Speaker Kit Overview

Careers in Cancer
Speaker’s Kit
In this initial effort to inspire “Careers in Cancer”, the Cancer Workforce Team envisioned the Careers
in Cancer Speaker’s Kit with the following goals in mind.
By the end of the presentation, students will:
Appreciate the opportunity to make a difference in cancer, a major health problem
Consider the breadth and depth of career opportunities
Possess the tools to pursue more information about potential education and career paths
Conceptual Flow & Psychology
The presentation is divided into 2 versions, short and long. The first portion of the presentation, slides
1-25, is designed to open the door to possible career paths. The latter portion of the presentation is
designed to provide a more detailed profile of selected careers. In some cases, it may be more
appropriate to deliver the first portion of the presentation and provide the latter portion as a handout
Short Version
1) Phase I: “What Do You Enjoy?” - Identification
The initial slides focus on identification through the use of:
 Visual images of 15-25 year olds in street clothing
 Probing questions that might elicit an emotional response
 Messages suggesting “this could be you!”
2) Phase II: “Consider the Problem” – Opportunity
- Present the short version
of slides
- Provide the long version
as the handout
This section of slides focuses on the significance of cancer through:
 Facts about the incidence of cancer and survival statistics
 Messages suggesting the scope of the problem
 An invitation to make a difference
3) Phase III: “Consider Your Options” – Choices
The last section of slides highlights practical considerations:
 Earning potential, job security, career growth
 Variety of roles, work settings, and career paths
Long Version
In addition to the critical introduction described above, the longer version includes personal quotes
from cancer careerists as well as a profile of 7 different roles: Nurse, Physician, Social Worker, Public
Health Scientist, Research Scientist, Pharmacist, and Cancer Registrar. Speakers may choose to
review all of the career profiles or highlight a few careers based upon the interest of the audience.
Talking Points
Make it Fun!
Please consider the following:
INSPIRE: Create emotional connections that will drive logical decisions and action
- Emphasize the meaningful contribution of all cancer-related careers
- Share your personal story – education, career path, challenges / rewards
CONNECT: Interact with the audience throughout the presentation
- Who has considered a career in the health workforce? In cancer?
- Who has a friend or family member with cancer?
DEMYSTIFY: Try to overcome their preconceived notions about cancer and careers
- Emphasize the opportunity, not the shortage
- Focus on job security, not vacancy rates
- Highlight the hope of survivorship
- Illustrate the varying lengths of educational preparation and amount of patient contact
ASSESS: Recognize their developmental and generational characteristics
- Need for independence and choices
- Affinity for variety and flexibility
- Tolerance for challenge of career planning
TEACH: Increase the chances of comprehension and retention
- Avoid technical, scientific terminology, or jargon
- Repeat key points
- Limited amount of information and presentation length
Suggested Venues
Suggested venues for delivering Careers in Cancer presentation or making the speaker’s kit materials
Professional / Business Venues
 National Association Meetings – student tracks
 Recruiters for Healthcare organizations
 State Hospital Associations
 State Medical / Nursing / Oncology Societies
 Local Medical / Nursing / Oncology Chapters
 Trade Associations
 Career fairs / events
 State labor agency
Community / Educational Venues
 High schools, colleges
 Student associations
 Parent Teacher Organization /Association
 College fairs
 Guidance counselors
 School boards
 Youth groups - community service, faith-based
 Scouting troops
 Survivor / Family support groups
 Cancer fundraising events
Speaker’s Kit Inventory
The Careers in Cancer Speaker’s Kit contains the following materials for use in tailoring your
presentation to the audience, venue, and presentation length. All of these Microsoft Word and
PowerPoint files are contained on the CD-Rom and are available on our web site.
Reference / Information
Overview – Talking points, suggested venues
Data collection postcards
Presentation Materials
Careers in Cancer slide presentation – short version
Careers in Cancer slide presentation – long version
Approx. 20 minutes for slides 1-25
Approx. 45-60 minutes for slides 1-
Slide hand out
Resources List
Minimum Systems Requirements
Computer with the capacity to handle a 15 MB file
Microsoft PowerPoint 2001 or later versions
CD drive or Internet connectivity to download the materials from the web site www.cchangetogether.org on the Cancer Workforce Team page
LCD Projector for slide projection
Photocopier for additional handout production
Please contact Alison Smith with questions, problems, or suggestions with the material at
alisonpaigesmith@aol.com or (847) 432-6301.
For additional or replacement materials, please go to www.c-changetogether.com or contact the CChange office to request another speakers kit at 202.756.1600.
Future Editions
Future editions of these materials will be developed with video clips of health professionals and to
target other audiences. We would appreciate your feedback on this initial version based upon your
expertise and the feedback received from your audiences so that we may further enhance subsequent
C-Change would like to recognize the collaboration of many individuals for their contributions:
Vision by the Cancer Workforce Team, chaired by Maureen Lichtveld
Guidance by the Speaker’s Kit Subcommittee including Linda Filipczak, Pearl Moore, Gary
Reedy, and Paula Rieger
Research and development by Alison Smith and Emilie Tierney
Advice from Johnson & Johnson via Gary Reedy and Andrea Highan
Marketing and communications by John Turck; Graphic design by Patrick Powers