Staff briefing note - University of Leeds

Staff Briefing Note
Following initiation of a formal review by Senate, the (Unit of XX) is required to develop a new
academic strategy with related financial and staffing plans in order to ensure it is positioned to
achieve academic and financial sustainability, in line with University and Faculty strategic
aspirations. This paper outlines the process for the review which will be undertaken in
accordance with the agreed policy on organisational change.
1. Context
(Background to the need for review – re-iterated from stage 1 paper)
2. Key Issues
(Summary of key issues and challenges affecting the Unit)
3. Process
The Review deliverables are a sustainable academic strategy and supporting staffing and
financial plans which will be developed through consultation with staff, Unions (via ESRG) and
key stakeholders. To facilitate the review process, the following roles and responsibilities have
been identified, in line with the Organisational Change policy.
Review Group
The remit of the steering group will be to approve and make key decisions throughout the
project, to oversee progress and facilitate the implementation of a new strategic vision. The
membership, as approved by Senate, is outlined in Appendix 1.
Working Group
The working group will take responsibility for development of an academic strategy and
supporting staffing and financial plan (with on-going input from ESRG and staff). They will
manage day-to-day activity, produce documentation and report progress to the Review Group
as appropriate. Initially, the working group will need to meet frequently to undertake the initial
analysis and identify options for change for wider consultation with staff and ESRG. The
membership, as approved by Senate, is outlined in Appendix 1.
Campus Trade Unions
The Unions will have the opportunity to input to the process and be kept informed of progress
throughout, including via Employment Security Review Group (ESRG) meetings.
All members of staff are encouraged to input and contribute their views throughout the process
and will be kept informed of progress (ensuring opportunities are provided to under represented
staff groups e.g. part time workers, female staff, BME staff, disabled staff). Communication to
and feedback from all staff is important in informing the development of the strategy and
structure and its future implementation.
4. Outline of work/next steps
Staff briefing note – Stage 2
The development of the new strategy and plans will be undertaken through a phased timetable
to enable input from staff and key stakeholders. An outline of work and indicative timescale is
provided as follows:
Strategic analysis (including activity, market and
competitor analysis) and initial identification of options
for change
Review group meeting to discuss analysis/options for
change and draft financial plan
ESRG discussion on analysis/options for change
Evaluation of options for change and development of
draft strategy and plan (with input from staff)
Draft strategy and plan considered by the review group
and revised as necessary
Draft strategy and plan circulated to staff and ESRG for
ESRG discussion on draft plan
Staff feedback/discussion on draft plan
Plan revised following feedback from staff and ESRG
Final report prepared for FMG
Final report submitted to Senate
Working group
(staff to input)
Review group
Working group
Review group
Working group
Working group
Review group
Review group
5. Communication
A communication plan has been prepared outlining how staff (and others) will be kept informed
throughout the process; this will be made available to staff following the meeting.
6. Contact details
The following may be contacted for further information or to discuss any issues relating to the
XX, xxx (for individual feedback/comments – to be collated anonymously)
XX, xxx (for specific HR queries)
XX (Dean/HoS/line manager), xxx (for informal feedback/discussion)
Staff briefing note – Stage 2
7. Appendix 1 – Review/working group membership
Membership of the review group
The membership (as approved by Senate) is as follows:
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Fisher (in the chair) [or nominee]
A Pro-Vice-Chancellor, XX
The HR Director, Mr Matthew Knight [or nominee]
The Finance Director, Ms Jane Madeley [or nominee]
The Dean of the Faculty of XX
The Dean of another Faculty, XX
The Head of School, XX
Two members of the working group from XX (add names)
Terms of reference
The review group’s terms of reference are as follows:
(a) To prepare for consideration by the FMG and the Senate new – and sustainable –
academic and financial strategies and plans for XX, in the process fully engaging and
communicating with the staff of XX, students (and other stakeholders as appropriate)
and consulting the trade unions meaningfully through the ESRG; and, in particular,
(b) to develop a sustainable academic vision and strategy consistent with and aligned to the
University and Faculty strategy;
(c) to develop a robust financial plan, based on the academic vision and strategy, which
shows a clear path to financial recovery and creates a sustainable financial operating
model within X years;
(d) to review XX’s learning and teaching portfolio, marketing and student recruitment
activities and research and innovation activities, as well as plans for further
development, and to identify changes required in order to align them with the academic
vision and strategy;
(e) to develop an appropriate staffing plan and governance structure to support the delivery
of XX’s academic plans;
(f) to take into consideration any assessment of equality impact and any health and safety
matters; and
(g) to oversee the implementation of any plan approved by the Senate in line with the
University’s organisational change process; and
(h) to ensure that the revised academic strategy and plan provides for high standards in
learning, teaching and student experience.
Membership of the working group
The membership (as approved by Senate) is as follows:
The Dean of the Faculty, XX (in the chair)
The Head of the School, XX
The faculty HR manager, XX
The faculty Finance manager, XX
Four members of staff from the area concerned (add names – normally includes the
Directors of Learning and Teaching and of Research).
Staff briefing note – Stage 2
Staff briefing note – Stage 2