- G.Santoni, L.Sgariboldi, Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Ed. Sorbona Milano
Nursing care in Gynecology and Obstetrics
-Di Giacomo P., Rigon L.A., Assistenza infermieristica e ostetrica in area materno
infantile, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2002
-Linee guida nazionali”Assistenza alla gravidanza e al parto fisiologico”
giugno 2004
-Wierdis T., Romanini C., Alba E., Arduini D., D’Addato F., Grio R., et al. Ginecologia e
ostetricia (II edizione). Torino: edizioni Minerva medica, 2003
-OMS, Care in normal birth. A practical guide, 1996
-Enkin M, Keirse MJNC, Neilson J et al. A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and
Childbirth, Oxford University Press, 2000