MODUL 2 Special pathomorphology

MODUL 2 Special pathomorphology
Text tests
1 All of the following statements correctly describe hereditary spherocytosis, EXCEPT:
A. *Red blood cells have the membrane-associated protein spectrin
B. A mutation in the ankyrin gene is present in most cases
C. Hemolytic crisis
D. An aplastic crisis
E. Splenectomy is invariably therapeutic
2 Features of megaloblastic anemias include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Hypersegmented neutrophils
B. *Lackof the membrane-associated protein spectrin
C. Increased intramedullary hemolysis
D. Increased extramedullary hemolysis
E. Pancytopenia
3 All of the following statements correctly describe aplastic anemia, EXCEPT:
A. Production of all hematopoietic bone marrow elements is reduced
B. Chemical \ drug exposure is the most common cause
C. Fanconi's anemia represents an inherited form of the disease
D. No underlying etiology is evident in E0% of cases
E. * Splenomegaly is a characteristic clinical finding
4 Multiple myeloma is associated with all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Hypercalcemia
B. Renal failure
C. Amyloidosis
D. * Increased susceptibility to viral infections
E. Rouleau formation on peripheral smear
5 Osmotic fragility is characteristic of the erythrocytes in which of the following diseases:
A. Fanconi's anemia
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
D. * Hereditary spherocytosis
E. Pernicious anemia
6 Iron-deficiency anemia is commonly associated with all of the following factors, EXCEPT:
A. Colon cancer
B. *Polycythemia
C. Gastrectomy
D. Normal menses
E. Pregnancy
7 Polycythemia vera is a proliferative disorder of stem cells that:
A. Has an X-linked recessive mode of transmission
B. Is associated with high levels of erythropoietin
C. Produces abnormalities in the red cell series only
D. *Is rapidly fatal if untreated
E. Is compatible with a normal life span if treated
8 Increased blood viscosity (hyperviscosity syndrome) is major complication of all of the
following disorders, EXCEPT:
A. Polycythemia vera
B. Immunoglobulin A myeloma
C. *"Hairy-cell" leukemia
D. Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
E. Heavy-chain disease
All of the following statements correctly describe nodular non- Hodgkin's lymphomas,
A. They are often associated with a predictable chromosomal translocation
B. They have a better prognosis than diffuse lymphomas
C. They are characterized by cells with irregular nuclear contours
D. *They are commonly composed of neoplastic B cells
E. They are highly responsive to chemotherapy
All of the following features can be found in myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis,
A. *Clonal proliferation of marrow fibroblasts
B. Giant platelets in the peripheral blood
C. Teardrop-shaped red cells in the peripheral blood
D. Elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase levels in the serum
E. Massive splenomegaly
Transformation to acute leukemia occurs as a complication of all of the following disorders,
A. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
B. Myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis
C. Aplastic anemia
D. *"Hairy-cell" leukemia
E. Polycythemia vera
Intermediate grade lymphomas include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Follicular, predominantly large-cell lymphoma
B. * Follicular, predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma
C. Diffuse, small cleaved cell lymphoma
D. Diffuse, mixed small- and large-cell lymphoma
E. Diffuse large-cell lymphoma
Chronic myelogenous leukemia is characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Lack of alkaline phosphatase in circulating neutrophils
B. Extreme splenomegaly
C. Transition to acute leukemia
D. Philadelphia chromosomes in stem cells
E. * Transition to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Factor that provides for a definitive diagnosis of hemolytic anemia is which of the following:
A. Red blood cell antibodies
B. *Red blood cell destruction
C. Red blood cell enzyme deficiency
D. Bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia
E. Abnormal hemoglobin
A deficiency of the red cell membrane component spectrin causes which of the following
A. Pernicious anemia
B. * Hereditary spherocytosis
C. Sickle cell anemia
D. Thalassemia major E. Iron — deficiency anemia
E. Nonimmune hemolytic anemia occurs in patients with which of the following disease:
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
B. * Malaria
C. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D. Hodgkin's disease
The disorder that most commonly causes iron deficiency anemia is which of the following:
A. Liver cirrhosis
B. Cardiomyopathy
C. * Peptic ulcer
D. Pancreatitis
E. Hemorrhagic stroke
The coagulation factor, reduced or absent in classical hemophilia is which of the following:
A. I
D. X
The similarity between tha-lassemia major and thalassemia minor is which of the following:
A. Severity of anemia
B. Incidence of infection
C. Life span
D. * Familial occurrence
E. Homozygous form
Myelophthisic anemia can occur in patients with any of the following conditions, EXCEPT:
A. Miliary tuberculosis
B. Carcinomatosis
C. Myelofibrosis
D. Multiple myeloma
E. * Uremia
Patients with polycythemia vera show all of the following characteristic features, EXCEPT:
A. High platelet count (thrombocytosis)
B. High hematocrit
C. *High erythropoietin level
D. High mean age at presentation
E. Higher than average chance of stroke or myocardial infarction
All of the following etiologic associations with human acute leukemia have been proved
valid, EXCEPT:
A. *Smoking
B. Irradiation
C. Antibiotics
D. Antineoplastic drugs
E. Benzene compounds
Transformation to acute leukemia may occur during the course of all of the following
disorders, EXCEPT:
A. Polycythemia vera
B. Chronic myelogenous leukemia
C. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D. *Hodgkin's disease
E. Myelofibrosis
Thrombocytopenia is commonly caused by all of the following factors, EXCEPT:
A. Folate deficiency
B. Myelofibrosis
C. * Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D. Marked splenomegaly
E. Platelet sequestration
The diagnostic cell for Hodgkin's disease is which of the following:
A. Lymphocyte
B. "Foam cell"
C. *Reed-Sternberg cell
D. "Popcorncell"
E. Macrophage
Subtypes of Hodgkin's disease include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Nodular sclerosis
B. Mixed cellularity subtype
C. Lymphocyte predominance
D. * Nodular amyloidosis
E. Lymphocyte depletion
The diagnostic cell for multiple myeloma is which of the following:
A. T-lymphocyte
B. Eosinophile
C. Reed-Sternberg cell
D. * Plasma cell
E. "Popcorncell"
Multiple myeloma is characterized by the abnormal accumulation in tissues of which of the
following substances:
A. Hyaline
B. Lipofuscin
C. * Amyloid
D. Hemosiderin
E. Melanin
Burkitt lymphoma is characterized by which of the following nistologic appearances:
A. *"Starrysky" appearance
B. Infiltration of plasma cells
C. Presence of " foam cells "
D. Presence of Reed-Sternberg cells
E. "Glassy " appearance of the cells
Mixed cellularity type of Hodgkin's disease is characterized by the presence of all of the
following cells, EXCEPT:
A. Reed-Sternberg cells
B. Lymphocytes
C. Plasma cells
D. Macrophages
E. *"Heart failure " cells
Acute rheumatic carditis is characterized by all of the following, except:
A. Unremarkable gross appearance of the heart
B. The Aschoff bodies in myocardium
C. Diffuse nonspecific myocarditis
D. The Aschoff bodies in joints
E. *"Tigered effect" gross appearance
All of the following are stages of the atherosclerotic plaque development, except:
A. *Fibrinous plaque
B. Fibrous plaque
C. Fibrofatty plaque
D. Atheromatous plaque
E. Fibrolipid plaque
All of the following components can be found in the necrotic center of atheromatous plaque,
A. Cell debris
B. Cholesterol crystals
C. "Foam" cells
D. *Glycogen granules
E. Calcium crystals
All of the following factors may contribute to vasoconstriction, except:
A. *Acute coagulation factor
B. Behavioral factors
C. Neurogenic factors
D. Increased release of vasoconstric-tive agents
E. Increased sensitivity of vascular smooth muscles to constricting agent
Aschoff giant cells are large mesenchymal cells and are believed to be derived from which of
the following:
A. *Macrophages
B. Fibroblasts
C. Lymphocytes
D. Eosinophils
E. Erythrocytes
Atherosclerosis commonly affects the arteries supplying all of the following organs, except:
A. *Upper extremities
B. Lower extremities
C. Heart
D. Brain
E. Kidney
Blood vessels affected in atherosclerosis are which of the following:
A. Aorta only
B. *Aorta and large arteries
C. Large arteries and large veins
D. Large veins
E. Aorta and arterioli
Blood vessels affected in systemic hypertension are which of the folowing:
A. *Arterioli
B. Aorta and large arteries only
C. Aorta only
D. Large arteries and large veins
E. Venules
Changes in the aging heart are all of the following, except:
A. Decreased left ventricular cavity size
B. Epicardial coronary artery tortuosity
C. Decreased subepicardial fat
D. Brown atrophy of myocardium
E. *Increased number of inflammatory cells in myocardium
Cholesterol-laden macrophages and smooth muscle cells in atheromatous plaque are also
referred to as:
A. Giant cells
B. "Popcorn" -cells
C. Epithelioid cells
D. Vacuolated cells
E. *"Foam" cells
Coronary artery supplying blood to the anterior part of the inter-ventricular septum is which
of the following:
A. Left main coronary artery
B. Left anterior descending artery
C. *Right coronary artery
D. Left circumflex coronary artery
E. Proximal marginal coronary artery
Etiologically and pathogenetically, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease are
characterized by all of the following, except:
A. Initial attack of illness some weeks after streptococcal infection
B. Elevated serum titers of antibodies to streptolysin and hyaluronidase
C. Sterile tissue lesions not resulting from direct bacterial invasion
D. Recurrent acute illness following the streptococcal infection
E. *Decreased serum protein levels
Fibrosis bridging across the valvular commissures and calcification in chronic rheumatic
heart disease cause which of the following:
A. *Fish mouth or buttonhole stenosis
B. "Tigered effect"
C. Fibrofatty atheromas
D. Starry sky appearance
Heart lesions in acute rheumatic fever are called as which of the following:
A. Tuberculoma
B. *Aschoff bodies
C. Foreign bodies
D. Gumma
E. Mitral stenosis
Infective endocarditis is characterized by all of the following, except:
A. Microbic invasion into the heart valves
B. Destructive vegetation formation
C. Mural thrombosis
D. Destruction of the underlying cardiac tissues
E. *Amyloid mass deposition
Coronary artery suppying blood to the posterior portion of the interventricular septum is
which of the following:
A. Left main coronary artery
B. Left anterior descending artery
C. *Right coronary artery
D. Left circumflex coronary artery
E. Proximal marginal coronary artery
Material accumulated in macrophages and smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic plaque is
which of the following:
A. Glycogen
B. Lipohyaline
C. Triglycerides
D. *Cholesterol or cholesterol esters
E. Lipoproteids
Material deposited in arteriolar walls in systemic hypertension is which of the following:
A. Amyloid
B. Glycogen
C. Cholesterol or cholesterol esters
D. Lipoprotein
E. *Hyaline
Microscopically, chronic rheumatic heart disease is characterized by all of the following,
A. Diffuse fibrosis of leaflets
B. Neovascularization of leaflets
C. *Acute purulent inflammation
D. Destruction of original leaflet architecture
E. Aschoff bodies in perivascular connective tissue
Microscopically, most cases of acute myocarditis are characterized by all of th following,
A. Nonspecific inflammatory infiltrate
B. Variable amount of interstitial edema
C. Variable degree of myofiber degeneration
D. *Marked fibrosis of interstitium
E. Variable degree of myofiber necrosis
Microscopycally the vegetations of subacute infective endocarditis are characterized by all of
the following, except:
A. Fibrosis
B. Microbic body calcifications
C. Chronic inflammatory infiltrate
D. *Granuloma formation
E. Granulation tissue at vegetation's bases
Nonembolic complications of infective endocarditis include all of the following, except;
A. Valvular insufficiency or stenosis with cardiac failure
B. Myocardial ring abscess
C. Suppurative pericarditis
D. Endocarditis of artificial valves
E. *Acute myocardial infarction
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis is characterized by all of the following, except:
A. Mitral and/or aortic valve involvement
B. *Tricuspid valve involvement
C. Small (A to E mm), sterile vegetations
D. Vegetations along the line of valve closure
E. Systemic emboli development
On gross examination, the kidneys in systemic chronic hypertension are characterized by all
of the following features, except:
A. Reduced in size and weight
B. Fine granularity on cortical surface
C. Grain leather-like cortical surface
D. *Hemorrhages on cortical surface
E. Narrowed cortical surface on section
Resulting from left-sided heart failure are all of these pathologic changes, except:
A. Brown induration of the lung
B. Hypoxic encephalopathy
C. Pulmonary edema
D. Prerenal azotemia
E. *Secondary amyloidosis
Secondary hypertension may be caused by all of the following diseases, except:
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. *Lobar pneumonia
C. Gushing's syndrome
D. Pheochromocytoma
E. Coarctation of aorta
Symptoms of cardiac dysfunction include all of the following, except:
A. Failure of the pump itself
B. *Disorders of blood coagulation
C. Obstruction of blood flow
D. Regurgitant blood flow
E. Disorders of cardiac conduction
Systemic emboli in infective endocarditis may occur because of all of the following, except:
A. Involvement of aortic and mitral valves
B. Severe valvular damage
C. Numerous amount of vegetations
D. Friable nature of vegetations
E. *Chronic heart insufficiency
Systemic embolism in infective endocarditis may cause infarcts in all of the following
organs, except:
A. Brain
B. Kidneys
C. Heart
D. *Lungs
E. Spleen
The Anitschkow cells are characterized by all of the following, except:
A. Abundant amorphophilic cytoplasm
B. Central round-to-ovoid nucleus
C. Central disposed chromatin (caterpillar cells)
D. Monocytic cytogenesis
E. *B-lymphocytic cytogenesis
The antihypertensive substances produced in the kidney are all of the following, except:
A. Prostaglandines
B. Urinary kallikrein-kinin system
C. Platelet-activating factor
D. Nitric oxide
E. *Thromboxane
The Aschoff bodies consist of all of the following, except:
A. Lymphocytes (primarily T cells)
B. Anitschkow cells
C. *"Foam cells"
D. Fibrinoid degeneration
E. Plasma cells
The cardinal anatomic changes of the mitral (or tricuspid) valve in chronic rheumatic heart
disease are all of the following, except:
A. *Leaflet softening
B. Leaflet thickening
C. Commisural fusion
D. Shortening and thickening of the tendinous cords
E. Fusion of the tendinous cords
The cells accumulating cholesterol or cholesterol esters in atherosclerotic plaque are which
of the following:
A. Neutrophils
B. Lymphocytes and macrophages
C. *Macrophages and smooth muscle cells
D. Mesenchymal cells
E. Giant cells.
The chronic endothelial injury in atherosclerosis may be caused by all of the following
factors, except:
A. Hyperlipidemia
B. Hypertension
C. Smoking
D. *Genetic defects
E. Immune reactions
The chronic endothelial injury in atherosclerosis includes all pathologic processes, except:
A. Increased endothelial permeability
B. Adhesion of blood monocytes to the endothelium
C. Adhesion of platelets to the intima
D. Insudation of lipoproteins into the vessel wall
E. *Regeneration of endothelial cells
The clinical consequences of valvular dysfunction depend on all of the following, except;
A. Valve involved
B. Sex of the patient
C. Degree of impairment
D. Rate of dysfunction development
E. Rate and quality of compensatory mechanisms
The clinical syndrome of malignant hypertension includes all ofthe following symptoms,
A. *Systolic pressure >120 mmHg
B. Diastolic pressure >120 mmHg
C. Renal failure
D. Retinal hemorrhages
E. Papilledema
The complications of atheromatous plague are all of the following, except:
A. Thrombus formation
B. Plaque rupture
C. *Plague malformation
D. Calcification
E. Hemorrhage
The consequences of atherosclerosis are all of the following, except:
A. Myocardial infarction
B. *Cardiomyopathy
C. Cerebral infarct
D. Gangrene of lower extremities
E. Abdominal aortic aneurism
The correct order of histologic phases in the development of Aschoff bodies is which of the
A. *Exudative — proliferative — fibrous
B. Granulomatous — late — exudative
C. Acute — chronic — healed
D. Nonspecific — specific
E. Early — pathognomonic — intermediate
The disease that is characterized by the systolic murmur without signs of mitral valve failure
is called as:
A. Rheumatic heart disease
B. *Mitral valve prolapse
C. Mitral annular calcification
D. Degenerative calcific aortic valve stenosis
E. Congenitally bicuspid aortic valve
The fibrous cap of atheromatous plaque consists of all of the following components, except:
A. *Glycogen
B. Smooth muscle cells
C. Macrophages
D. Collagen and elastan
E. Proteoglycans
The gene defects in enzymes involved in aldosterone metabolism in systemic hypertension
lead to all of the following effects, except:
A. Adaptive increase in aldosterone secretion
B. Increased salt resorption
C. Increased water resorption
D. *Increased lipoprotein resorption
E. Plasma volume expansion
The humoral constriction factors that lead to the peripheral resistence in hypertension are all
of the following, except:
A. Angiotensin II
B. Catecholamines
C. *Prostaglandines
D. Thromboxanes
E. Leukotriens
The lowered risk of ischemic heart disease in atherosclerosis depends on which of the
A. High serum level of low-density lipoproteins
B. *High serum level of high-density lipoproteins
C. High serum level of very low density lipoproteins
D. High serum-level of intermediate-density lipoproteins
E. High serum level of triglycerides
The major nonmodifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis are all of the following, except:
A. Increasing age
B. *Increased water resorption
C. Male gender
D. Family history
E. Genetic abnormalities
The malignant hypertension can be identified microscopically by all of the following
features, except:
A. Onion-skin concentric laminated thickening of the arteriolar walls
B. Progressive narrowing of the arteriolar lumina
C. *Cholesterol-laden "foam cells" in the arteriolar walls
D. Fibrinoid necrosis of the arteriolar walls
E. Perivascular fibrosis
The mitral annular calcification is characterized by all of the following, except:
A. *Severely impaired valvular function
B. Irregular, stony hard nodule appearance
C. Possible thromboembolic complications
D. Infective endocarditis
E. Absence of inflammatory changes
The morphological and clinical effects of pure (isolated) right-sided heart failure are all of
following, except:
A. *Cerebral hematoma
B. Congestive hepatomegaly
C. Ascites
D. Pleural and pericardial effusions
E. Anasarca
The nonrheumatic degenerative calcific aortic stenosis is characterized by all of the
following, except:
A. Heaped-up calcified masses within aortic cusps
B. *Lipid deposition and cellular proliferation
C. Distorted cuspal architecture
D. Not involved free cuspal edges
E. Primary involvement of the valvular fibrosa
The pathologic process in arterioles in malignant hypertension is referred to as:
A. Endothrombovasculitis
B. Thromboangitis obliterans
C. Necrotizing atherosclerosis
D. Productive arteriolitis
E. *Necrotizing arteriolitis
The potentially controllable risk factors for atherosclerosis are all of the following, except:
A. Hyperlipidemia
B. Hypertension
C. *Genetic abnormalities
D. Cigarette smoking
E. Diabetes mellitus
The renin-angiotensin system consists of all of the following components, except:
A. Renin
B. Angiotensin I
C. Plasma angiotensinogen
D. *Tissue angiotensinogen
E. Angiotensin II
The special stain used to identify "foam cells" in atherosclerotic plaque is which of the
A. *SudanIII
B. Picrofuchsin
C. Hematoxylin and eosin
D. Congo red stain
E. PAS-reaction
The typical pathologic process in arterioles and small arteries in systemic hypertension is
referred to as:
A. Hyaline atrophy
B. Hyaline hyperplasia
C. Fibroelastic hyalinosis
D. Hyaline atherosclerosis
E. *Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
The valvular effects of chronic rheumatic heart disease are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Thickened and deformed valve leaflets
B. Valvular calcification
C. Thickened and shortened chordae tendineae
D. "Fish-mouth" appearance of mitral valve
E. *Valvular abscess formation
Valvular insufficiency without primary changes in the cusps may result from distortion of all
of the following structures, except:
A. *Parietal endocardium
B. Tendinous cords
C. Aorta or mitral annulus
D. Papillary muscles
E. Ventricular free wall
Rheumatic diseases - a group of chronic diseases characterized by systemic lesion:
A. *connective tissue and blood vessels
B. joints
C. the circulatory system
D. cell
E. Kidney
What is rheumatic disease - (a group of chronic diseases characterized by systemic lesion):
A. *connective tissue and blood vessels
B. joints
C. the circulatory system
D. cell
E. kidney
In the etiology of rheumatic diseases is essential clinically expressed or latent:
A. *streptococcal infection
B. Meningococcal infection
C. diplokoccal infection
D. fungal infections
E. all infections
Pathogenic mechanisms of rheumatic diseases:
A. *allergic reactions of immediate and delayed-type
B. streptococcal septicemia
C. shock
D. staphylococcus septicopyemia
E. gipertermical reactions
To belong to pathogenetic mechanisms of rheumatic diseases:
A. *allergic reactions of immediate and delayed-type
B. streptococcal septicemia
C. shock
D. staphylococcus septicopyemia
E. gipertermical reactions
In rheumatic diseases the main pathogenetic plot are:
A. *progressive disorganization of the connective tissue
B. stagnant around the plethora of small joints
C. ischemia
D. Hypertrophy of left heart
E. atrophy
In the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases is:
A. atrophy
B. *progressive disorganization of the connective tissue
C. stagnant around the plethora of small joints
D. ischemia
E. Hypertrophy of left heart
In the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases is:
A. atrophy
B. *progressive disorganization of the connective tissue
C. stagnant around the plethora of small joints
D. ischemia
E. hypertrophy of left heart
Disturbance of connective tissue in rheumatic diseases includes:
A. atrophy
B. hyaline droplets dystrophy
C. *mucoid swelling
D. amyloidosis
E. hydropic dystrophy
What includes the disturbance of connective tissue in rheumatic diseases:
A. atrophy
B. hyaline droplets dystrophy
C. *mucoid swelling
D. amyloidosis
E. hydropic dystrophy
99 Disturbance of connective tissue in rheumatic diseases includes:
A. *fibrinoid swelling and necrosis
B. hyaline droplets dystrophy
C. amyloidosis
D. hydropic dystrophy
E. atrophy
What type of dystrophy involves the disruption of connective tissue in rheumatic
A. necrosis
B. *fibrinoid edema and necrosis
C. hyaline droplets dystrophy
D. amyloidosis
E. hydropic dystrophy
Disturbance of connective tissue in rheumatic diseases includes:
A. *Hyalinosis
B. cell reaction (granulematosis) and sclerosis
C. hyaline droplets dystrophy
D. amyloidosis
E. hydropic dystrophy
In rheumatism sensitizing factor antibodies:
A. *B-hemolytic streptococcus typeА
B. B-hemolytic streptococcus, type B
C. B-hemolytic streptococcus type AB
D. B-hemolytic staphylococcus type D
E. B-hemolytic staphylococcus type C
What antibodies are sensitizing factor in rheumatic conditions:
A. B-hemolytic streptococcus, type B
B. B-hemolytic streptococcus type AB
C. *B-hemolytic staphylococcus type A
D. B-hemolytic streptococcus type D
E. B-hemolytic staphylococcus type C
B-hemolytic streptococci type A has affinity with antigens аntibodies against
A. *connective tissue of heart
B. liver
C. kidney
D. tonsils
E. connective tissue of mediastinum
105 What kind of relationship with the antigens are B-hemolytic streptococci type A:
A. kidney
B. tonsils
C. connective tissue of mediastinum
D. *connective tissue of heart
E. liver
Kinship antibodies against B-hemolytic streptococci type A antigens from connective
tissue of the heart explains the predominant lesion in patients with rheumatism:
A. *heart
B. liver
C. only epikard
D. only endocard
E. more pericardiocentesis
What explains the predominant lesion in patients with rheumatism affinity antibodies
against B-hemolytic streptococci type A antigens from connective tissue of the heart:
A. liver
B. *heart
C. only epikard
D. only endocard
E. more pericardiocentesis
In rheumatoid arthritis in patients with damage mainly to the connective tissue:
A. *capsule of the joints
B. heart
C. kidney
D. renal capsule
E. liver
Connective tissue structures are damaged in rheumatoid arthritis:
A. heart
B. kidney
C. renal capsule
D. liver
E. *capsule of the joints
In the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis are important:
A. *immune complexes, where the antibodies are different classes of immunoglobulins (Ig
M, Ig G, Ig A)
B. -C. immune complexes, where there are different classes of immunoglobulins (Ig N, Ig Q, Ig
D. complexes, where there are different classes of immunoglobulins (Ig Y, Ig H, Ig L)
E. immune complexes, where the antigen is a globulin of different classes (Ig M, Ig G, Ig A)
What have an important role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis:
A. immune complexes, where the antigen is a globulin of different classes (Ig M, Ig G, Ig A)
B. *immune complexes, where the antibodies are different classes of immunoglobulin (Ig
M, Ig G, Ig A)
C. immune complexes, where the antigen is a globule of different classes (Ig M, Ig G, Ig A)
D. immune complexes, where there are different classes of immunoglobulins (Ig N, Ig Q, Ig
E. complexes, where there are different classes of immunoglobulins (Ig Y, Ig H, Ig L)
In systemic lupus erythematosus is violated:
A. exchange of DNA and antigens to components formed the nucleus and cytoplasm
B. *exchange of DNA and formation of antibodies to components of the nucleus and
C. exchange of RNA and formation of antibodies to components of the nucleus and
D. exchange of RNA and formation of antibodies
E. exchange of DNA and antigens to components formed the nucleus and cytoplasm
Violations in systemic lupus erythematosus:
A. exchange of DNA and antigens to components formed the nucleus and cytoplasm
B. *exchange of DNA and formation of antibodies to components of the nucleus and
C. exchange of RNA and formation of antibodies to components of the nucleus and
D. exchange of RNA and formation of antibodies
E. exchange of DNA and antigens to components formed the nucleus and cytoplasm
Systemic scleroderma is characterized in the skin:
A. violation of vascularization
B. *sclerotic and atrophic changes
C. inflammation
D. calcification
E. violation of vascularization
What changes in the skin are identified with systemic scleroderma:
A. violation of vascularization
B. *sclerotic and atrophic changes
C. inflammation
D. calcification
E. violation of vascularization
The decisive factor for the development of scleroderma is a violation of the synthesis:
A. keloid
B. *collagen
C. fibrin
D. fibrinogen
E. keloid
What is the decisive factor for the development of scleroderma - a violation of the
A. keloid
B. *collagen
C. fibrin
D. fibrinogen
E. keloid
For nodular periarteritis characterized mechanism immunokomplex vascular lesions such
A. arterioles- capillaries anastomosis
B. * small artery
C. aorta
D. large artery
E. arterioles-capillary anastomosis
What affects the blood vessels in the nodular periarteritis:
A. large-caliber artery
B. arterioles-capillaries anastomosis
C. *artery and small-medium caliber
D. aorta
E. large-caliber artery
It is believed that with nodular periarteritis due to fibrinous necrosis secondary hull
vessels develop proliferative response of cells in the outer shell, followed by transfer to:
A. granuloma
B. *sclerosis and the formation of knots
C. hyalinosis
D. amyloidosis
E. inflammation
In nodular periarteritis due to fibrinous necrosis secondary hull vessels develop
proliferative response of cells in the outer shell, followed by transfer to:
A. granuloma
B. *sclerosis and the formation of knots
C. hyalinosis
D. amyloidosis
E. inflammation
Bekhterev disease - a chronic rheumatic disease with the damage:
A. *glenoid spine-connected device
B. articular apparatus
C. large joints
D. small and large joints
E. articular apparatus
What kind of surprised when the disease Bekhterev -A. *glenoid spine-connected device
B. articular apparatus
C. large joints
D. small and large joints
E. articular apparatus
As a result, the disease develops Bekhterev:
A. Osteoporosis
B. *bone ankylosis
C. bone amyloidosis
D. osteopetrosis
E. Osteoporosis
Complications of the disease Bekhterev -A. *bone ankylosis
B. bone amyloidosis
C. osteonecrosis
D. osteoporosis
E. necrosis
Dermatomyositis - rheumatic diseases, leading to the clinical and morphological
expression of which is a system failure:
A. *skeletal muscles
B. skin
C. dermis
D. only the smooth muscle
E. kidney
What is leading to the clinical and morphological expression, with dermatomyositis:
A. System failure only of smooth muscle
B. *System failure skeletal muscles
C. Systemic dermal
D. System failure dermis
E. System failure only of smooth muscle
What kind of surprised when dermatomyositis:
A. *skeletal musculature
B. skin
C. derm
D. only the smooth muscle
E. kidney
Indicate which affects the structure with dermatomyositis:
A. *skeletal musculature
B. skin
C. dermis
D. only the smooth muscle
E. kindey
Rheumatism - a chronic disease with predominant lesion:
A. *heart and vascular
B. kidney and liver
C. arteries of medium caliber
D. muscular arteries, elastic-type
E. liver
In rheumatism predominantly affects:
A. *heart and blood vessels
B. kidney and liver
C. medium-sized artery
D. artery muscle-elastic type of
E. liver
Determination of rheumatism - a chronic disease with predominant lesion:
A. *heart and vascular
B. kidney and liver
C. arteries of medium caliber
D. muscular arteries, elastic-type
E. kidney and liver
In rheumatism periods alternate with periods of exacerbation of extinction (remission),
so during rheumatism:
A. remitting
B. nonhomogeneous
C. homogeneous
D. *wave
E. repeatedly
In rheumatism streptococci penetrate the body through the tonsils, release toxins and
cause destruction in the invasion of cells and inflammation, which usually manifests itself:
A. *angina
B. tonzilyar abscesses
C. retropharyngeal abscesses
D. Qatar nasopharyngeal
E. abscesses
Because rheumatic conditions streptococci penetrate the body through the tonsils, release
toxins and cause destruction in the invasion of cells and inflammation, which usually
manifests itself:
A. *angina
B. tonzilyar abscesses
C. retropharyngeal abscesses
D. Qatar nasopharyngeal
E. abscesses
In rheumatism streptococci penetrate the body through the tonsils, release toxins, which
are products of the destruction of cells is:
A. *activated antibodies
B. immune complexes
C. antibodies, which produce antigens
D. аntigens, that produce antibodies
E. leukocytes
What structures are formed by the interaction of streptococcus toxins and products of
destruction of cells in the amygdala rheumatic conditions:
A. activated antibodies
B. immune complexes
C. antibodies, which produce antigens
D. *antigens, that produce antibodies
E. activated antibodies
In the development of rheumatism occurs mukoid edema, which is:
A. *Surface and reverse disruption of connective tissue
B. irreversible disruption of connective tissue
C. Surface restructuring of the connective tissue
D. reverse proliferation of connective tissue
E. Surface restructuring of the connective tissue
Which involves mukoid swelling that develops rheumatic conditions:
A. *surface reverse disruption of connective tissue
B. irreversible disruption of connective tissue
C. surface reorganization of connective tissue
D. reverse the proliferation of connective tissue
E. irreversible disruption of connective tissue
Early diagnosis and early treatment of rheumatism:
A. *can lead to complete recovery
B. can never lead to a cure
C. can not lead to a reorganization of the connective tissue
D. can not lead to the restitution of connective tissue
E. can not lead to a reorganization of the connective tissue
As a result of early diagnosis and early treatment of rheumatism are:
A. *Full recovery
B. can never lead to recovery
C. can not lead to a reorganization of the connective tissue
D. can not lead to the restitution of connective tissue
E. can never lead to a cure
142 .In the development of rheumatism among the stages of disorganization of connective
tissue are fibrinoid changes as swelling and necrosis, refer them to:
A. *irreversible
B. reversible
C. partially reversible
D. border
E. reversible
Phase of disorganization of connective tissue such as fibrinoid changes, swelling and
necrosis, refer them to:
A. *irreversible
B. reversible
C. partially reversible
D. border
E. reversible
Fibrinoidnye changes (swelling and necrosis) in the rheumatic conditions are
characterized by:
A. *homogenization of collagen fibers with infiltration of plasma proteins
B. homogenization of nerve fibers with infiltration their proteins
C. homogenization keloidnyh fibers with infiltration their proteins
D. granulyatsionnoy homogenization of tissue with infiltration plasma proteins
E. homogenization keloid fibers with infiltration their proteins
145 What are fibrinoid changes (swelling and necrosis), rheumatic conditions:
A. *homogenization of collagen fibers with prosyakannyam of plasma proteins
B. homogenization of nerve fibers with prosyakannyam their proteins
C. homogenization keloidnyh fibers with prosyakannyam their proteins
D. granulyatsionnoy homogenization of tissue with prosyakannyam plasma proteins
E. homogenization keloidnyh fibers with prosyakannyam their proteins
146 . Stage granulematous rheumatic conditions morphologically evident:
A. *Cell incendiary reaction
B. Monokin reaction
C. cytokine response
D. polymorphonuclear cell inflammation of the reorganization
E. -147
What stage is morphologically manifested granulematous rheumatic conditions:
A. *Cell incendiary reaction
B. Monokin reaction
C. cytokine response
D. polymorphonuclear cell inflammation of the reorganization
E. -148
The first stage granulematous in the form of nodular formations in the stroma of heart
A. *Ashof
B. Bischoff
C. Amosov
D. Langerhans
E. Amosov
Who first described the stage granulematous in the form of nodular formations in the
stroma of heart:
A. *Ashof
B. Bischoff
C. Amosov
D. Langerhans
E. Amosov
Three phases of development of rheumatic granulomas – alteration , exudation
proliferations and sclerotic identified:
A. *Talalaev
B. Bischoff
C. Amosov
D. Ashof
E. Amosov
Who first identified three phases of development of rheumatic granulomas – alteration?
Exudation and proliferation and sclerotic:
A. Amosov
B. *Talalaev
C. Bischoff
D. Amosov
E. Ashtof
The entire development cycle granuloma rheumatic conditions are:
A. *D-6 months
B. A year
C. A-B years
D. 9-AB months
E. B years
153 The entire development cycle granuloma rheumatic conditions are:
A. 9-AB Months
B. C years
C. *D-6 months
D. A year
E. A-B years
Specify how much of the entire development cycle granuloma rheumatic conditions:
A. 9-AB Months
B. E years
C. *D-6 months
D. A year
E. A-B years
Alterative and exudative phase of development characterized by the accumulation of
rheumatic granuloma:
A. * macrophages around the focus fibrinoid necrosis
B. lymphocytes and the formation of follicles
C. lymphocytes and the formation of follicles in breeding centers
D. neutrophils, lymphocytes, histiocytes
E. neutrophils, lymphocytes, histiocytes
What is alteration, axudative phase development of rheumatoid granuloma:
A. accumulation of neutrophils, lymphocytes, histiocytes
B. accumulation of lymphocytes and the formation of follicles in breeding centers
C. *a macrophages ccumulation around the focus fibrinoid necrosis
D. accumulation of lymphocytes and the formation of follicles
E. accumulation of lymphocytes and the formation of follicles in breeding centers
Indicate what is alteration and exudation phase development of rheumatoid granulomy:
A. accumulation of neutrophils, lymphocytes, histiocytes
B. accumulation of neutrophils,
C. *accumulation around the campfire fibrinoidnogo necrosis of macrophages
D. accumulation of lymphocytes and the formation of follicles
E. accumulation of lymphocytes and the formation of follicles in breeding centers
158 The presence of «sclerosing granuloma» refers to:
A. *fading process
B. exacerbation of the process after remission
C. active attack of rheumatism
D. recovery process after an active attack of rheumatism
E. slight slowdown in the pace of development
At that indicates the existence of «sclerosing granuloma»:
A. active attack of rheumatism
B. *fading process
C. exacerbation of the process after remission
D. recovery process after an active attack of rheumatism
E. slight slowdown in the pace of development
160 With the development of rheumatoid granulomy phase sclerosis fibroblasts replace the
necrotic zone fibrinoid are synthesized:
A. * argyrophil and collagen fibers
B. mukoid swelling
C. fibrinoid swelling
D. hyalinosis
E. amyloidosis
With the development of rheumatoid granuloma phase sclerosis fibroblasts replace the
necrotic zone fibrinoid, are synthesized:
A. * argyrophil and collagen fibers
B. Mukoid swelling
C. Fibrinoid swelling
D. Hyalinosis
E. amyloidosis
With the development of rheumatoid granuloma phase sclerosis granuloma recruits
properties scar, a sign indicates:
A. *remission of disease
B. Acute period
C. escalation process after remission
D. rebuilding process after the strong attack of rheumatism
E. slight slowdown in the pace of development
What period of the disease shows the development of rheumatoid granuloma in the phase
of MS:
A. acute period
B. *remission of disease
C. escalation process after remission
D. rebuilding process after the strong attack of rheumatism
E. slight slowdown in the pace of development
In a typical course of rheumatism in the first place is damaged:
A. *heart
B. only the large joints
C. only small joints
D. Only kidney
E. liver
Which body is damaged in the first place, with a typical current of rheumatism:
A. *heart
B. only the large joints
C. only small joints
D. Only kidney
E. liver
In a typical course of rheumatism in the first damaged heart, which develops a
pathological process, such as:
A. *endocarditis and myocarditis
B. endovaskulitis coronary arteries
C. pericarditis and pankarditis
D. perivaskulitis coronary arteries
E. cardiosclerosis
167 . What pathologic process develops in the heart, with a typical current of rheumatism:
A. *endocarditis and myocarditis
B. endovaskulitis coronary arteries
C. pericarditis and pankarditis
D. perivasculitis of coronary arteries
E. cardiosclerosis
Endocarditis rheumatic conditions on the localization can be:
A. *valvular
B. mural
C. transmural
D. epicardial
E. pericardial
What endocarditis rheumatic conditions may be to localize:
A. *valvular
B. mural
C. transmural
D. epicardial
E. pericardial
Endocarditis (inflammation endocardium) rheumatic conditions on the localization can
A. *chordal
B. mural
C. transmural
D. epicardial
E. pericardial
How to localize endocarditis (inflammation of endocardium) rheumatic conditions:
A. *chordal
B. mural
C. transmural
D. epicardial
E. pericardial
172 . Endocarditis (inflammation of endocardium) rheumatic conditions on the localization
can be:
A. *subendocardial
B. mural
C. transmural
D. epicardial
E. pericardial
How to localize endocarditis (inflammation of endocardium) may be rheumatic
A. *subendocardial
B. mural
C. transmural
D. epicardial
E. pericardial
Often the rheumatoid process affects:
A. *mitral and aortic valves
B. tricuspid valve
C. valve pulmonary artery
D. valve and the pulmonary artery and tricuspid valve
E. -175
What most amazes rheumatic process:
A. *mitral and aortic valves
B. tricuspid valve
C. valve pulmonary artery
D. valve and the pulmonary artery valve tricuspid
E. -176
What kind-hearted often surprised when rheumatic process:
A. *mitral and aortic valve
B. tricuspid valve
C. valve pulmonary artery
D. valve and the pulmonary artery tricuspid valve
E. -177
Depending on the prevalence alterative or regenerative processes distinguish the type of
rheumatic valve endocarditis:
A. *diffuse endocarditis
B. mural endocarditis
C. transmural endocarditis
D. epicardial endocarditis
E. pericarditis
Depending on the prevalence alterative or regenerative processes distinguish the type of
rheumatic valve endocarditis:
A. *diffuse endocarditis
B. mural endocarditis
C. transmural endocarditis
D. epicardial endocarditis
E. pericarditis
Diffuse endocarditis as a kind of rheumatic valve endocarditis is characterized by
A. *mucoid swelling of connective tissue without damaging the endothelium
B. fibrinoid necrosis of connective tissue and endothelial
C. fibrinoid edema of connective tissue and endothelial damage
D. hyalinosis of connective tissue and endothelial
E. amyloidosis
What is diffuse endocarditis as a kind of rheumatic valve endocarditis:
A. -B. *mukoid edema of connective tissue without damaging the endothelium
C. fibrinoid necrosis of connective tissue and endothelial
D. fibrinoid edema of connective tissue and endothelial damage
E. hyalinosis of connective tissue and endothelial
Depending on the prevalence alterative or regenerative processes distinguish the type of
rheumatic valve endocarditis:
A. *warty acute endocarditis
B. Acute mural endocarditis
C. transmural subacute endocarditis
D. Acute endocarditis
E. -182
What types of rheumatic valve endocarditis differ depending on the prevalence alterative
or regenerative processes:
A. *warty acute endocarditis
B. Acute endocarditis
C. Acute mural endocarditis
D. transmural subacute endocarditis
E. Acute endocarditis
183 Acute papillose endocarditis rheumatic conditions is accompanied by:
A. *fibrinoid changes in connective tissue and endothelial desquamation with delay in the
sites of injury trombotic masses in the form of warts
B. mucoid changes in connective tissue with a delay trombotic mass in the form of warts
C. -D. fibrinotic changes in connective tissue and endothelium of the postponement of the
masses of warts
E. fibrinoid changes in cardiomyocytes and desquamation epicardium with postponement of
184 What is accompanied by a sharp papillose endocarditis rheumatic conditions:
A. *fibrinoid changes in connective tissue and endothelial desquamation with delay in the
sites of injury trombotic masses in the form of warts
B. mukoid changes in connective tissue with a delay trombotic mass in the form of warts
C. -D. fibrinoid changes in connective tissue and endothelium of the masses in the form of
postponement of warts
E. fibrinoid changes in cardiomyocytes and desquamation epicardium with postponement of
Depending on the prevalence alterative or regenerative processes distinguish the type of
rheumatic valve endocarditis:
A. *fibroplastic endocarditis
B. intramural endocarditis
C. -D. transmural endocarditis
E. epicardial endocarditis
Specify the type of rheumatic valve endocarditis depending on the prevalence alterative
or regenerative processes:
A. -B. *fibroplastic endocarditis
C. mural endocarditis
D. transmural endocarditis
E. epicardial endocarditis
Depending on the prevalence alterative or regenerative processes distinguish the type of
rheumatic valve endocarditis - fibroplastichny endocarditis, characterized by:
A. *growth of new tissue, scar revisions and valve insufficiency (acquired heart disease)
B. -C. mucoid changes in connective tissue with a delay trombotic mass in the form of warts on
the valves
D. fibrinogen changes in connective tissue valves
E. fibrinoid changes in cardiomyocytes and endothelial
Depending on the prevalence alterative or regenerative processes distinguish the type of
rheumatic valve endocarditis:
A. *rotary-papillose endocarditis
B. re endocarditis
C. re-trombotic endocarditis
D. diffuse-papillose endocarditis
E. -189
Rotary-papillose endocarditis is characterized by repeated disruptions:
A. *newly formed connective tissue, endothelial injury and fibrin accumulation on a
background of sclerosis and hyalinosis valve
B. collagen tissue in the middle of the valve with the proliferation of endothelium
C. -D. fibrous tissue valve with diffuse deposition of fibrin
E. intact endothelium and the postponement of fibrinogen
Indicate the degree of disorganization of connective tissue in rotary-papillose
A. -B. *neoformation of connective tissue, endothelial damage and fibrin deposition on the
background of sclerosis and hyalinosis valve
C. collagen tissue in the middle of the valve with the proliferation of endothelial
D. fibrous tissue valve with diffuse deposition of fibrin
E. intact endothelium and delays fibrinogen
Myocarditis (inflammation of the myocardium) - permanent manifestation of rheumatic
disease, a form of it are:
A. *granulematozny
B. -C. focal parenchymatous
D. diffuse ekssudative parenchymatous
E. focal interstitial
192 Specify the form myocarditis (inflammation of the myocardium) - permanent
manifestation of rheumatism:
A. -B. *granulematozny
C. focal parenchymatous
D. diffuse exudative parenchymatous
E. focal interstitial
193 . Granulematous myocarditis rheumatic conditions characterized by the presence of
"blooming", and sclerotic rheumatic granulomas:
A. *in the perivascular connective tissue of the myocardium
B. in cardiomyocytes
C. vascular endothelium in myocardial
D. in epycardium
E. -194 . Specify the localization of "blooming", sclerotic granulomas rheumatic conditions:
A. -B. *in the perivascular connective tissue of the myocardium
C. in cardiomyocytes
D. vascular endothelium in myocardial
E. in epicardium
Exudative diffuse interstitial myocarditis is characterized by:
A. *interstitial significant infiltration of lymphocytes, gistiocyts, neutrophils and eosinophils
in the presence of single granulomas Ashof-Talalaev
B. -C. slight infiltration of lymphocytes intersticial, gistiocyts, neutrophils and eosinophils in the
presence of single granulomas Ashof-Talalaev
D. interstitsiya significant infiltration of lymphocytes in the presence of single granulomas
E. slight infiltration of neutrophils in the presence of interstitial isolated granulomas AshofTalalaev
196 What is exudative diffuse interstitial myocarditis:
A. *interstitial significant infiltration of lymphocytes, gistiocites, neutrophils and
eosinophils in the presence of single granulomas Ashof-Talalaev
B. slight infiltration of lymphocytes interstitial, gistiocyts, neutrophils and eosinophils in the
presence of single granulomas Ashof-Talalaev
C. interstitsiey significant infiltration of lymphocytes in the presence of single granulomas
D. -E. slight infiltration of neutrophils in the presence of interstitial isolated granulomas AshofTalalaev
Development of myocarditis cardiosclerosis ends with:
A. *favorable course of rheumatism
B. -C. disadvantaged during rheumatism
D. in the frequent recurrence of rheumatism
E. in rheumatism with high activity indices of blood
198 Cardiosclerosis is the result of miocarditis with:
A. -B. *favorable course of rheumatism
C. disadvantaged during rheumatism
D. During the frequent recurrence of rheumatism
E. During rheumatism with high activity indices of blood
199 Microscopical features of acute appendicitis are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. *Epithelioid cell infiltration
B. Diffuse neutrophil infiltration
C. Absesses formation within the appendicular wall
D. Ulceration of the mucosa
E. Foci of hemorrhages
200 The cell types in the corpus gastric glands are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Mucous cells
B. Parietal cells
C. Chief cells
D. * Hurtle cells
E. Endocrine cells
201 The gastric mucosal protection from autodigestion is possible due to all of the following
factors, EXCEPT:
A. Mucus secretion
B. Bicarbonate secretion
C. *Gastrin receptor activation
D. Epithelial barrier
E. Mucosal blood flow
202 Chronic infection of the gastric mucosa is associated with which of the following
A. Escherichia coli
B. *Helicobacter pylori
C. Campilobacter jejuni
D. Enterococcus falcium
E. Escherichia chaffeensis
203 Chronic gastritis may be characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. *Suppurative inflammation
B. Lymphocyte infiltration
C. Plasma cell infiltration
D. Intestinal metaplasia
E. Atrophy
Acute gastritis is commonly caused by all of the following factors, EXCEPT:
A. Excessive use of aspirin
B. Heavy smoking
C. Excessive alcohol consumption
D. Treatment with cancer chemotherapeutic drugs
E. * Genetic abnormalities
205 Acute gastritis is commonly associated with all of the following factors, EXCEPT:
A. Uremia
B. Severe stress
C. Systemic infections
D. * Delayed gastric emptying
E. Ischemia and shock
206 Acute catarrhal gastritis is morphologically characterized by aU of the following features,
A. Moderate edema of lamina propria
B. Vascular congestion of lamina propria
C. * Atrophy of the mucosa
D. Neutrophil infiltration
E. Abundant mucus amount on the gastric epithelium
207 The major etiologic associations of chronic gastritis are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection
B. * Ischemia and shock
C. Autommune factors
D. Toxic factors
E. Bile reflux
The major etiologic associations of chronic gastritis are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. *Salmonella infections
B. Helicobacter pylori infection
C. Radiation injury
D. Granulomatous diseases
E. Autoimmune reactions
Special forms of gastritis are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Eosinophilic gastritis
B. Allergic gastroenteropathy
C. Lymphocytic gastritis
D. Granulomatous gastritis
E. * Interstitial gastritis
The clinical syndrome associated with gastric, duodenal and jejunal peptic gastrininduced ulcers development is which of the following:
A. Horner syndrome
B. Nephrotic syndrome
C. DIG syndrome
D. *Zollinger- Ellison syndrome
E. Malabsorption syndrome
Morphologically, all of the following zones can be found in the active ulcer base,
A. Necrotic debris
B. Nonspecific acute inflammation
C. * Granulomatous tissue
D. Granulation tissue
E. Fibrosis
212 The appendix in acute appendicitis is grossly characterized by all of the following
features, EXCEPT:
A. Enlarged with thickened walls
B. *Firm and indurated
C. Swollen
D. Hyperemic with engorged vessels
E. With fibrin covered serosa
Catarrhal gastritis is grossly characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Thickened gastric walls
B. Swollen gastric mucosa
C. * Multiple erosions on the mucosa
D. Pinpoint hemorrhages on the mucosa
E. Abundant viscuos mucus on the mucosa
All of the following complications may be found in chronic peptic ulcer, EXCEPT:
A. *Caseation
B. Perforation
C. Bleeding
D. Malformation
E. Penetration
The causes of malabsorption syndrome are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Defective intraluminal digestion
B. Primary mucosal cell abnormalities
C. Reduced surface of small intestine
D. Lymphatic obstruction
E. *Small intestine diverticula
Pathologic changes of the intestinal wall in Crohn's disease include all of the following,
A. Granuloma formation
B. Areas of chronic inflammation with vasculitis
C. *Pseudomembranous colitis
D. Segmental fibrosis
E. Slit ulcers
The predisposing conditions for ischemic bowel disease are all of the following,
A. Arteriolar thrombosis
B. Arteriolar embolism
C. Venous thrombosis
D. *Helicobacter pylori infection
E. Portal hypertension syndrome
Giant cerebriform enlargement of the gastric mucosa in Menetrier disease is caused by
which of the following pathologic processes:
A. Inflammation
B. *Hyperplasia of the mucosal epithelial cells
C. Atrophy of the mucosa
D. Interstitial metaplasia
E. Fibrosis
Complications of the duodenal peptic ulcer disease include all of the following,
A. *Malabsorption
B. Bleeding
C. Perforation
D. Penetration
E. Obstruction by edema or scarring
Cancerous ulcer margins are grossly characterized by all of the following features,
A. Greyish-white
B. Elevated
C. Firm
D. Irregular and thickened .
E. * Relatively straight walls
The most common localization of peptic ulcer is which of the following:
A. Greater curvature
B. Lesser curvature
C. * Duodenal pyloric ring
D. Anterior wall of the gastric corpus
E. Posterior wall of the gastric corpus
The classic peptic ulcer is grossly characterized by all of the following features.
A. Round-to-oval
B. Sharply defined
C. Punchet-out defect
D. Elevated margins
E. *Superficial defect
The inflammatory infiltrate in the remission stage of chronic gastritis may consist of all
of the following cells, EXCEPT:
A. Lymphocytes
B. *Neutrophils
C. Plasma cells
D. Fibroblasts
E. Macrophages
The granulation tissue in the active ulcer base is infiltrated predominantly by all of the
following cells, EXCEPT:
A. Neutrophils
B. Lymphocytes
C. Plasma cells
D. * Giant cells
E. Macrophages
225 .The most common pathologic change of uninvolved gastrointestinal tract in peptic ulcer
patients is which of the following:
A. Cancerous ulcer
B. Hypertrophic gastropathy
C. Gastric dilatation
D. Menetrier disease
E. * Chronic gastritis
Bleeding from peptic ulcer is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Occurs in 15-20% of patients
B. Is most frequent complication of peptic ulcer
C. May be life-threatening
D. * Causes chronic renal failure
E. Causes 25% of ulcer deaths
Gastrointestinal tract obstruction from edema or scarring in peptic ulcer disease is
characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Occurs in 2% of patients
B. Often occurs in pyloric channel ulcer
C. May occur in duodenal ulcer
D. *May occur in the stomach corpus
E. Causes incapacitating, crampy abdominal pain
Multiple superficial lesions located in the gastric mucosa are called:
A. Peptic ulcers
B. * Erosions
C. Acute stress ulcers
D. Gastric ulcerations
E. Active ulcers
Point out the hepatic cells that participate in the storage and metabolism of vitamin A:
A. Hepatocytes
B. *Stellate cells (Ito cells)
C. Kupfer cells
D. Endothelial cells
E. Hepatic fibroblasts
Microfilaments surrounding the canaliculi and propelling secreted biliary fluid along the
canaliculi are which of the following:
A. Fibronectin and laminin
B. Vinculin and actin
C. * Actin and myosin
D. Talin and vinculin
E. Tensin and myosin
A single large lipid droplet, macro vesicular steatosis, that displaces the nucleus may be
seen in all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Hepatitis virus C
B. Alcohol abuse
C. Obesity
D. ""Hepatitis virus B
E. Diabetis mellitus
Injury to the liver associated with an influx of acute or chronic inflammatory cells is
termed as which of the following:
A. Liver regeneration
B. Liver cirrhosis
C. Hepatoma
D. Liver degeneation
E. * Hepatitis
233 Yellow discoloration of the skin and sclerae, internal organs and mucus membranes is
referred to as:
A. Melanosis
B. Vitiligo
C. Nevi
D. Cyanosis
E. * Jaundice
Unconjugated bilirubin is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Insoluble in water
B. Tightly complexed to serum albumin
C. Cannot be excreted in the urine
D. May diffuse into tissue and produce toxic injury
E. * Increased only in impaired bile flow
Conjugated bilirubin is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Water soluble
B. Nontoxic
C. Loosely bound to albumin
D. Can be excreted in the urine
E. *May induce kernicterus
Jaundice occurs when the equilibrium between bilirubin production and clearance is
disturbed by all of the following factors, EXCEPT:
A. Excessive production of bilirubin
B. * Increased hepatocellular excretion
C. Impaired bile flow
D. Reduced hepatocyte uptake
E. Impaired conjugation
All of the following syndromes are characterized by hereditary hyperbilirubinemias,
A. Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II
B. Gilbert syndrome
C. *Crigler-Najjar syndrome type III
D. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
E. Rotor syndrome
The morphologic alterations that cause liver failure are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. *Small fatty droplets in hepatocytes
B. Massive hepatic necrosis
C. Acute inflammation
D. Cirrhosis
E. Chronic inflammation
Liver chirrhosis is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Bridging fibrous septa
B. *Hemosiderin granules in liver cells
C. Parenchymal nodular architecture
D. Reorganized vascular architecture
E. Disrupted liver architecture
Collagen synthesis by hepatic stellate cells (Ito cells) and its deposition may be caused
by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Disruption of the extracellular matrix
B. Direct stimulation of stellate cells by toxins
C. *Apoptosis of Ito cells
D. Cytokine production by stimulated liver cells
E. Inflammatory cytokine production (TNF-a, TGF-b)
The possible machanisms of most cirrhotic deaths are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Progressive liver failure
B. * Pulmonary thromboembolism
C. Complication related to portal hypertension
D. Development of hepatocellular carcinoma
E. Systemic infection
The major consequences in portal hypertension in cirrhosis are all of the following,
A. Formation of portosystemic venous shunts
B. Congestive splenomegaly
C. Hepatic encephalopathy
D. *Intracerebral hematoma
E. Ascites
The pathogenesis of ascites involves all of the following mechanisms, EXCEPT:
A. Sinusoidal hypertension
B. Percolation of the hepatic lymph into the peritoneal cavity
C. * Increased oncotic plasma pressure
D. Intestinal fluid leakage
E. Renal retention of sodium and water
Principal sites of portosystemic shunts opening with the rise of portal systemic pressure
are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Veins within the rectum (hemorrhoids)
B. Veins of cardioesophageal junction
C. Retroperitoneal vein
D. Veins of falciform ligament of the liver
E. * Hepatic veins
Hepatitis A is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Benign, self-limited infectious course
B. Low death rate
C. Fecal-oral route of transmission
D. Protective immunity against reinfection
E. * Fulminant course
Hepatitis B may be characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Prolonged persistence of HBV in patient's blood
B. Presence of HBV in all pathologic and physiologic body fluids
C. * Small size virus with defective RNA
D. Vertical transmission
E. Contamination of blood and blood products
Hepatitis B virus may produce all of the following morphologic variants of liver disease,
A. * Liver steatosis
B. Acute hepatitis
C. Nonprogressive chronic hepatitis
D. Progressive chronic hepatitis
E. Fulminant hepatitis
Hepatitis B virus may produce all of the following variants of liver disease, EXCEPT:
A. Progressive chronic hepatitis
B. Asymptomatic carrier state
C. Indolent chronic hepatitis
D. Acute hepatitis
E. * Congestive cirrhosis
The carrier state for hepatitis virus B is defined by the presence of which of the
A. HBeAg in the urine for 12 months
B. HBcAg in the cerebrospinal fluid for at least 6 months
C. *HBsAg in the serum for 6 months
D. HBcAg in the serum for 12 months
E. HBsAg in the urine for 8 months
The possible outcomes of hepatitis virus B acute infection include all of the following,
A. Subclinical disease
B. *"Nutmeg" liver
C. Acute hepatitis
D. "Healthy" carrier
E. Persistent infection
Hepatitis virus C is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Parenteral route of transmission
B. Possible sexual and vertical transmission
C. High rate of progression to chronic disease
D. *Low rate of progression to cirrhosis
E. Absence of effective immunity
Hepatitis virus D is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. High risk for HDV infection to male homosexuals
B. Rare development of chronicity
C. Conversion of mild chronic HBV infection to fulminant disease
D. High risk for HDV infection to drug addicts and hemophiliacs
E. * Common development of hepato-cellular carcinoma
Hepatitis virus E is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Enterically transmitted, water-borne infection
B. Common in young to middle aged adults
C. High mortality rate among pregnant women
D. Commonly self-limited disease
E. * Inducing massive liver necrosis
Morphologically, acute viral B hepatitis is characterized by all of the following,
A. Diffuse swelling (ballooning degeneration) of hepatocytes
B. Inflammatory cells in the sinusoids and portal tracts
C. * Portal tract expansion with fibrous tissue
D. Hepatocellular apoptosis
E. Confluent and bridging necrosis of hepatocytes
Morphologically, chronic indolent viral B hepatitis is characterized by all of the
following, EXCEPT:
A. Well preserved liver architecture
B. Periportal and bridging fibrosis
C. Limited to portal tract inflammation
D. * Severe cholestasis
E. Smoldering hepatocyte necrosis throughout the lobule
Microscopically, fulminant hepatitis virus B is characterized by all of the following,
A. Complete destruction of hepatocytes in damaged lobules
B. Collapsed reticulin framework
C. Preserved portal tracts
D. Inflammatory cell reaction
E. * Hepatocyte regenerative nodules
Macroscopically, the liver in chronic alcoholism is characterized by all of the following,
A. Enlargement (up to 4 to 6 kg)
B. *"Nutmeg" liver
C. Soft consistence
D. Yellow and greasy appearance
E. Smooth surface
Alcoholic hepatitis is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Swelling, steatosis and necrosis of hepatocytes
B. Mallory bodies formation
C. * Councilman bodies formation
D. Neutrophilic reaction
E. Sinusoidal and perivenular fibrosis
259 Pneumonia (pneumonia) is the disease, that includes large group of varied etiology,
pathogenic and morphological description of inflammations of:
A. respirator department of lung
B. pleura
C. media sternum
D. * pericardium
E. overhead respiratory tracts
What can be in lungs by corking of bronchial tubes by mucus, inflammatory exsudate?
A. * atelectatic pneumonia
B. stagnant pneumonia
C. paravertebral pneumonia
D. hypostatic pneumonia
E. croupous pneumonia
What can be in lungs by the hit of extraneous bodies in respiratory tracts?
A. * aspiration pneumonia
B. stagnant pneumonia
C. hypostatic pneumonia
D. atelectatic pneumonia
E. croupous pneumonia
What is the most prevalent way of penetration of bronchopneumonia exciter?
A. * bronchogenic
B. haematogenic
C. lymphogenic
D. mixed
E. enterogenic
Atelectasis is:
A. * active сollaps of pulmonary fabric, which can arise up at the lack of surfactant
B. multiplying the amount of teethridge
in diminishing of amount of teethridge
passive сollaps force-feed exsudate or air
passive сollaps of pulmonary fabric force-feed tumour
Collapse is:
* passive сollaps force-feed exsudate, air or tumour
active сollaps of pulmonary fabric, which can arise up at the lack of surfactant
multiplying the amount of teethridge
diminishing of amount of teethridge
active сollaps of pulmonary fabric with diminishing of amount of teethridge
What can be after the exception of part of teethridge from a respiratory function?
* vicarian (scray) emphysema
syndrome of Hummen-Rich
collapse and atelectasis
What is the type of pneumonia depending on character of exsudate?
* serosal
What is the possible complication of bronchopneumonia?
* gangrene of lungs
infarction of myocardium
infarction of lungs
syndrome of Hummen-Rich
infarction of kidney
What belongs to the atypical forms of pneumonia?
* intermediate
Intermediate pneumonia is:
* peribronchial
The way of penetration of exciter of pneumonia can be:
* bronchogenic
What is the possible complication of interstitial pneumonia?
* pneumosclerosis
infarction of myocardium
bronchial asthma
acute bronchitis
infarction of kidney
A chronic bronchitis with the protracted motion is accompanied:
* by dystrophy of elastic, muscular and cartilaginous frameworks
by hypertrophy of elastic and cartilaginous frameworks.
by atrophy elastic to framework
by hyperplasia of muscular type
by dystrophy cartilaginous to framework
Emphysema of lungs is:
* pathological state of pulmonary fabric, which is characterized by enhanceable
maintenance in her air
B. active collapse of pulmonary fabric, which can arise up at the lack of surfactant
C. multiplying the amount of teethridge
D. passive collapse force-feed exsudate, air or tumor
E. pathological state of pulmonary fabric, which is characterized by the lowered
maintenance in her air
Emphysema of lungs is:
A. * vesicular
B. acute
C. chronic
D. croupous
E. subacute
275 Development of vesicular emphysema is connected with:
A. * chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis
B. croupous pneumonia
C. delete of part of lungs
D. age-old involution of lungs
E. lobar pneumonia
Chronic bronchitis is associated with all of the following pathologic changes, EXCEPT:
A. * Inflammatory infiltration of alveolar walls
B. Goblet cell hyperplasia in bronchi
C. Goblet cell metaplasia in bronchioli
D. Hypertrophy of bronchial submucosal glands
E. Inflammatory infiltration of bronchioli
277 An autopsy of a DE-year-old male patient, who had double bronchopneumonia and died
under the phenomena of intoxication, revealed in the lower lobe of the right lung some thickwalled cavity, D cm in diameter, filled with liquid yellowish masses. Choose the pathological
process complicated by the course of pneumonia:
A. * Tuberculoma
B. Gangrene
C. Abscess
D. Sequester
E. Empyema
An autopsy of 78-year-old male patient, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency,
revealed an enlarged right lung with massive fibrinous superpositions on the pleura.
Histologically, the alveolar lumen had accumulations of fibrin and neutrophils. The lymph
nodes in the lung roots were pale pink and somewhat enlarged. Name the stage of croupous
A. Red hepatization
B. Influx
C. * Grey hepatization
D. Resolution
E. Empyema
On autopsy, C80 ml of some yellow fluid with an unpleasant odour were found in the
right pleural cavity. Microscopically, the liquid contained a lot of neutrophilic granulocytes.
Choose the diagnosis:
A. Pulmonary abscess
B. Phlegmon
C. * Pleural empyema
D. Pulmonary gangrene
E. Pulmonary infarction
An autopsy of a DC-year-old male, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency,
revealed an enlarged grey dense air-free lower lobe of the left lung, the vincernal pleura of
this lobe had superpositions of fibrin. Microscopically, the lumens of alveoli revealed some
fibrinous-leukocytic exudate. Name the stage of croupous pneumonia:
A. Red hepatization
B. Influx
C. * Grey hepatization
D. Resolution
E. Empyema
In 9E % cases croupous pneumonia is caused:
A. * by Franklyn’s pneumococcus
B. streptococcus
C. staphylococcus
D. by chlamydeous
E. by a coli bacillus
An autopsy of a EE-year-old male, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency,
revealed thickened deformed bronchi filled with some mucopurulent exudate.
Microscopically, an inflammatory infiltration, foci of squamous metaplasia of the epithelium
and an increased number of goblet cells were found in the bronchi. Choose the diagnosis:
A. Chronic bronchitis
B. Bronchopneumonia
C. * Bronchiectatic disease
D. Acute bronchitis
E. Fibrinous bronchitis
Chronic obstructive bronchitis is associated with all of the following pathologic changes,
A. Goblet cell hyperplasia in bronchi
B. Goblet cell metaplasia in bronchioli
C. Hypertrophy of bronchial submucosal glands
D. Inflammatory infiltration of bronchioli
E. * Inflammatory infiltration of alveolar walls
Complications of bronchopneumonia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. * Lung histiocytosis
B. Bronchiectasis
C. Pleural fibrosis
D. Metastatic abscess formation
E. Permanent lobar solidification
All of the following factors commonly predispose to bacterial pneumonias, EXCEPT:
A. Viral respiratory tract infections
B. Cigarette smoking
C. Congestive heart failure
D. * Bacterial urinary tract infection
E. Anesthesia
Aspiration of gastric contents produces all of the following types of pulmonary injury,
A. Adult respiratory distress syndrome
B. Lipoid pneumonia
C. Lung abscess
D. Empyema
E. * Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Diseases with diffuse interstitial lung fibrosis development include all of the following,
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Asbestos
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. * Measles pneumonia
E. Bleomycin lung
Eosinophilic infiltrates characterize all of the following disorders, EXCEPT:
A. * Pneumocystic infection
B. Loeffler's syndrome
C. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
D. Bronchial asthma
E. Pigeon/bird breeder's lung
Cigarette smoke contributes to the pathogenesis of the chronic obstructive emphysema
by all of the following mechanisms, EXCEPT:
A. Attracting neutrophils into the lung
B. Stimulating release of neutrophil elastase
C. * Inhibiting the ability of pulmonary leukocytes to clear bacteria
D. Inhibiting alpha A-antitrypsin
E. Stimulating macrophage elastase activity
290 Noncaseating pulmonary granulomas can be found in all of the following diseases,
A. Chronic berylliosis
B. Silicosis
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Alveococcosis
E. * Tuberculosis
Primary pulmonary hypertension is characterized by which of the following:
A. Strong association with cigarette smoking
B. Association with pulmonary embolism
C. Common association with chronic obstructive lung disease
D. * Atherosclerosis of the pulmonary arteries
E. "Bush tea " drinking lung
What is the color of sputum of croupous pneumonia in the stage red slivering?
A. * ferruginous
B. black
C. red
D. yellow
E. grey
Cigarette smoking is causally related to all of the following pulmonary diseases,
A. Chronic bronchitis
B. Centrilobular emphysema
C. * Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (fibrosing alveolitis)
D. Small airway disease (bronchiolitis)
E. Bronchogenic carcinoma
Types of emphysema, according to the anatomic nature of the lesion include all of the
following, EXCEPT:
A. Centriacinar
B. Panacinar
C. Paraceptal
D. Irregular
E. * Interstitial
295 The abnormal fenestrations of the walls of the alveoli, destruction of septal walls,
abnormal airspaces and possibly blebs or bullae are common histological features of which
of the following diseases:
A. * Chronic obstructive emphysema
B. Chronic bronchitis
C. Bronchial asthma
D. Pheumonia
E. Lung abscess
The abnormal dilation of the bronchi and bronchioli is the main characteristic feature of
which of the following diseases:
A. Emphysema
B. Lung abscess
C. Bronchiectasis
D. Bronchial asthma
E. Pneumonia
297 Patchy consolidation of the lung is the dominant characteristic of which of the following:
A. * Bronchopneumonia
B. Lobar pneumonia
C. Bronchiectasis
D. Emphysema
E. Bronchial asthma
Acute bacterial infection of an entire lobe is often referred to as which of the following:
A. Bronchopneumonia
B. * Lobar pneumonia
C. Emphysema
D. Tuberculosis
E. Bronchial asthma
299 The stages of lobar pneumonia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Congestion
B. Red hepatization
C. * Yellow hepatization
D. Grey hepatization
E. Resolution
Exudate in lobar pneumonia may consist of all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Fibrin
B. Neutrophils
C. Erythrocytes
D. Macrophages
E. * Plasma cells
Complications of pneumonia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Abscess formation
B. Empyema
C. Organization of the exudate
D. * Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery
E. Bacteremic dissemination
The most characteristic feature of viral pneumonia is which of the following:
A. * The interstitial nature of the inflammatory reaction
B. Presence of acute suppurative inflammation
C. Emphysema formation
D. Coalescent granulomas formation
E. Suppurative destruction of the lung parenchyma
303 Pulmonary complications of croupous pneumonia can be:
A. * carnification
B. pneumofibrosis
C. acute bronchitis
D. alveolitis fibrosis
E. meningitis
The cardinal histologic change in the acute abscess of the lung is which of the following:
A. * Suppurative destruction of the lung parenchyma
B. Emphysema formation
C. The interstitial nature of the inflammatory reaction
D. Fibrinous exudate
E. Ghon complex formation
All of the following diseases are pneumoconioses, EXCEPT:
A. Anthracosis
B. Silicosis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Asbestosis
E. Berylliosis
The stain used to identify fibrin is which of the following:
A. * Weigert's stain
B. Congo red stain
C. PAS-reaction
D. Hematoxylin and eosin stain
E. Toluidin blue stain
The term given to the group of lung diseases that are caused by the chronic inhalation of
particulate or gaseous agents as a result of occupational exposure is which of the following:
A. Granulomatous disease
B. * Pneumoconiosis
C. Mycobacteriosis
D. Pseudolymphoma
E. Bronchiectasis
Conditions that predispose to lung abscess formation are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Aspiration of infective material
B. Antecedent primary bacterial infection
C. Septic embolism
D. Neoplasia
E. * Injury of the mucociliary apparatus
309 Factors that predispose to bacterial pneumonia are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Loss or supression of the cough reflex
B. Injury of the mucociliary apparatus
C. Pulmonary congestion and edema
D. Accumulation of secretions
E. * Septic embolism
Type A hypersensitivity reaction is the most common cause of which of the following
A. * Atopic asthma
B. Nonatopic asthma
C. Drug-induced asthma
D. Bacterial pneumonia
E. Bronchogenic carcinoma
The histological features in hypersensitivity pneumonitis include all of the following,
A. Interstitial pneumonitis
B. Interstitial fibrosis
C. Obliterative bronchiolitis
D. * Hemosiderosis
E. Granuloma formation
The infection causing interstitial pneumonia is which of the following:
A. Gram-positive bacterial
B. Gram-negative bacterial
C. * Viral
D. Fungal
E. Parasitic
313 The form of chronic interstitial pneumonia characterized by marked proliferation and
desquamation of alveolar lining cells is which of the following:
A. Usual interstitial pneumonitis
B. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
C. * Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis
D. Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis
E. Hamman-Rich syndrome
Out of lung complications of croupous pneumonia can be:
A. * meningitis
B. abscess of the lung
C. empyema of pleura
D. gangrene of the lung
E. bronchitis
Tumor associated mainly with occupational exposure to asbestos is which of the
A. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
B. Oat cell carcinoma
C. * Mesothelioma
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. Adenocarcinoma
Out of lung complications of croupous pneumonia can be:
A. * peritonitis
B. abscess of the lung
C. empyema of pleura
D. gangrene of the lung
E. carnification
In case of insufficiency of blood circulation patients can have:
A. * stagnant pneumonia
B. hypostatic pneumonia
C. paravertebral pneumonia
D. atelectatic pneumonia
E. croupous pneumonia
What patients can have in lungs after staying in bed during a long period of time?
A. * hypostatic pneumonia
B. stagnant pneumonia
C. aspiration pneumonia
D. atelectatic pneumonia
E. croupous pneumonia
319 "Black measles" is characterized by which of the following:
A. * Hemorrhages
B. Hypermelanosis
C. Icterus
D. Hyperchromatosis
E. Multiple nevi
320 A calcified focus (fibrocalcific scar) forming in the lung parenchyma and in the hilar
lymph node after the primary tuberculosis infection is also referred to as:
A. Keloid
B. Granuloma
C. * Ghon focus
D. Aschoff-Pule focus
E. Simon focus
321 Acute adrenal insufficiency syndrome is also referred to as:
A. * Waterhouse — Friderichsen syndrome
B. Kimmelstill-Wilson syndrome
C. Hamman-Rich syndrome
D. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
E. Budd-Chiari syndrome
322 All of the following pathologic processes can be found in the second period of scarlet
fever, EXCEPT:
A. Vasculitis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Arthritis
D. Endocarditis
E. * Amyloidosis
323 All of these cells participate in immune response in primary lung tuberculosis, EXCEPT:
A. Type I pneumocytes
B. * Alveolar macrophages
C. CDD+ helper T-cells
D. CD8+ suppressor T-cells
E. Double negative T-cells
324 An infectious agent causing diphtheria is which of the following:
A. * Corynebacterium
B. Staphylococcus
C. Treponema
D. Bordetella
E. Esherichia
325 Caseating destructive secondary tuberculosis includes all of the following lesions,
A. Caseation in the lung
B. Cavities in the lung
C. Caseation in the lung lymph nodes
D. * Miliary extrapulmonary lesions
E. Extrapulmonary caseation
326 Complications of pyogenic meningitis include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Leptomeningeal fibrosis
B. Hydrocephalus
C. Adhesive arachnoiditis
D. * Intracerebral hemorrhage
E. Focal encephalitis
327 Complications of tuberculosis osteomyelitis include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Tuberculosis arthritis
B. Sinus tract formation
C. Cold abscess formation
D. * Caseation in the lung
E. Amyloidosis
328 Consequences of diphtheria include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Hyperplasia of the spleen
B. Fatty myocardial changes
C. * Systemic hemosiderosis
D. Polyneuritis
E. Focal necroses of the parenchyma of the organs
329 Diphtheria is characterized by the derangement of all of the following organs, EXCEPT:
A. Nasopharynx
B. Oropharynx
C. Larynx
D. Trachea
E. * Esophagus
330 Erythematous rash in scarlet fever can be found on which of the following parts of the
A. The trunk and inner aspects of the arms and legs
B. * The upper aspects of the arms and legs
C. The area about the mouth
D. The knees
E. The head
331 Exotoxin in diphtheria damages all of the following organs, EXCEPT:
A. * Heart
B. Nervous system
C. Adrenals
D. Kidneys
E. Thyroid gland
332 Favored targets for miliary extrapulmonary seeding are all of the following organs,
A. Bone marrow
B. Kidneys
C. Liver
D. * Uterus
E. Spleen
333 Figuratively the influensa pneumonia is often referred to as:
A. Hemosiderosis of the lung
B. * Multicolored lung
C. Silicosis
D. Lung infarct
E. Farmer's lung
334 Growth and multiplication of the tubercle bacilli in cavitary fibrocaseous tuberculosis are
favored by which of the following pathologic conditions:
A. Lymphatic drainage
B. Progressive hypoxia
C. Increased perfusion
D. * Increased oxygen tension
E. Sludging of blood in alveolar capillaries
335 Healed lesions in primary tuberculosis include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Fibrous incapsulation
B. * Caseous pneumonia
C. Fibrocalcific scar
D. Foci of ossification
E. Focal pleural adhesions
336 Impairment of bronchociliary function in influenza results in which of the following:
A. Fungal superinfection
B. * Bacterial superinfection
C. Protozoal superinfection
D. Mycoplasmal superinfection
E. Chlamydial superinfection
337 in epidemic typhus fever is which of the following:
A. Abscess
B. Hyaline thrombus
C. Caseous necrosis
D. * VascuIitis
E. Hemangioma
338 Influenza tracheitis is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Hyperemic and swollen mucosa
B. * Purulent exudate
C. Narrowing of trachea lumen
D. Pinpoint hemorrhages
E. Grey-yellow mucosa covering films within trachea
339 Influenza virus of type A infects all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Horses
B. Humans
C. Pigs
D. * Dogs
E. Birds
340 Macrophages in tuberculous granulomatous inflammation can transform into which of the
following cells:
A. Monocytes
B. Epithelial cells
C. * Epithelioid cells
D. Plasma cells
E. Lymphocytes
341 Measles virus is transmitted by which of the following:
A. Milk
B. Food
C. * Respiratory droplets
D. Feces
E. Blood
342 Measles virus multiplies inside all of the following cells, EXCEPT:
A. Upper respiratory epithelial cells
B. B lymphocytes
C. Macrophages
D. T lymphocytes
E. * Hepatocytes
343 Meningococcal meningitis is most commonly characterized by which of the following
types of inflammation:
A. Serous
B. * Purulent
C. Fibrinous
D. Granulomatous
E. Catarrhal
344 Meningococcal nasopharyngitis is characterized by which of the following types of
A. * Catarrhal
B. Serous
C. Fibrinous
D. Purulent
E. Diphtherial
345 Microscopic features in diphtheria include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Neutrophilic infiltration
B. Vascular congestion
C. Interstitial edema
D. * Hyaline deposition
E. Fibrin exudation
346 Miliary tuberculosis is associated with which of the following pathologic conditions:
A. Reinfection
B. Localized caseation in the lungs
C. Localized caseation in the lymph node
D. Primary infection
E. * Hematogenous tuberculosis
347 Morphologically, measles pneumonia is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Diffuse neutrophil infiltration of the bronchiolar walls
B. Destruction of some fragments of bronchiolar walls and squamous cell metaplasia
C. Exudate with giant cells in the adjacent alveoli
D. Interstitial lung inflammation
E. * Large areas of hemorrhage in lung tissue
348 Morphology of influenza pneumonia is characterized by all of the following features,
A. Diffuse neutrophil infiltration of the bronchiolar walls
B. Dense fibrin-rich neutrophil exudate into adjacent alveoli
C. Foci of necrosis and hemorrhages in lung tissue
D. * Granuloma formation in bronchiolar walls
E. Foci of necrosis and ulceration in bronchiolar mucosa
349 ?Mycobacterium tuberculosis is characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. * Pili-forming
B. Aerobic
C. Non-spore-forming
D. Nonmotile
E. Red colored in acid-fast staining
350 Nervous system pathology in diphtheria includes which of the following:
A. Intracerebral hemorrhage
B. Ischemic necrosis
C. Hydrocephalus
D. * Polyneuritis
E. Encephalitis
351 On gross examination, measles pneumonia is characterized by all of the following,
A. Small grey-white foci in the lung
B. Peribronchial localization of foci
C. * Subpleural localization of foci
D. Firm consistence of inflammatory foci
E. Pus containing foci
352 On gross examination, measles pneumonia is characterized by which of the following:
A. Cavities
B. Foci of necrosis
C. Microbe colonies
D. * Leukocyte infiltration
E. Lymphocyte infiltration
353 On intracutaneous injection of tuberculin in an individual previously exposed to tubercle
bacilli arise all immunopathologic processes, EXCEPT:
A. * Release of CCb, the opsonin that promotes phagocytosis of microorganisms
B. Interaction of memory THA cells with the antigen on the surface antigen- presenting cells
C. Activation of THA cells
D. Blast transformation of THA cells
E. Proliferation of THA cells
354 Pathogenetic mechanisms of cell injury in infectious diseases are all of the following,
A. Direct cell damage
B. Indirect cell damage by release of toxins
C. Indirect cell damage by release of enzymes
D. Indirect cell damage by induction of killer effect
E. * Direct cell damage by reduction of host responses
355 Pathological feature in the skin found in meningococcemia is which of the following:
A. Erythematous rash
B. * Hemorrhagic rash
C. Furuncle
D. Impetigo
E. Koplic spots
356 Pathological feature that can be found in the heart in diphtheria is which of the following:
A. Fibrinous pericarditis
B. * Toxic myocarditis
C. Bacterial endocarditis
D. Myocardial infarction
E. Heart aneurysm
357 Peribronchial pneumonia in measles often results in which of the following
A. Peripheral lung tumor
B. Central lung tumor
C. Hemosiderosis of the lung
D. * Bronchiectasis
E. Lung gangrene
358 Primary complex in tuberculosis may directly transform in all of the following pathologic
conditions, EXCEPT:
A. Fibrocalcific scars
B. Latent pulmonary lesions
C. * Miliary tuberculosis
D. Latent extrapulmonary lesions
E. Progressive primary tuberculosis
359 Prolonged bronchiectasis may result in which of the following derangements of protein
A. Primary amyloidosis
B. Systemic hyalinosis
C. * Secondary amyloidosis
D. Mucoid changes
E. Fibrinoid changes
360 Secondary tuberculosis is characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Caseous necrosis and cavities in the lung
B. * Primary focus in the lung
C. Reinfection with Mycobacteria
D. Reactivation of dormant disease
E. Progression directly into the disseminated disease
361 Severe destruction of vertebrae in spine tuberculosis may result in all of the following
pathologic conditions, EXCEPT:
A. Permanent compression fractures
B. Scoliotic deformities
C. * Drainage tract (sequestrum) forming
D. Kyphotic deformities
E. Neurologic deficits
362 Substances that prevent complete phagocytosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by
macrophages and induce delayed type hypersensitiv-ity are all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Cord factor
B. * Interleukin
C. Lipoarabinomanan (LAM)
D. Heart-shock protein
E. Activated complement
363 The cause of measles development is which of the following:
A. RNA virus of the retrovirus family
B. * RNA virus of the paramyxovirus family
C. DNA virus of the picornavirus family
D. DNA virus of the adenovirus family
E. RNA virus of the togavirus family
364 The cause of poliomyelitis development is which of the following:
A. RNA virus of the retrovirus family
B. RNA virus of the paramyxovirus family
C. * DNA virus of the picornavirus family
D. DNA virus of the adenovirus family
E. RNA virus of the togavirus family
365 The causes of death in meningococcemia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Acute adrenal insufficiency
B. Bacterial shock
C. Acute tubular necrosis
D. Acute heart failure
E. * Cerebral cachexia
366 The cavity in cavitary fibrocaseous tuberculosis is characterized by all of the following
features, EXCEPT:
A. Localized in the apex of the lung
B. Lined by yellow-grey caseous material
C. Walled by fibrous tissue
D. Drained by bronchus
E. * Filled with suppurative exudate
367 The cells playing the most important role in chronic tuberculous inflammation are which
of the following:
A. * Macrophages
B. Leukocytes
C. Eosinophils
D. Erythrocytes
E. Plasma cells
368 The complications of scarlet fever include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Poststreptococcal glomeru-lonephritis
B. Retropharyngeal abscess
C. Purulent mastoiditis
D. * Acute poststreptococcal hepatitis
E. Phlegmon of the neck
369 The disease causing predominant derangement of the upper airways is which of the
A. Bacterial pneumonia
B. * Diphtheria
C. Meningococcal nasopharyngitis
D. Cholera
E. Tuberculosis
370 The disease characterized by the loss of motor neurons and flaccid paralysis with muscle
wasting and hyporeflexia is which of the following:
A. Intracerebral hemorrhage
B. Graves disease
C. * Poliomyelitis
D. Meningoencephalitis
E. Diabetes mellitus
371 The electron micrograph of epithelial cells infected by influenza virus is characterized by
all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Presense of influenza virus particles
B. Hyperchromatic and enlarged nuclei
C. * Displasia of epithelial cells
D. Dilation of cysterns of endoplasmic reticulum
E. Large vacuoles
372 The granuloma in tuberculosis is composed predominantly of which of the following
A. Fibroblasts
B. * Epithelioid cells
C. Eosinophils
D. Plasma cells
E. Neutrophils
373 The infectious agent causing meningococcal infection is which of the following:
A. Streptococcus pyogenes
B. Staphylococcus aureus
C. Corynebacterium
D. Viruses
E. * Dyplococcus
374 The intestine may be affected in which of the following forms of tuberculosis:
A. Secondary tuberculosis
B. Cavitary fibrocaseous tuberculosis
C. Dormant tuberculosis
D. * Primary tuberculosis complex
E. Miliary tuberculosis
375 The measles rash results from which of the following:
A. Nonimmune inflammation
B. Delayed — type hypersensitivity
C. Systemic immune complex reaction
D. * T-cell — mediated immunity
E. Antibody-mediated cellular dysfunction
376 The meningococcal infection includes all of the following forms, EXCEPT:
A. Nasopharyngitis
B. Pyogenic meningitis
C. Meningococcemia
D. * Pyogenic encephalitis
E. Chronic meningitis
377 The miliary lung tuberculosis is characterized by which type of inflammation:
A. * Granulomatous
B. Serous
C. Fibrinous
D. Suppurative
E. Hemorrhagic
378 The most common cause of death in patients with diphtheria is which of the following:
A. * Acute heart failure
B. Chronic heart failure
C. Chronic lung failure
D. Acute tubular necrosis
E. Intracerebral hemorrhage
379 The most common sites of skeletal tuberculosis involvement are all of the following,
A. * Skull bones
B. Thoracic vertebrae
C. Lumbar vertebrae
D. Knees
E. Hips
380 The pathologic change seen in the spinal cord in poliomyelitis is which of the following:
A. * Neuronophagia of the anterior horns motor neurons
B. Large hematoma
C. Hemosiderosis of the anterior horns motor neurons
D. Lipofuscinosis of the posterior horns motor neurons
E. Amyloidosis of the posterior horns motor neurons
381 The pathologic changes seen in the spinal cord in poliomyelitis are all of the following,
A. Mononuclear cell perivascular cuffs
B. Neuronophagia of the anterior horns motor neurons
C. Inflammation extension into the posterior horns
D. * Abscess formation
E. Cavitation
382 The possible causes of chronicity of inflammation in tuberculosis are all of the following,
A. Persistence of certain microorganisms
B. Prolonged exposure to toxic agents
C. Incomplete phagocytosis
D. * Complete phagocytosis
E. Resistance of etiologic agent
383 The severe form of measles pneumonia is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Destructive panbronchitis
B. Interstitial mononuclear infiltration
C. Foci of suppurative inflammation
D. Measles giant cells in the alveoli
E. * Catarrhal bronchitis
384 The severe form of measles pneumonia is characterized by which of the following:
A. Foci of hemorrhagic inflammation
B. Catarrhal bronchitis
C. * Destructive panbronchitis
D. Caseous necrosis
E. Granulomatous inflammation
385 The spine tuberculosis breaking through intervertebral discs and extending into the soft
tissue with cold abscess forming is also referred to as:
A. Paget's disease
B. * Pott's disease
C. Gohn complex
D. Reinfection focus
E. Dormant disease
386 The stain used to identify the causative organism in pyogenic meningitis is which of the
A. Hematoxylin and eosin
B. PAS-reaction
C. * Gram
D. Congo red
E. Weigert's
387 The term "Koplik spots" referes to which of the following:
A. Ulcerated gastric mucosal lesions
B. Foci of granulomatous inflammation of the oral cavity
C. Foci of purulent inflammation in the skin
D. Ulcerated esophageal mucosal lesions
E. * Ulcerated mucosal lesions in the oral cavity
388 The type of immune response initiated in tuberculosis is which of the following:
A. Direct cell cytotoxicity reaction mediated by CDD T-cells
B. * Delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction mediated by CDD T- cells
C. Complement-dependent reaction
D. Antibody-mediated cellular dysfunction
E. Antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity
389 Tuberculoma is macroscopically characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Intraparenchymal single mass
B. Greyish-white appearance
C. Well-circumscribed mass
D. Several centimeters in diameter
E. * Several millimeters in diameter
390 Tuberculous salpingitis can be found in which of the following forms of tuberculosis:
A. Secondary tuberculosis
B. Cavitary fibrocaseous tuberculosis
C. Dormant lesions
D. * Miliary tuberculosis
E. Primary tuberculosis
391 Typical tuberculous granuloma is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. * Plasma cells
B. Area of central necrosis
C. Epithelioid cells
D. Langhans-type giant cells
E. Lymphocytes
392 Ulcerated mucosal lesions in the oral cavity near the opening of Stensen ducts are
referred to as:
A. * Koplik spots
B. Luschka spots
C. Burkitt spots
D. Paget spots
E. Vegetations
393 Viruses can penetrate into the cell cytoplasm through all of the following mechanisms,
A. Translocation of the virus across the plasma membrane
B. Fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane
C. Receptor-mediated endocytosis of the virus
D. Fusion with endosomal membranes
E. * Virus apoptosis
394 A DC years old man is diagnosed clinically with the subacute rapidly progressive|
glomerulonephritis. Its|its| morphological equivalent is|appears|:
A. Intracapillar| proliferative | glomerulonephritis;
B. Glomerulosclerosis |;
C. Membranous glomerulonephritis;
D. * Extracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis | |
E. Mesangial proliferative | glomerulonephritis.
395 A clinical syndrome is characteristic|character,typical| for the renal amiloidisis|kidneys|
A. Hepatonephric
B. Lowe's syndrome |
C. Alport's syndrome |
D. * Nephrotic syndrome
E. Nephritic syndrome|
396 A gouty kidney|kidney| develops as a result of abnormality of metabolism of
A. Chromoproteins |
B. Lipids|
C. * Purines
D. Albumins
E. Carbonhydrates
397 Advanced cervical carcinoma can extend by direct continuity to all of the following,
A. Urinary bladder
B. Ureters
C. * Colon transversum
D. Rectum
E. Peritoneum
398 All of the following clinical features are likely to be found in nephrotic syndrome,
A. Proteinuria
B. Hypoalbuminemia
C. * Hematuria
D. Hyperlipidemia
E. Edema
399 All of the following conditions predispose to urolithiasis, EXCEPT:
A. * Sickle cell nephropathy
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Gout
D. Proteus pyelonephritis
E. Enteric hyperoxaluria
400 All of the following morphologic features characterize the ovary adenocarcinoma cells,
A. Enlarged nucleoli
B. Atypical mitoses
C. Variation in size and shape
D. Hyperchromatic nuclei
E. * Nucleus inclusions
401 All of the following statements correctly describe chronic pyelonephritis, EXCEPT:
A. It causes asymmetrically scarred kidneys
B. It is associated with vesicoureteral reflux in most cases
C. * It spares the calyces and pelvis
D. It may produce thyroidization of tubules
E. It is an important cause of secondary nephrosclerosis
402 All of the following statements correctly describe analgesic abuse nephropathy,
A. It is characterized by tubulo-interstitial component
B. It is often caused by phenacetin
C. It causes inability to concentrate urine
D. It often improves with drug withdrawal
E. * It predisposes to the development of renal cell carcinoma
403 All of the following statements correctly describe renal artery stenosis, EXCEPT:
A. It is an uncommon form of hypertension
B. It is the most common curable form of hypertension
C. It is usually caused by atherosclerotic plaque
D. It produces high renin levels in the venous blood of the ischemic kidney
E. * It is treated by hemodialysis
404 All of the following statements correctly describe chronic pyelonephritis, EXCEPT:
A. It causes asymmetrically scarred kidneys
B. It is associated with vesicoureteral reflux in most cases
C. * It spares the calyces and pelvis
D. It may produce thyroidization of tubules
E. It is an important cause of secondary nephrosclerosis
405 All of the following statements correctly describe analgesic abuse nephropathy,
A. It is characterized by tubulo-interstitial component
B. It is often caused by phenacetin
C. It causes inability to concentrate urine
D. It often improves with drug withdrawal
E. * It predisposes to the development of renal cell carcinoma
406 All of the following statements correctly describe renal artery stenosis, EXCEPT:
A. It is an uncommon form of hypertension
B. It is the most common curable form of hypertension
C. It is usually caused by atherosclerotic plaque
D. It produces high renin levels in the venous blood of the ischemic kidney
E. * It is treated by hemodialysis
407 All of the following statements regarding Goodpasture's syndrome are true, EXCEPT:
A. Patients present with hemoptysis and hematuria
B. Death occurs due to uremia and pulmonary hemorrhage
C. Electron microscopy shows the absence of electron-dense deposits
D. * Immunofluorescence reveals granular deposits of IgG in the glomeruli
E. Immunofluorescence reveals linear deposits of IgG in the glomeruli
408 All of the following statements regarding postinfectious glomerulonephritis are true,
A. The disease follows streptococcus infection
B. Electron microscopy shows large subendothelial immune-type deposits
C. The histologic picture is that of diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
D. The clinical picture is characteristic of acute nephritis
E. * Most affected children develop chronic renal failure
409 All statements concerning chorion-carcinoma are true, EXCEPT:
A. The tumor has a dimorphic pattern
B. Hemorrhages and necrosis are present
C. The tumor is malignant
D. The tumor is composed of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast cells
E. * The tumor produces chorionic villi
410 All statements concerning leiomyomas are true, EXCEPT:
A. They regress or calcify after castration or menopause
B. * They do not respond to estrogens
C. They may undergo rapid increase in size during pregnancy
D. Their cause is unknown
E. They are found in BE% of reproductive women
411 An immunofluorescence-stained kidney specimen from a patient with poststreptococcal
glomerulonephritis is likely to show which of the following:
A. * Granular deposits of Ig G
B. Linear deposits of Ig G
C. Granular deposits of IgA
D. Linear deposits of streptococcal antigen
E. Granular deposits of streptococcal antigen
412 An important factor in cervical oncogenesis is which of the following:
A. * HPV-infection
B. Herpes simplex
C. Herpes zoster
D. Human immunodeficiency virus
E. Respiratory syncytial virus
413 At extracapillar productive glomerulonephritis half moons are formed by
A. Red corpuscles
B. Neutrophilic leucocytes
C. Red corpuscles and neutrophilic leucocytes
D. Exfoliated endothelium and fibrin
E. * Exfoliated renal epithelium| and fibrin
414 Benign nephrosclerosis is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Narrowing of the lumen of the arterioles and small arteries
B. Thickening and hyalinization of the vessels' walls
C. * Deposition of amyloid within the Bowman space
D. Foci of tubular atrophy
E. Deposition of collagen within the Bowman space
415 Changes in a colon at uremia are
A. Granulomatous inflammation
B. Stricture
C. Polyposis
D. Ulcerous colitis
E. * Fibrinous [diphtheritic] colitis
416 Chorioncarcinoma is commonly associated with which of the following:
A. Systemic hypertension
B. * Pregnancy
C. Obesity
D. Oral contraceptive steroid use
E. Diabetes mellitus
417 Conditions leading to endometrial hyperplasia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Polycystic ovarian disease
B. Functioning granulosa cell tumors of the ovary
C. Excessive cortical function (cortical stroma hyperplasia)
D. * Endometriosis
E. Estrogen replacement therapy
418 Criteria to differentiate between benign and malignant tumors are all of the following,
A. Maturity
B. Rate and character of growth
C. * Edema
D. Metastases
E. Local invasion
419 Diabetes mellitus is associated with all of the following renal disorders, EXCEPT:
A. Diffuse glomerulosclerosis
B. Nodular glomerulosclerosis
C. Benigh nephrosclerosis
D. * Urate nephropathy
E. Acute pyelonephritis
420 Distant hematogenic metastases of invasive cervical carcinoma occur in all of the
following, EXCEPT:
A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Bone marrow
D. * Lymph nodes
E. Kidney
421 Endometrial hyperplasia is associated with which of the following:
A. High estrogenic stimulation with normal progestational activity
B. Normal estrogenic stimulation with increased progestational activity
C. * High estrogenic stimulation with diminished progestational activity
D. High estrogenic stimulation and progestational activity
E. Normal estrogenic stimulation and progestational activity
422 First lymphogenous metastases of the papillary mucinous cystadnocarcinoma of the
ovary can be found in which of the following organs:
A. * Pelvic lymph nodes
B. Aortic lymph nodes
C. Liver
D. Lungs
E. Bones
423 First metastases of the Chorioncarcinoma can be found in which of the following organs:
A. Liver
B. * Lung
C. Kidney
D. Bones
E. Brain
424 Give the determination|definition| of gynecomastia
A. Non-cancerous cystous dysplasia |of mammary gland
B. Non-cancerous hyperplasia| of mammary gland
C. Malignant dysplasia| of mammary gland
D. Non-cancerous scleroyic| dysplasia| of mammary gland
E. * Non-cancerous dysplasia| of breast in men
425 Glomerular injury caused by circulating complexes occurs in all of the following
disorders, EXCEPT:
A. Syphilis
B. Goodpasture's syndrome
C. Hepatitis B
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. * Lung cancer
426 Hematuria is a characteristic clinical feature of all of the following diseases, EXCEPT:
A. Glomerulonephritis
B. * Malakoplakia
C. Nephrolithiasis
D. Renal cell carcinoma
E. Bladder papilloma
427 Higher frequency of carcinoma of the endometrium is commonly associated with all of
the following, EXCEPT:
A. * Young age
B. Obesity
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Hypertension
E. Infertility (anovulatory cycles)
428 Histologic features of malignant nephrosclerosis include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles
B. Medial thickening of arterioles
C. * Fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal artery
D. Renal artery thrombosis
E. Focal renal parenchymal infarction
429 Histological type of of high quality hyperplasia| of prostatic| gland
A. Muscular type|
B. Stromal vascular type
C. Amyloid type
D. Fibroid cystous type
E. * Mixed type
430 Hydronephrosis is caused by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. * Chronic renal vein thrombosis
B. Large uterine leiomyoma
C. Renal calculi
D. Benign prostatic hypertrophy
E. Papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter
431 Hydronephrosis is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. * Kidney infarct
B. Thinning of the renal parenchyma
C. Dilatation of the renal pelvis
D. Dilatation of the renal calyces
E. Progressive atrophy of the kidney
432 Immunologicaly mediated glomerulonephritis all of the following cells contribute to the
glomerular injury, EXCEPT:
A. * Mast cells
B. Macrophages
C. Platelets
D. Neutrophils
E. Mesangial cells
433 In case of poisoning by mercuric chloride there is a necrosis of |
A. Cardiac hystiocytes |
B. * Epithelium of renal tubules
C. Glomerular system of kidneys|kidneys|
D. Renal stroma||kidneys|
E. Wall of ureter
434 In nonobstructive chronic pyelonephritis the most common way for bacteria to gain
entrance into the kidney is which of the following:
A. Arterial bloodstream
B. The lymphatics
C. Venous bloodstream
D. * Vesicoureteral reflux
E. Aberrant arteriovenous shunts
435 In pathogeny of glomerulonephritis a considerable role plays borrows:
A. * Sensitizing of an organism
B. Reinfection
C. Toxicness of microbes germs
D. A presence of the inflammatory diseases of kidneys in anamnesis kidneys
E. Superinfection
436 In the urinary tract obstruction all pathologic processes can be found. EXCEPT:
A. Dilatation of the pelvis and calyces
B. * Ischemic tubular necrosis
C. Interstitial inflammation
D. Interstitial fibrosis
E. Glomerular and tubular atrophy
437 In the urinary tract obstruction all pathologic processes can be found. EXCEPT:
A. Dilatation of the pelvis and calyces
B. * Ischemic tubular necrosis
C. Interstitial inflammation
D. Interstitial fibrosis
E. Glomerular and tubular atrophy
438 Invasive cervical carcinoma can manifest in which of the following patterns:
A. * Ulcerating tumor
B. Endocervical polyp
C. Grapelike projections
D. Paget's cancer
E. Flattened plaque cancer
439 Mesangial cells can be characterized by all of the following properties, EXCEPT:
A. Ingestion of macromolecules
B. Connection with Lacis cells
C. Ability to contract
D. * Production of renin
E. Production of basement membrane proteins
440 Microscopically, simple hyperplasia of endometrium is characterized by all of the
following, EXCEPT:
A. * Pressed endometrial glands
B. Dilated endometrial glands
C. Increased gland-to-stroma ratio
D. Abundant stroma
E. Complex ramified endometrial glands
441 Morphological form|shape| of subacute glomerulonephritis is:|stream,current|
A. Mesangial membranous glomerulonephritis |
B. * Extracapillar proliferative
C. Mesangial proliferative|
D. Minimum changes
E. Intracapillar| proliferative|
442 Most forms of chronic renal failure produce increased serum levels of all of the following
substances, EXCEPT:
A. * Calcium
B. Aldosterone
C. Phosphate
D. Parathormone
E. Renin
443 Most frequent complication of glomerulonephritis is
A. Amiloidosis
B. Increase|rise| in arterial pressure
C. * Arteriolosclerotic kidney
D. Renal abscesses
E. Hematuria|
444 Name the|calls| complication of dishormonal hypertrophic prostatopathy|?
A. Formation of the prostatic cysts.
B. Purulent melting of prostate
C. Sclerosis of prostate
D. Appearance of polypous| excrescences
E. * Difficulty in the urine outflow
445 Name|calls| a process, which is regarded as an inflammatory disease of mucous
membrane of uterus|matrix|
A. Cystophorous hyperplasia|
B. Pseudo erosion
C. Polypous| excrescence
D. Endometriosis|
E. * Endometritis
446 Obstetrically related renal disease includes all of the following disorders, EXCEPT:
A. * Nephrocalcinosis
B. Diffuse cortical renal necrosis
C. Acute ischemic tubular necrosis
D. Acute glomerulonephritis
E. Hydronephrosis
447 of the following features of the tumor:
A. Lack of the capsule
B. Absence of estrogen receptors
C. Presence of secondary necrosis and hemorrhages
D. Extensive angiogenesis
E. * Early spread of hematogenous metastases
448 On gross examination, leiomyoma of the uterus is characterized by all of the following,
A. Intramural, submucosal or subserosal localization
B. Discrete multiple nodules
C. Firm consistence
D. Fibrous capsule
E. * Dark brown color
449 On gross examination, leiomyoma of the uterus may be characterized by which of the
A. Indistinct margins
B. Brown color
C. Soft consistence
D. * Fibrillated cut surface
E. Multicolored
450 On gross examination, the hyperplasia of endometrium is characterized by all of the
following, EXCEPT:
A. Enlarged uterus
B. Thickened uterus wall
C. Foci of hemorrhages into endometrium
D. * Suppurative endometritis
E. Irregular thickened endometrium
451 Patogenetic basis of glomerulonephritis is formed by:
A. * Immunoreactions on the basic membranes of glomerular capillaries
B. Exsudates reactions on the basic membranes of glomerular capillaries
C. Necrotic reactions on the basic membranes of glomerular capillaries
D. Exsudative necrotic reactions on the basic membranes of glomerular capillaries
E. Proliferative| reactions on the basic membranes of glomerular capillaries
452 Picrofuchsin by van Gieson staining of leiomyoma of the uterus results in which of the
A. Red color of tumor parenchyma
B. Blue color of tumor parenchyma
C. Orange color of tumor parenchyma
D. Yellow color of the tumor stroma
E. * Red color of the tumor stroma
453 Proteinuria| at glomerulonephritis is caused by
A. Purulent exsudate permeating into the urine
B. Hyperproteinemia|
C. Purulent infiltration of stroma|
D. * Damage of wall of glomerular capillares
E. Damage of tubular wall
454 Renal diseases producing systemic hypertension include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. * Renal amyloidosis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Chronic pyelonephritis
E. Renal vasculitis
455 Renal diseases producing systemic hypertension include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. * Renal amyloidosis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Chronic pyelonephritis
E. Renal vasculitis
456 Risk factors for cervical cancer development include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Early age at first intercourse
B. Multiple sexual partners
C. Oral contraceptive use
D. * Alcohol abuse
E. HPV- infection
457 Structurally-functional unit of kidney|kidney| is|appears|:
A. Kidney pyramid;
B. Kidney little body;
C. Kidney lobule|clove,section|;
D. Kidney bowl;
E. * Nephron
458 Subendothelial granular electron-dense deposits can be found in which of the following
A. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
B. Side cell nephropathy
C. Membranous glomerulonephritis
D. * Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Gouty nephropathy
459 Symptomatic hypertension evolves|secondary|| most frequently from:
A. * Glomerulonephritis
B. Atherosclerosis of renal arteries
C. Thyrotoxicosis
D. Aldosteronism |
E. Pheochromocytoma |
460 Systemic lupus erythematosus gives rise to all of the following patterns of glomerular
injury, EXCEPT:
A. Focal proliferative glomerulonephritis
B. Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
C. Diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
D. * Lipoid nephrosis
E. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
461 The benign tumor characterized by the development of cysts lined by tall columnar
epithelial cells and formation of regular papillary structures is referred to as:
A. Chorioncarcinoma
B. Adenoma
C. Adenocarcinoma
D. * Cystadenoma
E. Fibroadenoma
462 The changes of epithelium of tubulis are in the shock stage of acute kidney insufficiency
A. Metaplasia of epithelium
B. * Dystrophy of epithelium
C. Necrosis of epithelium
D. The changes are absent|absents|
E. Removing a layer by the layer of epithelium
463 The changes of tubular epithelium in the oliguric| stage of acute renal insufficiency
A. Metaplasia of epithelium
B. Dystrophy of
C. * Necrosis of epithelium
D. Changes are absent|absents|
E. Exfoliation of epithelium
464 The characteristic|character,typical| feature of chorioepithelioma| is|appears|
A. Sclerosis of stroma|
B. * Absence of stroma
C. Atrophy of chorionic| epithelium
Presence of lymphatic vessels
The dishormonal disease of the sexual system of men is
* Gynecomastia
Cancer of testicles
The dishormonal disease of the sexual system of men is
Prostatitis |
* Adenoma of prostatic| gland
Orchitis |
Cancer of prostatic| gland
The dishormonal disease of the sexual system of women is |
Cervicitis |
Endometritis |
* Mastopathy
Cancer of the body of uterus
The dishormonal disease of the sexual system of women is
* Endocervicosis
Oophoritis |
Sarcoma of uterus|matrix|
Endometritis |
The essence of pyelonephritis is
Autoimmune aggression ||by| of renal tissue
Non suppurative inflammation of glomerules
Necrosis of renal cortical layer|kidney|
* Suppurative inflammation of kidney
Hyalinosis of glomerular vessels
The factor least likely to cause acute pyelonephritis is which of the following:
Catheterization of the bladder
Prostatic hypertrophy
* Septicemia
The factor least likely to cause acute pyelonephritis is which of the following:
Catheterization of the bladder
Prostatic hypertrophy
* Septicemia
The leiomyoma parenchyma is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:
Haphazardly situated cells
Uniformed in size and shape cells
* Small vessels
Oval nuclei of smooth muscle tumor cells
Long cytoplasmic processus of tumor cells
The main complication of nephrolithiasis |is
Hypertrophy of the left ventricle
B. Hypertension
C. * Hydronephrosis
D. Contracted [granular] kidney |kidney|
E. Cancer of kidney
474 The malignant tumor characterized by easily recognizable glandular tubular pattern is
referred to as:
A. Chorioncarcinoma
B. Adenoma
C. * Adenocarcinoma
D. Cystadenoma
E. Fibroadenoma
475 The most common benign tumor of the ovary is which of the following:
A. * Cystadenoma
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Cystadenocarcinoma
D. Papilloma
E. Fibroadenoma
476 The most frequent clinical display of fibroid hyperplasia| of mucous membrane of uterus
A. Pain|anguish| syndrome
B. Masculinization
C. * Metrorrhagia
D. Enlargement of uterus|matrix| determined by ultrasonography
E. The characteristic|characters,typical| clinical displays are absent|absents|
477 The Russian scientist who was the first to describe the histogenesis of chorioncarcinoma
A. R.Virchov
B. * M.N.Nikiforov
C. N.I.Pirogov
D. I.M.Setchenov
E. A.I.Abrikosov
478 The stain that helps to detect precancer and cancer of the cervix in smears is which of the
A. Weigert's
B. * Papanicolaou
C. Sudan III
D. Toluidin blue
E. Hematoxylin and eosin
479 The stain used to differentiate leiomyoma and fibroma is which of the following:
A. * Picrofuchsin
B. Congo red
C. Sudan III
D. Toluidin blue
E. Fuchselin
480 The tubular epithelial cells in acute tubular necrosis are characterized by all of the
following pathologic features, EXCEPT:
A. Karyolysis
B. Plasmolysis
C. Plasmorrhexis
D. Plasmocoagulation
E. * Tubulorrhexis
481 The tubular epithelial cells in acute tubular necrosis are characterized by all of the
following pathologic features, EXCEPT:
A. Karyolysis
B. Plasmolysis
C. Plasmorrhexis
D. Plasmocoagulation
E. * Tubulorrhexis
482 The tumor composed of clusters of cuboid cytotrophoblast cells separated by streaming
masses of syncytiotrophoblast giant cells with marked atypia is referred to as:
A. * Chorioncarcinoma
B. Adenoma
C. Adenocarcinoma
D. Cystadenoma
E. Fibroadenoma
483 Ultrastructural changes in children primary nephrotie syndrome involve which of the
following glomerular elements:
A. Endothelium
B. * Podocytes
C. Mesangium
D. Bloodvessels
E. Basement membrane
484 Ultrastructural changes in children primary nephrotie syndrome involve which of the
following glomerular elements:
A. Endothelium
B. * Podocytes
C. Mesangium
D. Bloodvessels
E. Basement membrane
485 Uremia is associated with all of the following abnormalities, EXCEPT:
A. Peripheral neuropathy
B. Gastritis
C. * Polycythemia
D. Pericarditis
E. Diffuse alveolar damage
486 Uremia is associated with all of the following abnormalities, EXCEPT:
A. Peripheral neuropathy
B. Gastritis
C. * Polycythemia
D. Pericarditis
E. Diffuse alveolar damage
487 What |enumerated| illness from the listed below relates to|by| the large mottled
A. Amiloidosis of kidney|kidneys|
B. Chronic pyelonephritis
C. Nephrolithiasis|
D. * Subacute glomerulonephritis
E. Chronic glomerulonephritis
488 What abnormality develops at shock
A. * Acute kidney insufficiency
B. Chronic kidney insufficiency
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Renal amiloidisis|kidneys|
E. Renal cirrhosis|
489 What belongs to|by| the inherited diseases from these tubular patologies|
A. Pyelonephritis
B. Necrotic nephrosis
C. * Tubular enzimatic| pathology
D. “Myelome” kidney|kidney|
E. “Shield-shaped|” kidney|kidney|
490 What develops in case of prolong obstruction of ureters by stone|rocks| in a
A. Heart attack
B. Gangrene
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Amiloidosis
E. * Hydronephrosis
491 What develops in case of prolong obstruction of ureters by stone|rocks| in a
A. Heart attack
B. Gangrene
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Amiloidosis
E. * Hydronephrosis
492 What disease|kidneys| can be complicated by amyloidosis:
A. Atherosclerosis
B. Heart ischemic disease
C. * Fibrous cavernous | tuberculosis of lungs
D. Croupous pneumonia
E. Hypertension
493 What disease|kidneys| can be complicated by amyloidosis:
A. Atherosclerosis
B. Heart ischemic disease
C. * Fibrous cavernous | tuberculosis of lungs
D. Croupous pneumonia
E. Hypertension
494 What pathologic condition of the kidneys is caused by mercury poisoning?
A. * Acute tubular necrosis
B. Renal papillary necrosis
C. Crescentic glomerulonephritis
D. Acute interstitial nephritis
E. Renal cell carcinoma
495 What pathologic condition of the kidneys is caused by mercury poisoning?
A. * Acute tubular necrosis
B. Renal papillary necrosis
C. Crescentic glomerulonephritis
D. Acute interstitial nephritis
E. Renal cell carcinoma
496 What pathological process the hypertrophy of prostatic| gland is related to?
A. Chronic prostatitis|
B. Acute prostatitis|
C. Hyperfunction| of sexual glands
D. Disorder of the urine outflow|
E. * Hypofunction of sexual glands
497 What process occurs|exists| in the wall of urinary bladder at prostatopathy |?
A. Sclerosis
B. Fibrosis|
C. Atrophy
D. The changes are absent|absents|
E. * Compensatory hypertrophy
498 What type of epithelium covers the mucous membrane of urinoexcretory ways?
A. Monolayer | pavement epithelium;
B. * Multi-layered transitional
C. Multi-layered | ciliated|
D. Monolayer | cylindrical
E. Multi-layered pavement unonkeratinizing |.
499 What type of epithelium covers the mucous membrane of urinoexcretory ways?
A. Monolayer | pavement epithelium;
B. * Multi-layered transitional
C. Multi-layered | ciliated|
D. Monolayer | cylindrical
E. Multi-layered pavement unonkeratinizing |.
500 Which statement correctly characterizes membranous glomerulopathy?
A. It is the most common cause of nephrotie syndrome in children
B. Patients usually present with acute renal failure
C. It is characterized by diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
D. * Electron microscopy demonstrates numerous subepithelial immunetype deposits
E. It is characterized by mesangial interposition phenomenon
501 Which statement correctly characterizes membranous glomerulopathy?
A. It is the most common cause of nephrotie syndrome in children
B. Patients usually present with acute renal failure
C. It is characterized by diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
D. * Electron microscopy demonstrates numerous subepithelial immunetype deposits
E. It is characterized by mesangial interposition phenomenon
502 During an ectopic pregnancy in the uterine wall of the pipe through a small hole, which is
overweighted with packages tamponirovalos blood. What is the name of such a
A. Blood drop
B. *Covered the gap
C. Cystic drop
D. Incomplete tubal abortion
E. Full Pipe abortion
503 What are the main morphological structures are signs of pregnancy?
A. glandular hyperplasia edometriya
B. placental polyp
C. * chorionic villi and decidual tissue
D. Iron-cystic hyperplasia
E. Endotservikoz
Termination of pregnancy and the allocation of the uterus before the fetus from 14 weeks
of conception denote as:
A. Miscarriage
B. Late abortion
C. *Early abortion
D. Premature birth
E. Criminal abortion
Termination of pregnancy and the allocation of the fetus from the uterus of 14 weeks to
20 weeks from the moment of conception denote as:
A. Miscarriage
B. *Late abortion
C. Early abortion
D. Premature birth
E. Criminal abortion
506 Allocation of the fetus from the uterus of 28 to 37 weeks is called:
A. Miscarriage
B. Late abortion
C. Early abortion
D. *Premature birth
E. Criminal abortion
Abortion was carried out outside the boundaries of the medical institution is called:
A. Septic abortion
B. *Criminal abortion
C. Artificial board
D. Cystic mole
E. Vesiculare cystic mole
It is called an abortion outside a medical institution:
A. Septic abortion
B. *Criminal abortion
C. Artificial board
D. Puzirny mole
E. Vesiculare cystic mole
Villi cystic placenta reborn, their number increased dramatically, becoming a
conglomerate of the vine with:
A. *Cyst change of placenta
B. Premature birth
C. Late abortion
D. Miscarriage
E. Trubnaya pregnancy
510 .What is the name of the process, when the placenta villi cystic reborn, their number
increased dramatically, becoming a conglomerate of vines:
A. *Vesiculare mole
B. Premature birth
C. Late abortion
D. Miscarriage
E. Tubular Pregnancy
511 In microscopic examination revealed endometrial villi chorion, the convolution of blood
decidual tissue. What is the process of being developed?
A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrial
B. Iron-cystic hyperplasia of endometrial
C. *Placental polyp
D. Fibrous polyp
E. Adenomatous polyp
In the microscopic study revealed endometrial villi of chorion, the convolution of blood
decidual tissue. What is the process of being developed?
A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrial tissue
B. Iron-cystic hyperplasia endometrial tissue
C. *Placental polyp
D. Fibrous polyp
E. Adenomatous polyp
513 . In the microscopic examination of endometrial tissue revealed diffuse leukocyte
infiltration. What is the process of being developed?
A. Placental polyp
B. Horionepithelioma
C. *Endometritis
D. Septic endometritis
E. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
514 . Name the process in endometrium which appears diffuse leukocyte infiltration.
A. Placental polyp
B. Horionepithelioma
C. *Endometritis
D. Septic endometritis
E. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
515 . Embriopathias A. *Pathology embryonic period, with 16 days of pregnancy
B. Pathology embryonic period, with 20 days of pregnancy
C. Pathology embryonic period, with 40 days of pregnancy
D. Pathology embryonic period, with 52 days of pregnancy
E. Pathology embryonic period, with 58 days of pregnancy
516 . Which includes embriopatias A. *Pathology embryonic period, with 16 days of pregnancy
B. Pathology embryonic period, with 20 days of pregnancy
C. Pathology embryonic period, with 40 days of pregnancy
D. Pathology embryonic period, with 52 days of pregnancy
E. Pathology embryonic period, with 58 days of pregnancy
517 . What is embriopathias A. *Pathology embryonic period, with 16 days of pregnancy
B. Pathology embryonic period, with 20 days of pregnancy
C. Pathology embryonic period, with 40 days of pregnancy
D. Pathology embryonic period, with 52 days of pregnancy
E. Pathology embryonic period, with 58 days of pregnancy
The most difficult gaps arise in the development of the child injury in the early neural
tube bookmark:
A. *3-4 weeks of intrauterine development
B. 5-6 week of intrauterine development
C. 7-8 week of intrauterine development
D. 9-10 weeks of intrauterine development
E. 11-12 weeks of intrauterine development
What are the disadvantages of the most difficult child development occur when damage
to the neural tube early favorite:
A. 3-4 weeks of intrauterine development
B. 5-6 week of intrauterine development
C. 7-8 week of intrauterine development
D. 9-10 weeks of intrauterine development
E. 11-12 weeks of intrauterine development
When the most difficult developmental damage in children with neural tube early
A. *3-4 weeks of intrauterine development
B. 5-6 week of intrauterine development
C. 7-8 week of intrauterine development
D. 9-10 weeks of intrauterine development
E. 11-12 weeks of intrauterine development
Microcephaly, primary marrow hypoplasia relate to:
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
To which group pathology include microcephaly-(hypoplasia main brain):
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
Indicate which group pathology include microcephaly-(hypoplasia main brain):
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
524 . Born hydrocephalus, the excess accumulation of liquor in the cerebral ventricle or
subarachnoid space, refers to:
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
In which group of diseases include hydrocephalus nee-(excessive accumulation of liquor
in the cerebral ventricle or subarachnoid space):
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
Specify which group of diseases include hydrocephalus nee-(excessive accumulation of
liquor in the cerebral ventricle or subarachnoid space):
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
527 . Spinal cord herniation associated with splitting dorsal vertebrae divisions, are:
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
To which group of diseases included spinal cord herniation associated with splitting
dorsal vertebrae divisions:
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
529 . Specify which group of diseases included spinal cord herniation associated with splitting
dorsal vertebrae divisions:
A. Embriopathias
B. Fetopattias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Secular change
E. Perinatal Pathology
Defect mezhzheludochnoy partition belongs to:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. *Embriopathias
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
531 . To which group of diseases include defect ventricular septa:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. *Embriopathias
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
Specify which group of diseases include defect ventricular septa:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. *Embriopathias
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
533 . Complete transposition pulmonary artery and aorta refers to:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. *Embriopathias
E. Perinatal Pathology
To which group of diseases include full transposition pulmonary artery and aorta:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. *Embriopathias
E. Perinatal Pathology
Specify which group of diseases include full transposition pulmonary artery and aorta:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. *Embriopathias
E. Perinatal Pathology
Stenosis and atresia occurs when the pulmonary artery walls of blood replacement barrel
to the right, often with a defect ventricular septa, and is a manifestation of:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. *Embriopathias
E. Perinatal Pathology
537 . Triad Fallouh (defect ventricular septa, pulmonary artery stenosis, right ventricular
hypertrophy) is to:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. Perinatal Pathology
E. *Embriopathias
To which the pathology refers tetrad Fallouh (defect ventricular septa, narrowing of the
pulmonary artery, dekstrapozition of aorta, right ventricular hypertrophy):
A. Fetopathias
B. *Embriopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
Polycystic of liver - multiple cysts of various sizes, found polycystic of the kidneys and
pancreas, refers to:
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
540 . To which the pathology of the liver include polycystic - (multiple cysts of various sizes,
found out polycystic kidney and pancreas):
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
541 . Ageneziya of kidney congenital absence of one or both kidneys is related to
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
What pathology refers ageneziya kidney - the absence of one or both kidneys:
A. *Embriopathias
B. Fetopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
543 . Renal hypoplasia - reducing weight and volume of the kidney may be one-and two-way:
A. Fetopathias
B. *Embriopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
Which renal pathology include renal hypoplasia - reducing weight and volume of the
kidney may be one-and two-way:
A. Fetopathias
B. *Embriopathias
C. Pathology consequences
D. Birth trauma
E. Perinatal Pathology
545 . Displasia renal hypoplasia, with the simultaneous presence of embryonic kidney tissue,
refers to:
A. Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. Perinatal Pathology
E. *Embriopathias
546 . Congenital emphysema - a dramatic swelling are the top percentage of the left lung with
hypoplasia cartilage, elastic and muscular bronchial tissue related to:
A. *Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. Perinatal Pathology
E. Embriopathias
547 . Dislocations and dysplasia of the hip joint is related to:
A. Pathology consequences
B. Birth trauma
C. Perinatal Pathology
D. Embriopathias
E. *Fetopathias
548 . Polidaktiliya - Increase the number of fingers is related to:
A. *Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. Perinatal Pathology
E. Embriopathias
549 . What pathology refers polidaktiliya - Increase the number of fingers:
A. *Fetopathias
B. Pathology consequences
C. Birth trauma
D. Perinatal Pathology
E. Embriopathias
Perinatal period starts from:
A. *196 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
B. 197 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
C. 198 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
D. 199 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
E. 200 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
When starting the perinatal period:
A. *196 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
B. 197 days dnya fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
C. 198 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
D. 199 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
E. 200 days fetal life and lasts for up to 1 week of life outside the mother's body
552 . Infant mortality and childbirth are called:
A. Perinatal mortality
B. Intranatal
C. *Antenatal
D. Neonatal
E. -553
Hyaline membrane lung disease refers to:
A. Antenatal pathology
B. Intranatal pathology
C. Postnatal pathology
D. *Pneumopathy
E. -554
What pathology include hyaline membrane lung disease:
A. Antenatal pathology
B. Intranatal pathology
C. Postnatal pathology
D. *Pneumopathy
E. -555
Birth injury (damage to tissues and organs of the fetus mechanical forces) occurs:
A. Before birth
B. *At the time of childbirth
C. After childbirth
D. As a consequence of childbirth
E. -556
To which the pathology include birth injury (damage to tissues and organs of the fetus
mechanical forces):
A. Before birth
B. *At the time of childbirth
C. After childbirth
D. As a consequence of childbirth
E. -557
Indicate how pathology relates to birth injury (damage to tissues and organs of the fetus
mechanical forces):
A. Before birth
B. *At the time of childbirth
C. After childbirth
D. As a consequence of childbirth
E. -558
Causes of fetal birth trauma, set in a position of the fetus during labor is all listed,
A. High moving vessels
B. Lack of blood prothrombin
C. The shortage of vitamins C and P
D. Softness bone
E. *The shortage of vitamin C
What pathology include birth injury (damage to tissues and organs of the fetus
mechanical forces):
A. Before birth
B. *At the time of childbirth
C. After childbirth
D. As a consequence of childbirth
E. –
Situational tasks
An autopsy of a 76-year-old male, who smoked for a long period of time, lived sedentary life and
had redundant weight, revealed in the intima of the aorta some grey-yellow spots and stripes,
fibrous plaques, calcified areas with haemorrhages and calcinosis. What disease do these
changes indicate?
A. Atherosclerosis
B. Hypertensive disease
C. Systemic lupus erythematosus
D. Visceral syphilis
E. Nonspecific aortoarteritis
An autopsy of a 27-year-old male, who died suddenly, revealed in the intima of the abdominal
aorta some yellow foci in the form of spots and stripes, which did not rise above the surface of
the intima but after staining with sudan III became orange. What stage in the morphogenesis of
atherosclerosis was revealed?
A. Atherocalcinosis
B. Liposclerosis
C. Atheroma
D. Lipoidosis
E. E. Prelipid
A microscopic examination of the wall of an aorta revealed a focal infiltration of the intima by
lipids and proteins. The lipids impregnated the intima and accumulated in the muscle cells and
macrophages. Determine the stage of atherosclerosis.
A. Prelipid
B. Liposclerosis
C. Atheromatosis
D. Atherocalcinosis
E. Lipoidosis
?The patient died at signs of azotaemic uremia. At the autopsy: enlarged kidney; swollen, redblooded, easily removable capsule. Cavities of kidney pelvises and cups are enhanced, filled
with cloudy urine pus, their membranes are dull, with focuses hemorrhage. At section kidney
tissue is mottled, yellow-gray areas are surrounded by a zone of hyperemia and hemorrhage.
What disease does correspond to the macroscopic view of the kidneys?
A. Acute pyelonephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Renal amyloidosis
D. Chronic pyelonephritis
E. Chronic glomerulonephritis
45 years old man who received treatment for cold with large doses of paracetamol, symptoms of
oliguria, azotaemia appeared. After 5 days death occurred at signs of acute renal failure. At
histological examination diffuse swelling of the kidney tissue of intermediate renal medulla and
its infiltration with lymphocytes, eosinophils, some neutrophils, destruction of tubular
epithelium, glomerulars changed insignificantly. What is the most likely disease?
A. Tubule interstitial nephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Nephrotic syndrome
D. Acute pyelonephritis
E. Necronephrosis
42 year old man who suffered severe typhoid fever, ARF (acute renal failure) developed, from
which he died. At autopsy the kidneys are increased in size, swollen, fibrous capsule is removed
easily, at section - cortical substance is pale gray, dark red pyramids. At histological examination
in the majority of tubules the lumen is narrowed, epithelial cells increased in size without nuclei;
glomerulars are collapsed; in stroma - edema, small leukocyte infiltration, minor hemorrhage.
Determine the renal pathology that caused the death of the patient.
A. Necronephrosis
B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Pionephros
E. Nephrotic syndrome
In man of 60 years old, who had hypertension for a long time and died of chronic renal failure at
autopsy was revealed: both kidneys are greatly reduced in size, the surface is fine-grained;
histologically - the majority of glomerulars is hialinised and sclerosed, some glomerulars are hyperplastic; areas of sclerosis are detected in stroma, arteriolosclerosis and atherosclerosis,
elastofibrosis of large branches of renal artery. Name identified changes of kidneys.
A. Arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis
B. Atherosclerotic nephrosclerosis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Chronic pyelonephritis
E. Arteriosclerotic kidney
At the autopsy of 56 years old woman who died of kidney failure, kidney are non-uniformly
reduced in size, with macrotuberous surface, at the section pelvises are extended, their walls
thickened, scar tissue areas alternating with unmodified parenchyma. Microscopically in the
walls of pelvises, cups and interstition – phenomenas of sclerosis and lymphoplasmocytic
infiltration. Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely?
A. Chronic pyelonephritis
B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Tubulointerstitial nephritis
E. Chronic glomerulonephritis
In a patient who suffered a streptococcal tonsillitis month ago, high blood pressure is identified
along with oliguria and oedema of the face. At microscopic examination of renal biopsy material
increased in volume, hyperaemic glomerulars are identified, their capillaries and mesangium are
diffusely infiltrated by neutrophils. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute glomerulonephritis, exudative phase
B. Acute glomerulonephritis, exudative-proliferative phase
C. Acute glomerulonephritis, proliferative phase
D. Subacute glomerulonephritis
E. Chronic glomerulonephritis
At autopsy of person deceased from kidney colic the enlarged flabby kidneys are seen, cortical
layer is yellow-gray with the red specks. At microscopic study of biopsy material was revealed
that the epithelium of glomerular capsule is proliferating with the formation of "half-moon"
capillary loops are necrotised with the fibrin thrombosis in the lumens. Which of the following
diagnosis is the most likely?
A. Subacute glomerulonephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Lipoid nephrosis
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
E. Renal amyloidosis
At autopsy a man 45 years old, died of kidney failure were found reduced in size, dense, waxy
kidney, with lots of drawings in on their surface. Microscopically: many glomerulars are
replaced with positive Congo-rot substance, in other cases - the substance is present in the basal
membranes of capillaries, in mesangium and, in the walls of arteries and stroma. Which of the
following diagnoses is the most likely?
A. Renal amyloidosis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Subacute glomerulonephritis
E. Lipoid nephrosis
In 68 years old patient bleeding from varicose veins led to significant blood loss. Despite the
compensation of hemorrhage the postoperative anuria remained stable and five-day death
occurred. At the autopsy kidneys looked like "shocked". Specify the morphological equivalent of
acute renal failure.
A. Necrotizing nephrosis
B. Glomerulonecrosis
C. Paraproteinaemic necrosis
D. Glomerulosclerosis
E. Fibrinoid arteriolonecrosis
60 years old man for 10 years suffered from chronic osteomyelitis of tibia. Three years ago,
appeared nephrotic syndrome. Death occurred from uraemia. At autopsy: moderately reduced
kidneys, dense, white with scars in the cortical layer. Name renal pathology that developed.
A. periodic disease
B. Primary amyloidosis
C. Senile amyloidosis
D. Secondary amyloidosis
E. Idiopathic amyloidosis
Patient of 49 years hospitalised because pain in the waist. At ultrasound examination in
dramatically enhanced renal pelvis and cups of right kidney stones were found. Nephrectomy
was performed. At morphological study: kidney is sharply increased, atrophied parenchyma,
cups and pelvises are distended, filled with clear yellowish liquid. Microscopically revealed
diffuse sclerosis, tubular and glomerular atrophy saved tubules are distended with cysts. What
complications of renal stone disease emerged in the patient?
A. Hydronephrosis
B. Pionefrosis
C. Pyelonephritis
D. Glomerulonephritis
E. Chronic paranephritis
In the 52-year-old woman with hypertension in medical record, signs of uremia and aedema
developed during the last year. At renal biopsy was revealed diffuse glomerular lesions , most of
them - with signs and total focal sclerosis and hyalinosis, only in single preserved glomerulas
observed expansion mesangium spaces with proliferation of mesangium cells. Diagnose the type
of glomerulonephritis.
A. Chronic glomerulonephritis fibroplastic
B. Chronic mesangiocapillar glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
D. Subacute extracapillar glomerulonephritis
E. Acute intracapillar glomerulonephritis
At autopsy of man 62 years old was revealed: gray color of skin with punctulated hemorrhages,
skin as if covered with thin layer of whitish powder, fibrinous-hemorrhagic laryngitis, tracheitis,
fibrinous pericarditis, gastritis, enterocolitis. What syndrome is characterized by such complex
morphological changes?
A. Syndrome of chronic renal failure
B. Pituitary Cushing syndrome
C. Acute renal failure
D. Syndrome of chronic heart failure
E. Syndrome of chronic liver failure
In a patient who suffered from hypertension and died of hemorrhage in the brain, at autopsy
small, dense kidneys with fine surface were detected, cortical layer and parenchyma are
atrophied. Specify the type of changes of the kidney.
A. Contracted kidney
B. Amyloid contracted kidney
C. Arteriolosclerotic kidney
D. Piyelonephritic contracted kidneys
E. Nephrotic contracted kidneys
The man of 23 years old fell ill after acute hypothermia. There was high blood pressure,
hematuria, swelling of the face. The treatment was ineffective. After 6 months he died of uremia.
At the section of kidneys they are increased, flabby, cortical layer of broad, swollen, yellowgray, dull, with a red specs, well bordereded from crimson brain substance. Microscopically
detected proliferation of capsule glomerular epithelium, podocytes and macrophages with
formation of a half-moons. Choose a diagnosis.
A. Subacute glomerulonephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Acute pyelonephritis
E. Renal amyloidosis
Patient of 30 years old was admitted to the hospital with complains of headache, fainting. Over
the last year high rates of blood pressure are found. In kidney biopsy materials revealed
extracapillar epithelial proliferation of capsule glomerulas with formation of "half-moons". For
which disease those changes are characteristic?
A. Chronic glomerulonephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Lupoid glomerulonephritis
D. Membranous nephropathy
E. Subacute glomerulonephritis
63 years old patient suffered from infectious polyarthritis for a long time, died at signs of kidney
failure. Kidneys significantly increased in size, dense, mammiform. At histological examination
revealed renal sclerosis intermediate zone and pyramids, a large number of lipids and
konhophilic substance in the stroma of tubules. What pathological process complicated of
infectious polyarthritis?
A. Nephritic amyloidosis
B. Nephrotic syndrome
C. Nephrosclerosis
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
E. Chronic pyelonephritis
At microscopic study of kidney biopsy material pronounced proliferation of mesangial cells was
found with expression of their sprouts at the periphery of capillary loops (interposition of
mesangium), diffuse thickening and doubling of the basal membrane of capillaries and
accumulation of mesangial matrix. Choose which diagnosis is the most likely?
A. Mesangial glomerulonephritis
B. Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
C. Membranous glomerulonephritis
D. Mezanhgiocapillar glomerulonephritis
E. Acute intracapillar glomerulonephritis
At the autopsy of the body of patient with the crush-syndrome enlarged swollen kidneys were
found, fibrous capsule is easily removed, discovering pale gray cortical layer, sharply boardered
from dark red pyramids. Necrosis of epithelial tubules with signs of tubulorhexis were found,
tubular obstruction by detritus and myoglobin crystals, interstitial swelling and its infiltration by
neutrophilic leukocytes. Which diagnosis is the most probable?
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Acute renal failure
D. Tubular interstitial nephritis
E. Hemolytic kidney
In a 44 year old patient who is suffering from a chronic kidney disease, in urine stable
proteinuria is determined in urine. At microscopic study of kidney biopsy material revealed
diffuse, uniform thickening of glomerular capillary basal membranes with formation of
outgrowths towards podocytes (“thorns"), absent or insignificantly expressed proliferation of
mesangiocytes, small focuses of sclerosis in medullar layer and fatty dystrophy of epithelium of
proximal tubules. Make a diagnosis
A. Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
B. Mesangiocapillar glomerulonephritis
C. Membranous glomerulonephritis
D. Lipoid nephrosis
E. Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
38 years old patient complained of breathlessness, cough with lots of sputum, increasing t ° to 38
° C, reduced urine output. On the X-ray - focal dark spots of lungs, blood urea and blood uric
acid are increased, in urine - low specific gravity, proteinuria, cylinders. Patient died two weeks
ago. The fibrinous-necrotic lyarynhotraheobronhitis, fibrinous-haemorrhagic pneumonia were
found at autopsy, along with contracted kidney. Indicate which of the following is most likely
A. Chronic bronchitis destructive
B. Fibrinous-haemorrhagic pneumonia
C. Pulmonary complications of influenza
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
E. Chronic renal failure
At electron microscopic examination of kidney biopsy material of 10-year-old boy, who was
observed with pronounced edema and proteinuria, was found that in no glomerulas small sprouts
of podocytes were absent, thickened capillary basal membranes, mesangium is slightly
broadened. In lumens of extended proximal tubules hyaline and granular cylinders were found,
tubular epithelium with hyaline-drop phenomenas, hydropic and adipose dystrophy. In the
interstitium are many lipids, lipophages Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely?
A. Membranous glomerulonephritis
B. Subacute glomerulonephritis
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Adipoid nephrosis
E. Mesangiocapillar glomerulonephritis
At the autopsy of the woman of 60 years old, 15 years suffered from bronchiectasis and died of
kidney failure, revealed reduced dense kidney with the "sebaceous appearance” and
micronodular surface. At microscopic examination glomerulars are atrophied, replaced by
connective tissue. Under adventitious membrane an intima of vessels, in basal membranes of
tubules and stroma of kidneys - the accumulation of kongophilic masses. Indicate the most likely
A. Chronic pyelonephritis
B. Adipoid nephrosis
C. Renal amyloidosis
D. Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis
E. Healed nephrosclerosis
During the autopsy woman died of uremia, kidneys of different sizes were found with
macrotubercular surface, between the renal capsule and renal surface there are dense adhesions.
At microscopic examination the following focal renal changes were identified: Multiple
encapsulated abscesses, expressed limfohistiocytic interstitial infiltration and widening of the
connective tissue. Mucous membrane of kidneys with focuses of metaplasia of transitional
epithelium into multilayerd. Tubules are partially atrophied, partially distended and filled with
colloid-like content Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely?
A. Chronic pyelonephritis
B. Chronic glomerulonephritis
C. Acute pyelonephritis
D. Acute glomerulonephritis
E. Tubuloyinterstitial nephritis
After 3 weeks of severe hypothermia in a young man fever began, backpain appeared, oedema,
proteinuria, hematuria. Renal biopsy showed increased glomerular size, plethora of capillaries,
in the cavity of Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule - eosinophil fluid, fibrin and erythrocytes,
mesangium is infiltrated with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute pyelonephritis
B. Subacute glomerulonephritis
C. Acute renal failure
D. Acute productive glomerulonephritis
E. Acute exudative glomerulonephritis
A histological examination of a skin biopsy revealed an insignificantly expressed atrophy of the
epidermis, hyalinosis of collagenous fibres and scanty perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates in the
derma, an expressed interstitial oedema, a loss of transversal striation and microfocal necroses
with petrification in the underlying skeletal muscles. Make a diagnosis of the disease.
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
B. Scleroderma
C. Dermatomyositis
D. Polyarteritis nodosa
E. Rheumatism
An autopsy of a 9-year-old child, who suffered from rheumatism and died of heart failure,
revealed dilatation of cavities in the ventricles of his heart. Microscopically, the myocardial
stroma was characterized by a plethora, oedema, diffuse infiltrations of histiocytes, lymphocytes,
neutrophils and eosinophils. What diagnosis was the most probable one?
A. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis
B. Focal interstitial exudative myocarditis
C. Granulomatous productive myocarditis
D. Interstitial productive myocarditis
E. Alterative myocarditis
A male patient developed substernal pains at 8 a.m., and at 9 a.m. myocardial infarction was
diagnosed by ECG data at the admission department. Ten minutes later the patient died. What
most reliable sign of myocardial infarction will be found on histological examination?
A. Vacuole dystrophy of cardiomyocytes
B. Fat infiltration of cardiomyocytes
C. Disappearance of glycogen in cardiomyocytes
D. Reduced activity of dehydrogenases in fibroblasts
E. Relaxation of myofibrils in cardiomyocytes
A 75-year-old male was hospitalized complaining of a sharp pain in the abdominal cavity,
weakness, filiform pulse. During an operation it was found that the paraaortic fat was imbibed
with blood. The abdominal aorta had a sac-like protrusion, its wall was thinned and had an area
of rupture. What disease caused the complication?
A. Coronary disease
B. Atherosclerosis
C. Hypertensive disease
D. Cardiomyopathy
E. Systemic vasculitis
A 67-year-old male patient was suffering from hypertensive disease during 20 years. He died
from chronic renal insufficiency. What appearance did his kidneys have on autopsy?
A. Large, motley
B. Large, red
C. Large, white, dense
D. Small, dense, macrotuberous
E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface
An autopsy of a male patient, who died from heart failure, revealed an enlarged heart weighing
550 g, fibrinous pericarditis, as well as contracted dense kidneys weighing 50 g each and having
a fine-grained surface. Microscopically, the kidneys were characterized by an expressed
hyalinosis of arteioles and glomeruli. Name the basic disease.
A. Atherosclerosis
B. Rheumatism
C. Hypertensive disease
D. Pericarditis
E. Cardiomyopathy
An autopsy of a female revealed morphological manifestations of chronic heart failure in the
right ventricle, stenosis of the left atrioventricular aperture, insufficiency of the mitral valve.
Histologically, a connective-tissue disorganization in the form of some mucoid and fibrinoid
swelling was found with presence of blooming Aschoff s bodies against a background of focal
cardiosclerosis in the myocardium. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Scleroderma
B. Dermatomyositis
C. Polyarteritis nodosa
D. Rheumatism
E. Systemic lupus erythematosus
Against a background of hypertensive crisis, a male patient with hypertensive disease developed
acute renal insufficiency which caused his death. What morphological changes in the renal
arteioles were the most probable?
A. Stenosing atherosclerosis
B. B. Hyperelastosis
C. Fibrinoid necrosis
D. Hyalinosis
E. Sclerosis
A 45-year-old female, who complained of progressing muscular weakness, underwent a biopsy
of soft tissues on her shin. A histological examination of the biopsy revealed some microfocal
petrification of the derma and skeletal muscles, a reduced amount of glycogen and transversal
striation in the muscular fibres, some fibres were necrotized, the stroma was infiltrated by
lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells. Make a diagnosis of the disease.
A. Dermatomyositis
B. Systemic scleroderma
C. Systemic lupus erythematosus
D. Rheumatism
E. Polyarteritis nodosa
A histological examination of the cusps of the mitral valve in the heart of a female, who died
from cardiac decompensation, revealed a focal desquamation of endotheliocytes with
superimposed thrombotic masses in these areas. The connective tissue of the valve cusp had
signs of disorganization, areas of sclerosis and angiomatosis. Diagnose the kind of valvular
A. Recurrent vegetative
B. Diffuse
C. Acute vegetative
D. Loffler's
E. Polypous-ulcerous
A M-yenr-old female suffers from an expressed deformity of joints of her lingers und Iocs.
Histologically, the periarticular connective tissue reveals some mucoid swelling, foci of fibrinoid
necrosis, clusters of macrophages and areas of sclerosis, the synovial membrane has an oedema
of villi, as well as their mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, the synovial cavity contains "rice bodies".
Make a diagnosis of the disease.
A. Rheumatoid arthritis
B. Rheumatism
C. C.Bekhterev's disease
D. Infectious polyarthritis
E. Polyarteritis nodosa
On autopsy of a 68-year-old male, who died from cardiac decompensation, the myocardium of
the anterior wall in left ventricle of his heart contained an irregular grey focus, 5 x 4 cm in size,
with a dense consistency, fibrous structure and clear borders. What pathological process in the
myocardium did the pathologist reveal?
A. Myocarditis
B. Microfocal cardiosclerosis
C. Infarction
D. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis
E. Rheumatism
An examination of the female, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed that her skin in the
regions of the bridge of the nose and lateral surfaces of the face was brown-reddish and
desquamative. On autopsy, the heart was enlarged, the cusps of the aortic valve were thickened,
dense and had thrombotic superpositions. The aortic wall had elastolysis and small scars in the
middle coat. The kidneys were motley, enlarged, with foci of haemorrhages in their cortical
layer. Microscopically, there were haematoxylin bodies in the epithelial nuclei, the basal
membranes of capillaries of the glomeruli were thickened and gave an appearance of wire loops,
somewhere the capillaries contained hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis. Make a
A. Rheumatism
B. Arteriolar nephrosclerosis
C. Systemic lupus erythematosus
D. Nephropathy amyloidosis
E. Arterial nephrosclerosis
An autopsy of a 7-year-old child, who died from progressing heart failure, revealed 200 ml of
some semitransparent fluid in the pericardial cavity, the surface of the epicardium had greyish
filamentous superpositions. Name the kind of pericarditis.
A. Serous
B. Haemorrhagic
C. Purulent
D. Fibroplastic
E. Fibrinous
G. autopsy of a 38-year-old male, who died in a car accident, revealed in his aorta some yellowgrey spots and stripes which did not rise above the surface of the intima. Microscopically, the
intima had an abundant deposition of proteins, plasma, fibrin, GAG, cholesterol, low-density
lipoproteins; the endothelium had foci of affection. Name the stage of morphogenesis of
H. Prelipid
I. Lipoidosis
J. Liposclerosis
K. Atheromatosis
L. Atherocalcinosis
An autopsy of a 70-year-old male patient, who died from cardiac failure, revealed deformed and
narrowed coronary arteries. On section, the inner surface of the arteries was tuberous, the wall
was whitish, fragile and stony in consistency. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most
A. Atherocalcinosis
B. Liposclerosis
C. Atheromatosis
D. Lipoidosis
E. Ulceration
A clinical examination of a 41-year-old male patient revealed some deformity in small joints of
his extremities. A microscopic examination of a biopsy of the synovial coat revealed foci of
mucoid and fibrinoid swelling and fibrinoid necrosis in the stroma of villi and vascular walls,
proliferation of synoviocytes, a perivascular infiltration by lymphocytes, plasmacytes and
neutrophils; there was IgG in the plasmacytes. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most
A. Polyarthritic form of rheumatism
B. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage I)
C. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage II)
D. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage III)
E. Arthritis in systemic lupus erythematosus
Two weeks after angina, a 14-year-old child developed pains in the heart, cyanosis, dyspnoea,
oedemata of his lower extremities. The death was caused by cardiac arrest. On autopsy, the heart
was enlarged, its cavities were dilated, the myocardium was flaccid. A microscopic examination
revealed an acute oedema and plethora of the interstice, an expressed infiltration by
lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils, foci of dystrophy of cardiomyocytes.
Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Ischaemic dystrophy of myocardium
B. Nodular productive myocarditis
C. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis
D. Focal interstitial exudative myocarditis
E. Idiopathic myocarditis
An autopsy of a 70-year-old male, who died of cardiovascular insufficiency mill during his lifetime suffered from angina pectoris, hypercholesterolaemia and obesity, revealed a chronic
venous plethora of the organs, hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart with microfocal
cardiosclerosis, voluminous yellow plaques in the intima of the aorta with fine-grained masses in
their centre and these masses went deep into the thickness of the wall. Which of the stages of
atherosclerosis listed below was the most probable?
A. Prelipid
B. Lipoidosis
C. Liposclerosis
D. Atheromatosis
E. Atherocalcinosis
A 56-year-old male patient with elevated blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg) died from an
impairment of his cerebral circulation. An autopsy of the brain revealed a red focus in the
thalamus, 2.5 cm in diameter, which sank on section. Microscopically, there was fibrinoid
necrosis of the vascular walls and impregnation of the necrotized brain tissue with blood. Which
of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Cerebral haematoma
B. Haemorrhagic infarct of brain
C. Anaemic infarct of brain
D. Mixed infarct
E. Atheromatosis
An autopsy of a male, who suffered from arterial hypertension during his lifetime, revealed
oedema of the brain substance, arterial walls at the base were thickened, with white-yellowish
plaques in the intima, the left hemisphere had a focus, 5 x 4 x 3 cm in size, representing a cavity
filled with liquid blood and its clots. Define the pathological process in the brain.
A. Transitory ischaemia
B. Haemorrhagic infarct
C. Anaemic infarct
D. Haematoma
E. Mixed infarct
An autopsy of a 45-year-old female, who died from cardiac failure, revealed on the lateral
surfaces of her both cheeks some reddish-brownish spots which fused on the bridge of the nose.
The heart was enlarged, the myocardium was flaccid in consistency, the cusps of the aortic valve
were thickened and had thrombotic superpositions. The kidneys were motley and had focal
haemorrhages. The pyramids of the medullary layer were dark red, the cortical layer was greyish
and had red specks. A microscopic examination of the kidneys revealed haematoxylin bodies in
the tubular epithelial nuclei, the basal membranes of capillaries of the glomeruli were thickened
and gave an appearance of wire loops, somewhere the walls of the capillaries contained hyaline
thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis. Which diagnosis was the most probable?
A. Rheumatic defect of heart
B. Systemic lupus erythematosus
C. Septic endocarditis
D. Subacute glomerulonephritis
E. Atherosclerotic defect of heart
A room for dissections received the body of a 56-year-old male who was ill with rheumatism
during 8 years and died from cardiovascular insufficiency. An autopsy revealed the rheumatic
defect of the heart -mitral incompetence. A histological examination revealed oedema of the
interstice, its diffuse infiltration by lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophilic and eosinophilic
leukocytes, as well as parenchymatous protein and fatty degeneration of the cardiomyocytes. The
left atrial auricle had foci of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by large macrophages which were
located in the form of a veil. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Diffuse isolated myocarditis
B. Focal isolated myocarditis
C. Acute serous myocarditis
D. Productive granulomatous myocarditis
E. Acute purulent myocarditis
On autopsy of a 66-year-old male, who died from acute cardiac failure, an acute venous plethora
of the internal organs was found. The cardiac cavities were dilated; a myocardial section
revealed some dim yellowish focus, 3.5 x 4 cm in size, in the anterior wall of the left ventricle.
The coronary arteries had stenosing atheromatous plaques. Which of the diagnoses listed below
was the most probable?
A. Myocardial infarction
B. Microfocal cardiosclerosis
C. Macrofocal cardiosclerosis
D. Fatty degeneration of myocardium
E. Myocarditis
?A 40-year-old female patient underwent an operation of thyroidectomy. A histological
examination of the thyroid tissue revealed that its follicles differed in size, contained some
foamy colloid, the follicular epithelium was high and in some places it formed papillae. The
stroma of the gland had clusters of lymphocytes which formed follicles with light centres. Make
a diagnosis of the disease of the thyroid gland.
A. A. Toxic goiter
B. B. Hashimoto's disease
C. C. Ligneous thyroiditis
D. D. Acute nonsuppurative thyroiditis
E. E. Nodular goiter
A histological examination of the thyroid gland revealed a significant infiltration of its tissue by
lymphocytes, formation of lymphoid follicles, an atrophy of parenchymatous elements and a
significant vegetation of the connective tissue. What disease is characterized by this picture?
A. A. Colloid goiter
B. B. Endemic goiter
C. C. Hashimoto's disease
D. D. Diffuse toxic goiter
E. E. Parenchymatous goiter
In a young male, an abundant quantity of the somatotropic hormone and enlargement of the nose,
lips, ears, lower jaw, hands and feet were revealed. What is your diagnosis?
A. A. Pituitary dwarfismB.
B. Cushing's disease
C. C. Addison's disease
D. D. Adiposogenital dystrophy
E. E. Acromegaly
An autopsy of a young female, who died from adrenal insufficiency, revealed diffuse
hypermelanosis of the skin, hyperplasia of the cells in islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, the
adrenal glands were sharply reduced in size and their thinned cortical substance had foci of
necrosis, haemorrhages and sclerosis. What is your diagnosis?
A. A. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
B. B. Primary aldosteronism
C. C. Cushing's disease
D. D. Addison's disease
E. E. Pheochromocytoma
In a male patient with an increased level of the parathormone, a histological examination in the
area of a pathological fracture of his femur revealed foci of a lacunar resolution of the osteoid
beams and new formation of a fibrous tissue. What is your diagnosis?
A. Multiple myeloma
B. Parathyroid osteodystrophy
C. Osteoblastoclastoma
D. Paget's disease
E. Osteopetrosis
A male patient with phenomena of hypothyroidism died from heart failure. On histological
examination, his thyroid gland revealed a diffuse infiltration of the gland by lymphocytes and
plasmacytes, an atrophy of the parenchyma and a vegetation of the connective tissue. What
disease was it?
A. Acute nonsuppurative thyroiditis
B. Ligneous thyroiditis
C. Hashimoto's disease
D. Nodular goiter
E. Toxic goiter
An autopsy of a 45-year-old female, who was suffering from arterial hypertension, diabetes
mellitus and ovarian dysfunction during past 15 years, revealed obesity by the upper type, a
pituitary basophil adenoma in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis, hyperplasia of the adrenal
cortex. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Cushing's disease
B. Cushing's syndrome
C. Hypertensive disease
D. Addison's disease
E. Adiposogenital dystrophy
A 50-year-old female took medical advice complaining of excretion of a large amount of urine
and excessive thirst. On examination, her nourishment was reduced, the skin was dry, density of
the urine ranged from 1001 to 1010, data of an ultrasound examination and computed
tomography of the brain revealed a tumour in the posterior lobe of the hypophysis. Indicate the
most probable disease.
A. Acromegaly
B. Babinsky-Frelich disease
C. Diabetes insipidus
D. Simmonds disease
E. Cushing's disease
A 46-year-old male patient, who suffered from bulimia, polydipsia, polyuria with glucosuria and
albuminuria, died of renal insufficiency. On autopsy, the kidneys were reduced in size, dense and
had a fine-grained surface. The pancreas was reduced and partially substituted for a fatty tissue.
Microscopically, islets of Langerhans were fine, in some places they were substituted for a
connective tissue, solitary ones were hypertrophic. The kidneys reveal intracapillary
glomerulosclerosis. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable?
A. Subacute glomerulonephritis
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Chronic indurative pancreatitis
D. Diabetes insipidus
E. Chronic glomerulonephritis
A 36-year-old female patient underwent resection of the both lobes of her thyroid gland; each of
them was 5 x 6 cm in size, pink-yellow, moderately dense and had a tuberous surface. A
microscopic examination revealed follicles of various size, some of them were dilated like cysts
and filled with some colloid; the follicular walls were lined with the smoothed cuboidal
epithelium; the stroma of the gland was redundantly developed owing to the connective tissue,
there were foci of calcinosis. Which of the diseases listed below corresponded most to the
changes found?
A. Parenchymatous goiter
B. Colloid goiter
C. Toxic goiter
D. Hashimoto's disease
E. Ligneous thyroiditis
An autopsy of a 24-year-old female (from her case history it is known that a year before the
woman had given birth to a child) revealed a sharp decrease of the body weight down to 38 kg,
the skin was dry and thin, the weight of the internal organs was lowered. Also, there was a sharp
decrease in the weight of the adenohypophysis, the latter had cicatrices; there were foci of
dystrophy, necrobiosis and hyalinosis in the diencephalon. The ovaries, thyroid and adrenal
glands had phenomena of hypotrophy, the mucous membrane of the intestines was atrophied.
Which of the diagnoses was the most probable?
A. Nutritional dystrophy
B. Suprarenal cachexia
C. Cachexia associated with chronic amoebiasis
D. Cachexia associated with pellagra
E. Cerebrohypophysial cachexia
An autopsy of a 45-year-old female patient, who suffered from obesity by the upper type, steroid
diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and secondary ovarian dysfunction, revealed
hypertrichosis, hirsutism, striae on the skin of the thighs and abdomen. The anterior lobe of the
hypophysis contained a white-pink encapsulated tumour, 2.5 cm in diameter (microscopically, it
was a pituitary basophil adenoma); the adrenal glands were characterized by bilateral hyperplasia
of the fascicular layer. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable?
A. Cushing's syndrome
B. Adiposogenital dystrophy
C. Cushing's disease
D. Simmonds disease
E. Pituitary dwarfism
A 52-year-old male died from renal insufficiency. On microscopic examination of his organs, the
pancreas revealed lipomatosis and sclerosis with an atrophy of islets of Langerhans, the kidneys
had hyalinosis of the mesangium and glomeruli (Kimrnelstiel-Wilson syndrome) and a
glycogenic infiltration of the epithelium of the tubules, the liver was characterized by fatty
degeneration. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
B. Arterial nephrosclerosis
C. Amyloid shrunk kidneys
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
E. Goodpasture's syndrome
An autopsy of a male revealed a tumour in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis, enlarged adrenal
glands, a reduction of the gonads in size, a hypertrophy of the left cardiac ventricle, the pancreas
was reduced in size and thickened. Histologically, there was a pituitary basophil adenoma and a
hyperplasia of the cortical layer in the adrenal glands. The pancreas was characterized by a
moderately expressed atrophy of the parenchyma, including islets of Langerhans. What disease
did the patient suffer from?
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Adiposogenital dystrophy
C. Cushing's disease
D. Cushing's syndrome
E. Simmonds disease
For a histological examination, a lobe and a part of the isthmus of the thyroid gland were
received. The tissue of the gland was dense and tuberous, on section it was pale brown and had
grey-whitish foci. Microscopically, against a background of an atrophy of the follicles of the
gland, there was some diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the stroma with formation of
lymphoid follicles. What pathological process were these changes typical for?
A. Toxic goiter
B. Allergic thyroiditis
C. Thyroid adenoma
D. Colloid goiter
E. Sporadic goiter
An autopsy of a male, who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed atherosclerosis of the
aorta and large arteries, small and dense kidneys with a finegrained surface, an enlarged yellowbrown and flaccid liver, the pancreas was reduced in size. Microscopically, there was
atherocalcinosis of the aorta and arteries, an atrophy of the parenchyma, sclerosis and
lipomatosis of the pancreas; the kidneys were characterized by hyalinosis of the mesangium and
glomeruli, a glycogenic infiltration of the epithelium of the tubules, with large-drop adiposis in
the hepatocytes. What pathological process took place in the kidneys?
A. Diabetic nephrosclerosis
B. Arterial nephrosclerosis
C. Chronic pancreatitis
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
E. Steatosis
On autopsy of a male, who died from uraemia, it was found that the pancreas was reduced in
size, his contracted kidneys had a fine-grained surface, the liver was enlarged, yellow and
flaccid. Microscopically, the pancreatic tissue revealed an atrophy of the parenchyma, including
islets of Langerhans, the atrophied parenchyma was substituted for hyperplastic connective and
fatty tissues. The kidneys were characterized by sclerosis and hyalinosis of the glomeruli, as well
as by a glycogenic infiltration of the tubules; there was a fatty degeneration in the liver and a
fibrinous inflammation in the mucous coats of the trachea, bronchi and stomach. What disease
did the died person suffer from?
A. Chronic indurative pancreatitis
B. Chronic glomerulonephritis
C. Hypertensive disease
D. Diabetes mellitus
E. Steatosis
A histological examination of a thyroid gland revealed follicles of various size and shape which
were lined with the columnar epithelium; the latter proliferated and formed papillae of various
size. The follicular lumens contained some liquid and vacuolized colloid. The stroma of the
gland was characterized by a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, in some places with formation of
lymphatic follicles having light centres. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable?
A. Colloid goiter
B. Nodular goiter
C. Hashimoto's disease
D. Ligneous thyroiditis
E. Toxic goiter
An autopsy of a 48-year-old male, who died from vascular collapse, revealed an increased
pigmentation of the skin, the adrenal glands were reduced in size, the brown-yellow liver was
enlarged. On histological examination, foci of necrosis with a tuberculous granulation tissue
were found in the adrenal glands. The liver was characterized by phenomena of fatty
degeneration. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable?
A. Addison's disease
B. Steatosis
C. Primary aldosteronism
D. Cushing's syndrome
E. Lipofuscinosis
An autopsy of a 45-year-old male, who suffered from numerous pathological fractures during his
lifetime, revealed changes in his long tubular bones: the bones of the thigh and shin were bent, in
some places they resembled spirals, their surface was tuberous, a section revealed an obliterated
medullary channel and a change in the compact structure of the cortical layer by the spongy type.
Microscopically, there was a mosaic type of the bone structures: against a background of a
disordered thin-fibrous or lamellar structure of the bone fragments there were numerous cavities
of sinusal resorption combined with signs of new formation of the osseous tissue. The arteries,
which supplied the bone tissue, were dilated and convoluted. Name a diagnosis.
A. Deforming osteodystrophy
B. Osteopetrosis
C. Parathyroid osteodystrophy
D. Fibrous dysplasia
E. Chronic osteomyelitis
?Autopsy of a woman, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed in her spinal column, cranial
bones and ribs some defects of the osseous tissue with tumour nodes on their margins. The
kidneys were enlarged, dense and "greasy" on section. Microscopically, the tumour nodes and
bone marrow were characterized by a proliferation of tumour cells of the plasmacytic line.
Which of the diseases listed below corresponds to the description?
A. Metastasis of pulmonary carcinoma into bones
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Multiple myeloma
D. Osteoporosis
E. Osteomyelitis
G. istological examination of an enlarged lymph node revealed a proliferation of lymphocytes,
histiocytes, reticular cells, acidophilic leukocytes, small and large Hodgkin's cells, multinuclear
Reed-Sternberg cells. Which of the diseases listed below do the described morphological data
correspond to?
H. Lymphosarcoma
I. Metastasis of carcinoma
J. Chronic leukaemia
K. Acute leukaemia
L. Lymphogranulomatosis
N. autopsy of a female, who suffered from some blood disease (in her clinical blood analysis
leukocytosis achieved 100 x 109), revealed a pyoid bone marrow (microscopically, it had
myelocytes, promyelocytes and blast cells), an enlarged spleen weighing up to 7 kg
(microscopically, it had ischaemic infarcts and an infiltration of the pulp by myelocytes), an
enlarged liver weighing up to 6 kg (microscopically, it had a diffuse leukaemic infiltration of the
sinusoids). Name the diagnosis which was the most probable one of those listed below.
O. Acute granulocytic leukaemia
P. Chronic granulocytic leukaemia
Q. Acute stem cell leukaemia
R. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia
S. Multiple myeloma
U. istological examination of an enlarged cervical lymph node revealed the following
microscopic signs: proliferation of the lymphoid cells with various degrees of maturity, presence
of giant Hodgkin's and Reed-Sternberg cells, as well as eosinophils, plasma cells and
neutrophilic leukocytes, among which there were foci of necrosis and fibrosis. Which of the
variants of lymphogranulomatosis listed below was the most probable?
V. With prevalence of the lymphoid tissue
W. Nodular sclerosis
X. Mixed-cell variant
Y. With suppression of the lymphoid tissue
Z. Hodgkin's sarcoma
[. WER C
\. racotomy in a 55-year-old male patient revealed a packet of lymph nodes in the anterior
mediastinum; a biopsy was taken from one of them. Microscopically, there were infiltrates
consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes, eosinophils and Reed-Stemberg multinuclear cells which
were surrounded by vegetations of a fibrous connective tissue. Name the clinical-morphological
form of lymphogranulomatosis.
]. A.Lymphogranulomatosis with suppression of the lymphoid tissue
^. Mixed-cell variant of lymphogranulomatosis
_. Lymphogranulomatosis, nodular sclerosis
`. Lymphogranulomatosis with prevalence of the lymphoid tissue
a. b. WER C
c. autopsy of a person, who died at a haematological department, revealed numerous
haemorrhages in the skin, mucous and serous membranes, enlarged dark-grey tonsils. The lymph
nodes of different localization were up to 1.5 cm in diameter, soft, and grey-pink on section. The
bone marrow of the femur was dark red. Microscopically, the lymph nodes, liver, spleen and
kidneys contained leukaemic infiltrates consisting of lymphoblasts. It was known that during the
life-time the clinical blood analysis showed up to 3 x 10l2/l of erythrocytes, 100 x 109/l of
leukocytes, a lot of lymphoblasts with presence of mature forms and absence of prolymphocytes.
Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
d. Lymphogranulomatosis
e. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
f. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia
g. Lymphosarcoma
h. Chronic granulocytic leukaemia
i. WER C
j. autopsy of a male, who suffered from frequent fractures of his bones and died from uraemia,
revealed phenomena of osteoporosis and multiple smooth-walled defects (as if produced by
punching) in the bones of the skull, ribs and spine. A microscopic examination of the bone
marrow revealed its diffuse infiltration by tumour cells of the lymphoplasmacytic line. Which of
the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
k. Multiple myeloma
l. Primary macroglobulinaemia
m. Heavy-chain disease
n. Paget's disease
o. Recklinghausen's disease
p. WER A
q. autopsy of a male, who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed numerous nodes with
soft elastic consistency in the ribs, bones of the vault of the skull and the breastbone. The
osseous substance was decalcified according to the nodes. The kidneys were enlarged, light grey,
dense, their section had some greasy lustre. What is your diagnosis?
r. Primary amyloid nephropathy
s. Parathyroid osteodystrophy
t. Multiple myeloma
u. Osteoma
v. Osteosarcoma
w. WER C
x. umour was found in the locus of a pathological fracture of a rib in a male patient. The case
history contained information about persistent proteinuria with presence of abnormal proteins of
Bence-Jones type, as well as presence of osteolytic foci in the bones of the spine, skull and
pelvis. Histologically, the tumour cells were represented by plasmablasts and plasmacytes. What
is your diagnosis?
y. Primary macroglobulinaemia
z. Heavy-chain disease
{. Osteosarcoma
|. Multiple myeloma
}. Fibrosarcoma
~. WER D
•. ale patient, who worked for a long period of time with benzene, develops progressing
anaemia and the haemorrhagic syndrome. A biopsy of his breastbone reveals prevalence of a
fatty tissue, and there are some small islets of haemopoiesis with solitary cells of myelopoiesis.
What is your diagnosis?
Ђ. Chronic myeloleukaemia
Ѓ. Pernicious anaemia
‚. Haemolytic anaemia
ѓ. Hypoplastic anaemia
„. Aplastic anaemia
An X-ray examination of a male patient revealed numerous foci of osteoporosis and osteolysis in
his flat bones. A high content of tumour plasma cells was found in a trepanobiopsy. What is your
A. Acute monocytic leukaemia
B. Chronic myeloleukaemia
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Multiple myeloma
E. Fibrosarcoma
A death of a 7-year-old boy resulted from acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia caused by a profuse
bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. A postmortem examination revealed: macroscopically -
an anaemia of the internal organs, an enlargement of lymph nodes in different groups,
thymomegaly, a moderately manifested hepatosplenomegaly, a bright red bone marrow;
microscopically - a hypercellular bone marrow with some monomorphous infiltrate of blast cells,
diffuse-focal tumour infiltrates in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, meninges and substance of the
brain. Make a diagnosis for this form of leukaemia.
A. Acute lymphoblastic
B. Acute myeloblastic
C. Acute stem cell
D. Acute monoblastic
E. Acute plasmablastic
A 70-year-old male patient with an expressed hepatosplenomegaly and cachexia underwent a
diagnostic puncture biopsy of his liver. A histological examination revealed that along the portal
tracts there were numerous infiltrates of monomorphous round cells verified as prolymphocytes
and B-lymphocytes. What disease are the above changes characteristic of?
A. Lymphosarcoma
B. B.Acute lymphoplastic leukaemia
C. Lymphogranulomatosis
D. Chronic lymphatic leukaemia
E. Cesari's disease
The patient who long worked with benzene, progressing anemia and hemorrhagic syndrome. In
the biopsy of sternum predominant adipose tissue, revealed a few small foci with isolated blood
cells myelopoiesis. Your diagnosis.
A. Chronic myeloid leukemia
B. Pernicious anemia
C. Hemolytic anemia
D. Anemotrophy
E. Iron deficiency anemia
?Autopsy of a woman, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed in her spinal column, cranial
bones and ribs some defects of the osseous tissue with tumour nodes on their margins. The
kidneys were enlarged, dense and "greasy" on section. Microscopically, the tumour nodes and
bone marrow were characterized by a proliferation of tumour cells of the plasmacytic line.
Which of the diseases listed below corresponds to the description?
A. Metastasis of pulmonary carcinoma into bones
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Multiple myeloma
D. Osteoporosis
E. Osteomyelitis
A histological examination of an enlarged lymph node revealed a proliferation of lymphocytes,
histiocytes, reticular cells, acidophilic leukocytes, small and large Hodgkin's cells, multinuclear
Reed-Sternberg cells. Which of the diseases listed below do the described morphological data
correspond to?
A. Lymphosarcoma
B. Metastasis of carcinoma
C. Chronic leukaemia
D. Acute leukaemia
E. Lymphogranulomatosis
An autopsy of a female, who suffered from some blood disease (in her clinical blood analysis
leukocytosis achieved 100 x 109), revealed a pyoid bone marrow (microscopically, it had
myelocytes, promyelocytes and blast cells), an enlarged spleen weighing up to 7 kg
(microscopically, it had ischaemic infarcts and an infiltration of the pulp by myelocytes), an
enlarged liver weighing up to 6 kg (microscopically, it had a diffuse leukaemic infiltration of the
sinusoids). Name the diagnosis which was the most probable one of those listed below.
A. Acute granulocytic leukaemia
B. Chronic granulocytic leukaemia
C. Acute stem cell leukaemia
D. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia
E. Multiple myeloma
A histological examination of an enlarged cervical lymph node revealed the following
microscopic signs: proliferation of the lymphoid cells with various degrees of maturity, presence
of giant Hodgkin's and Reed-Sternberg cells, as well as eosinophils, plasma cells and
neutrophilic leukocytes, among which there were foci of necrosis and fibrosis. Which of the
variants of lymphogranulomatosis listed below was the most probable?
A. With prevalence of the lymphoid tissue
B. Nodular sclerosis
C. Mixed-cell variant
D. With suppression of the lymphoid tissue
E. Hodgkin's sarcoma
Thoracotomy in a 55-year-old male patient revealed a packet of lymph nodes in the anterior
mediastinum; a biopsy was taken from one of them. Microscopically, there were infiltrates
consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes, eosinophils and Reed-Stemberg multinuclear cells which
were surrounded by vegetations of a fibrous connective tissue. Name the clinical-morphological
form of lymphogranulomatosis.
A. A.Lymphogranulomatosis with suppression of the lymphoid tissue
B. Mixed-cell variant of lymphogranulomatosis
C. Lymphogranulomatosis, nodular sclerosis
D. Lymphogranulomatosis with prevalence of the lymphoid tissue
An autopsy of a person, who died at a haematological department, revealed numerous
haemorrhages in the skin, mucous and serous membranes, enlarged dark-grey tonsils. The lymph
nodes of different localization were up to 1.5 cm in diameter, soft, and grey-pink on section. The
bone marrow of the femur was dark red. Microscopically, the lymph nodes, liver, spleen and
kidneys contained leukaemic infiltrates consisting of lymphoblasts. It was known that during the
life-time the clinical blood analysis showed up to 3 x 10l2/l of erythrocytes, 100 x 109/l of
leukocytes, a lot of lymphoblasts with presence of mature forms and absence of prolymphocytes.
Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Lymphogranulomatosis
B. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
C. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia
D. Lymphosarcoma
E. Chronic granulocytic leukaemia
An autopsy of a male, who suffered from frequent fractures of his bones and died from uraemia,
revealed phenomena of osteoporosis and multiple smooth-walled defects (as if produced by
punching) in the bones of the skull, ribs and spine. A microscopic examination of the bone
marrow revealed its diffuse infiltration by tumour cells of the lymphoplasmacytic line. Which of
the diagnoses listed below was the most probable?
A. Multiple myeloma
B. Primary macroglobulinaemia
C. Heavy-chain disease
D. Paget's disease
E. Recklinghausen's disease
An autopsy of a male, who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed numerous nodes with
soft elastic consistency in the ribs, bones of the vault of the skull and the breastbone. The
osseous substance was decalcified according to the nodes. The kidneys were enlarged, light grey,
dense, their section had some greasy lustre. What is your diagnosis?
A. Primary amyloid nephropathy
B. Parathyroid osteodystrophy
C. Multiple myeloma
D. Osteoma
E. Osteosarcoma
A tumour was found in the locus of a pathological fracture of a rib in a male patient. The case
history contained information about persistent proteinuria with presence of abnormal proteins of
Bence-Jones type, as well as presence of osteolytic foci in the bones of the spine, skull and
pelvis. Histologically, the tumour cells were represented by plasmablasts and plasmacytes. What
is your diagnosis?
A. Primary macroglobulinaemia
B. Heavy-chain disease
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Multiple myeloma
E. Fibrosarcoma
A male patient, who worked for a long period of time with benzene, develops progressing
anaemia and the haemorrhagic syndrome. A biopsy of his breastbone reveals prevalence of a
fatty tissue, and there are some small islets of haemopoiesis with solitary cells of myelopoiesis.
What is your diagnosis?
A. Chronic myeloleukaemia
B. Pernicious anaemia
C. Haemolytic anaemia
D. Hypoplastic anaemia
E. Aplastic anaemia
An X-ray examination of a male patient revealed numerous foci of osteoporosis and osteolysis in
his flat bones. A high content of tumour plasma cells was found in a trepanobiopsy. What is your
A. Acute monocytic leukaemia
B. Chronic myeloleukaemia
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Multiple myeloma
E. Fibrosarcoma
A death of a 7-year-old boy resulted from acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia caused by a profuse
bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. A postmortem examination revealed: macroscopically an anaemia of the internal organs, an enlargement of lymph nodes in different groups,
thymomegaly, a moderately manifested hepatosplenomegaly, a bright red bone marrow;
microscopically - a hypercellular bone marrow with some monomorphous infiltrate of blast cells,
diffuse-focal tumour infiltrates in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, meninges and substance of the
brain. Make a diagnosis for this form of leukaemia.
A. Acute lymphoblastic
B. Acute myeloblastic
C. Acute stem cell
D. Acute monoblastic
E. Acute plasmablastic
A 70-year-old male patient with an expressed hepatosplenomegaly and cachexia underwent a
diagnostic puncture biopsy of his liver. A histological examination revealed that along the portal
tracts there were numerous infiltrates of monomorphous round cells verified as prolymphocytes
and B-lymphocytes. What disease are the above changes characteristic of?
A. Lymphosarcoma
B. B.Acute lymphoplastic leukaemia
C. Lymphogranulomatosis
D. Chronic lymphatic leukaemia
E. Cesari's disease
The patient who long worked with benzene, progressing anemia and hemorrhagic syndrome. In
the biopsy of sternum predominant adipose tissue, revealed a few small foci with isolated blood
cells myelopoiesis. Your diagnosis.
A. Chronic myeloid leukemia
B. Pernicious anemia
C. Hemolytic anemia
D. Anemotrophy
E. Iron deficiency anemia
?An autopsy of 78-year-old male patient, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency,
revealed an enlarged right lung with massive fibrinous superpositions on the pleura.
Histologically, the alveolar lumen had accumulations of fibrin and neutrophils. The lymph nodes
in the lung roots were pale pink and somewhat enlarged. Name the stage of croupous pneumonia.
A. Red hepatization
B. B.Influx
C. Grey hepatization
D. Resolution
E. Edema
An autopsy of a 45-year-old male patient, who had had double bronchopneumonia and died
under the phenomena of intoxication, revealed in the lower lobe of the right lung some thickwalled cavity, 4 cm in diameter, filled with liquid yellowish masses. What pathological process
complicated the course of pneumonia?
A. A.Tuberculoma
B. Gangrene
C. Abscess
D. Sequester
E. Empyema
During past 3 years a 45-year-old male suffered from a dry cough, dyspnoea, loss of weight. His
death occurred under the phenomena of growing pulmonary insufficiency. An autopsy revealed
hypertrophy of the right ventricle, the lungs had sac-like ectasiae of the bronchi with formation
of cavities having uneven edges and containing some purulent exudate against a background of
expressed fibrosis. Histologically, the bronchial walls and pulmonary interstice had a chronic
inflammation and fibrosis. What is your diagnosis?
A. Bronchial asthma
B. Chronic bronchitis
C. Chronic bullous emphysema
D. Fibrosing alveolitis
E. Bronchiectatic disease
A 38-year-old female patient died during an uncontrolled attack of bronchial asthma. A
histological examination revealed accumulations of mucus in the lumen of the bronchi, their wall
had a large number of mast cells (labrocytes) and most of them were in the state of
degranulation, as well as there were a lot of eosinophils. What was the mechanism of
development of these changes in the bronchi?
A. Anaphylactic reaction
B. Cytolytic effect of antibodies
C. Immunocomplex reaction
D. Cell-dependent cytolysis
E. Granulomatosis
A severe form of influenza (a viral strain of AB influenza) in a 57-year-old male resulted in a
lethal outcome. On autopsy, enlarged "motley" lungs were found. A microscopic examination
revealed a sharp plethora of vessels, an oedema and haemorrhages in the pulmonary
parenchyma, the lumens of the bronchi
A. Haemorrhagic bronchopneumonia
B. Catarrhal bronchopneumonia
C. Purulent bronchopneumonia
D. Desquamative bronchopneumonia
E. Fibrinous pneumonia
An autopsy of a male patient, who died from cancerous intoxication, revealed some grey-yellow
dense irregular foci which were located in the posteroinferior portions of the lungs and rose
above the surface of a section. Microscopically, the lumens and walls of small bronchi, as well as
alveoli, revealed some exudate containing a lot of heterophilic leukocytes. What complication
developed in the patient?
A. Acute pulmonary bronchopneumonia
B. Acute pulmonary bronchitis
C. Croupous pneumonia
D. Acute alveolitis
E. Acute serous bronchopneumonia
A histological examination of a biopsy from a bronchial wall revealed in its mucous layer some
focal squamous metaplasia of the columnar epithelium, an increased number of goblet cells, a
vegetation of the granulation tissue which rose above the surface of the mucous layer and
contained some diffuse inflammatory infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells and
histiocytes. What is your diagnosis?
A. Chronic mucopurulent bronchitis
B. Chronic mucous bronchitis
C. Chronic purulent bronchitis
D. Chronic deforming bronchitis
E. Chronic polypous bronchitis
An autopsy of a 55-year-old male, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, revealed
thickened deformed bronchi filled with some mucopurulent exudate. Microscopically, an
inflammatory infiltration, foci of squamous metaplasia of the epithelium and an increased
number of goblet cells were found in the bronchi. What is your diagnosis?
A. Chronic bronchitis
B. Bronchopneumonia
C. Bronchiectatic disease
D. Acute bronchitis
E. Fibrinous bronchitis
On autopsy, 380 ml of some yellow fluid with an unpleasant odour were found in the right
pleural cavity. Microscopically, the liquid contained a lot of neutrophilic granulocytes. What is
your diagnosis?
A. Pulmonary abscess
B. Phlegmon
C. Pleural empyema
D. Pulmonary gangrene
E. Purulent catarrh of pleura
An autopsy of a 34-year-old male, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, revealed an
enlarged grey dense air-free lower lobe of the left lung, the vincernl pleura of this lobe had
superpositions of fibrin. Microscopically, the lumens of alveoli revealed some fibrinousleukocytic exudate. Name the stage of croupous pneumonia.
A. Influx
B. Red hepatization
C. Resolution
D. Grey hepatization
E. Edema
Following a severe supercooling, a male patient developed a fever, a cough, pains in the right
half of his chest that increased on breathing. The patient died on the 5th day of the disease under
the phenomena of acute cardiac failure. On autopsy, the lower lobe of his right lung was
thickened, the surface of a section was grey and fine-grained, the pleura was covered with some
pale grey film. Histologically, the lumens of alveoli contained fibrin and a large amount of
heterophilic leukocytes. Make a diagnosis.
A. Bronchopneumonia
B. Interlobular pneumonia
C. Croupous pneumonia
D. Interalveolar pneumonia
E. Peribronchopneumonia
An autopsy of a male patient, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, revealed some dim
liquid with grey flakes in the pleural cavities, the lungs were enlarged, air-free and had some
grey-whitish films on the pleura. On section, the lungs were white-greyish and dense, their
surface was granular. The peribronchial lymph nodes were enlarged and whitish-grey on section.
Microscopically, the alveoli contained some fibrinous-leukocytic exudate. Name the stage of
croupous pneumonia.
A. Grey hepatization
B. Red hepatization
C. Influx
D. Resolution
E. Caseous pneumonia
An autopsy of a male, who suffered from right-sided pneumonia, revealed in the right lung some
cavity 3.5 cm in diameter, that had uneven edges, communicated with the bronchus and was
filled with some purulent exudate. Microscopically, the wall of the cavity was formed by the
granulation tissue diffusely infiltrated by leukocytes. Which of the diagnoses, listed below, was
the most probable?
A. Acute pneumogenic abscess
B. Acute bronchiogenic abscess
C. Chronic bronchiogenic abscess
D. Chronic pneumogenic abscess
E. Pulmonary echinococcosis
A 72-year-old male patient was complaining of an excruciating cough with production of some
purulent sputum and dyspnoea. The death was caused by cardiopulmonary insufficiency. On
autopsy, the lumens of the bronchi contained purulent sputum, the bronchial walls were
thickened, there was hypertrophy of right chambers of the heart. Microscopically, the bronchial
mucosa was atrophic and had a large number of goblet cells, the bronchial glands were dilated
like cysts, the walls of the bronchi were diffusely infiltrated by leukocytes, there was some
peribronchial and perivascular vegetation of the connective tissue. Which of the diagnoses was
the most probable?
A. Deforming bronchitis
B. Chronic purulent bronchitis
C. Chronic polypous bronchitis
D. Bronchiectatic disease
E. –
An autopsy of a male, who suffered from right-sided pneumonia in the lower lobe during his lifetime and for a long period of time expectorated sputum of a purulent character, revealed some
cavity with dense edges that was located in the 9th-10th segments of the lung and was filled with
yellowish cream-like masses. There was some whitish path from the cavity to the root of the
lung. Microscopically, the cavity was separated from the intact pulmonary tissue with a
membrane which consisted of a fibrous connective tissue from the outside and a granulation one
from inside. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable?
A. Bronchiectatic disease
B. Pulmonary gangrene
C. Acute pulmonary abscess
D. Chronic pneumonia
E. Chronic abscess
An autopsy of a male, who suffered from chronic bronchitis for a long period of time and several
episodes of acute pneumoniae, revealed dense lungs which had a little of air and were
"honeycomb" on section. The bronchial walls were thickened and with sac-like protrusions
containing purulent masses. The weight of the heart was 520 g. The thickness of the right
ventricular wall was 2 cm, that of the left one 1.2 cm, the cavity of the right ventricle was
dilated. Which of the diagnoses, listed below, was the most probable?
A. Bronchiectatic disease
B. Chronic obstructive emphysema
C. Chronic pneumonia
D. Chronic bronchitis
E. Pulmonary gangrene
An autopsy of a 65-year-old female, who died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, revealed that
the lungs were enlarged, pale, oedematous, covered the mediastinum, did not collapse and were
cut with a crunch. On pressure, the lumens of the bronchi discharged some mucus of a purulent
character. Which of the diagnoses, listed below, was the most probable?
A. Bronchiectatic disease
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Chronic diffuse obstructive emphysema
D. Chronic pneumonia
E. Chronic bronchitis
?A 7 year old child had an acute onset of disease. Pediatrician stated that mucous membrane of
fauces is hyperemic and covered with a lot of mucus. Mucous membrane of cheeks has whitish
stains. Next day the child's skin of face, neck, body was covered with coarsely-papular rash.
What disease may be presumed?
A. Allergic dermatitis
B. Diphteria
C. Scarlet fever
D. Measles
E. Meningococcemia
Microscopic analysis of tissue sampling from patient's skin reveals granulomas that consist of
epithelioid cells surrounded mostly by T-lymphocytes. Among epithelioid cells there are solitary
giant multinuclear cells of Pirogov-Langhans typ. In the centre of some granulomas there are
areas of caseous necrosis. Blood vessels are absent. What disease are the described granulomas
typical for?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Leprosy
D. Rhinoscleroma
E. Glanders
A patient consulted a doctor about the intensive skin itch, especially between fingers, in axillary
creases, in the inferior part of belly. During the skin examination there were found twisting
whitish tracts with speckles at the end of them. What disease are these clinical presentations
typical for?
A. Dermatotropic leishmaniosis
B. Scabies
C. Demodicosis
D. Pediculosis
E. Miasis
Autopsy of an 8 year old boy who was ill with pharyngeal and tonsillar diphtheria and died one
week after illness begin revealed myocardial changes in form of small-focal myocardiocyte
necroses, stroma edema with slight lymphocytic infiltration. What type of myocarditis is it:
A. Septic
B. Alternative
C. Granulomatous
D. Focal-intermediate, exudative
E. Interstitional
A 7 year old child was taken to the infectious disease hospital with complaints of acute pain
during swallowing, temperature rise up to 390С, neck edem. Objective signs: tonsills are
enlarged, their mucous membrane is plethoric and covered with a big number of whitishyellowish films that are closely adjacent to the mucous membran. After removal of these films
the deep bleeding defect remains. What type of inflammation is it?
A. Purulent
B. Crupous
C. Serous
D. Hemorrhagic
E. Diphteritic
Autopsy of a man who died from ethylene glycol poisoning revealed that his kidneys are a little
bit enlarged, edematic; their capsule can be easily remove. Cortical substance is broad and lightgrey. Medullary substance is dark-re. What pathology had this man?
A. Necrotic nephrosis
B. Acute tubular-interstitial nephritis
C. Lipoid nephrosis
D. Acute glomerulonephritis
E. Acute pyelonephritis
Histologic examination revealed in all layers of appendix a big number of polymorthonuclear
leukocytes; hyperemia, stases. What disease are these symptoms typical for?
A. Superficial appendicitis
B. Phlegmonous appendicitis
C. Gangrenous appendicitis
D. Chronic appendicitis
E. Simple appendicitis
Dystrophic changes of heart are accompanied by dilatation of cardiac cavities, decrease of heart
beat force, increased volume of blood that remains in cardiac cavity after systole; veins are
overfille. What state is this presentation typical for?
A. Cardiac tamponade
B. Tonogenic dilatation
C. Cardiosclerosis stage
D. Emergency phase of myocardial hypertrophy
E. Myogenic dilatation
A 46 year old patient was admitted to the hematological department. It was found that he had
disorder of granulocytopoesis and thrombocytogenesis processes. In what organ does this
pathological process take pace?
A. Lymphatic ganglion
B. Thymus
C. Spleen
D. Palatine tonsil
E. Red bone marrow
A 22 year woman has enlarged lymphatic ganglions. Histological analysis of a ganglion revealed
lymphocytes, histiocytes, reticular cells, small and great Hodgkin's cells, multinuclear ReedSternberg cells, solitary foci of caseous necrosis. What disease are these changes typical for?
A. Cancer metastasis
B. Lymphosarcoma
C. Lymphogranulematosis
D. Acute leukemia
E. Chronic leukemia
A 65 year old patient suddenly die. She suffered from thrombophlebitis of deep veins of shin.
Autopsy revealed: trunk and bifurcation of pulmonary artery contain red loose masses with dull
corrugated surfac. What pathological process did the morbid anatomist reveal in pulmonary
A. Foreign body embolism
B. Thrombosis
C. Fat embolism
D. Thromboembolism
E. Tissue embolism
During the electronical microscopic analysis of salivary gland the cell fragmets were revealed
which are surrounded by a membrane and contain condensed particles of nuclear substance and
solitary organelles; the inflammatory reaction around these cells is absent. What process is
A. Karyopicnosis
B. Apoptosis
C. Karyorhexis
D. Coagulation necrosis
E. Karyolysis
Autopsy of a woman who died of tumorous dissemination of mucinosous cystadenocarcinoma
and before that had to stay in bed for a long time revealed big necrotic areas of skin and soft
subjacent tissues in sacral region. What form of necrosis is the case?
A. Sequester
B. Infarction
C. Pressure sore
D. Zenker's necrosis
E. Caseous necrosis
During the histologic lung analysis of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency the
inflammation focuses were reveale. Alveoles were full of light-pink fluid, here and there with
pinkish fibers that formed a close-meshed reticulum with a small number of lymphocytes. What
type of exudate is present in lungs?
A. Fibrinous
B. Hemorrhagic
C. Serous
D. Serofibrinous
E. Purulent
A 53 year old patient consulted a doctor about white patch on the mucous membrane of tongu.
This patch sticks out from the mucous membrane, its surface is cracke. Microscopic analysis
reveals thickening of multilayer epithelium, parakeratosis and acanthosis. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Geographic tongue
B. Papilloma
C. Median rhomboid glossitis
D. Epidermoid cancer
E. Leukoplakia
During morphologic analysis of pulp floor three zones can be distinctly differentiated: the one of
softened dentin, transparent dentin and replacing dentin. What stage of caries are these changes
typical for?
A. Chronic caries
B. Deep caries
C. Stain stage
D. Superficial caries
E. Median caries
During the histologic examination of thyroid gland of a man who died of cardiac insufficiency
together with hypothyroidism there was found the diffusive infiltration of gland by lymphocytes
and plasmocytes, parenchyma atrophy and growth of connective tissu. Formulate a diagnosis:
A. Thyroid gland adenoma
B. Thyrotoxic goiter
C. Hashimoto's thyroiditis
D. E. Purulent thyroiditis
Microscopic analysis of brain base vessels of a patient who died of ischemic stroke revealed that
intima of cerebral vessels is irregular, with moderate quantity of yellow stains and yellowishwhitish patches that narrow lumen. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Nodular periarteritis
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Atherosclerosis
D. Rheumatism
E. Primary hypertension
A 10 year old child lives in the region where fluorine content in water is above the mark. A
dentist examined the child and found teeth damage in form of chalky and also pigmentary stains
and stripes. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Wedge defects
B. Fluorosis
C. Median caries
D. Tooth erosion
E. Acidic necrosis of hard tooth tissues
Histologic analysis of uterus mucous membrane revealed twisting glands, serrated and spinned,
they were extended by stroma growth with proliferation of its cells. Formulate a diagnosis:
A. Cystic mole
B. Placental polyp
C. Leiomyoma
D. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
E. Acute endometritis
The microscopic analysis of bronch biopsy revealed a tumor that consisted of circumscribed
accumulations of atypical cells of multylayer plane epithelium, here and there with typical
"pearls". What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Solid carcinoma
B. Epidermoid cancer with keratinization
C. Epidermoid cancer without keratinization
D. Scirrhus
E. Mucous carcinoma
Autopsy of a man who died of typhoid fever revealed ulcers along the ileum. These ulcers have
even sides, clean fundus formed by muscle layer or even by serous tunic of an intestin. What
stage of disease does the described presentation correspond with?
A. Stage of medullary swelling
B. Stage of "clean" ulcers
C. Stage of necrosis
D. Stage of "dirty" ulcers
E. Stage of ulcer healing
Autopsy of a 5 year old child revealed that pia maters of brain are extremely plethoric, nebulous,
have a look of yellowish-green "bonnet". Microscopic analysis: pia mater of brain is very
thickened, plethoric, impregnated with purulent exudate containing fibrin. What disease is
A. Anthrax
B. Measles
C. Meningococcosis
D. Influenza
E. Tuberculosis
The symptoms of regeneration process (callus) on the place of fracture were revealed in the
histologic specimen of tubular bone. What tissue forms this structure?
A. Loose connective tissue
B. Reticular tissue
C. Epithelial tissue
D. Lamellar bone tissue
E. Fibrous bone tissue
A 57 year old patient has periodic uterine bleedings. Diagnostic endometrectomy was performed.
Biopsy material contains among the blood elements some glandular complexes of different sizes
and forms that consist of atypic cells with hyperchromic nuclei and multiple mitoses (including
pathological ones). What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Fibromyoma of uterus
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Chorioepithelioma
D. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
E. Endometritis
Histologic examination revealed a big number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in all layers of
appendix; hyperemia, stases. What disease are these symptoms typical for?
A. Chronic appendicitis
B. Simple appendicitis
C. Superficial appendicitis
D. Gangrenous appendicitis
E. Phlegmonous appendicitis
In course of gastric endoscopy the biopsy material of mucous membrane was taken. Its
histological examination revealed the following: mucous membrane is intact, thickened,
edematic, hyperemic, with small droplike hemorrhages, coated with thick mucus. Name the form
of acute gastritis:
A. Erosive
B. Catarrhal
C. Fibrinous
D. Necrotic
E. Purulent
During the histologic lung analysis of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency the
inflammation focuses were revealed. Alveoles were full of light-pink fluid, here and there with
pinkish fibers that formed a close-meshed reticulum with a small number of lymphocytes. What
type of exudate is present in lungs?
A. Purulent
B. Serous
C. Serofibrinous
D. Hemorrhagic
E. Fibrinous
Autopsy of a man who suffered from essential hypertension revealed a cavity with rust-coloured
walls in the cerebral substunce. What preceded the appearance of these changes?
A. Hematoma
B. Plasmorrhagias
C. Ischemic infarction
D. Abscess
E. Diapedetic hemorrhages
Tissue sample of soft palate arches that was taken because a tumor was suspected (microscopic
analysis revealed an ulcer with dense fundus) revealed mucous membrane necrosis, submucous
layer was infiltrated by lymphocytes, epithelioid cells, plasmocytes, solitary neutrophils. There
was also evident endovasculitis and perivasculitis. What desease are these changes typical for?
A. Ulcerative stomatitis
B. Primary syphilis
C. Aphthous stomatitis
D. Faucial diphteria
E. Vensan's ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis
Examination of a 16 year old boy revealed enlarged submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.
The boy was subjected to biopsy. Microscopic examination of lymph nodes revealed: typical
structure is obliterated, cell population is heterogenous, there are big cells with multilobe nuclei,
multiple big mononuclear cells, eosinophilic and neutrophilic leukocytes, lymphocytes, besides
that, there are necrotic areas and foci of sclerosis. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. lymphogranulomatosis
B. Granulomatous lymphadenitis
C. Suppurative lymphadenitis
D. Lymph node hyperplasia
E. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Poisoning with mercuric dichloride caused acute renal insufficiency that included 4 stages: 1) the
initial one, 2) the stage of oligoanuria, 4) the stage of recovery. What is the third stage of acute
renal insufficiency?
A. Pathochemic
B. Polyuretic
C. Metabolic
D. Ischemic
E. Hemodynamic
A 22 year woman has enlarged lymphatic ganglions. Histological analysis of a ganglion revealed
lymphocytes, histiocytes, reticular cells, small and great Hodgkin's cells, multinuclear ReedSternberg cells, solitary foci of caseous necrosis. What disease are these changes typical for?
A. Lymphosarcoma
B. Acute leukemia
C. Lymphogranulematosis
D. Chronic leukemia
E. Cancer metastasis
On the 5th day of illness a 12 year old child who was treated in the infectious department on
account of influenza felt severe headache, sickness, dizziness, got meningeal signs. The child
died 24 hours later from increasing brain edema. Dissection of cranial cavity revealed that pia
maters of brain are edematic, plethoric, saturated diffusively with bright red liquid. Convolutions
and sulci of brain are flattened. What influenza complication is in question?
A. Hemorrhagic meningitis
B. Venous hyperemia of brain membranes
C. Cerebral hemorrhage
D. Suppurative leptomeningitis
E. Serous meningitis
Histological examination of thyroid gland of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency
accompanied by hypothyroidism revealed diffuse infiltration of the gland by lymphocytes and
plasmocytes with formation of lymphoid follicles, as well as atrophy of parenchyma and growth
of connective tissue. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Adenoma of thyroid gland
B. C. Purulent thyroiditis
D. Thyrotoxic goiter
E. Autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Examination of a child who has recently recovered from measles revealed in the soft tissues of
cheeks and perineum some inaccurate, edematic, red-and-black, slightly fluctuating areas. What
complication is it?
A. Trophic ulcer
B. Gas gangrene
C. Pressure sore
D. Humid gangrene
E. Dry gangrene
Microscopic analysis of tissue sampling from patient's skin reveals granulomas that consist of
epithelioid cells surrounded mostly by T-lymphocytes. Among epithelioid cells there are solitary
giant multinuclear cells of Pirogov-Langhans type. In the centre of some granulomas there are
areas of caseous necrosis. Blood vessels are absent. What disease are the described granulomas
typical for?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Leprosy
D. Rhinoscleroma
E. Glanders
A patient with suspected liver abscess was admitted to the surgical department. The patient had
been staying for a long time on business in one of african countries and fell repeatedly ill with
acute gastrointestinal disorders. What protozoal disease may the patient be now ill with?
A. Malaria
B. Toxoplasmosis
C. Trypanosomosis
D. Leishmaniasis
E. Amebiasis
Examination of a patient who had been suffering from rheumatism for a long time revealed
stenosis of mitral orifice, death was caused by cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy has
shown brown induration of lungs. What type of circulation disturbance provokes such changes in
A. Chronic left ventricular insufficiency
B. Chronic right ventricular insufficiency
C. Acute right ventricular insufficiency
D. Portal hypertension
E. Acute left ventricular insufficiency
Autopsy of a woman with cerebral atherosclerosis revealed in the left cerebral hemisphere a
certain focus that is presented by flabby, anhistic, greyish and yellowish tissue with indistinct
edges. What pathological process is the case?
A. Ischemic stroke
B. Focal encephalitis
C. Multiple foci of fresh and old cerebral hemorrhage
D. Senile encephalopathy
E. Multifocal tumor growth with cystic degeneration
Examination of coronary arteries revealed atherosclerotic plaques with calcification that close tle
lumen by 1/3. The muscle contains multiple small whitish layers of connective tissue. What
process was revealed in myocardium?
A. Tiger heart
B. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis
C. Myocarditis
D. Myocardium infarction
E. Diffuse cardiosclerosis
Post-mortem examination of a 5 year old boy who died from acute pulmonary and cardiac
insufficiency revealed the following: serohemorrhagic tracheobronchitis with some necrotic
areas of mucous membrane, multiple foci of hemorrhagic pneumonia in lungs. What disease is in
A. Diphtheria
B. Croupous pneumonia
C. Scarlet fever
D. Influenza
E. Measles
Opening of a patient's abdominal cavity revealed for about 2,0 L of purulent fluid. Peritoneum is
dull, greyish, serous tunic of intestines has grayish layers that can be easily removed. It is most
likely to be:
A. Serous peritonitis
B. Hemorrhagic peritonitis
C. Tuberculous peritonitis
D. E. Fibrinopurulent peritonitis
A 42 y.o. man who had been suffering from chronic granulomatous periodontitis and chronic
purulent osteomyelitis of his lower jaw for 8 years died under conditions of acute renal
insufficiency. What complication of purulent osteomyelitis was developed in kidneys?
A. Adipose degeneration
B. Atrophy
C. Necrosis of epithelium of convoluted tubules
D. Amyloidosis
E. Hyalinosis
A patient with closed fracture of humeral bone was bandaged with plaster. The next day the
injured hand became swollen, cyanotic and col D. What disorder of peripheral blood circulation
are these symptoms typical for?
A. Thrombosis
B. Ischemia
C. Arterial hyperemia
D. Embolism
E. Venous hyperemia
Roentgenological examination of a patient revealed a cyst in the area of a premolar that
contained a tooth in its cavity. Microscopical examination reveals that the cyst wall is
represented by connective tissue and lined with multistratal squamous cell epithelium. Specify
the diagnosis:
A. Primordial cyst
B. Eosinophilic granuloma
C. Follicular cyst
D. Epulis
E. Radicular cyst
A 5 y.o. child had a temperature rise up to 400C, acute headache, vomiting, anxiety, chill. 4 days
later there appeared hemorrhagic skin eruption, oliguria and adrenal insufficiency that caused
death. Bacteriological examination of smears from the child's pharynx revealed meningococcus.
What disease form was revealed?
A. Meningococcal meningitis
B. Meningicoccal nasopharyngitis
C. Meningococcemia
D. Meningoencephalitis
Microscopic examination during autopsy of a 70 y.o. man who had been ill with atherosclerosis
for a long time and died from cardiovascular insufficiency revealed in the abdominal area of
aorta some dense oval fibrous plaques with lime deposition in form of dense brittle plates. What
stage of atherosclerosis morphogenesis is it?
A. Atheromatosis
B. Liposclerosis
C. Ulceration
D. Atherocalcinosis
E. Lipoidosis
Examination of a 10 y.o. child revealed on the alveolar submandibular process a fixed tumourous
mass 1,5 cm in diameter closing premolar crown on the vestibular sid E. Mucous membrane of
its surface is reddish-brown, it bleeds as a reaction to a slight mechanical intervention. Biopsy
results: the mass consists of small size vessels separated by thin layers of connective tissue and
infiltrated by plasmocytes, mucous membrane is here and there ulcere D. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Hypertrophic gingivitis
B. Giant cell form of epulis
C. Gingival fibromatosis
D. Fibrous form of epulis
E. Angiomatous form of epulis
A 5 y.o. girl has high temperature and sore throat. Objectively: soft palate edema, tonsills are
covered with grey films that can be hardly removed and leave deep bleeding tissue injuries.
What disease is the most probable?
A. Lacunar angina
B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Vincent's angina
D. Necrotic angina
E. Pharyngeal diphtheria
There is a specimen of soft palate where both oral and nasal surfaces can be seen. It was revealed
that oral cavity had damaged epithelium. What epithelium is damaged?
A. Multirowed ciliated epithelium
B. Multistratal prismatic nonkeratinizing
C. Multistratal squamous keratinizing
D. Multistratal cubical nonkeratinizing
E. Multistratal squamous nonkeratinizing
Examination of a 60 y.o. man's oral cavity revealed the following changes: the 26th and 27th
tooth are covered with metallic crowns that plunge deep into the gums. There is a parodontal
pouch 0,7 cm deep between them containing some pus. Gingival papillae of these teeth are
hyperemic, edematic, cyanotic, bleed as a reaction to touching by a dental explorer. X-ray
picture shows resorption of interdental septa of 1/2 of tooth root. What is the most probable
A. Hypertrophic gingivitis
B. Local parodontitis
C. D. Generalized parodontitis
E. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis
A patient who had been suffering from a renal disease for many years died from uremi A.
Autopsy revealed that the kidneys were abnormally small, dense, fine-grained, light grey. What
are the kidneys with such changes called?
A. Sebaceous
B. Arteriolosclerotic
C. Contracted
D. E. Mottled
Macroscopic examination of lung tissue revealed areas of high airiness with small bubbles.
histological examination revealed thinning and rupture of alveolar septa accompanied by
formation of large diversiform cavities. What disease was revealed in a lung?
A. Multiple bronchiectasis
B. Cavernous tuberculosis
C. Pulmonary emphysema
D. Chronic bronchitis
E. Fibrosing alveolitis
A patient has recently had staphylococcal infection that led to anasarca; laboratory urine analysis
revealed massive proteinuri A. Results of blood analysis: hypoproteinemia, hyperlipemi A. What
pathology can be suspected?
A. Glomerulonephritis
B. Chronic renal insufficiency
C. Urolithiasis
D. Nephrotic syndrome
E. Pyelonephritis
Soft palate arches were taken for bioptic examination because of suspected tumour
(macroscopical examination revealed an ulcer with dense floor). Biopsy revealed necrosis of
mucous membrane along with infiltration of submucous layer by lymphocytes, epithelioid cells,
plasmatic cells, single neutrophils. There is also evident endo- and perivasculitis. What disease
are the described changes typical for?
A. Ulcerative necrotic stomatitis (Vincent's stomatitis)
B. Aphthous stomatitis
C. Pharyngeal diphtheria
D. Primary syphilis
E. Ulcerative stomatitis
Examination of a tooth revealed a large cavity in its crown. The floor of this cavity is formed by
a thin layer of softened dentin that separates this cavity from the pulp. What is the most probable
A. Deep caries
B. Pulpitis
C. Periodontitis
D. Median caries
E. Superficial caries
Microscopical examination of a surgical specimen (an ulcered part of a lip) revealed in the
connective tissue of mucous membrane near the borders and under the floor of the ulcer some
epithelial complexes consisting of atypic multistratal epithelium with accumulations of bright
pink concentric formations. What pathology is it?
A. Transitional cell carcinoma
B. Papilloma
C. Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma
D. Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma
E. Basal cell carcinoma
Mucous membrane of a patient's oral cavity has a greyish-white focus, the mass is dense and
protrudes above the mucous membran E. Histological examination revealed hyperkeratosis,
parakeratosis and acanthosis of epithelium in this are A. What pathological process was revealed
in the mucous membrane?
A. Leukoplakia
B. Hyalinosis
C. Local tumourous amyloidosis
D. Focal ichthyosis
E. Leukoderm
A 9 y.o. child has been taking antibiotics on account of bronchopneumonia for a long tim E.
There appeared pain and burning in the area of mucous mebrane of his lips and tongu E.
Objectively: mucous membrane of lips and tongue has caseous and grey plaques that can be
easily removed by a spatula leaving hyperemia foci on their spot. Microscopical examination of
the plaques revealed mycelium. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Leukoplakia
B. Manganotti's cheilitis
C. Exfoliative cheilitis
D. Candidous cheilitis
E. Contactant allergic cheilitis
Autopsy of a 35 y.o. woman revealed not only enlargement of many lymph nodes but also
enlarged spleen weighting 600,0. Its incision showed that it was heterogeneous, dark red, dense
with greyish-yellow necrotic areas up to 1 cm in diameter (porphyritic spleen). What disease can
be assumed?
A. Chronic lymphoid leukosis
B. Chronic myeloid leukosis
C. Cancer metastases
D. Lymphogranulomatosis
E. Lymphosarcoma
Histological examination of periapical tissue taken from a patient who has been suffering from
chronic periodontitis for a long time revealed a granulation tissue interlaced by taeniae of
squamous cell epithelium and encircled within a fibrous capsul E. What is the most probable
A. Abscessing periodontitis
B. Simple granuloma
C. Granulating periodontitis
D. Composite granuloma
E. Cystic granuloma
A 13-year-old patient complains of general weakness, dizziness, fatiguability. Mental retardation
is also observed. Examination revealed high concentration of valine, isoleucine and
leucine in blood and urine. The patient's urine has a specific smell. What is the likely cause of
such condition?
A. Maple syrup urine disease
B. Addison's disease
C. Tyrosinosi
D. Histidinemia
E. Basedow's disease
A patient has increased pyruvate concentration in blood. Large amount of it is excreted with
urine. What vitamin deficiency is observed?
A. B1
B. E
C. B3
D. B6
E. B2
Pellagra may be caused by maize domination and low quantity of animal foodstuffs in the dietary
intake. This pathology results from lack of the following amino acid:
A. Tryptophane
B. Isoleucine
C. Phenylalanine
D. Methionine
E. Histidine
During the histologic examination of thyroid gland of a man who died of cardiac insufficiency
together with hypothyroidism there was found the diffusive infiltration of gland by lymphocytes
and plasmocytes, parenchyma atrophy and growth of connective tissue. Formulate a diagnosis:
A. Hashimoto's thyroiditis
B. Thyroid gland adenoma
C. Purulent thyroiditis
D. Thyrotoxic goiter
The lung hypertension and cardiac insufficiency of right ventricle with ascites and edemata
developed at patient with pneumosclerosis. What is the principal pathogenetic mechanism of
edemata development?
A. Increase of hydrostatic blood pressure in veins
B. Increase of oncotic pressure of intercellular fluid
C. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure
D. Decrease of osmotic blood pressure
E. Increase of vascular permeability
A patient with pneumosclerosis has pulmonary hypertension and cardiac insuffisiency of right
ventricle with ascites and edemata. What is the main pathogenetic mechanism of edemata
A. Rise of hydrostatic blood pressure in veins
B. Rise of oncotic pressure of intracellular fluid
C. Reduction of oncotic blood pressure
D. Increased permeability of vessel walls
Dystrophic changes of heart are accompanied by dilatation of cardiac cavities, decrease of heart
beat force, increased volume of blood that remains in cardiac cavity after systole; veins are
overfilled. What state is this presentation typical for?
A. Myogenic dilatation
B. Tonogenic dilatation
C. Emergency phase of myocardial hypertrophy
D. Cardiosclerosis stage
E. Cardiac tamponade
A 7 year old child had an acute onset of disease. Pediatrician stated that mucous membrane of
fauces is hyperemic and covered with a lot of mucus. Mucous membrane of cheeks has whitish
stains. Next day the child's skin of face, neck, body was covered with coarsely-papular rash.
What disease may be presumed?
A. Measles
B. Scarlet fever
C. Diphteria
D. Meningococcemia
E. Allergic dermatitis
Autopsy of a woman with cerebral atherosclerosis revealed in the left cerebral hemisphere a
certain focus that is presented by flabby, anhistic, greyish and yellowish tissue with indistinct
edges. What pathological process is the case?
A. Ischemic stroke
B. Multifocal tumor growth with cystic degeneration
C. Multiple foci of fresh and old cerebral hemorrhage
D. Focal encephalitis
E. Senile encephalopathy
Autopsy of a 52-year-old woman with a long history of chronic glomerulonephritis revealed
significantly reduced in size, dense kidneys with a surface of fine granularity; fibrinous
inflammation of serous and mucous membranes; dystrophic changes in parenchymatous organs;
cerebral edema. The described changes of serous membranes and internal organs are caused by
the following complication:
A. Uraemia
B. Anaemia
C. Sepsis
D. DIC syndrome
E. Thrombocytopenia
A 10 year old child lives in the region where fluorine content in water is above the mark. A
dentist examined the child and found teeth damage in form of chalky and also pigmentary stains
and stripes. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Fluorosis
B. Median caries
C. Wedge defects
D. Tooth erosion
E. Acidic necrosis of hard tooth tissues
Histological study of the bronchial wall and adjacent lung segments revealed sheets and strands
of squamous epithelium. The cells have moderately expressed symptoms of atypia:
polymorphism, nuclear hyperchromatism, mitoses. In the center of the complex there are
concentric pink formations. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
B. Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
C. Adenocarcinoma
D. Scirrhus
E. Undifferentiated carcinoma
Histologically, the internal wall of a cyst localized on the upper jaw is lined with stratified
squamous epithelium with underlying granulation tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes. The external
layer is represented by loose fibrous connective tissue surrounded by cicatrical fibrous tissue.
What diagnosis can be made?
A. Cystic granuloma
B. Simple granuloma
C. Epithelial granuloma
D. Keratocyst
E. Ameloblastoma
A 53 year old patient consulted a doctor about white patch on the mucous membrane of tongue.
This patch sticks out from the mucous membrane, its surface is cracked. Microscopic analysis
reveals thickening of multilayer epithelium, parakeratosis and acanthosis. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Leukoplakia
B. Geographic tongue
C. Epidermoid cancer
D. Papilloma
E. Median rhomboid glossitis
The microscopic analysis of bronch biopsy revealed a tumor that consisted of circumscribed
accumulations of atypical cells of multylayer plane epithelium, here and there with
typical"pearls". What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Epidermoid cancer with keratinization
B. Epidermoid cancer without keratinization
C. Solid carcinoma
D. Mucous carcinoma
E. Scirrhus
Histologic examination revealed a big number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in all layers of
appendix; hyperemia, stases. What disease are these symptoms typical for?
A. Phlegmonous appendicitis
B. Gangrenous appendicitis
C. Superficial appendicitis
D. Simple appendicitis
E. Chronic appendicitis
A female patient suffering from secondary syphilis got foci of skin depigmentation in the upper
parts of her back. What pathological process is it?
A. Leukoderma
B. Metaplasia
C. Leukoplasia
D. Dysplasia
E. Parakeratosis
Opening of a patient's abdominal cavity revealed for about 2,0 L of purulent fluid. Peritoneum is
dull, greyish, serous tunic of intestines has grayish layers that can be easily removed. It is most
likely to be:
A. Fibrinopurulent peritonitis
B. Hemorrhagic peritonitis
C. Serous peritonitis
D. Tuberculous peritonitis
A 77-year-old patient with atherosclerosis got pain in his right foot. The foot is enlarged, the skin
is black and macerated, the demarcation zone is not defined clearly. What pathological process
arose in the foot?
A. Wet gangrene
B. Dry gangrene
C. Noma
D. Sequestrum
E. Coagulation necrosis
Microscopic analysis of brain base vessels of a patient who died of ischemic stroke revealed that
intima of cerebral vessels is irregular, with moderate quantity of yellow stains and yellowishwhitish patches that narrow lumen. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Atherosclerosis
B. Primary hypertension
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Rheumatism
E. Nodular periarteritis
A 42-year-old man died with symptoms of severe intoxication and respiratory failure. A slide of
lung tissue was heterogenous, with multiple microfocal hemorrhages and foci of emphysema.
Histological examination of lungs revealed hemorrhagic abscessing bronchopneumonia;
eosinophilic and basophilic granules in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of bronchi. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Influenza
B. Parainfluenza
C. Adenovirus infection
D. Respiratory syncytial virus infection
E. Staphylococcal bronchopneumonia
Autopsy of a 5 year old child revealed that pia maters of brain are extremely plethoric, nebulous,
have a look of yellowish-green "bonnet". Microscopic analysis: pia mater of brain is very
thickened, plethoric, impregnated with purulent exudate containing fibrin. What disease is
A. Meningococcosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Anthrax
D. Influenza
E. Measles
Histological examination of thyroid gland of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency
accompanied by hypothyroidism revealed diffuse infiltration of the gland by lymphocytes and
plasmocytes with formation of lymphoid follicles, as well as atrophy of parenchyma and growth
of connective tissue. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis
B. Adenoma of thyroid gland
C. Purulent thyroiditis
D. Thyrotoxic goiter
E. -
Post-mortem examination of a 5 year old boy who died from acute pulmonary and cardiac
insufficiency revealed the following: serohemorrhagic tracheobronchitis with some necrotic
areas of mucous membrane, multiple foci of hemorrhagic pneumonia in lungs. What disease is in
A. Influenza
B. Measles
C. Scarlet fever
D. Diphtheria
E. Croupous pneumonia
Autopsy of a 70-year-old man who died from cardiac insufficiency revealed deformed and
constricted coronary arteries. The artery section shows that the intimal surface is stony hard and
fragile. It is also whitish, with nodular appearance. What stage of atherosclerosis is it?
A. Atherocalcinosis
B. Liposclerosis
C. Atheromatosis
D. Lipoidosis
E. Ulceration
Autopsy of a man who died from intraintestinal hemorrhage revealed necrosis of grouped and
solitary follicles, dead tissues imbibed with bile and blood in the ileum; sequestration and
rejection of necrotic masses with defect formation in the lower segment of the intestine.
Which of the following diagnoses is most likely?
A. Typhoid fever, ulcerative stage
B. Typhoid fever, "clean ulcer" stage
C. Typhoid fever, necrosis stage
D. Abdominal typhoid salmonellosis
E. Crohn's disease
Autopsy of an aged man who had been suffering from acute intestinal upset for the last 2 weeks
revealed the following changes in the rectum and sigmoid colon: mucous membrane surface was
coated with brown-green film. The intestine wall was thickened, and its cavity was extremely
constricted. Microscopical examination revealed variously deep penetrating necrosis of mucous
membrane; necrotic masses contained fibrin fibers and bore signs of leukocytic infiltration. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Fibrinous colitis
B. Catarrhal colitis
C. Ulcerative colitis
D. Follicular collitis
Examination of coronary arteries revealed atherosclerotic plaques with calcification that close tle
lumen by 1/3. The muscle contains multiple small whitish layers of connective tissue. What
process was revealed in myocardium?
A. Diffuse cardiosclerosis
B. Tiger heart
C. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis
D. Myocarditis
E. Myocardium infarction
Microscopic analysis of tissue sampling from patient's skin reveals granulomas that consist of
epithelioid cells surrounded mostly by T-lymphocytes. Among epithelioid cells there are solitary
giant multinuclear cells of Pirogov-Langhans type. In the centre of some granulomas there are
areas of caseous necrosis. Blood vessels are absent. What disease are the described
granulomas typical for?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Leprosy
D. Rhinoscleroma
E. Glanders
Examination of a child who has recently recovered from measles revealed in the soft tissues of
cheeks and perineum some inaccurate, edematic, red-and-black, slightly fluctuating areas. What
complication is it?
A. Humid gangrene
B. Dry gangrene
C. Gas gangrene
D. Pressure sore
E. Trophic ulcer
Autopsy of a woman who died of tumorous dissemination of mucinosous cystadenocarcinoma
and before that had to stay in bed for a long time revealed big necrotic areas of skin and soft
subjacent tissues in sacral region. What form of necrosis is the case?
A. Pressure sore
B. Infarction
C. Sequester
D. Caseous necrosis
E. Zenker's necrosis
Examination of a patient who had been suffering from rheumatism for a long time revealed
stenosis of mitral orifice, death was caused by cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy has
shown brown induration of lungs. What type of circulation disturbance provokes such changes in
A. Chronic left ventricular insufficiency
B. Chronic right ventricular insufficiency
C. Acute left ventricular insufficiency
D. Acute right ventricular insufficiency
E. Portal hypertension
During the electronical microscopic analysis of salivary gland the cell fragmets were revealed
which are surrounded by a membrane and contain condensed particles of nuclear substance and
solitary organelles; the inflammatory reaction around these cells is absent. What process is
A. Apoptosis
B. Karyorhexis
C. Coagulation necrosis
D. Karyopicnosis
E. Karyolysis
On the 5th day of illness a 12 year old child who was treated in the infectious department on
account of influenza felt severe headache, sickness, dizziness, got meningeal signs. The child
died 24 hours later from increasing brain edema. Dissection of cranial cavity revealed that pia
maters of brain are edematic, plethoric, saturated diffusively with bright red liquid. Convolutions
and sulci of brain are flattened. What influenza complication is in question?
A. Hemorrhagic meningitis
B. Cerebral hemorrhage
C. Venous hyperemia of brain membranes
D. Suppurative leptomeningitis
E. Serous meningitis
Autopsy of a man who died of typhoid fever revealed ulcers along the ileum. These ulcers have
even sides, clean fundus formed by muscle layer or even by serous tunic of an intestine. What
stage of disease does the described presentation correspond with?
A. Stage of "clean" ulcers
B. Stage of medullary swelling
C. Stage of necrosis
D. Stage of "dirty" ulcers
E. Stage of ulcer healing
Morphological examination of carious cavity floor differenciated distinctly three zones: the one
of softened dentin, transparent dentin and replacing dentin. What stage of caries are these
changes typical for?
A. Median caries
B. Spot stage
C. Superficial caries
D. Deep caries
E. Chronic caries
A man had an acute onset of disease, he complained of chill, temperature rise up to 40oС,
headache, cough, dyspnea. On the fifth day of illness he died. Autopsy revealed:his lungs were
enlarged, they had a look of "coal-miner's lungs". What illness is such postmortem diagnosis
typical for?
A. Influenza
B. Adenovirus infection
C. Croupous pneumonia
D. Respiratory syncytial infection
E. Multiple bronchiectasis
Mucous membrane of the right palatine tonsil has a painless ulcer with smooth lacquer fundus
and accurate edges of cartlaginous consistency. Microscopically: inflammatory infiltrate that
consists of lymphocytes, plasmocytes, a small number of neutrophils and epithelioid cells;
endovasculistis and perivasculitis. What disease is in question?
A. Syphilis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Pharyngeal diphtheria
E. Necrotic (Vincent's) tonsillitis
A 75 year old male patient consulted a surgeon about a brown nonhealing ulcer of shin.
Examination of biopsy material revealed diffuse growth of polymorphic atypic cells with brown
pigment in their cytoplasm. Pearls reaction was negative. There were also a lot of pathological
mitoses and foci of tissue necrosis. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Melanoma
B. Local hemosiderosis
C. Intradermal nevus
D. Trophic ulcer
E. Skin cancer
A 22 year woman has enlarged lymphatic ganglions. Histological analysis of a ganglion revealed
lymphocytes, histiocytes, reticular cells, small and great Hodgkin's cells, multinuclear ReedSternberg cells, solitary foci of caseous necrosis. What disease are these changes typical for?
A. Lymphogranulematosis
B. Lymphosarcoma
C. Chronic leukemia
D. Acute leukemia
E. Cancer metastasis
A 57 year old patient has periodic uterine bleedings. Diagnostic endometrectomy was performed.
Biopsy material contains among the blood elements some glandular complexes of different sizes
and forms that consist of atypic cells with hyperchromic nuclei and multiple mitoses (including
pathological ones). What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Fibromyoma of uterus
C. Chorioepithelioma
D. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
E. Endometritis
Autopsy of a man who died from ethylene glycol poisoning revealed that his kidneys are a little
bit enlarged, edematic; their capsule can be easily removed. Cortical substance is broad and
light-grey. Medullary substance is dark-red. What pathology had this man?
A. Necrotic nephrosis
B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Acute tubular-interstitial nephritis
E. Lipoid nephrosis
During the histologic lung analysis of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency the
inflammation focuses were revealed. Alveoles were full of light-pink fluid, here and there with
pinkish fibers that formed a close-meshed reticulum with a small number of lymphocytes. What
type of exudate is present in lungs?
A. Serofibrinous
B. Hemorrhagic
C. Serous
D. Purulent
E. Fibrinous
A 38 year old patient died during intractable attack of bronchial asthma. Histological
examination revealed mucus accumulations in bronchi's lumen, a lot of mast cells (labrocytes) in
bronchi's wall, some of these cells are degranulated, there are also many eosinophils. Name
pathogenesis of these changes in bronchi:
A. Atopy, anaphylaxis
B. Cytotoxic, cytolytic effect of antibodies
C. Immune complex mechanism
D. Cell-mediated cytolysis
E. Granulematosis
Having recovered from angina a 23-year-old patient developed urinary syndrome (hematuria,
proteinuria, leukocyturia). Study of the puncture biopsy of a kidney revealed manifestations of
intracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis, and electron microscopy revealed large
subepithelial deposits. What is the pathogenesis of this disease?
A. Immunocomplex mechanism
B. Atopy, anaphylaxis with production of IgE and their fixation to the mast cells
C. Cytotoxic, cytolytic action of antibodies
D. Cell-mediated cytolysis
E. Granulomatosis
48 hours after tuberculine test (Mantoux test) a child had a papule up to 10 mm in diameter on
the spot of tuberculine introduction. What hypersensitivity mechanism underlies the mentioned
A. Cellular cytotoxicity
B. Anaphylaxis
C. Antibody-dependent cytotoxicity
D. Immunocomplex cytotoxicity
E. Granulomatosis
A 7 year old child was taken to the infectious disease hospital with complaints of acute pain
during swallowing, temperature rise up to 39oС, neck edema. Objective signs: tonsills are
enlarged, their mucous membrane is plethoric and covered with a big number of whitishyellowish films that are closely adjacent to the mucous membrane. After removal of these films
the deep bleeding defect remains. What type of inflammation is it?
A. Diphteritic
B. Purulent
C. Serous
D. Crupous
E. Hemorrhagic
In course of gastric endoscopy the biopsy material of mucous membrane was taken. Its
histological examination revealed the following: mucous membrane is intact, thickened,
edematic, hyperemic, with small droplike hemorrhages, coated with thick mucus. Name the form
of acute gastritis:
A. Catarrhal
B. Erosive
C. Fibrinous
D. Purulent
E. Necrotic
A 4 year old child had Mantoux test. 60 hours after tuberculin introduction a focal skin
hardening and redness 15 mm in diameter appeared. It was regarded as positive test. What type
of hypersensitivity reaction is this test based upon?
A. Delayed-type hypersensitivity
B. Immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity
C. Complement-mediated cytotoxic hypersensitivity
D. Immediate hypersensitivity
Autopsy of an 8 year old boy who was ill with pharyngeal and tonsillar diphtheria and died one
week after illness begin revealed myocardial changes in form of small-focal myocardiocyte
necroses, stroma edema with slight lymphocytic infiltration. What type of myocarditis is it:
A. Alternative
B. Septic
C. Granulomatous
D. Interstitional
E. Focal-intermediate, exudative
Histologic analysis of uterus mucous membrane revealed twisting glands, serrated and spinned,
they were extended by stroma growth with proliferation of its cells. Formulate a diagnosis:
A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
B. Acute endometritis
C. Leiomyoma
D. Cystic mole
E. Placental polyp
Medical examination of the first-year pupils included Mantoux test. 15 pupils out of 35 had
negative reaction. What actions should be taken against children with negative reaction?
A. BCG vaccination
B. Antitoxin vaccination
C. Rabies vaccination
D. Repeat Mantoux test
E. Examination of blood serum
Vaccination is done by means of a toxin that has been neutralized by a formaldehyde (0,4%) at a
temperature 37-40oC for four weeks. Ramond was the first to apply this preparation for
diphtheria prophylaxis. What preparation is it?
A. Anatoxin
B. Immunoglobulin
C. Antitoxic serum
D. Adjuvant
E. Inactivated vaccine
Examination of a 16 year old boy revealed enlarged submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.
The boy was subjected to biopsy. Microscopic examination of lymph nodes revealed: typical
structure is obliterated, cell population is heterogenous, there are big cells with multilobe nuclei,
multiple big mononuclear cells, eosinophilic and neutrophilic leukocytes, lymphocytes, besides
that, there are necrotic areas and foci of sclerosis. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. lymphogranulomatosis
B. Lymph node hyperplasia
C. Granulomatous lymphadenitis
D. Suppurative lymphadenitis
E. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Microscopical examination of an enlarged cervical lymph node revealed blurring of its structure,
absence of lymphoid follicles; all the microscopic fields showed cells with roundish nuclei and
thin limbus of basophil cytoplasm. It is known from the clinical data that other groups of lymph
nodes are also enlarged as well as spleen and liver. What disease might be suspected?
A. Lymphoid leukosis
B. Lymphogranulomatosis
C. Lymphosarcoma
D. Myeloid leukosis
E. Multiple myeloma
A hospital admitted a 9 y.o. boy with mental and physical retardation. Biochemical blood
analysis revealed high content of phenylalanine. Such condition may be caused by blocking of
the following enzyme:
A. Phenylalanine-4-monooxigenase
B. Oxidase of homogentisic acid
C. Glutamine transaminase
D. Aspartate aminotransferase
E. Glutamate decarboxylase
A worker of a cattle farm fell acutely ill and then died from the progressing intoxication.
Autopsy revealed enlarged, hyposthenic spleen of dark-cherry colour when dissected; excessive
pulp scraping. At the base and fornix of brain pia maters are edematous, soaked with blood,
dark-red ("scarlet hat"). Microscopic examination revealed serous haemorrhagic inflammation of
brain tissues and tunics along with destruction of small vessel walls. What is the most likely
A. Anthrax
B. Tularemia
C. Brucellosis
D. Plaque
E. Cholera
An electronic microphotography represents a cell without nucleoli and nuclear membrane.
Chromosomes are loosely scattered, centrioles migrate to the poles. What phase of cell cycle is
A. Prophase
B. Anaphase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
E. Interphase
An 18 y.o. boy applied to a geneticist. The boy has asthenic constitution: narrow shoulders,
broad pelvis, nearly hairless face. Evident mental deficiency. The provisional diagnosis was
Klinefelter's syndrome. What method of clinical genetics will enable the doctor to confirm this
A. Cytogenetic
B. Genealogical
C. Twin study
D. Dermatoglyphics
E. Population-and-statistical
Abnormal chromosome disjunction during meiosis resulted in formation of: an ovum with 22
autosomes and polar body with 24 chromosomes. If such an ovum would be fertilized with a
normal spermatozoon (22+X) the child might have the following syndrome:
A. Turner's syndrome
B. Klinefelter's syndrome
C. Trisomy X
D. Down's syndrome
E. Edwards' syndrome
A patient with android-type obesity had been suffering from arterial hypertension,
hyperglycemia, glycosuria for a long time and died from the cerebral haemorrhage. Pathologic
examination revealed pituitary basophil adenoma, adrenal cortex hyperplasia. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Acromegalia
D. Pituitary nanism
E. Adiposogenital dystrophy
Autopsy of a man with a malignant stomach tumour who had died from cancer intoxication
revealed in the posteroinferior lung fields some dense, grayish-red irregular foci protruding
above the section surface. Microscopic examination revealed exudate containing a large amount
of neutrophils in the lumen and walls of small bronchi and alveoles. Such pulmonary alterations
indicate the following disease:
A. Acute purulent bronchopneumonia
B. Acute bronchitis
C. Croupous pneumonia
D. Intermittent pneumonia
E. Acute serous bronchopneumonia
A patient is ill with dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia. During history taking it was revealed that the
main foodstuff of the patient was maize. These disturbances are caused by deficiency of the
following vitamin:
B. B1
C. B2
D. B9
E. B8
Autopsy of a 1,5-year-old child revealed haemorrhagic skin rash, moderate hyperaemia and
edema of nasopharyngeal mucous membrane, small haemorrhages in the mucous membranes
and internal organs; dramatic dystrophic alterations in liver and myocardium; acute necrotic
nephrosis; massive haemorrhages in the adrenal glands. What disease are these alterations the
most typical for?
A. Meningococcal infection
B. Scarlet fever
C. Diphtheria
D. Measles
E. Epidemic typhus
A 20 y.o. patient complains of general weakness, dizziness, rapid fatigability. Examination
results: Hb- 80 g/l; microscopical analysis results: erythrocytes are deformed. These symptoms
might be caused by:
A. Sickle-cell anemia
B. Parenchymatous jaundice
C. Acute intermittent porphyria
D. Obturative jaundice
E. Addison's disease
Autopsy of a 50-year-old man revealed the following changes: his right lung was moderately
compact in all parts, the dissected tissue was found to be airless, fine-grained, dryish. Visceral
pleura had greyish-brown layers of fibrin. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Croupous pneumonia
B. Tuberculosis
C. Bronchopneumonia
D. Interstitial pneumonia
E. Pneumofibrosis
A pregnant woman lost for about 800 ml of blood during labour. There is also tachycardia,
arterial pressure is 100/70 mm Hg, tachypnea up to 28/min. What hypoxia type is primary in
such clinical situation?
A. Blood
B. Cardiovascular
C. Mixed
D. Tissue
E. Respiratory
Enzymatic jaundices are characterized by disbalanced activity of UDP-glucuronyl transferase.
What compound is accumulated in the blood serum in case of these pathologies?
A. Indirect bilirubin
B. Direct bilirubin
C. Biliverdin
D. Mesobilirubin
E. Verdoglobin
Autopsy of a man, who had been suffering from the multiple bronchiectasis for 5 years and died
from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed that kidneys were dense and enlarged, with thickened
cortical layer of white colour with greasy lustre. What renal disease might be suspected?
A. Secondary amyloidosis
B. Glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic pyelonephritis
D. Necrotic nephrosis
A patient with apparent icteritiousness of skin, sclera and mucous membranes was admitted to
the hospital. The patient's urine was of brown ale colour, analysis revealed presence of direct
bilirubin. Feces had low concentration of bile pigments. What type of jaundice is it?
A. Obturative
B. Parenchymatous
C. Haemolytic
D. Conjugated
E. Absorbtion
Microscopic examination during autopsy of a 70 y.o. man who had been ill with atherosclerosis
for a long time and died from cardiovascular insufficiency revealed in the abdominal area of
aorta some dense oval fibrous plaques with lime deposition in form of dense brittle plates. What
stage of atherosclerosis morphogenesis is it?
A. Atherocalcinosis
B. Liposclerosis
C. Atheromatosis
D. Ulceration
E. Lipoidosis
A 71-year-old man had been presenting with diarrhea for 10 days. The feces had admixtures of
blood and mucus. He was delivered to a hospital in grave condition and died 2 days later.
Autopsy of the body revealed the following: diphtheritic colitis with multiple irregularly-shaped
ulcers of different depth in both sigmoid colon and rectus. Bacteriological analysis revealed
Shigella. What was the main disease?
A. Dysentery
B. Typhoid fever
C. Salmonellosis
D. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis
E. Yersiniosis
Microscopy of colonic biopsy material revealed a tumour made up of prismatic epithelium and
forming atypical glandular structures of various shapes and sizes. The basal membrane of glands
was destroyed. Tumour cells were polymorphic, with hyperchromatic nuclei and a large number
of pathological mitoses. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Basal cell carcinoma
C. Solid carcinoma
D. Mucosal carcinoma
E. Undifferentiated carcinoma
During examination a dentist revealed cervical caries of right inferior incisors as well as
enlargement of a certain group of lymph nodes. What lymph nodes are enlarged?
A. Submental
B. Occipital
C. Superficial cervical
D. Deep cervical
E. Facial
Various cells of the oral mucous membrane and antimicrobial substances synthesized by these
cells play an important part in the local immunity of the oral cavity. Specify the key factors for
local immunity:
A. Secretory IgA
B. B-lymphocytes
C. IgG
D. Macrophages
E. Eosinophils
Gynecological examination of the uterine cervix in a 30-year-old woman revealed some brightred lustrous spots that easily bleed when touched. Biopsy showed that a part of the uterine
cervix was covered with cylindrical epithelium with papillary outgrowths; in the depth of tissue
the growth of glands was present. What pathology of the uterine cervix was revealed?
A. Pseudoerosion
B. True erosion
C. Endocervicitis
D. Glandular hyperplasia
E. Leukoplakia
A stillborn child was found to have thickened skin resembling of the tortoise shell,
underdeveloped auricles. Histological examination of skin revealed hyperkeratosis, atrophy of
the granular epidermis layer; inflammatory changes were not present. What is the most likely
A. Ichthyosis
B. Leukoplakia
C. Xerodermia
D. Erythroplakia
E. Dermatomyositis
A pathology-histology laboratory received a vermiform appendix up to 2,0 cm thick. Its serous
membrane was pale, thick and covered with yellowish-green films. The wall was flaccid, of
grayish-red colour. The appendix lumen was dilated and filled with yellowish-green substance.
Histological examination revealed that the appendix wall was infiltrated with neutrophils.
Specify the appendix disease:
A. Acute phlegmonous appendicitis
B. Acute gangrenous appendicitis
C. Acute superficial appendicitis
D. Acute simple appendicitis
E. Chronic appendicitis
A 35-year-old patient with chronic periodontitis underwent excision of a cyst 3 cm in diameter
found at a root of the 15th tooth. Histological examination revealed that it had thin wall formed
by mature connective tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasmatic cells. Its internal surface
was lined with multilayer pavement epithelium with no signs of keratinization; the cavity
contained serous exudate. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Radicular cyst
B. Follicular cyst
C. Primordial cyst
D. Cherubism
E. Follicular ameloblastoma
What preventive medications should be injected to a patient with open maxillofacial trauma
provided that he has never got prophylactic vaccination before?
A. Antitetanus immunoglobulin and anatoxin
B. Anticonvulsive drugs and anatoxin
C. Antitetanus serum and antibiotics
D. Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine and antibiotics
E. Tetanus anatoxin and antibiotics
Vestibular surface of the left lower incisor has a pink fungoid formation up to 2 cm large which
is fixed to the supra-alveolar tissue by a wide pedicle. Histological examination revealed
branched capillary vessels with multiple hemorrhages and foci of hemosiderosis. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Angiomatous epulis
B. Fibrous epulis
C. Giant cell epulis
D. Gingival fibromatosis
E. Cavernous hemangioma
The surgically excised connective tissue of the deformed mitral valve gives a basophilic reaction
when stained with hematoxylin and eosin. When stained with toluidine blue it turns purple
(metachromasia). What changes of the connective tissue can be detected by such reactions?
A. Mucoid edema
B. Fibrinoid necrosis of connective tissue
C. Connective tissue edema
D. Petrification
E. Hyalinosis
A 69-year-old patient got a small plaque with subsequent ulceration on the skin of the lower
eyelid. The formation was removed. Microscopic examination of dermis revealed complexes of
atypical epitelial cells arranged perpendicularly to the basal membrane on the periphery. The
cells were dark, of polygonal prismatic shape with hyperchromic nuclei with frequent mitoses.
What is the histological form of carcinoma in this patient?
A. Basal cell carcinoma
B. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
C. Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
D. Adenocarcinoma
E. Undifferentiated
42 - year old man died 1 hour after the heart attack. At autopsy revealed irregular blood supply
of myocardium, histologically - venous plethora. What histochemical method of research is
necessary to confirm to ischemic myocardial injury?
A. Stained with carmin
B. Stained with Sudan III
C. Stained with trichrome by Masson
D. Stained with hematoxylin and eosin
E. Stained by van Gieson
42 year-old man suspected endomyocardial fibrosis died of congestive heart failure. At the
autopsy revealed a sharp endocardial thickening of thrombotic formations and a significant
decrease in ventricular cavities, fibrosis atrio-ventricular valves and papillary muscles. Specify
the cardiomyopathy.
A. Restrictive
B. Hypertrophic
C. Congestive
D. Symmetric
E. Dilated
During postmortem study of brain 81-year old patient psychiatric clinic, which in life suffered
from senile psychosis and died after a stroke, in vessels of the basis revealed multiple ulcerated
yellow spots and stony density stenosing their lumen, blood clots. Specify pathological process
that caused the thrombosis.
A. Atherosclerosis
B. Obliterating endarteritis
C. Nodular periarteritis
D. Thromboembolism
E. Aneurysm
At ultrasonic examination the heart of a man who had a transmural myocardial infarction
anterior wall of the left ventricle myocardial infarction 5 months ago revealed an aneurysm.
Specify the type of aneurysm depending course of the disease.
A. Chronic
B. Recurrent
C. Subacute
D. Acute
E. Dissection
At the autopsy 45 years old woman suffered from rheumatism and died of congestive heart
failure revealed complete obliteration of the pericardial cavity with deposition of calcium in the
fibrous tissue. Name the pathological process.
A. Armored heart
B. Hairy heart
C. Tiger heart
D. Stone heart
E. Fibrotic heart
Tests for figures
1. Specify the form of tuberculosis (fig. 82).
A. Tuberculoma
B. Focal tuberculosis
C. Miliary tuberculosis
D. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
E. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis*
2. Which form of tuberculosis is presented in this specimen (fig. 82)?
A. Primary
B. Hematogenically disseminated
C. Infiltrative
D. Primary tubercular complex
E. Secondary*
3. What structure is marked by number 1 on the specimen of lungs at tuberculosis (fig. 82)?
A. Lymph nod
B. Lymphatic vessels
C. Tuberculoma
D. Infiltrate
E. Cavern*
4. What structure is marked by number 2 on the specimen of lungs at tuberculosis (fig. 82)?
A. Cavern
B. Lymphatic nod
C. Lymphatic vessels
D. Infiltrate
E. Draining bronchus*
5. What the internal layer of wall of cavern on a photomicrograph (fig. 85) marked by number 1
is presented by?
A. Connective tissue
B. Limphohystiocytic infiltrate
C. Fibrous capsule
D. Pyogenic membrane
E. Caseous мasses*
6. What the middle layer of wall of cavern on the photomicrograph (fig. 85) marked by number
2 is presented by?
A. Connective tissue
B. Caseous masses
C. Fibrous capsule
D. Pyogenic membrane
E. Epithelioid and giant cells*
7. What the external layer of wall of cavern on the photomicrograph (fig. 85) marked by
number 3 is presented by?
A. Limfohystiocitic іnfiltrate
B. Caseous masses
C. Epithelioid and giant cells
D. Pyogenic membrane
E. Fibrous capsule*
8. Cells that are similar to the owl eye (marked by number 1) were discovered at microscopic
research of lungs (fig. 86) of person who died from pneumonia. Specify the possible etiology
of inflammation.
A. Influenza virus pneumonia
B. Adenovirus infection
C. Pneumococcus infection
D. Staphylococcus pneumonia
E. Cytomegalovirus*
9. Specify the constituent of primary tubercular complex marked by number 2 (fig. 87).
A. Focus of caseous necrosis
B. Lymphangitis
C. Lymphangoitis
D. Simons’ focus
E. Lymphadenitis*
10. Specify the constituent of primary tubercular complex marked by number 1(fig. 87).
A. Lymphangitis
B. Lymfangoitis
C. Lymphadenitis
D. Simons’ focus
E. Focus of caseous necrosis*
11. Specify the name of the subpleurally located and calcificated focus, marked by number 1
(fig. 88), in the person who died from pulmonary embolism.
A. Aschoff”s-Pull’s
B. Talalaev’s
C. Simons’
D. Koch’s focus
E. Ghon’s focus*
12. Name the component part of primary tubercular complex marked by number 1 on specimen
of lungs (fig. 88).
A. Lymphangitis
B. Tuberculoma
C. Lymphadenitis
D. Site of invasion
E. Primary аffect*
13. What form of tuberculosis is presented in this specimen (fig. 89)?
A. Tuberculoma
B. Cirrhotic
C. Fibrous-cavernous
D. Primary tubercular complex
E. Miliary*
14. At hystological research of pulmonic tissue granulomas (fig. 90), that contained giant multinucleous cells marked by number 1 on the photomicrograph, were found. How is such
granuloma named?
A. Typhoidal
B. Syphilitic
C. Giant-cell granuloma
D. Epithelioid
E. Tuberculous*
15. At histological research of lung tissue tubercular granulomas were found (fig. 90). What
component part of this granuloma is marked by number 1 on the photomicrograph?
A. Sternberg cell
B. Mikulich’s cell
C. Koch’s cell
D. Valdeer’s cell
E. Langhans cell *
16. What component of tubercular granulosum is marked bynumber 1 on the microphotograph
(fig. 91)?
A. Epithelioid cells
B. Langhans’ cells
C. Ghon’s focus
D. Connective tissue
E. Focus of caseous necrosis*
17. What component part of tubercular granuloma is marked by number 2 on the
microphotograph (fig. 91)?
A. Epithelioid cells
B. Focus of caseous necrosis
C. Ghon’s focus
D. Connective tissue
E. Langhans’ cells*
18. Specify the form of meningococcal infection in the patient (fig. 83).
A. Septicopyemia
B. Meningopyemiya
C. Meningococcal meningitis
D. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
E. Meningococcemia*
19. Specify the form of мeningococcal infection (fig. 84).
A. Septicopyemia
B. Meningopyemiya
C. Meningococcemia
D. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
E. Meningococcal meningitis*
20. The following morphological picture was found at histological research of kidney biopsy
material in the patient who had a scarlet fever 2 weeks ago (fig. 21). Diagnose.
A. Norm
B. Pyelonephritis
C. Carbuncle of kidney
D. Hydronephrosis
E. Glomerulonephritis*
21. The morphological picture of glomerulonephritis was found at histological research of
kidney tissue (fig. 21). What infection preceded this disease?
A. Measles
B. German measles
C. Varicella
D. Meningococcal
E. Scarlet fever*
22. At endoscopical research a doctor found the changes of mucus membrane of stomach (fig.
20.B). What previous diagnosis did a doctor put?
A. Acute gastritis
B. Chronic gastritis with acuteening
C. Chronic hyperplastycal gastritis (Menetrie)
D. There are no visible changes mucus
E. Chronic atrophy gastritis*
23. At pathoanatomical research a doctor noticed a pied picture of stomach mucus membrane
(fig. 20.C). What pathological process did a doctor see?
A. Pigmental spots of stomach mucus.
B. Catarrhal inflammation of stomach mucus.
C. Perforation of stomach mucus.
D. Abscesses of stomach.
E. Haemorrhagic erosion.*
24. Pathoanatomical macroscopic research found pathology of stomach (fig. 20.C). This
pathology was confirmed by a microscopic method (fig. 20.D). What pathology do you see?
A. Pigmental spots of stomach mucus.
B. Catarrhal inflammation of stomach mucus.
C. Perforation of stomach mucus.
D. Abscesses of stomach.
E. Haemorrhagic erosion of stomach mucus.*
25. At posthumous research of 40-years-old man a pathologist found pathology of mucus
membrane of stomach (fig. 48.A). What did a doctor see?
A. Acute fibrinous gastritis
B. Chronic atrophic gastritis
C. Chronic polypus gastritis
D. Chronic gastric ulcer
E. Acute gastric ulcer*
26. Pathoanatomical research of stomach found the pathology of mucus membrane in dying man
(fig. 48.B). Your diagnosis is...
A. Acute fibrinous gastritis
B. Chronic atrophic gastritis
C. Chronic polypus gastritis
D. Acute gastric ulcer
E. Chronic gastric ulcer*
27. At macroscopic research a pathologist found the pathology of stomach mucus (fig. 48.B).
What pathology do you see?
A. Fibrinous inflammation of mucus membrane
B. The acid burn of mucus membrane on a small curvature
C. Hyperplastycal gastritis (Menetrie)
D. Metaplasy of mucus membrane
E. Atrophy and deformation of mucus membrane*
28. Pathoanatomical research of gastroenteric tract found the pathology ... (fig. 47.A)
A. Acute gastric ulcer
B. Chronic gastric ulcer
C. Acute duodenitis
D. Acute ulcer of duodenum
E. chronic ulcer of duodenum *
29. In the pathoanatomical department was delivered a man which died in the cardiologic
department. In the history of diseases was written that the man complained on pain in a
stomach a long time. At research of internalss a pathologist discovered (fig. 47.B) ...
A. Acute bleeding from a gastric ulcer
B. Erosion of mucus stomach
C. Acute bleeding from the ulcer of duodenum
D. Perforated ulcer of duodenum
E. erosive vessels on the bottom of duodenum chronic ulcer*
30. The pathoanatomical macroscopic research of gastroenteric tract discovered (fig. 47)
A. Acute ulcer of duodenum
B. Signs of repair of acute ulcer of duodenum
C. Gastric ulcer with complication by bleeding
D. Chronic gastric ulcer with arrosive vessels on a bottom
E. chronic ulcer of duodenum with arrosive vessels on a bottom*
31. Macroscopic research of gastroenteric tract found pathology of mucus stomach (fig. 16.A). It
is ...
A. Acute gastritis
B. Chronic gastritis in the acute condition
C. Gastric ulcer
D. Haemorragic gastritis
E. Scar of mucus*
32. Macroscopic research of gastroenteric tract of man, which died from acute peritonitis,
discovered ... (fig. 16.B)
A. Perforated gastric ulcer
B. Pancreanecrosis
C. Fatty hepatosis of liver («ancerine» liver)
D. Muscat liver
E. Perforated ulcer of duodenum*
33. Pathoanatomical research of stomach mucus discovered cicatrical tissue in the pylorus area.
It became reason of ... (fig. 16.B)
A. Gastric ulcers
B. Ulcers of a duodenum
C. Perforations of stomach
D. Perforations of a duodenum
E. Dilatations of stomach*
34. Pulmonary pathology became was the reason of death of 45-years-old woman. At
macroscopic research of abdominal cavity found increased light color liver with speckle on a
cut (fig. 17). Your diagnosis ...
A. Liver steatosis
B. Liver hemosiderosis
C. Viral hepatitis
D. Fatty necrosis
E. Fatty hepatosis, muscat liver*
35. The acquired heart trouble was the reason of death of 50-years-old woman. Pathoanatomical
research found increased flabby liver with an antypical light color and speckle on a cut (fig.
17). Your diagnosis ...
A. Hepatitis
B. Cholestasis
C. Extramedullar areas of haemopoesis
D. Hemosiderosis
E. Muscat liver*
36. The congenital pathology of heart was a reason of death of 25-years-old man. At
pathoanatomical research of internalss a doctor discovered (fig. 17)...
A. Hyaline-dropped dystrophy of liver
B. Hemosiderosis of liver
C. Cholestasis of liver
D. Liver without pathological signs
E. Muscat liver*
37. After surgical operation in the abdominal cavity the ectomied organ was presented to the
pathologist on research (fig. 18.A.). Your diagnosis ...
A. Acute phlegmonous appendicitis
B. Acute fibrinous-festering appendicitis
C. Acute destructively-necrotizing appendicitis
D. Chronic appendicitis
E. Acute catarrhal appendicitis*
38. After appendectomy the appendix was given to the pathologist on research (fig. 18.B.). Your
diagnosis ...
A. Abscess of appendix
B. Fibrinous appendicitis
C. Phlegmonous appendicitis
D. Chronic appendicitis
E. Mucocele (mucocyst)*
39. The removed at the operation appendix became the object of pathoanatomical research.
Result of investigation using the original view of organ (fig. 18.A.).
A. Acute fibrinous-festering appendicitis
B. Acute phlegmonous appendicitis
C. Acute destructively-necrotizing appendicitis
D. Chronic appendicitis
E. Acute catarrhal fibrinous appendicitis*
40. Acute festering-destructive appendicitis was the reason of death of man. At pathoanatomical
research (fig. 19.A.) a doctor sees ...
A. Acute serous peritonitis
B. Necrosis of colon
C. Necrosis of intestine
D. Chronic peritonitis with connections formation
E. Acute fibrinous-festering peritonitis*
41. Pathologist explored the abdominal cavity of dying where perforated ulcer was the reason of
death (fig. 19.A.). Name the direct reason of death of this man.
A. Acute hemorragic anaemia
B. Chronic hemorragic anaemia
C. Necrosis of intestine
D. Necrosis of colon
E. Acute fibrinous-festering peritonitis*
42. The pathologist investigated the died man of 42 age, which suddenly died from a stroke. At
the study of abdominal cavity organs (fig. 19.B.) a doctor saw ...
A. Neoplasm of intestine
B. Fibrinous-festering peritonitis
C. simple catarrhal peritonitis
D. unchanged intestine
E. Adhesions which were the result of past peritonitis*
43. Specify the histological structure marked by number 1 on the microphotograph of kidney (fig
A. Bowman's capsule
B. Henle's loop
C. Ascending ductule
D. Renal pyramid
E. Glomerule of capillars*
44. Diagnose the pathological process on the microphotograph of kidney (fig 23).
A. Extracapillar glomerulonephritis
B. Serosal glomerulonephritis
C. Pyelonephritis
D. Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma)
E. Intracapillar glomerulonephritis*
45. Specify changes in the epithelium of tubules of kidneys marked by number 3 (fig 24).
A. Necrotic nephrosis
B. Amyloidosis
C. Hyalinosis
D. Hemosiderosis
E. Hydropic [vacuolar] degeneration*
46. Specify the histological structure marked by number 3 on the microphotograph of kidney (fig
A. Bowman's capsule
B. Glomerule of capillars
C. Renal pelvis
D. Renal pyramid
E. Renal tubule*
47. What character of clinical course has a glomerulonephritis, morphological picture of which is
presented on the microphotograph (fig 24)?
A. Chronic
B. Acute
C. Recurrent
D. Permanent-paroxismal
E. Subacute*
48. Diagnose the pathological process on the microphotograph of kidney (fig 24)
A. Serosal glomerulonephritis
B. Hemorrhagic glomerulonephritis
C. Pyelonephritis
D. Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma)
E. Extracapillar glomerulonephritis*
49. The following histological picture of kidneys is observed in the person who died from
pulmonary bleeding caused by cavernous fibrous tuberculosis (fig 56). Diagnose changes.
A. Nephrosclerosis
B. Hyalinosis
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Pyelonephritis
E. Amyloidosis*
50. What histological structure is marked by number 2 on microslide (fig 56)?
A. Kidney glomerule
B. Bowmen’s capsule
C. Henle’s loop
D. Renal pyramid
E. Kidney tubule*
51. What dye is used for the exposure of amyloid in this microslide (fig 56)?
A. Sudan III
B. After Heidenhign
C. After Malora
D. After Van Hison
E. Congo red*
52. The histological picture of amyloidosis of kidneys is observed in the person who died from
pulmonary bleeding caused by cavernous fibrous tuberculosis (fig 56). Specify the form of
A. Idiopathic
B. Senile
C. Inherited
D. Local
E. Secondary*
53. What is the most frequent reason of these histological changes in kidneys (fig 46)?
A. Embolia of kidney artery
B. Atherosclerosis of kidney arteries
C. Calculous pyelonephritis
D. Streptococcus infection
E. Mushrooms poisoning*
54. What syndrome will predominate in the clinical presentation of patient with the following
histological changes in kidneys (fig 46)?
A. Chronic kidney insufficiency
B. Symptomatic arterial hypertension
C. Oedematous
D. Septic shock
E. Acute kidney insufficiency*
55. Specify the histological structure marked by number 1 on the microphotograph of kidney (fig
A. Bowman's capsule
B. Henle's loop
C. Ascending ductule
D. Renal pyramid
E. Glomerule of capillars*
56. Specify a histological structure marked by number 2 on the microphotograph of kidney (fig
A. Bowman's capsule
B. Glomerule of capillars
C. Hosh's loop
D. Renal pyramid
E. Kidney ductule*
57. Biopsy material of kidney was delivered to laboratory (fig 21). Diagnose.
A. Nephrosclerosis
B. Amyloidosis
C. Hyalinosis
D. Pyelonephritis
E. Glomerulonephritis*
58. Biopsy material of kidney was delivered to laboratory (fig 21). Diagnose.
A. Intracapillary glomerulonephritis
B. Amyloidosis of kidney
C. Subacute glomerulonephritis
D. Pyelonephritis
E. Serosal extracapillary glomerulonephritis*
59. After what infection do the following pathological changes of kidneys develop more
frequently (fig 21)?
A. Staphylococcal
B. Viral (flu)
C. Tubercular
D. Mycotic
E. Streptococcic *
60. What changes has developed in the wall of urinary bladder (fig 22)?
A. Atrophy
B. Physiological hypertrophy
C. Hiperplasia
D. Vicarious [substitutional] hypertrophy
E. Work hypertrophy*
61. What pathological process did cause changes in the wall of urinary bladder (fig 22)?
A. Cystitis
B. Calculous pyelonephritis
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Amyloidosis of kidneys
E. Benign adenoma of prostate*
62. What complications can develop in kidneys in presence of such changes from the prostate
gland (fig 22)?
A. Glomerulonephritis
B. Polycystic kidney
C. Contracted [granular] kidney
D. Arteriolosclerotic kidney
E. Pyelonephritis*
63. Histological examination of lung tissue (Fig.75) revealed dense protein masses, which are
colored intensely with eosin, and are on the respiratory regions of the lungs. Hyaline
membranes composed of fibrin. They block the exchange of gases in the lungs. What kind of
A. Pathology of the placenta
B. Fetopathy
C. Blastopathy
D. Antenatal Pathology
E. Perinathal pathology * *
64. Histological examination of lung tissue (Fig.75) revealed dense protein masses, which are
colored intensely with eosin, and are on the respiratory regions of the lungs. Hyaline
membranes composed of fibrin. They block the exchange of gases in the lungs. What kind of
A. Pathology of the placenta
B. Fetopathy
C. Blastopathy
D. Antenatal Pathology
E. Pneumopathy * *
65. What is the pathology of lung tissue is on Fig.75. Histology revealed dense protein masses,
which are colored intensely with eosin, and firmly stick to the walls of respiratory regions of
the lungs. Hyaline membranes are composed of fibrin and blocks gas exchange in the lungs.
A. Pathology of the placenta
B. Fetopathy
C. Blastopathy
D. Antenatal Pathology
E. Pneumopathy*
66. What is the pathology of lung tissue in Fig.75. Histology revealed dense protein masses,
which are colored intensely with eosin, and firmly stick to the walls of respiratory regions of
the lungs. Hyaline membranes are composed of fibrin and blocks gas exchange in the lungs.
A. Pathology of the placenta
B. Fetopathy
C. Blastopathy
D. Perinatal pathology
E. Congenital malformations of the respiratory system **
67. Grossly the brain tissue preterm neonates revealed a hematoma in the cavity of the ventricles
with the development of tamponade (Fig.76). What are the causes of birth injury, embodied
in the state of the fetus:
A. Embriopathy - malformations, which are accompanied by venous congestion in the
tissues of the fetus
B. Fetopathy, which are accompanied by haemorrhagic syndrome
C. Rigidity tissue birth canal
D. All of the options
E. Premature birth or fetal postmaturity **
68. Grossly the brain tissue preterm neonates revealed a hematoma in the cavity of the ventricles
with the development of tamponade (Fig.76). What are the causes of birth trauma rooted in
the mother's birth canal:
A. Distortion of the pelvis
B. Tumors of the birth canal
C. oligohydramnios and premature rupture of membranes
D. Rigidity tissues birth canal
E. All of these options correct*
69. What are the causes of birth injury, embodied in the mother's birth canal, which lead to the
development of pathologic changes, shown in Fig. 76. Grossly the brain tissue in a premature
newborn revealed a hematoma in the cavity of the ventricles with the development of
A. Distortion of the pelvis
B. Tumors of the birth canal
C. Oligohydramnios and premature rupture of membranes
D. Rigidity tissues birth canal
E. All of these options correct*
70. Grossly the brain tissue preterm neonates revealed a hematoma in the cavity of the ventricles
with the development of tamponade (Fig.76). What are the possible causes of birth trauma
rooted in the dynamics of birth:
A. fetal hypoxia
B. oligohydramnios and premature rupture of membranes
C. Rigidity tissues birth canal
D. All of these options correct
E. accelerated labor**
71. Grossly tissue of the abdominal cavity in a child who died at 2 days was found additional
spleen (Fig.77) in the figure indicated by the arrow. What it is:
A. Aplasia
B. Hypoxia
C. Ectopia
D. All of the options
E. Congenital hypertrophy **
72. Grossly tissue of the abdominal cavity in a child who died at 2 days was found additional
spleen (Fig.77) in the figure indicated by the arrow. Specify in what time period are formed
such changes
A. Period blastogenesis
B. Period fetogeneza
C. Early fetal period
D. postural fetal period
E. Period embryogenesis*
73. Grossly tissue of the abdominal cavity of the child, who died at 2 days, found additional
spleen (Fig.77) in the figure indicated by the arrow. Indicate to what pathology include these
A. Blastopathy
B. Fetopathy
C. Early fetal period
D. Postural fetal period
E. Embriopathy*
74. At Fig.78 shows kefalogematoma newborn baby. What the reason for this pathological
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Blastopathy
C. Embriopathy
D. Fetopathy
E. Overlay forceps **
75. At Fig.78 shows kefalogematoma newborn baby. What the reason for this pathological
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Blastopathy
C. Embriopathy
D. Fetopathy
E. Accelerated labor **
76. At Fig.78 shows kefalogematoma newborn baby. What the reason for this pathological
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Blastopathy
C. Embriopathy
D. Fetopathy
E. Prolonged labor*
77. At Fig.78 shows kefalogematoma newborn baby. What the reason for this pathological
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Blastopathy
C. Embriopathy
D. Fetopathy
E. State of prematurity or newborn postmaturity**
78. At Fig.78 shows kefalogematoma newborn baby. What the reason for this pathological
A. Polyhydramnios
B. Blastopathy
C. Embriopathy
D. Fetopathy
E. Oligohydramnios*
79. Women 32 years removed uterine tube. Histologically, it revealed chorionic villi, which are
depicted on Fig.80. Name the cause of intervention:
A. Abdominal Pregnancy
B. Ovarian Pregnancy
C. Uterine pregnancy
D. Vesicular mole
E. Tubal pregnancy*
80. After removal of uterine tubes of women 32 years old, histologically revealed chorionic villi,
which are depicted on Fig.80. Name the cause of intervention:
A. Abdominal Pregnancy
B. Ovarian Pregnancy
C. Uterine pregnancy
D. Vesicular mole
E. Tubal pregnancy*
81. The presence of decidual reaction and chorionic villi shown in Fig.80 shows:
A. Specific granulomatous inflammation
B. Nonspecific granulomatous inflammation
C. Аcute inflammation
D. Chronic inflammation
E. Pregnancy **
82. A young woman was operated on urgently rupture uterine tube . Gistologicheski reaction
revealed decidua and chorionic villi (fig.80).This is typical:
A. Specific granulomatous inflammation
B. Nonspecific granulomatous inflammation
C. Acute inflammation
D. Chronic inflammation
E. Pregnancy **
83. What pathology is shown in Fig.55 the number 3:
A. uterine pregnancy
B. tubal pregnancy
C. teratoma
D. Corpus luteum
E. Ovarian Pregnancy **
84. Name the structure shown in Fig.79.
A. embryoblast
B. trophoblast
C. Embryon
D. Chorion
E. Fetus **
85. In what period of developing pathology shown on Fig.81.
A. Gametopathy
B. Embriopathy
C. Congenital
D. bicuspid aortic
E. Blastopathy*
86. Aentsefaly - agenesis of the brain, shown in Fig. 52 refers to:
A. Gametopathy
B. Blastopathy
C. Afterbirth pathology
D. Hypoplasia
E. Embriopathy **
87. What pathology is shown in Fig.51
A. Hypoplasia of muscle tissue
B. Dysplasia
C. chondrodysplasia
D. Perverted Osteogenesis
E. Congenital face-heyloshiz*
88. At fig. 36 shows epicardium covered with fibrin. Indicate the type of inflammation.
A. Hemorrhagic
B. Purulent
C. Serous
D. Mixed
E. Fibrinous*
89. Indicate the type of inflammation in Fig. 36 which shows the epicardium covered with fibrin.
A. Hemorrhagic
B. Purulent
C. Serous
D. Mixed
E. Fibrinous*
90. At the heart of dermatomyositis (fig.45) observed dystrophy, cardiomyocytes mediate
myocarditis, and the pathological process is completed:
A. The partial regeneration of cardiomyocytes
B. Complete regeneration of cardiomyocytes
C. Pathological cardiomyocyte regeneration
D. Focal elastofibrosis
E. Diffuse cardiosclerosis atrophy of cardiomyocytes*
91. A characteristic feature of lupus glomerulonephritis (fig.35) is the deposition:
A. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire sticks"
B. Immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
C. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
D. Non-immune complexes and utonsheniem capillaries in the form of " wire loops"
E. Immune complexes and thickening of capillaries in the form of " wire loops" *
92. What are the characteristic feature of lupus glomerulonephritis (fig.35):
A. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire sticks"
B. Immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
C. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
D. Non-immune complexes and utonsheniem capillaries in the form of " wire loops"
E. Immune complexes and thickening of capillaries in the form of " wire loops" *
93. What is a characteristic feature of lupus glomerulonephritis (fig.35):
A. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire sticks"
B. Immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
C. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
D. Non-immune complexes and utonsheniem capillaries in the form of " wire loops"
E. Immune complexes and thickening of capillaries in the form of " wire loops" *
94. The consequence of lupus glomerulonephritis (fig.35) is the development of:
A. Kidney decreasing
B. Wrinkled kidneys
C. Cystic expansion of renal
D. Hydronephrosis Kidney
E. Motley kidney*
95. What are the characteristic feature of lupus glomerulonephritis (fig.35):
A. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire sticks"
B. Immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
C. Non-immune complexes and thickening of the capillaries in the form of " wire Rings
D. Non-immune complexes and utonsheniem capillaries in the form of " wire loops"
E. Immune complexes and thickening of capillaries in the form of " wire loops" *
96. Focal exudative interstitial myocarditis manifested (fig.45):
A. To a large focal interstitial infiltration by lymphocytes
B. To a large focal interstitial infiltration eosinophils
C. To a large focal interstitial infiltration of plasma cells
D. Ashof- body
E. The small focal interstitial infiltration of lymphocytes, histiocytes and neutrophils*
97. What is manifested focal interstitial myocarditis, exudative (fig.45):
A. To a large focal interstitial infiltration by lymphocytes
B. To a large focal interstitial infiltration eosinophils
C. To a large focal interstitial infiltration of plasma cells
D. Ashof- body
E. The small focal interstitial infiltration of lymphocytes, histiocytes and neutrophils*
98. The development of sclerosis myocarditis completed (fig.44) at:
A. Not a favorable flow of rheumatism
B. The occurrence of rheumatic disease with frequent relapses
C. The occurrence of rheumatic fever with high activity indices of blood
D. Predominance of endocarditis
E. Favorable course of rheumatism*
99. What are the nature of inflammation in the pericardium (fig.36):
A. Mixed inflammation
B. Purulent exudative inflammation
C. Hemorrhagic exudative inflammation
D. Catarrhal exudative inflammation
E. Serous exudative inflammation*
100. What is the nature of inflammation in the pericardium on fig.36:
A. Mixed inflammation
B. Purulent exudative inflammation
C. Hemorrhagic exudative inflammation
D. Catarrhal exudative inflammation
E. Serous exudative inflammation*
101. Pericarditis rheumatism has character (Fig.36):
A. Mixed inflammation
B. Purulent exudative inflammation
C. Hemorrhagic exudative inflammation
D. Catarrhal exudative inflammation
E. Serous exudative inflammation*
102. Frequently rheumatic pericarditis completed education (Fig.36):
A. Suppuration pericardial cavity
B. Papillary proliferation of the pericardium
C. Inflammation
D. Рapillary transformation of the epicardium
E. Adhesions pericardial cavity*
103. The result of pericarditis (Fig.36) is education:
A. Suppuration pericardial cavity
B. Papillary proliferation of the pericardium
C. Inflammation
D. Рapillary transformation of the epicardium
E. Adhesions pericardial cavity*
104. Most rheumatic pericarditis (Fig.36) concludes obliteration of the cavity of the heart bags
with calcification, formation of connective tissue in this case leads to the development:
A. Cor Pulmonale
B. Tiger Heart
C. Hairy heart
D. Bovine heart
E. Stone heart*
105. Histological examination of kidney tissue revealed focal and diffuse thickening of the
basal membrane with the formation of " wire loops " Fig.37. Occurs appearance
gematoksiliny body. What clinical and anatomical form of the disease.
A. Cardiac
B. Arthritic
C. Mixed
D. Cerebral
E. Visceral*
106. Histological examination of kidney tissue revealed focal and diffuse thickening of the
basal membrane with the formation of " wire loops " Fig.37. Occurs appearance
gematoksiliny body. What clinical and anatomical form of the disease.
A. Cardiac
B. Arthritic
C. Mixed
D. Cerebral
E. Visceral*
107. What clinical and anatomical form of the disease on Pic.37. Histologically in the study of
kidney tissue revealed focal and diffuse thickening of the basal membrane with the formation
of " wire loops”. Appear gematoksilinovye calf
A. Cardiac
B. Arthritic
C. Mixed
D. Cerebral
E. Visceral*
108. Specify (Fig.1) fibrinous exudate (lobar pneumonia):
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 1*
109. Specify leukocyte infiltration in lobar pneumonia (Fig.1):
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 2*
110. Specify (Fig.1) the thickened walls of the alveoli (lobar pneumonia):
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 3*
111. Specify leukocyte infiltration in lobar pneumonia (Fig.1):
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 2*
112. Name the pathological process (Fig.1):
A. bronchopneumonia
B. bronchitis
C. pneumonia
D. larengit
E. lobar pneumonia*
113. Select the pus in the abscess cavity (Fig.8):
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 1*
114. Select the wall abscess (Fig.8):
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 2*
115. Select the dilated vessels in the lung abscess (Fig.8):
Select the neutrophilic infiltration in the lung abscess (Fig.8):
What are the pathological process (Fig.8):
lobar pneumonia
Specify (Fig.9) the leucocyte infiltration (bronchopneumonia):
Specify (Fig.9) the exudate in the bronchial lumen (bronchopneumonia):
Specify (Fig.9) the advanced vessels (bronchopneumonia):
Specify (Fig.9) the thickened walls of the alveoli (bronchopneumonia):
What is the pathological process in this figure (Fig.9):
lobar pneumonia
What are the pathological process (Fig.10):
Specify (Fig.11) the leukocyte infiltration (intermediate pneumonia):
Specify (Fig.11) the extended alveolar walls (intermediate pneumonia):
Specify (Fig.11) the advanced vessels (intermediate pneumonia):
What are the pathological process (Fig.11):
pneumonia in influenza
viral bronchitis
Viral larengit
intermediate pneumonia*
Specify (Fig.12) the leukocyte infiltration (chronic bronchitis):
Specify (Fig.12) the advanced vessels (chronic bronchitis):
Specify (Fig.12) the exudate in the lumen of the bronchus (chronic bronchitis):
Name (Fig.12) the pathological process:
intermediate pneumonia
Specify (Fig.13) the leukocyte infiltration (chronic bronchitis):
Specify (Fig.13) the advanced vessels (chronic bronchitis):
Specify (Fig.13) the exudate in the lumen of the bronchus (chronic bronchitis):
Name (Fig.13) the pathological process:
intermediate pneumonia
chronic bronchitis*
Specify (Fig.14) advanced lumen alveoli (emphysema):
Specify (Fig.14) thinning alveolar septum:
2 i 4*
Name the pathological process (Fig.14):
intermediate pneumonia
Specify hyperchromic nuclei (Fig.15):
2 and 3
3 and 1
Specify the cancer cells (Fig.15):
2 and 3
3 and 1
What type of cell atypizm can be seen in the picture (Fig.15):
cell and tissue*
Name the pathological process (Fig.15):
intermediate pneumonia
What type of cell atypizm is numbered 1 (Fig.15):
hipohromii nuclei
different size fibers
atypical location of glands
irregular shape of glands
hyperchromic nuclei*
What type of cell atypizm can be seen (Fig.15):
cancer than in normal
different size fibers
Atypical location of glands
irregular shape of glands
polymorphism nuclei*
What type of cell atypizm can be seen (Fig.15):
cancer than in normal
different size fibers
Atypical location of glands
irregular shape of glands
different size nuclei*
Specify the hyperchromicity nuclei (Fig.2):
2 and 3
3 and 1
Specify (Fig.2) the cancer cells:
2 and 3
3 and 1
What types of atypizm can be seen (Fig.2):
cell and tissue*
Name the pathological process (Fig.2):
intermediate pneumonia
E. lung*
150. What kind of cell atypical numbered 2 (Fig.2):
A. hyperchromic nuclei
B. different size fibers
C. atypical location of glands
D. irregular shape of glands
E. hiporhromiya nuclei*
151. What type of cell atypizm can be seen (Fig.2):
A. cancer than in normal
B. different size fibers
C. Atypical location of glands
D. irregular shape of glands
E. polymorphism nuclei*
152. What type of cell atypizm can be seen (Fig.2):
A. cancer than in normal
B. different size fibers
C. Atypical location of glands
D. irregular shape of glands
E. different size nuclei*
153. Name the pathological process (Fig.3):
A. lobar pneumonia
B. tracheitis
C. larengit
D. lung
E. bronchopneumonia*
154. What is a pathological process (Fig.4)?
A. lobar pneumonia
B. tracheitis
C. larengit
D. lung
E. bronchoalveolitis*
155. Name the pathological process (Fig.5):
A. lobar pneumonia
B. tracheitis
C. larengit
D. lung
E. Bullous emphysema*
156. Specify (Fig.7) the diagnosis:
A. bronchitis
B. tracheitis
C. laryngitis
D. pericarditis
E. cancer of the lung*
157. ?What pathological processes caused the name of spleen ("porphyry") in
lymphogranulomatosis (Fig. 26)?
A. Amyloidosis
B. Hyalinosis
C. Necrosis and amyloidosis
D. Sclerosis and hyalinosis
E. Necrosis and sclerosis*
158. The specific pathognomonic sign of this type of anaemia is atrophy of fundal mucus cells
in stomach. Name disease. (Fig.49)
A. Acute posthemorrhagic
B. Chronic posthemorrhagic
C. Hemolytic
D. Aplastic
E. Pernicious (vit. B 12-deficiency)*
159. The sign of what pathological process is decrease of glands in the mucus layer of stomach
(a number 1 on Fig. 49) at pernicious (vit. B 12-deficiency) anemia?
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypertrophy
C. Aplasia
D. Sclerosis
E. Atrophy*
160. At histological research of stomach (Fig. 49) patient with anaemia founded atrophy of
glands and sclerosis (1), focal lymphocytes infiltration (2). Name the type of anaemia.
A. Acute posthemorrhagic
B. Chronic posthemorrhagic
C. Hemolytic
D. Aplastic
E. Pernicious (vit. B 12-deficiency)*
161. At histological examination of lymph node revealed of Hodgkin's giant single - nucleus
cells (Fig. 25). What pathological process shown in the lymph node slide?
A. Acute leukemia
B. Ekstramedullar hemopoiesis
C. Chronic erythromyelosis
D. Chronic lympholeukosis
E. Lymphogranulomatosis*
162. At histological examination of lymph node diagnosed lymphogranulomatosis (fig.25).
Determine group of hemopoietic and lymphatic tissue diseases?
A. Pretumor disease
B. Immune inflammation
C. Systemic disease hemopoietic tissue
D. Malignant tumor of mesenhyma
E. Regional tumor - lymphomas*
163. At histological examination of lymph node in patient with lymphogranulomatosis
detected giant single - nucleus cells (fig.25). Name the cells marked by arrow on the lymph
node slide.
A. Pirogov-Langhans' giant cells
B. Mykulich' cells
C. Eosinophil
D. Berezovsky-Sternberg' cells
E. Hodgkin' cells *
164. In patients diagnosed lymphogranulomatosis. What specific cells founded in the lymph
nodes (Fig. 25)?
A. Pirogov-Langhans' giant cells
B. Mykulich' cells
C. Anichkov' cells
D. Virchow' cells
E. Hodgkin' cells *
165. In patients diagnosed lymphogranulomatosis. What specific cells founded in the lymph
nodes (Fig. 25)?
A. Pirogov-Langhans' giant cells
B. Mykulich' cells
C. Anichkov ' cells
D. Virchow' cells
E. Berezovsky-Sternberg' cells *
166. Autopsy of a woman, who died from lymphogranulomatosis revealed enlarged spleen. On
the section - multiple white-yellow areas of necrosis and sclerosis (Fig. 26). What is named
of such spleen?.
A. Sebaceous
B. Sago-like spleen
C. Glazed
D. Hyperplastic
E. Porphyry*
167. Autopsy of a woman, who died from lymphogranulomatosis revealed enlarged spleen. On
the section - multiple white-yellow areas of necrosis and sclerosis (porphyry) (Fig. 26).
Name the diseases which characterizing such spleen.
A. Acute leukemia
B. Ekstramedullar hemopoiesis
C. Chronic miyeloleykosis
D. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
E. Lymphogranulomatosis*
168. At histological examination of the stomach (Fig. 49) patients with anemia founded glands
atrophy and sclerosis (1), focal lymphocytic infiltration (2). Name the cause of this
A. Iron deficiency
B. Excess vit. B12
C. Deficiency of folic acid
D. Bone marrow aplasia
E. Deficiency of vit. B12 *
169. ?Histologically in the tissue of the pancreas revealed B-insuloma (Figure 74). Specify the
clinical manifestation of this pathology.
A. Hyperglycemic syndrome
B. Obstructive jaundice
C. Ellison - Zolinger syndrome
D. Kimmelstil-Wilson syndrome
E. Hypoglycemic syndrome *
170. Clinically and histologically of a patient diagnosed insuloma (Fig. 74). Name the rise of
this tumor.
A. plasmocytes
B. endocrinic cells
C. gland cells
D. ductal epithelium
E. B-cells of the pancreas *
171. Histologically the tumor tissue removed from the pancreas composed from B-cells (Fig.
74). Clinically characterized by hypoglycemic syndrome. Whichof the listed diagnoses is
most probable?
A. Regenerative hyperplasia
B. Embrioblastoma
C. Adenoma
D. Adenoacanthoma
E. Insuloma *
172. Histological examination of biopsy of the thyroid gland revealed granulomas which
contain from giant multinuclear cells (Fig. 66) and "bricked" among the fibrous connective
tissue. Which of the listed form of the thyroiditis is most probable?
A. Hashimoto
B. Riedel
C. Graves'
D. Basedow
E. De Quervain *
173. The removed thyroid gland enlarged whith uneven nodular surface (Fig. 67).
Histologically - colloid goiter. Which of the listed macroscopic form of goiter is most
A. Diffuse
B. Mixed
C. Parenchymal
D. Polypous
E. Nodular *
174. In the patient aged 52 removed nodular goiter (Fig. 67). Which of the listed microscopic
form of goiter is most probable?
A. Parenchymal
B. Sporadic
C. Autoimunny
D. Fibrotic
E. Colloid*
175. In the patient aged 52 removed nodular goiter (Fig. 67). After some time she had
symptoms of hypopituitarism - hypotension, edema, dry skin, bradycardia. Which of the
listed diagnoses is most probable?
A. Graves' disease
B. Basedow' goiter
C. Goitre Hashimoto
D. Goiter Riedel
E. Myxedema *
176. On a fig.33 pointer is indicate the wall of sharp abscess of lung. What tissue is it
A. by young granulation
B. by mature granulation
C. unchanged lung tissue
D. fibrotic
E. changed lung tissue by necrosis and inflamation*
177. An autopsy of a 34-year-old male, who died from croupous (lobar) pneumonia (Fig. 33),
revealed defect with irregular scalloped edges and yellow-green contents. Name the type of
pulmonary complication, marked a pointer:
A. chronic abscess
B. carnification
C. colliquation
D. caseous necrosis
E. acute abscess*
178. Name a pathogenetic mechanism which is underlaid of abscess formation at croupous
(lobar) pneumonia (Fig.33).
A. hypoxia
B. sclerosing
C. decreasing of proteolytic properties of leucocytes
D. inflammatory hyperemia
E. increasing of proteolytic properties of leucocytes*
179. At histological research of lung tissue (Fig.28) revealed a hemorragic exsudate in alveoli
lumen with infiltration by leucocytes (1). Name the most credible etiologic factor of
A. clamudia
B. staphylococcus
C. pneumococcus
D. fungus
E. virus of influenza*
180. At histological research of lung tissue (Fig.28) revealed a leucocytes infiltration of
bronchial walls and alveolar septa, hemorragic exsudate in alveoli lumen with leucocytes
(1). Name a pathological process in lung.
A. hemorrhage
B. acute bronchitis
C. red hepatization
D. infarction of lung
E. hemorragic bronchopneumonia*
181. At histological research of lung tissue (Fig.28) revealed a leucocytes infiltration of
bronchial walls and alveolar septa, hemorragic exsudate in alveoli lumen with leucocytes
(1). Diagnosing the morphological form of pneumonia.
A. focal pneumonia
B. infarction-pneumonia
C. traumatic pneumonia
D. congested pneumonia
E. hemorragic bronchopneumonia*
182. At histological investigation of lung tissue (Fig.34) revealed exsudate with large
maintenance of fibrin in alveoli lumen (1). At a bacteriologic examination founded
pneumococcus I and the II types. Name the morphological form of pneumonia.
A. focal fibrinous
B. draining fibrinous
C. lobular
D. pneumocystic
E. croupous (lobar) *
183. At histological investigation of lung tissue (Fig.34) revealed exsudate with large
maintenance of fibrin in alveoli lumen (1).The diagnos of croupous pneumonia was
proposed. Name the etiologic factor of pneumonia.
A. collibacillus
B. staphylococcus
C. Lefler's bacilla
D. fungi
E. pneumococcus*
184. At histological investigation of lung tissue (Fig.34) dying from croupous pneumonia
revealed exsudate with large maintenance of fibrin (1) and leucocytes in alveoli lumen (2).
Name the stage of pneumonia.
A. red hepatization
B. initial stage
C. microbal edema
D. resolution
E. yellow hepatization*
185. Name the morphological component of focal pneumonia marked a number 1 (Fig. 27).
A. atelectasis
B. inflammatory exsudate
C. bronchiolitis
D. alveolitis
E. emphysema*
186. Name the morphological component of focal pneumonia marked a number 2 (Fig. 27).
A. atelectasis
B. inflammatory exsudate
C. emphysema
D. alveolitis
E. bronchitis*
187. At histological investigation (Fig.27) revealed a bronchitis (2) and area of exsudate
inflammation of pulmonary parenchima round a bronchi. Name the morphological form of
A. alveolar-bronchial
B. acinar
C. croupous
D. congested
E. focal*
188. In the autopsy the lobe of the lung marked by the arrow in Fig. 29 is gray with a
superimposition of fibrin on the visceral pleura and has liver density. Name the type of
A. bronchopneumonia
B. influenza
C. indurational
D. interstitial
E. lobar *
189. In the autopsy the lobe of the lung, marked by the arrow in Fig. 29, dense, gray, with
several layers of fibrin on the visceral pleura. Diagnosed lobar pneumonia. Name stage of
A. red hepatization
B. initial stage
C. microbal edema
D. resolution
E. gray hepatization*
190. In the autopsy the lobe of the lung, marked by the arrow in Fig. 29, is gray with several
layers fibrin on the visceral pleura and has liver density. Was diagnosed lobar pneumonia.
Name the causative factor of pneumonia.
A. colibacillus
B. staphylococcus
C. Leffler's bacillus
D. fungi
E. pneumococcus *
191. At histological examination of lung tissue (Fig. 30) revealed multiple, continues, enlarged
airspaces from less then 0,5 mm to more then 2.0 cm in diameter (2), sometimes forming
cyst-like structures (1). Name the pathological process.
A. Interstitial emphysema
B. Idiopathic emphysema
C. Centriacinar emphysema
D. Senile emphysema
E. Unilateral emphysema*
192. At histological examination of lung tissue (Fig. 30) revealed multiple, continues, enlarged
airspaces from less then 0,5 mm to more then 2.0 cm in diameter (2), sometimes forming
cyst-like structures (1). Diagnosed as chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema. What is the
reason the development of such emphysema?
A. Lobar pneumonia
B. Removing part of the lung
C. Senile involution of the lungs
D. Croupous pneumonia
E. Chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis *
193. At histological examination of lung tissue (Fig. 30) revealed thinning and discontinuities
of the interalveolar septa (2) and dilatation of acini lumen(1). Diagnosed as chronic
obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Name the cause of emphysema.
A. penetration of air in the intermediate tissue
B. removal of the lung
C. unknown
D. removal of part of one lung
E. deficiency of protease inhibitors – elastase and collagenase *
194. Indicate the form of tumor growth, as shown by the arrow in Fig. 31, in relation to the
A. Exophytic
B. Exophytic-endophytic
C. Apposition
D. Expansive
E. Endophytic *
195. Specify the most frequent histological form of central lung cancer, shown by arrows in
Fig. 31.
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Solid carcinoma
C. Scirrhous
D. Polypous
E. Squamous-cells*
196. At histological examination of the lung tumor (Fig. 31) revealed squamous cell
carcinoma without keratinization. Name the pathological process in the bronchi, which
precedes cancer.
A. normal structure of the surface epithelium
B. desquamation of lining epithelium
C. necrosis of the lining epithelium
D. "Intestinal" metaplasia of columnar epithelium
E. metaplasia of columnar epithelium into stratified squamous *
197. Microscopic examination of tumor of the bronchus (Fig. 32) revealed layers of atypical
epithelial cells (2) with the formation of "cancer pearls" (1). Enter the histological form of
A. Squamous cell without keratinization
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Small cell carcinoma
D. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
E. Squamous cell with keratinization *
198. At microscopic examination of tumor of the bronchus (Fig. 32) revealed layers of
atypical cells of squamous epithelium (2), which formed a circular structure with keratin
deposits in centre (1). Was diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization. Name of
these structural components?
A. psammoma bodies
B. dystrophic calcification
C. keratin pearls
D. plasmoma bodies
E. cancer pearls *
199. At microscopic examination of tumor of the bronchus (Fig. 32) revealed layers of
atypical cells of squamous epithelium (2), which formed a circular structure with keratin
deposits in centre (1). It was diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization. Name
the pathological process in the bronchi, which preceded the cancer.
A. normal structure of the surface epithelium
B. desquamation of lining epithelium
C. necrosis of the lining epithelium
D. 'Intestinal' metaplasia of columnar epithelium
E. metaplasia of columnar epithelium into stratified squamous *
200. The organized blood clot with the recanalization signs was found in the road clearance of
coronal artery at histological research (fig. 57). What changes are detected in the
A. Dystrophy cardiomyocytes
B. Cardiosclerosis
C. Ischemic necrosis
D. Necrobiotic changes in cardiomyocytes
E. Possible options are all listed*
201. The organized blood clot with the recanalization signs was found in the road clearance of
coronal artery at histological research (fig. 57). Which clinical pathology may initiate these
A. Stenocardia of tension (Angina)
B. Stenocardia of calmness (Angina calm)
C. Myocardial infarction
D. Chronic heart failure
E. It is possible to all of these options*
202. The organized blood clot with the recanalization signs was found in the road clearance of
coronal artery at histological research (fig. 57). Explain the meaning of the term "recanalized
A. Purulent melting
B. Aseptic autolysis
C. Accumulation of calcium salts
D. The separation of the fragments with the formation of thrombus embolism
E. The cracks formation in the thrombus with a partial resumption of blood flow*
203. Fig. 57 presented the histological slice of coronary artery. What is in the aperture of the
A. Tumor embolus
B. Bacterial embolus
C. Atheroma
D. The aperture of the vessel is empty
E. Occlusive thrombus*
204. Explore the macropreparation shown in Fig. 58, and determine the most probable
A. Aortarctia
B. Traumatic rupture of the aorta wall
C. Syphilitic mezaortit
D. Periarteritis nodosa
E. Atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm*
205. Autopsy revealed abdominal aortic aneurysm (Fig. 58). Which of the following diseases
is the most common cause of this pathology?
A. Hypertonic disease
B. Rheumatism
C. Typhoid
D. Myocardial infarction
E. Atherosclerosis*
206. Autopsy revealed abdominal aortic aneurysm (Fig. 58). What are the possible
complications of this pathology.
A. Aneurysm rupture
B. Atrophy of the adjacent organs
C. Thrombosis of the aorta
D. Thromboembolism
E. All enumerated*
207. The generalize manifestations of atherosclerosis were found at autopsy of the deceased
(Fig. 58). Describe the pathological changes of the kidneys.
A. Primary shriveled
B. Secondary shriveled
C. Shield (Thyroid)
D. Shock
E. Atherosclerotic shriveled*
208. At autopsy the deceased (Fig. 58) were found to generalize the manifestations of
atherosclerosis. The metabolism violation of which substances are in the base of this disease?
A. Simple carbohydrates
B. Mucopolysaccharides
C. Phosphorus and calciums
D. Iron-containing pigment
E. Imbalance of HDL and low density lipoproteides*
209. The structureless masses which resemble the contents of atheroma, the damage of fibrous
structures, the proliferation of connective tissue, hemorrhage, delaying calcium salts are
founded in the aorta wall at the histological examination (Fig. 59). Put the diagnosis.
A. Hypertonic disease
B. Syphilitic mezaortit
C. Diabetic microangiopathy
D. Wegener's granuloma
E. Atherosclerosis*
210. The structureless masses which resemble the contents of atheroma, the damage of fibrous
structures, the proliferation of connective tissue, hemorrhage, delaying calcium salts are
founded in the aorta wall at the histological examination (Fig. 59). Determine the stage of
atherosclerosis morphogenesis.
A. Prelipid
B. Lipoidosis
C. Liposclerosis
D. Atherosclerosis
E. Atherocalcinosis*
211. The structureless masses which resemble the contents of atheroma, the damage of fibrous
structures, the proliferation of connective tissue, hemorrhage, delaying calcium salts are
founded in the aorta wall at the histological examination (Fig. 59). In which stage of
atherosclerosis can display such changes?
A. I (initial)
D. V
E. VI (finishing)*
212. The structureless masses which resemble the contents of atheroma, the damage of fibrous
structures, the proliferation of connective tissue, hemorrhage, delaying calcium salts are
founded in the aorta wall at the histological examination (Fig. 59). Such microscopic changes
are correspond next morphogenesis stage of atherosclerosis …
A. Lipid spots and stripes
B. Fibrous plaques
C. Complicated lesions
D. These changes are not characteristic for atherosclerosis
E. Aterocalcinosis*
213. The changes which are typical for atherosclerosis were founded at histological
examination of aorta wall (Fig. 59). Specify another name for this disease.
A. Wilson's disease
B. Cushing's syndrome
C. Alzheimer disease
D. Cat scratch disease
E. Disease Marchand*
214. At the exploring of aorta during the autopsy the dissector found dense oval white-yellow
color plates-formation, which protrude above the surface of the aorta and merge with each
other (Fig. 60). Signs of ulceration and thrombotic overlay are situated on the surfaces of
many plaques. Put the diagnosis.
A. Hypertonic disease
B. Syphilitic mezaortitis
C. Diabetic microangiopathy
D. Wegener's granuloma
E. Atherosclerosis*
215. At the exploring of aorta during the autopsy the dissector found dense oval white-yellow
color plates-formation, which protrude above the surface of the aorta and merge with each
other (Fig. 60). Signs of ulceration and thrombotic overlay are situated on the surfaces of
many plaques. The metabolism violation of which substances did initiate the pathological
changes of the vascular wall?
A. Simple carbohydrates
B. Mucopolysaccharides
C. Phosphorus and calcium
D. Iron-containing pigment
E. Imbalance of HDL and low density lipoproteides*
216. At the exploring of aorta during the autopsy the dissector found dense oval white-yellow
color plates-formation, which protrude above the surface of the aorta and merge with each
other (Fig. 60). Signs of ulceration and thrombotic overlay are situated on the surfaces of
many plaques. Such microscopic changes are correspond next morphogenesis stage of
atherosclerosis …
A. Grease spots and stripes
B. Fibrous plaques
C. These changes are not characteristic for atherosclerosis
D. Aterokaltsinoza
E. Complicated lesions*
217. An autopsy of the left coronary artery was made. The blood clot that completely blocks
the vessel’s clearance revealed (Fig. 61). What reason did lead to such pathology in heart?
A. Productive myocarditis
B. Concentric hypertrophy
C. Mesenchymal lipophanerosis
D. Structure and function of the myocardium will not be violated
E. Myocardial infarction*
218. An autopsy of the left coronary artery was made. The blood clot that completely blocks
the vessel’s clearance revealed (Fig. 61). What do you call such a blood clot?
A. Hyaline
B. Clot-rider
C. Ankylosing
D. Septic
E. Occlusive*
219. An autopsy of the left coronary artery was made. The blood clot that completely blocks
the vessel’s clearance revealed (Fig. 61). Morphological substrate of which disease are those
A. Myocarditis
B. Acquired heart valvular disease
C. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Coronary disease*
220. In the depth of the left ventricle heart wall the pathologist found a hotbed of whitish color
with a red rim, which extends to the interventricular septum (Fig. 62). These changes are
situated in all layers of the heart wall. Call the diagnosis.
A. Atelocardia (congenital defect of heart)
B. Endocardial fibroelastosis
C. Rheumatic heart disease
D. Diffuse bacterial endocarditis
E. Myocardial infarction*
221. In the depth of the left ventricle heart wall the pathologist found a hotbed of whitish color
with a red rim, which extends to the interventricular septum (Fig. 62). These changes are
situated in all layers of the heart wall. What are the causes of these changes?
A. Productive Inflammation
B. Exudative inflammation
C. Atrophy
D. Tumor growth
E. Inadequate blood supply to the myocardium*
222. In the depth of the left ventricle heart wall the pathologist found a hotbed of whitish color
with a red rim, which extends to the interventricular septum (Fig. 62). These changes are
situated in all layers of the heart wall. What form of myocardial infarction is this?
A. Intramural
B. Focal
C. Subendothelial
D. Subepicardial
E. Transmural*
223. In the depth of the left ventricle heart wall the pathologist found a hotbed of whitish color
with a red rim, which extends to the interventricular septum (Fig. 62). These changes are
situated in all layers of the heart wall. What could be the cause of death in this case?
A. Ventricular fibrillation
B. Asystole
C. Cardiogenic shock
D. Pulmonary edema
E. Any of these enumerated reasons*
224. At the histological examination of heart tissue pathologist found extensive ischemic zone
with the disappearance of transverse striation in myocardium, the many cardiomyocytes
haven’t the nuclei (Fig. 63). Call the diagnosis.
A. Atelocardia (congenital defect of heart)
B. Endocardial fibroelastosis
C. Rheumatic heart defect
D. Diffuse bacterial endocarditis
E. Myocardial infarction*
225. At the histological examination of heart tissue pathologist found extensive ischemic zone
with the disappearance of transverse striation in myocardium, the many cardiomyocytes
haven’t the nuclei (Fig. 63).What could be the cause of death in this case?
A. Ventricular fibrillation
B. Asystole
C. Cardiogenic shock
D. Pulmonary edema
E. Any of these enumerated reasons*
226. According to results of autopsy and pathohistological investigation (Fig. 64) myocardial
infarction was diagnosed. What was the cause of the patient death?
A. Thromboembolic complications
B. Miocardiosoftening and rupture of the heart wall
C. Cardiogenic shock
D. Pulmonary edema
E. Any of these enumerated reasons*
Situational tasks "KROK"
Multiple oval ulcers along the intestine were revealed on autopsy of the person, who died from
diffuse of peritonitis in the distant part of the small intestine. Bottom parts of the ulcers are clear,
smooth, formed with muscular or serous covering, edges of ulcers are flat, rounded. There are
perforations up to 0,5 cm in diameter in two ulcers. What diseases can be diagnosed?
A. Typhoid fever
B. Dysentery
C. Cholera
D. Tuberculosis
E. Typhus
A woman suffering from dysfunctional metrorrhagia was made a diagnostic abortion.
Histologically in the scrape there were a lot of small stamped glandulars covered with
multirowed epithelium. The lumens of some glandulars were cystically extended. Choose the
variant of general pathologic process in the endometrium.
A. Glandular-cystic hyperplasia of endometrium
B. Atrophy of endometrium
C. Metaplasia of endometrium
D. Neoplasm of endometrium
E. Hypertrophic growth
A 46 year-old man complains of difficult nose breathing. Mikulich cells, storage of epithelioid
cells, plasmocytes, lymphocytes, hyaline balls are discovered in the biopsy material of the nose
thickening. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Scleroma
B. Virus rhinitis
C. Allergic rhinitis
D. Rhinovirus infection
E. Meningococcal nasopharyngitis
Extensive thromboembolic infarction of the left cerebral hemispheres, large septic spleen,
immunocomplex glomerulonephritis, ulcers on the edges of the aortic valves, covered with
polypous thrombus with colonies of staphylococcus were revealed on autopsy of the young man
who died in coma. What disease caused cerebral thromboemboly?
A. Septic bacterial endocarditis
B. Septicemia
C. Acute rheumatic valvulitis
D. Septicopyemia
E. Rheumatic thromboendocarditis
A denaturation of proteins can be found in some substances. Specify the substance that is used
for the incomplete denaturation of hemoglobin:
A. Urea
B. Toluene
C. Sulfuric acid
D. Nitric acid
E. Sodium hydroxide
A sick man with high temperature and a lot of tiny wounds on the body has been admitted to the
hospital. Lice have been found in the folds of his clothing. What disease can be suspected in the
A. Epidemic typhus
B. Tularemia
C. Scabies
D. Malaria
E. Plague
On autopsy it is revealed that kidneys are enlarged, surface is large-granular because of multiple
cavities with smooth wall, which are filled with clear fluid. What kidney disease did the patient
A. Polycystic kidney
B. Necrotic nephrosis
C. Pyelonephritis
D. Glomerulonephritis
E. Infarction
On autopsy it is revealed enlarged dense right lung, fibrin layers on the pleura. Lung tissue is
light green color on incision with muddy liqued exudates. What lung disease are these symptoms
typical for?
A. Lung-fever
B. Bronchopneumonia
C. Interstitial pneumonia
D. Pulmonary gangreneі
E. Fibrosing alveolitis
On autopsy it is revealed: soft arachnoid membrane of the upper parts of cerebral hemisphere is
plethoric, it is of yellowish-green color, soaked with purulent and fibrose exudate, it lookes like
cap. For what disease is it characteristical picture
A. Meningococcal meningitis
B. Tuberculous meningitis
C. Influenza meningitis
D. Meningitis at anthrax
E. Meningitis at typhus
For a long time a 49-year-old woman was suffering from glomerulonephritis which caused
death.On autopsy it was revealed that kidneys size was 7х3х2.5 sm, weight is 65,0 g, they are
dence and small-grained. Microscopically: fibrinogenous inflammation of serous and mucous
capsules, dystrophic changes of parenchymatous organs, brain edema. What complication can
cause such changes of serous capsules and inner organs?
A. Uraemia
B. Anemia
C. Sepsis
D. DIC-syndrome
E. Thrombopenia
A 59-year-old man has signs of the parenchymatous jaundice and portal hypertension. On
histological examination of the puncture of the liver bioptate, it was revealed: beam-lobule
structure is affected, part of hepatocytes has signs of fat dystrophy, port-portal connective tissue
septa with formation of pseudo-lobules,with periportal lympho-macrophage infiltrations. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
A. Liver cirrhosis
B. Alcohol hepatitis
C. Chronic hepatosis
D. Viral hepatitis
E. Toxic dystrophy
On microscopic examination of the enlarged neck gland of a 14-year-old girl it was revealed
destruction of the tissue structure of the node, absence of the lymph follicles, sclerotic and
necrosis parts, cell constitution of the node is polymorphous, lymphocites, eosinophiles, atypical
cells of the large size with multiple-lobule nuclei (Beresovsky-Shternberg cells) and onenucleus
cells of the large size are present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Lymphogranulomatous
B. Acute lympholeucosis
C. Chronic lympholeucosis
D. Berkitt's lymphoma
E. Fungous mycosis
Local lymphonodules enlarged near the infected wound. Increased amount of macrophages,
lymphocytes, lymphatic follicles in the cortical layer and large amount of plasma cells were
revealed on histological examination. What process in the lymphatic nodules represent these
histological changes?
A. Antigen stimulation
B. Acquired insufficiency of the lymphoid tissue
C. Innate insufficiency of the lymphoid tissue
D. Tumour transformation
E. Hypersensibility reaction
On autopsy of the man with alcohol abuse for a long time it was revealed: dense, small-knobby,
small size liver. Microscopically: small pseudo-lobules, divided with thin layers of connective
tissue with lymphomacrophagial infiltrates; hepatocytes in the state of globular fatty dystrophy.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Alcohol cirrhosis
B. Chronic active alcohol hepatitis
C. Chronic persistent alcohol hepatitis
D. Toxic liver dystrophy
E. Fatty hepatosis
A 30-year-old patient with bacteriologically proved dysentery developed the signs of
paraproctitis. What is the stage of local changes in this patient?
A. Ulceration stage
B. Fibrinous colitis
C. Follicular colitis
D. Catarrhal colitis
E. Healing of the ulcers stage
The intraoperational biopsy of mammal gland has revealed the signs of atypical tissue with
disorder of parenchyma stroma proportion with domination of the last, gland structures of the
different size and shape, lined with single-layer proliferative epithelium. What is the most
appropriate diagnosis?
A. Fibroadenoma
B. Papilloma
C. Noninfiltrative cancer
D. Infiltrative cancer
E. Mastitis
Arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, glucosuria were observed clinically for a long time in the
patient with upper type of obesity. Death was due to the cerebral haemorrhage. Basophilic
hypophysis adenoma, hyperplasia of adrenal gland cortex were revealed on pathomorphological
examination. What is the likely diagnosis?
A. Cushing disease
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Acromegaly
D. Hypophysis nanism
E. Adiposogenitalis dystrophy
On autopsy it was revealed: large (1-2 cm) brownish-red, easy crumbling formations covering
ulcerative defects on the external surface of the aortic valve. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Polypus-ulcerative endocarditis
B. Recurrent warty endocarditis
C. Acute warty endocarditis
D. Fibroplastic endocarditis
E. Diffusive endocarditis
Purulent endometritis with fatal outcome was progressing in the woman after abortion performed
not at the hospital. On autopsy multiple lung abscesses, subcapsule ulcers in the kidneys, spleen
hyperplasia were revealed. What form of sepsis developed in the patient?
A. Septopyemia
B. Septicemia
C. Chroniosepsis
D. Lung sepsis
E. Urosepsis
Autopsy of a woman with cerebral atherosclerosis revealed in the left cerebral hemisphere a
certain focus that is presented by flabby, anhistic, greyish and yellowish tissue with indistinct
edges. What pathological process is the case?
A. Ischemic stroke
B. Multifocal tumor growth with cystic degeneration
C. Multiple foci of fresh and old cerebral hemorrhage
D. Focal encephalitis
E. Senile encephalopathy
Autopsy of a 73-year-old man who had been suffering from the coronary heart disease along
with cardiac insufficiency for a long time revealed: nutmeg liver, brown induration of lungs,
cyanotic induration of kidneys and spleen. What kind of circulation disorder was the cause of
such effects?
A. General chronic venous congestion
B. Arterial hyperaemia
C. General acute venous congestion
D. Acute anaemia
E. Chronic anaemia
Autopsy of a man who had tuberculosis revealed a 3x2 cm large cavity in the superior lobe of the
right lung. The cavity was interconnected with a bronchus, its wall was dense and consisted of
three layers: the internal layer was pyogenic, the middle layer was made by tuberculous
granulation tissue and the external one was made by connective tissue. What is the most likely
A. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
B. Fibrous focal tuberculosis
C. Tuberculoma
D. Acute focal tuberculosis
E. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
Autopsy of a man who died from ethylene glycol poisoning revealed that his kidneys are a little
bit enlarged, edematic; their capsule can be easily removed. Cortical substance is broad and
light-grey. Medullary substance is dark-red. What pathology had this man?
A. Necrotic nephrosis
B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Acute tubular-interstitial nephritis
E. Lipoid nephrosis
Histologic analysis of uterus mucous membrane revealed twisting glands, serrated and spinned,
they were extended by stroma growth with proliferation of its cells. Formulate a diagnosis:
A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium
B. Acute endometritis
C. Leiomyoma
D. Cystic mole
E. Placental polyp
A 22 year old patient from the West Ukraine complains of laboured nasal breathing.
Morphological examination of biopsy material of nasal mucous membrane revealed lymphoid,
epithelioid, plasma cells as well as Mikulicz's cells. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Rhinoscleroma
B. Glanders
C. Tuberculosis
D. Leprosy
E. Syphilis
Autopsy of a man who had been working as a miner for many years and died from
cardiopulmonary decompensation revealed that his lungs were airless, sclerosed, their apexex
had emphysematous changes, the lung surface was greyish-black, the incised lung tissue was
coal-black. What disease caused death?
A. Anthracosis
B. Silicosis
C. Talcosis
D. Asbestosis
E. Aluminosis
A 63 year old male patient who had been suffering from chronic diffuse obstructive disease,
pulmonary emphysema, for 15 years died from cardiac insufficiency. Autopsy revealed nutmeg
liver cirrhosis, cyanotic induration of kidneys and spleen, ascites, edemata of lower limbs. These
changes of internal organs are typical for the following disease:
A. Chronic right-ventricular insufficiency
B. Acute right-ventricular insufficiency
C. Chronic left-ventricular insufficiency
D. Acute left-ventricular insufficiency
E. General cardiac insufficiency
Microscopical examination of an enlarged cervical lymph node revealed blurring of its structure,
absence of lymphoid follicles; all the microscopic fields showed cells with roundish nuclei and
thin limbus of basophil cytoplasm. It is known from the clinical data that other groups of lymph
nodes are also enlarged as well as spleen and liver. What disease might be suspected?
A. Lymphoid leukosis
B. Lymphogranulomatosis
C. Lymphosarcoma
D. Myeloid leukosis
E. Multiple myeloma
A worker of a cattle farm fell acutely ill and then died from the progressing intoxication.
Autopsy revealed enlarged, hyposthenic spleen of dark-cherry colour when dissected; excessive
pulp scraping. At the base and fornix of brain pia maters are edematous, soaked with blood,
dark-red ("scarlet hat"). Microscopic examination revealed serous haemorrhagic inflammation of
brain tissues and tunics along with destruction of small vessel walls. What is the most likely
A. Anthrax
B. Tularemia
C. Brucellosis
D. Plaque
E. Cholera
Histological examination of a skin tissue sampling revealed granulomas consisting of
macrophagal nodules with lymphocytes and plasmatic cells. There are also some big
macrophages with fatty vacuoles containing causative agents of a disease packed up in form of
spheres (Virchow's cells). Granulation tissue is well vascularized. What disease is this granuloma
typical for?
A. Lepra
B. Tuberculosis
C. Syphilis
D. Rhinoscleroma
E. Glanders
A 40 year old man noticed a reddening and an edema of skin in the area of his neck that later
developed into a small abscess. The incised focus is dense, yellowish-green. The pus contains
white granules. Histological examination revealed drusen of a fungus, plasmatic and xanthome
cells, macrophages. What type of mycosis is the most probable?
A. Actinomycosis
B. Aspergillosis
C. Candidosis
D. Sporotrichosis
E. Coccidioidomycosis
A physician examined a patient and found inguinal hernia. Through what anatomic formation
does it penetrate into the skin?
A. Hiatus saphenus
B. Anulus femoralis
C. Canalis adductorius
D. Lacuna musculorum
E. Anulus inguinalis superficialis
Autopsy of a man who died from burn disease revealed brain edema, liver enlargement as well as
enlargement of kidneys with wide light-grey cortical layer and plethoric medullary area.
Microscopic examination revealed necrosis of tubules of main segments along with destruction
of basal membranes, intersticium edema with leukocytic infiltration and haemorrhages. What is
the most probable postmortem diagnosis?
A. Necrotic nephrosis
B. Tubulointerstitial nephritis
C. Pyelonephritis
D. Gouty kidney
E. Myeloma kidney
A 30 year old man had been suffering from acute respiratory disease and died from
cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy revealed fibrinous-haemorrhagic inflammation in the
mucous membrane of larynx and trachea, destructive panbronchitis, enlarged lungs that look
black due to the multiple abcesses, haemorrhages, necrosis. What is the most probable
postmortem diagnosis?
A. Influenza
B. Parainfluenza
C. Respiratory syncytial infection
D. Measles
E. Adenoviral infection
A man with a wound of his limb that had been suppurating for a long time died from
intioxication. Autopsy revealed extreme emaciation, dehydration, brown atrophy of liver,
myocardium, spleen and cross-striated muscles as well as renal amyloidosis. What diagnosis
corresponds with the described picture?
A. Chroniosepsis
B. Septicopyemia
C. Septicemia
D. Chernogubov's syndrome
E. Brucellosis
A patient with android-type obesity had been suffering from arterial hypertension,
hyperglycemia, glycosuria for a long time and died from the cerebral haemorrhage. Pathologic
examination revealed pituitary basophil adenoma, adrenal cortex hyperplasia. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Acromegalia
D. Pituitary nanism
E. Adiposogenital dystrophy
Mucous membrane of the right palatine tonsil has a painless ulcer with smooth lacquer fundus
and regular cartilagenous edges. Microscopically: inflammatory infiltration that consists of
lymphocytes, plasmocytes, a small number of neutrophils and epithelioid cells; endovasculitis
and perivasculitis. What disease is it?
A. Syphilis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Pharyngeal diphtheria
E. Ulcerous necrotic Vincent's angina
Autopsy of a man with a malignant stomach tumour who had died from cancer intoxication
revealed in the posteroinferior lung fields some dense, grayish-red irregular foci protruding
above the section surface. Microscopic examination revealed exudate containing a large amount
of neutrophils in the lumen and walls of small bronchi and alveoles. Such pulmonary alterations
indicate the following disease:
A. Acute purulent bronchopneumonia
B. Acute bronchitis
C. Croupous pneumonia
D. Intermittent pneumonia
E. Acute serous bronchopneumonia
Microscopical examination of a removed appendix revealed an edema, diffuse neutrophilic
infiltration of appendix wall along with necrosis and defect of mucous membrane with affection
of its muscle plate. What appendicitis form was developed?
A. Ulcerophlegmonous
B. Phlegmonous
C. Gangrenous
D. Superficial
E. Apostematous
A 39 y.o. woman went through an operation in course of which surgeons removed her uterine
tube that was enlarged and a part of an ovary with a big cyst. Histological examination of a tube
wall revealed decidual cells, chorion villi. What was the most probable diagnosis made after
examination of the uterine tube?
A. Tubal pregnancy
B. Placental polyp
C. Choriocarcinoma
D. Papyraceous fetus
E. Lithopedion
Autopsy of a 1,5-year-old child revealed haemorrhagic skin rash, moderate hyperaemia and
edema of nasopharyngeal mucous membrane, small haemorrhages in the mucous membranes
and internal organs; dramatic dystrophic alterations in liver and myocardium; acute necrotic
nephrosis; massive haemorrhages in the adrenal glands. What disease are these alterations the
most typical for?
A. Meningococcal infection
B. Scarlet fever
C. Diphtheria
D. Measles
E. Epidemic typhus
48 hours after performing tuberculin test (Mantoux test) to a child a 10 mm papule appeared on
the spot of tuberculin introduction. What hypersensitivity mechanism underlies these changes?
A. Cellular cytotoxicity
B. Anaphylaxis
C. Antibody-dependent cytotoxicity
D. Immune complex cytotoxicity
E. Granulomatosis
Colonoscopy of a patient ill with dysentery revealed that mucous membrane of his large intestine
is hyperemic, edematic, its surface was covered with grey-and-green coats. Name the
morphological form of dysenteric collitis:
A. Fibrinous
B. Catarrhal
C. Ulcerous
D. Purulent
E. Necrotic
A patient has been syffering from diarrhea for 5 day. On the fith day colonoscopy revealed that
membrane of rectum was inflamed, there were greyish-green films closely adhering to the
subjacent tissue. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Dysentery
B. Typhoid fever
C. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis
D. Salmonellosis
E. Crohn's disease
Autopsy of a 48 y.o. man revealed a round formation 5 cm in diameter with clear-cut outlines in
the region of the 1st segment of his right lung. This formation was encircled with a thin layer of
connective tissue full of white brittle masses. Make a diagnosis of the secondary tuberculosis
A. Tuberculoma
B. Caseous pneumonia
C. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
D. Acute focal tuberculosis
E. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
A man had worked in a coal mine for over 20 years. After his death autopsy revealed that his
lungs were dense, grayish-black and had large areas of neogenic connective tissue containing a
lot of microphages with black pigment in the cytoplasm. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Anthracosis
B. Anthracosilicosis
C. Silicoanthracosis
D. Talcosis
E. Siderosis
Skin of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency has an eruption in form of spots and specks.
There are also bedsores in the area of sacrum and spinous vertebral processes. Microscopical
examination of CNS, skin, adrenal glands revealed in the vessels of microcirculatory bed and in
small arteries destructive-proliferative endothrombovasculitis with Popov's granulomas;
interstitial myocarditis. What diagnosis corresponds with the described picture?
A. Spotted fever
B. Q fever
C. Enteric fever
D. Nodular periarteritis
Autopsy of a 17 year old girl who died from pulmonary failure revealed a small area of caseous
necrosis in the inferior lobe of the right lung, and occurences of caseous necrosis in the
bronchopulmonary, bronchial and bifurcational lymph nodes. What is the most probable
postmortem diagnosis?
A. Primary tuberculosis
B. Hematogenous progression of primary tuberculosis
C. Hematogenous tuberculosis with predominant lung affection
D. Tuberculoma
E. Caseous pneumonia under secondary tuberculosis
Autopsy of a man who died from the sepsis in his femoral bone revealed phlegmonous
inflammation that affected the marrow, haversian canals and periosteum. Under the periosteum
there are multiple abscesses, adjoining soft tissues of thigh also have signs of phlegmonous
inflammation. What pathological process was described?
A. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis
B. Osteoporosis
C. Chronic hematogenous osteomielitis
D. Osteopetrosis
An experimental animal was first sensibilized whereupon an antigen dose was introduced
subcutaneously. This injection resulted in the development of a fibrinous inflammation with
alteration of vessel walls, basal substance and fibrous structures of connective tissue in form of
mucoid and fibrinoid swelling and necrosis. What immunological reaction took place?
A. Immediate hypersensitivity
B. Delayed-type hypersensitivity
C. Reaction of transplantation immunity
D. Normergic reaction
E. Granulomatosis
A 4 year old child complained of pain during deglutition, indisposition. Objectively: palatine
arches and tonsils are moderately edematic and hyperemic, there are greyish-white films up to 1
mm thick closely adhering to the subjacent tissues. What pathological process are these changes
typical for?
A. Inflammation
B. Dystrophy
C. Necrosis
D. Metaplasia
E. Organization
A 9 m.o. child has delayed dentition, it is also out of order. Upper jaw configuration is horizontal
("high" palate); microscopically - irregular mineralization of tooth enamel, wrinkled enamel
prisms, some of them are vacuolized. Predentin zone is extended; there are solitary denticles.
What disease is it?
A. Early rickets
B. Late rickets
C. Osteomalacia
D. Gout
E. Hypervitaminosis D
Microscopical renal examination of a 36 y.o. woman who died from renal insufficiency revealed
in the glomerules proliferation of capsule nephrothelium as well as of podocytes and phagocytes
accompanied by formation of "crescents", capillary loop necrosis, fibrinous thrombs in their
lumens; sclerosis and hyalinosis of glomerules, atrophy of tubules and fibrosis of renal stroma.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Subacute glomerulonephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Focal segmentary sclerosis
E. Membranous nephropathy
A forensic medical expert examines the body of a 58 y.o. man who had been consuming large
amounts of alcochol for a long time and died at home. Microscopicaly: the right lung is dense
and enlarged, its incision revealed that the tissue is greyish and homogenous, pleura is covered
with greyish layers. Microscopically - alveolar cavities contain fibrin, hemolyzed erythrocytes.
Make a diagnosis:
A. Croupous pneumonia
B. Focal pneumonia
C. Interstitial pneumonia
D. Primary pulmonary tuberculosis
E. Caseous pneumonia
Autopsy of a 50-year-old man revealed the following changes: his right lung was moderately
compact in all parts, the dissected tissue was found to be airless, fine-grained, dryish. Visceral
pleura had greyish-brown layers of fibrin. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Croupous pneumonia
B. Tuberculosis
C. Bronchopneumonia
D. Interstitial pneumonia
E. Pneumofibrosis
A 22 y.o. woman has enlarged lymph nodes. Histologically: a lymph node contains lymphocytes,
histiocytes, reticular cells, small and big Hodgkin's cells, multinucleated Sternberg cells, isolated
foci of caseous necrosis. What disease are these changes typical for?
A. Lymphogranulomatosis
B. Lymphosarcoma
C. Chronic leukosis
D. Acute leukosis
E. Lung cancer metastasis
Analysis of a punction biopsy material of liver revealed hepatocyte dystrophy with necroses as
well as sclerosis with disorder of beam and lobulous structure, with formation of pseudolobules
and regenerative nodes. What is the most probable diagnosis:
A. Liver cirrhosis
B. Chronic hepatosis
C. Chronic hepatitis
D. Progressive massive liver necrosis
E. Acute hepatitis
Autopsy of a man, who had been suffering from the multiple bronchiectasis for 5 years and died
from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed that kidneys were dense and enlarged, with thickened
cortical layer of white colour with greasy lustre. What renal disease might be suspected?
A. Secondary amyloidosis
B. Glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic pyelonephritis
D. Necrotic nephrosis
Autopsy of a 49-year-old woman who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed: kidneys
were dense, reduced, multicoloured, with haemorrhagic areas. Microscopic examination revealed
some hematoxylin bodies in the nuclei of the renal tubule epithelium; "wire-loop" thickening of
the glomerular capillary basement membrane; here and there in the capillaries some hyaline
thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis were present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
B. Rheumatism
C. Arteriosclerotic pneumosclerosis
D. Amyloidosis
E. Atherosclerotic nephrosclerosis
Unpainfull formation without marked borders appeared in the soft tissues of the thigh in the
young man. On the tissue bioptate the formation lookes like a meat of a fish, consisting of the
immature fibroblast-like cells with multiple mitosis, which grow through the muscles. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Fibrosarcoma
B. Myosarcoma
C. Fibroma
D. Cancer
E. Myoma
A 39 year old man who had been operated for the stomach ulcer died 7 days after the surgery.
Autopsy revealed that peritoneal leaves were dull, plephoric, covered with massive yellowgreenish films, the peritoneal cavity contained for about 300 ml of thick yellow-greenish liquid.
What pathologic process was revealed in the peritoneal cavity?
A. Fibrinous suppurative peritonitis
B. Serous peritonitis
C. Fibrinous serous peritonitis
D. Peritoneal commissures
E. Fibrinous haemorrhagic peritonitis
A 45 y.o. patient consulted a doctor about plaque-shaped formation on his neck. Histological
examination of biopsy skin material revealed tumourous cells of round and oval form with thin
ring of basophilic cytoplasma that resemble of cells of basal epidermal layer. What tumour is it?
A. Basalioma
B. Epidermal cancer
C. Hydradenoma
D. Trichoepithelioma
E. Syringoadenoma
A 71 year old man had been presenting with diarrhea for 10 days. The feces had admixtures of
blood and mucus. He was delivered to a hospital in grave condition and died 2 days later.
Autopsy of the body revealed the following: diphtheritic colitis with multiple irregularly-shaped
ulcers of different depth in both sigmoid colon and rectus. Bacteriological analysis revealed
Shigella. What was the main disease?
A. Dysentery
B. Typhoid fever
C. Salmonellosis
D. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis
E. Yersiniosis
A 63 y.o. man fell ill with acute tracheitis and bronchitis accompanied by bronchial pneumonia.
On the 10th day the patient died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy revealed fibrinous
hemorrhagic laryngotracheobronchitis; lungs were enlarged, their incision revealed the "coalminer's" effect caused by interlacing of sections of bronchial pneumonia, hemorrhages into the
pulmonary parenchyma, acute abscesses and atelectases. Internal organs have discirculatory and
dystrophic changes. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Influenza, severe form
B. Moderately severe influenza
C. Parainfluenza
D. Respiratory syncytial infection
E. Adenoviral infection
A boy is 7 y.o. Objectively: against the background of hyperemic skin there is knobby brightpink rash on his forehead, neck, at the bottom of abdomen, in the popliteal spaces; nasolabial
triangle is pale. Examination of oropharyngeal surface revealed localized bright-red hyperemia;
tonsils are swollen, soft, lacunas contain pus, tongue is crimson. Cervical lymph nodes are
enlarged, dense and painful. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Scarlet fever
B. Rubella
C. Whooping cough
D. Diphtheria
E. Infectious mononucleosis
Autopsy of a 75 year old patient who had been suffering from disseminated atherosclerosis and
died under chronic cardiac failure revealed constriction and deformation of coronary arteries,
tuberous intima whose section appeared to be white and petrosal. Specify the stage of
atherosclerosis morphogenesis:
A. Atherocalcinosis
B. Lipoidosis
C. Liposclerosis
D. Bilipid
E. Atheromatosis
Examination of a bronchial tissue sample revealed atrophy of mucous membrane, cystic
degeneration of glands, focal metaplastic changes of lining prismatic epithelial cells into
multilayer squamous cells; increase in goblet cell number; in some parts of bronchial wall and
especially in the mucous membrane there was marked cellular inflammatory infiltration and
growth of granulation tissue bulging into the bronchial lumen in form of a polyp. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic bronchitis
B. Lobar pneumonia
C. Acute bronchitis
D. Bronchopneumonia
E. Interstitial pneumonia
Gynecological examination of the uterine cervix in a 30-year-old woman revealed some brightred lustrous spots that easily bleed when touched. Biopsy showed that a part of the uterine cervix
was covered with cylindrical epithelium with papillary outgrowths; in the depth of tissue the
growth of glands was present. What pathology of the uterine cervix was revealed?
A. Pseudoerosion
B. True erosion
C. Endocervicitis
D. Glandular hyperplasia
E. Leukoplakia
A stillborn child was found to have thickened skin resembling of the tortoise shell,
underdeveloped auricles. Histological examination of skin revealed hyperkeratosis, atrophy of
the granular epidermis layer; inflammatory changes were not present. What is the most likely
A. Ichthyosis
B. Leukoplakia
C. Xerodermia
D. Erythroplakia
E. Dermatomyositis
Acute renal impairment caused death of a bleeding patient. Autopsy revealed enlarged kidneys
with a broad pale pink cortical layer expressively demarcated from dark red renal pyramids.
Macroscopic examination revealed lack of epithelial nuclei of convoluted tubules, tubulorrhexis,
phlebostasis. The cell nuclei of choroid glomus and straight tubules were present. What
pathology is it?
A. Necronephrosis
B. Infarction
C. Glomerulonephritis
D. Pyelonephritis
E. Nephrosis
A pathology-histology laboratory received a vermiform appendix up to 2,0 cm thick. Its serous
membrane was pale, thick and covered with yellowish-green films. The wall was flaccid, of
grayish-red colour. The appendix lumen was dilated and filled with yellowish-green substance.
Histological examination revealed that the appendix wall was infiltrated with neutrophils.
Specify the appendix disease:
A. Acute phlegmonous appendicitis
B. Acute gangrenous appendicitis
C. Acute superficial appendicitis
D. Acute simple appendicitis
E. Chronic appendicitis
A 46 year old patient who had been suffering from tuberculosis for 6 years died from massive
pulmonary haemorrhage. Autopsy revealed different-sixed foci of sclerosis and caseous necrosis
in lungs, in the upper part of the right lung there was a cavity 5 cm in diameter with dense grey
walls, the cavity contained liquid blood and blood clots. What type of tuberculosis is it?
A. Fibrocavernous
B. Acute cavernous
C. Infiltrative
D. Fibrous focal
E. Acute focal
A patient died from cardiopulmonary decompensation. Histological examination revealed
diffused pulmonary lesion together with interstitial edema, infiltration of tissue by limphocytes,
macrophages, plasmocytes; pulmonary fibrosis, panacinar emphysema. What disease
corresponds with the described picture?
A. Fibrosing alveolitis
B. Chronic bronchitis
C. Bronchopneumonia
D. Pulmonary atelectasis
E. Bronchial asthma
A 50 year old patient has been taking treatment thrice for the last 6 months because of fractures
caused by domestic accidents. Microscopical examination of bony tissue revealed foci of lacunar
resolution, giant-cell granulomas in the tumour-like formations, cysts. Bony tissue was
substituted by fibrous connective tissue. Examination revealed also adenoma of parathyroid
gland and hypercalcemia. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Parathyroid osteodystrophy
B. Myelomatosis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Osteopetrosis
E. Paget's disease
2 days after labour a woman developed shock along with DIC syndrome that caused her death.
Autopsy revealed purulent endomyometritis, regional purulent lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and
purulent thrombophlebitis. There were also dystrophic alterations and interstitial inflammation of
parenchymal organs. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Septicemia
B. Syphilis
C. Tuberculosis of genital organs
D. Chorioadenoma destruens
E. Hydatid mole
A patient who abuses smoking has chronic bronchitis. Biopsy of his primary bronchus revealed
multilayer pavement epithelium. What pathological process was revealed in the bronchus?
A. Metaplasia
B. Physiological regeneration
C. Reparative regeneration
D. Hyperplasia
E. Dysplasia
A 50 year old patient underwent resection of tumour of large intestine wall. Microscopically it
presents itself as fascicles of divergent collagen fibers of different thickness and form and some
monomorphous fusiform cells that are irregularly distributed among the fibers. Cellular atypia is
not evident. What tumour is it?
A. Hard fibroma
B. Fibromyoma
C. Soft fibroma
D. Desmoma
E. Fibrosarcoma
Autopsy of a 5 year old child revealed in the area of vermis of cerebellum a soft greyish-pink
node 2 cm in diameter with areas of haemorrhage. Histologically this tumour consisted of
atypical monomorphous small roundish cells with big polymorphous nuclei. What tumour is it?
A. Medulloblastoma
B. Meningioma
C. Glioblastoma
D. Astrocytoma
E. Oligodendroglioma
In course of severe respiratory viral infection there appeared clinical signs of progressing cardiac
insufficiency that caused death of a patient in the 2nd week of disease. Autopsy revealed that the
heart was sluggish, with significant cavity dilatation. Histological examination of myocardium
revealed plephora of microvessels and diffuse infiltration of stroma by lymphocytes and
histiocytes. What disease corresponds with the described picture?
A. Myocarditis
B. Stenocardia
C. Acute coronary insufficiency
D. Myocardium infarction
E. Cardiomyopathy
A patient with high-titer antinuclear antibodies died from progressing renal impairment. Autopsy
revealed mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis and abacterial polypous endocarditis. There
was periarterial bulbar sclerosis in spleen and productive proliferative vasculitis in skin. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
B. Nephrotic syndrome
C. Rheumatism
D. Dermatomyositis
E. Periarteritis nodosa
A 38 year old patient with full-blown jaundice, small cutaneous hemorrhages, general weakness
and loss of appetite underwent puncture biopsy of liver. Histological examination revealed
disseminated dystrophy, hepatocyte necrosis, Councilman's bodies. Lobule periphery has signs
of significant infiltration by lymphocytes, there are also individual multinuclear hepatocytes.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Acute viral hepatitis
B. Acute alcoholic hepatitis
C. Miliary hepatic cirrhosis
D. Toxic degeneration of liver
E. Chronic hepatitis
A 20 year old patient died from intoxication 8 days after artificial illegal abortion performed in
her 14-15th week of pregnancy. Autopsy of the corpse revealed yellowish colour of eye sclera
and of skin, necrotic suppurative endometritis, multiple pulmonary abscesses, spleen hyperplasia
with a big number of neutrophils in its sinuses. What complication after abortion was developed?
A. Septicopyemia
B. Septicemia
C. Hemorrhagic shock
D. Chroniosepsis
E. Viral hepatitis type A
A section of the left lung was found to have an area of dense red tissue. The area was coneshaped, stood out distinctly from the healthy tissue, with its base directed to the pleura. The
dissected tissue was granular, dark-red. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Haemorrhagic infarction
B. Lung abscess
C. Lung gangrene
D. Primary tuberculous affection
E. Croupous pneumonia
A patient has a cluster of matted together dense lymph nodes on his neck. Histological
examination of a removed lymph node revealed proliferation of reticular cells, presense of ReedSternberg cells. What disease is meant?
A. Lymphogranulomatosis
B. Lymphoblastic leukosis
C. Myeloblastic leukosis
D. Myelocytic leukosis
E. Lymphocytic leukosis
A patient had been suffering from profuse diarrhea and vomiting for 2 days. He died from acute
dehydration. Autopsy revealed that the intestinal wall was edematic and hyperemic, with
multiple haemorrhages in the mucous membrane. Intestine lumen contains whitish fluid
resembling of rice water. What disease caused death?
A. Cholera
B. Dysentery
C. Salmonellosis
D. Typhoid fever
E. Enterocolitis
Examination of a 66 year old patient revealed a lytic tumour in the locus of pathological rib
fracture. Histologically this tumour consists of atypical plasmoblasts. Further examination
revealed osteoporosis in the bones of vertebral column and pelvis. These changes are typical for:
A. Myelomatosis
B. Tuberculous osteomyelitis
C. Ewing's osteosarcoma
D. Neuroblastoma
E. Metastatic lung cancer
A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency, among clinical presentations there was
gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Examination of mucous membrane of sromach revealed some
defects reaching myenteron; their edges and bottom were mostly even and loose, some of them
contained dark-red blood. What pathological process was revealed?
A. Acute ulcers
B. Chronic ulcers
C. Erosions
D. Thrombosis
E. Inflammation
A 33 year old man died from uraemia. Autopsy revealed enlarged kidneys weighing 500,0 each
and consisting of multiple cavities 0,5-2 cm in diameter. The cavities were full of light-yellow
transparent liquid. Renal pelvis and ureters had no pecularities. What renal disease caused
A. Bilateral polycystic renal disease
B. Chronic pyelonephritis
C. Renal tumour
D. Renal tuberculosis
E. Rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis
A patient ill with tuberculosis died from progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy
in the area of the right lung apex revealed a cavity 5 cm in diameter communicating with lumen
of a segmental bronchus. On the inside cavity walls are covered with caseous masses with
epithelioid and Langhans cells beneath them. What morphological form of tuberculosis is it?
A. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
B. Tuberculoma
C. Caseous pneumonia
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis
E. Acute focal tuberculosis
A 2 year old child had acute respiratory viral infection and died from cardiopulmonary
decompensation. Autopsy revealed that his right lung was hyperemic; in the 2nd, 6th and 10th
segments and on the incision there were airless yellowish foci of irregular form, from several
mm up to 1 cm large. Microscopical examination revealed exudate consisting mainly of
neutrophils in the given areas of pulmonary tissue in the alveoles, bronchioles and bronchial
tubes. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Focal pneumonia
B. Interstitial pneumonia
C. Croupous pneumonia
D. Acute bronchitis
E. Pulmonary abscess
The upper lobe of the right lung is enlarged, grey and airless, the inscision surface is dripping
with turbid liquid, the pleura has many fibrinogenous films; microscopical examination of
alveoles revealed exudate containing neutrophils, desquamated alveolocytes and fibrin fibers.
The bronchus wall is intact. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Croupous pneumonia
B. Interstitial pneumonia
C. Pulmonary abscess
D. Focal pneumonia
E. Influenzal pneumonia
A 28 year old patient had high arterial pressure, hematuria and facial edemata. In spite of
treatment renal insufficiency was progressing. 6 months later the patient died from uremia.
Microscopic examination of his kidneys and their glomerules revealed proliferation of capsule
nephrothelium and of podocytes with "demilune" formation, sclerosis and hyalinosis of
glomerules. What disease corresponds with the described picture?
A. Subacute glomerulonephritis
B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Nephrotic syndrome
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis
E. Acute glomerulonephritis
Autopsy of a man ill with severe hypothyroidism revealed that connective tissue, organ stroma,
adipose and cartilaginous tissues were swollen, semitransparent, mucus-like. Microscopic
examination of tissues revealed stellate cells having processes with mucus between them. What
type of dystrophy is it?
A. Stromal-vascular carbohydrate
B. Stromal-vascular adipose
C. Stromal-vascular proteinaceous
D. Parenchymatous proteinaceous
E. Parenchymatous adipose