Identifying Appropriate Alternative Behaviors

Identifying Appropriate Alternative
1. Jason, a four-year-old boy with a language delay, approaches peers on the
recess yard swing and screams while shaking the swing until the peers get
off. Once they are off, Jason gets on the swing.
List the Behavior
List the Function
List an Appropriate Alternative
2. Marco is a three-year-old boy with autism. He frequently puts dangerous
items such as small toys, erasers, and sand in his mouth.
List the Behavior
List the Function
List an Appropriate Alternative
3. Five-year-old Maleha loves to play blocks with her older cousin. Whenever
her cousin builds something, Maleha imitates her. Maleha’s babysitter
notices that she often knocks down her sister’s blocks or her own blocks and
begins to cry right in the middle of play. The babysitter can’t figure out
why Maleha requests the blocks and then appears to dislike playing with
List the Behavior
List the Function
List an Appropriate Alternative
4. Four-year-old Osaka loves her speech teacher so much that she breaks
away from her mother in the parking lot and runs toward the speech room.
Her mother talks about the issues every morning in the car, but Osaka
continues to run to speech.
List the Behavior
List the Function
List an Appropriate Alternative
Berman, 2009