Empowering Multicultural Initiatives (E.M.I.) Fall 2010 Course

Empowering Multicultural Initiatives (E.M.I.)
Fall 2010 Course Schedule
In an effort to provide more options to educators we are revising the EMI 1 and EMI 2 course
curriculums. As of September 2010 both of these courses, which currently meet for 36 hours and
earn 3 graduate credits, will now both meet for 24 hours and earn 2 graduate credits.
The focus of the revised EMI 1 course will remain the same as the original 36-hour version and will
retain the first two-thirds of the curriculum. The latter part of the curriculum which provides an
introduction to concepts of curriculum transformation, creating culturally proficient classrooms,
attribution theory and effective effort and creating anti-bias curriculum will now be offered as
separate more in-depth 12 hour courses which will each earn 1 graduate credit. We hope this
change will encourage educators to take the 24 hour EMI 1 course Anti-Racist School Practices to
Support the Success of All Students and then self select an additional 12 hour component in an area
that is most relevant to their needs.
Revised (E.M.I.) 24-hour (2 credit) courses for fall 2010
Anti-Racist School Practices to Support the Success of All Students (This replaces
former EMI 1 course)
This graduate level course is designed to introduce educators to the complex issues raised by race
and racism and their impact on student learning and achievement.
Section # A: Course # F10ARTPA (two 6-hour and four 3-hour sessions) This will probably be held in
either Bedford or Newton.
Friday October 1 and Wednesday December 1 from 8:30 – 3:30
Wednesdays October 13, October 27, November 17 and December 15 from 3:30 -6:30
Section # B: Course # F10ARTPB (four 6-hour sessions) This will be held in Needham.
Saturdays October 2, October 16, October 30, November 13 from 8:30 – 3:30
*Creating Culturally Proficient Classrooms and Schools – (This replaces former EMI 2
*EMI 1 is a prerequisite
This graduate level course uses group process, racial/cultural identity theory, and research in cultural
dimensions to develop culturally proficient classroom/school practices.
Course # F10CCPC (two 6-hour and four 3-hour sessions) This will be held in Weston.
Thursdays September 30, October 14, November 4 and November 18 from 3:30 - 6:30
Saturday October 23 and Saturday December 4 from 8:30 – 3:30
New (E.M.I.) 12-hour (1 credit) courses for fall 2010
Teaching about Native Americans: Strategies for Avoiding Misconceptions,
Stereotypes and Myths
This course is designed to give educators perspective on creating classroom environments that
incorporate an understanding and respect for Native Americans. Ideas and materials presented may
be used in the K-12 setting, some with adaptations.
Course # F10TANA: Saturdays October 2 and November 6 from 8:30 – 3:30
EMI Empowering Multicultural Initiatives…c/o EDCO Collaborative www.empoweringemi.org
Strategies for Examining and Addressing the Academic Achievement Gap
This course expands the work begun in EMI 1 on examining factors of achievement and successful
strategies for narrowing the academic achievement gap.
Course # F10UML: Tuesdays October 19, November 2, November 16 and December 7 from 3:30 -6:30
Anti-racist/Anti-bias Curriculum and Conversations
This course is for educators interested in providing a course or mini unit and/or integrating an on-going
anti-racism/anti-bias focus for their students.
Course # F10ARAB: Tuesday October 26 from 8:30 – 3:30 and Tuesdays November 9 and November 23
from 3:30 -6-30
Difficult Conversations: Talking About Race and Racism with Students, Colleagues,
and Parents/Guardians
This course designed to help educators develop a better understanding of ways to address and
respond to issues of race and racism on a personal and professional level.
Course # F10DC: Saturdays November 20 and December 11 from 8:30 – 3:30
*Transforming Curriculum: Creating Multicultural, Anti-bias, Culturally Relevant
*EMI 1 is a prerequisite
This course is designed to help educators understand the key concepts of multicultural, anti-bias and
culturally relevant teaching practices to support the academic success of all students.
Course # F10TC
Saturdays January 8 and January 22, 2011 from 8:30 – 3:30 (Snow date: January 29) This will be held
in Needham.
These courses will equip participants with resources and skills that will increase
their ability to engage with students, parents, other educators and administrators
around topics related to race and academic achievement.
To register, please contact the representative from your district.
Registration deadline is June 11th
Optional graduate credits are available from Framingham State College for $65 per credit.
A course may be canceled due to low enrollment
For additional information contact Elli Stern at elli.stern@comcast.net
EMI Empowering Multicultural Initiatives…c/o EDCO Collaborative www.empoweringemi.org