I had a reaction to the immunotherapy, “allergy shot

—RN triage—
“I had a reaction to the allergy injection”
Are symptoms limited to the location of the injection(s) only?
Only local swelling or pain
at injection site
Systemic Symptoms--anything besides local symptoms at the injection site:
·Sinus/nasal congestion
·hives ·itching removed from the injection
site ·flushing · shortness of breath
·chest tightness
·throat clearing/ thickness, closure
·uterine contractions (abdominal cramping)
Symptoms present now?
--instruct is not dangerous
--inform is OK to use ice at site
--advise to take anti-histamine
(if haven’t already taken that day)
--inform is OK to come to next
scheduled shot appt as long
as swelling has resolved
--tell to let nurse know, at time
of next shot, the sizeand duration
of the localized reaction
--use rescue inhaler
and take anti-histamine
--immediately return to office,
or call 911 if sxs are severe
--advise to call office in 24hrs
to update on condition
Symptoms not present now?
Occurred >6hours
after injection
after injection
--inform patient:
--review and record
is questionable
severity of reaction
if reaction is
--inform patient that
related to
dose must be decreased
next visit
--review and record --forward to MD for decision on
severity of reaction
next dose or need for office visit
--forward to MD to
decide if dose needs
to be decreased