ITALIAN 201- Fall 2007

Dr. Anthony Costantini
Italian 201- Fall 2007
Office hours: M/W/F 11:00-12:00
Office room: Sierra Tower 434 –Phone Ext: 7226
Textbooks: Oggi in Italia by Ferdinando Merlonghi/Franca Celli Merlonghi/J. Tursi
(Houghton Mifflin Company)- 8th Eidtion
Workbook to accompany Oggi in Italia
Course Description and Objectives
The general characteristics of the course (methodology, origins of the Italian language,
importance of studying a foreign language, language lab, grading, etc) will be discussed
in depth the first day of class.
Italian 201 is a continuation of Italian 102. It emphasizes the acquisition of
communicative oral and written skills in a setting that will provide students with the
freedom to interact in Italian as spontaneously as possible in a simulated environment.
Students will continue to learn to understand and speak, read and write the practical
Italian necessary for the functioning of the daily basis and cultural know-how.
Proficiency is incrementally acquired and the pace and rate depends on the ability of the
student to participate in class and practice at every opportunity outside the classroom. For
this reason, the course will include a number of oral individual and group assignments
many of which will be based while the reading of short stories. A large portion of class
time will be spent using the language interactively, your participation is therefore
essential. At the end of the semester students will be able of converse on a variety of
topics through the use of a fairly large vocabulary.
SLOs-Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will have enough proficiency in Italian as to satisfy the
advanced level of the ACTFL standards. More specifically they will be able to
1) interact successfully in informal situations of daily life such as eating in a restaurant,
meeting people in a bar or coffee shop, buyng food in a local shop or in a supermarket,
buyng clothes in “al mercato all’aperto”
2) know a fairly large Italian vocabulary as to express themselves on a variety of social
and cultural topics
3) read, understand, and express ideas of short stories and other material read and
discussed in class
Course Requirements
There will be regular assignments of exercises and readings that are to be completed as
indicated. Oral participation in class discussion is mandatory. Students must always be
ready to elaborate upon ideas and topics expressed in text or in handout material. Class
presentations will be an integral part of the course. Class attendance is mandatory. It
is the University policy that if you miss more than three classes without proper
justification, your grade will be lowered one letter grade (“A” will be changed to “B,”
etc). Repeated later arrival will count as partial absences.
Grade Distribution
Your grade will consist of a. class participation-attendance, presentations……...30%
b. quizzes……………………………………………..20%
c. midterm……………………………………………25%
d. final………………………………………………..25%
Quizzes and Exams
While quizzes will concentrate more on the grammatical unit or units studied, midterm
and final will cover the activities of listening, reading, and writing. The percentage of
each activity will be spelled out in the exam. If necessary one quiz may be devoted only
to activity of listening and answering questions.
Helpful Web Sites
Class Etiquette
Absolutely no cell activity during class. Unacceptable or negative behavior involves
always asking teacher and classmates; moving around and going out to make phone call;
not paying attention to the teacher and acting bored as you were not part of the class;
stretch your legs to occupy two seats, etc.
Outline of Course Content
Ripasso della grammatical/Nuove letture/Vocabolario/Presentazioni in classe.
Lezione 13. Lettura di “Cento di questi giorni”-Domande/Vocabolario/Ampliamento del
vocabolario (287-294)- Condizionale (296-297)- Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbooks.
(QUIZ 1)- First Cultural presentation
Pronomi combinati (296-301)- Pronomi relative “che” e “cui” (301-302)- “La Sardegna”
e “Una bella meta turistica” (306-309)- Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook.
Lezione 14- Lettura di “In cerca di un appartamento” –
Domande/Vocabolario/Ampliamento del vocabolario (310-317)- Comparativi (318-323)
Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook- (QUIZ 2)
Continuazione della Lezione 14- Congiuntivo presente: verbi che esprimono desiderio,
volontà e speranza (324-326)- “Firenze” e “Le origini della lingua italiana” (329-331)Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. Second Cultural Presentation
Lezione 15- Lettura del “Il telegiornale (332-334)- Il sistema politico italiano (335)Ampliamento del vocabolario/337-339)- Congiuntivo presente: verbi irregolari (340342). Esecizi dal Testo e dal Workbook.
Ripasso e Midterm- Presentazione di un film italiano.
Presentazioni in classe.
Lezione 15- Congiuntivo con espressioni impersonali (343-345)-Superlativo relative e
superlativo assoluto (346-348)- Esecizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. Third Cultural
Lezione 15- Comparativi e superlativi irregolari (349-351)- “Napoli” e Il popolo
napoletano” (354-356)- Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. (QUIZ 3).
Lezione 16- Lettura di “Che cos’è in programma?” (358-359)Vocabolario/Ampliamento del vocabolario (360-364)- Congiuntivo con espressione ei
emozione, dubbio o convinzione (365-368)- Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook.
Lezione 16.- Congiuntivo passato e congiuntivo dopo le congiunzioni (368-372)Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook (Quiz 4). Fourth Cultural Presentation.
Lezione 16. Costruzioni con “si”(373-374)- “L’Abruzzo e “Chieti” (377-380)- Esercizi
dal Testo e dal Workbook. Ripasso finale.